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REST Models

To facilitate the easy access to device data, the DevCore utilizes REST models that provide access methods to get, find, update and manage remote device data.

A REST model adapts Javascript requests for data into HTTP requests to a backend service. The DevCore REST models can communciate with cloud-based or local device backends with change.


For each device data entity, REST models can be created using the DevCore's Rest constructor. For example:

import {Rest} from 'devcore'

const Port = new Rest('port')

Once constructed, the app can use the model to manage the controlled entity:

let portList = await Port.find()
let port = await Port.get({name: 'eth-00'})
await Port.remove({id:})

Standard Methods

The Rest construct will create the following standard access methods:

getPOST/:controller/getGet a data item
findPOST/:controller/findFind a set of matching items
removePOST/:controller/removeRemove an item
updatePOST/:controller/updateUpdate an item

Where :controller is replaced with the name provided to the Rest constructor. The Ioto cloud service only implements the "POST" method whereas the Ioto agent embedded web server supports all HTTP verbs.

Custom Methods

You can provide additional methods for custom methods via an additional argument to the Rest constructor.

const Port = new Rest('port', {
    rest: { method: 'POST', uri: '/:controller/reset' },

The Ioto embedded web server can define Action methods that connect with each of the REST model request methods via the webAddAction C API.

Hosted device clouds provide standard backend methods. So to implement custom Rest methods, you use a different technique where the logic is implemented inline in the Rest method.

Inline Custom Methods

You can provide inline methods to implement Rest methods with centralized logic for device operations.

For example:

const Port = new Rest('port', {
    reset: { invoke: async (fields) => {
        //  Custom logic

Tunnels Requests

Hosted device cloud requests are handled by a "Generic" cloud controller rather than individual controllers for each Rest instance.

Consequently, Rest requests are "tunneled" though the "Generic" controller. To achieve this, the tunnel mapping is specified via the Rest constructor.

const Port = new Rest('port', {}, {
    tunnel: 'Port',

This will tunnel Port requests to the Generic controller to access the "Port" database entity.

Adding Context

It is sometimes convenient to add application context to the Rest request properties. This can be done via the "context" property.

The context method is provided the request body properties. These can be modified to add or remove values.

The collection stores the deviceId and other values added via the method.

For example: this will add the deviceId to all requests:

const Port = new Rest('port', {},
    context: (body) => {
        body.deviceId =
        return body

Rest API Properties

The Rest API method definitions can use the following properties:

baseBase url to use instead of the config.api
bodyPost body data
clearClear prior feedback
feedbackIf true, emit feedback on success. Default, emit only on errors.
invokeFunction to invoke instead of issuing URI request
logSet to true to trace the request and response
methodHTTP method verb
nologoutDon't logout if response is 401
noparseDon't json parse any JSON response
noprefixDon't prefix the URL. Use the window.location host address.
progressIf true, show progress bar.
rawIf true, return the full response object (see below). If false, return just the data.
refreshTo control cache refresh
throwIf false, do not throw on errors
uriURI template. Fields prefixed with ":" are expanded.