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Widget Actions

Widgets can invoke actions when a widget is activated by user action, such as clicking a button. Widget actions can peform operations on devices, on the device cloud or initiate creating an alert or sending a notification.

A widget can be activated by:

  • Clicking a widget
  • Updating the value of an input widget
  • Clicking a widget form submit button

When activated, the widget will invoke the associated action. There are two kinds of actions:

  • UI Links
  • Change Dashboard
  • Automated Actions

UI links are in-app page redirections where the App will navigate to the nominated page.

Change Dashboard

Change dashboard actions allow another dashboard to be selected when a button is clicked.

Automated Actions

Automated Actions are cloud-side actions defined by the builder to operate on devices our the device cloud. If selected, an Action Name selection list will display the available actions.

Widget Actions

If / Then / Else / If

An widget can provide a context data to the automated action by configuring a set of properties that are used when an expression is true or not. This is structured as a sequence of if/then/else statements. If the epxression is true, the properties provided by the then clause will passed as parameters to the action.

For example, the EcoHouse app tests the value of a ChargeCar Button widget to enable or disable charging.

In this image, the {car: false} properties are provided to a Database update action which set the car field of a Desired state table to false.

If expressions

The If expression is a JavaScript like expression that is evaluated to determine which set of parameters should be provided to the automated action.

The If expression is provided with a context of variables that can be accessed by the expression. The widget data value is provided in the "value" named variables. You can test this result using a Javscript like expression. For example:

value > 0

Other context variables include:

agentBrowser user agent string
darkTrue if in dark mode
desktopTrue if running on a desktop PC
framedTrue if the board is framing widgets
fullTrue if the board is in full screen mode
heightThe browser width dimension (navigator.innerwidth)
languageThe configured browser language (navigator.language)
liveTrue if the dashtop has enabled live data updates
mobileTrue if running on a mobile device (<= 640px width)
valueThe widget data (or input) value
widthThe browser height dimension (window.innerWidth)

The query language supports the operators:

+ - * / ( ) ^ ! % == != < <= > >= ^= ^!= $= $!= << >> && || <> ><

These extension operators have the following meaning:

  • a ^= b means a starts with the string b
  • a ^!= b means a does not start with the string b
  • a $= b means a ends with the string b
  • a $!= b means a does not end with the string b
  • a >< b means a contains the string b
  • a <> b means a does not contain the string b

Sub-expressions can be grouped with parenthesis and the boolean operators && and || can group conditional operands.

Regular expressions (delimited by slashes) may be used with the "==" and "!=" operators. The regular expression can be on either side of the operator.

The expression language understands the types: Numbers, Boolean, String literals, Regular Expressions and null.

The expression is run-time limited to evaluate up to 50 terms. This is to protect your cloud against denial of service attacks.