Configuration Properties
These are the configuration properties for the primary ioto.json5 configuration file.
See the following descriptions for other configuration files:
File | Description |
device.json5 | Device configuration file. |
local.json5 | Local Ioto overrides configuration file. |
web.json5 | Web server configuration file. |
schema.json5 | Database data schema. |
Name | ai |
Description | AI Connection Properties. |
Synopsis | ai: { "enable": true, endpoint: "..." } |
Notes | The ai property collection defines AI configuration. The api.enable will enable/disable the service at runtime. The endpoint property defines the LLM API URL. The api.model defines the default LLM model. The api.key property defines the LLM access key. |
Name | api |
Description | Collection of API endpoint URLs. |
Synopsis | api: { "builder": "value", serialize: "value" } |
Notes | The api property collection defines various API endpoints. The api.builder endpoint is for the Builder public API. The api.serialize endpoint is for your local device serialization service employed during device manufacture. |
api: {
builder: '',
serialize: 'http://localhost:4100/ioto/serialize',
Name | certs |
Description | Ioto Certificates. |
Synopsis | certs: { aws: 'path', url: 'path' } |
Notes | The property defines a filename for the AWS root certificate bundle. The certs.url property defines a root certificate bundle that is used to verify domains used by the URL client. Ioto includes default certificates for the AWS root and URL root certificates. |
certs: {
aws: 'certs/aws.crt',
url: 'certs/roots.crt',
Name | conditional |
Description | Conditional configuration properties. |
Synopsis | conditional: { "Set-Name": { /* properties */ } |
Notes | The conditional property collection is used to define a suite of different configurations for Ioto. For example, it can select a "dev" profile for development and a "prod" profile for productions. Selections are made based on a controlling top level property. The mode and profile properties are used to select relevant configuration sets to apply. |
conditional: {
profile: {
dev: {
directories: {
log: '.',
state: 'state'
prod: {
directories: {
log: '/var/log',
state: '/var/lib/ioto'
Name | database |
Description | Control the Ioto database. |
Synopsis | database: { properties... } |
Notes | The database property collection defines the database, schema and operational parameters that govern the Ioto database.The path property defines the filename of the on-disk database store. Ioto will also create a database journal log file that appends a ".jnl" extension to this path. The schema property defines the database scheme that defines the database indexes, entities and data types. The maxJournalSize defines how big the database journal log should grow before Ioto rewrites the database. The maxJournalAge defines how long data should be preserved in the journal log before the database file is updated. These values should be sufficiently long as writing updated data to the journal is much more efficient that updating the database file. . The maxSyncSize property defined how much data should be buffered before synchronizing to the cloud. The path and schema properties can use @db and @config prefixes which will be expanded to "state/db" and "state/config" respectively. The service property defines when to run a database maintenance task to remove expired items that define an expiry via the "ttl" schema property. |
database: {
path: '@db/state.db',
schema: '@config/schema.json5',
maxJournalSize: '1mb',
maxJournalAge: '1min',
maxSyncSize: '10k',
service: '1hr',
Name | directories |
Description | Define default Ioto directories. |
Synopsis | directories: { "log": ".", state: "./state" } |
Notes | The directories property collection defines various directories used by Ioto. The directories.log directory is where log files will be saved. The directories.state directory is where runtime state including databases, certificates, web pages, configuration and shadow state will be stored. These can be overridden via the ioto command line --config, --state and --ioto options. |
directories: {
log: '/var/log',
state: '/var/lib/ioto',
Name | limits |
Description | Define execution limits for Ioto. |
Synopsis | limits: { "key": "value", ... } |
Notes | The limits property collection defines various execution limits for Ioto. The limits.reconnect property defines the delay after MQTT communications are lost before the agent will reconnect. This is useful to throttle network load in the event of a network disconnection. The limits.stack property defines the default size of fiber coroutine stacks. |
limits: {
reconnect: '10 secs',
stack: '32K',
Name | limits.stack |
Description | Define the stack size of fiber coroutines for Ioto. |
Synopsis | limits: { stack: "Number" } |
Notes | The limits.stack property specifies the stack size for Ioto coroutines. This should be set to the maximum anticipated stack size for your executing code. The default stack size is 64K. The core Ioto code requires a stack size of 12K. It is recommended that you minimize your use of big stack buffer variables and your use of deep recursion both of which require much bigger fiber stacks. |
limits: {
stack: '16K',
Name | files |
Description | Define the list of files to ingest and send to CloudWatch logs. |
Synopsis | files: { path: "filename", group: "log-group', stream: "log-stream" } |
Notes | The files property contains one or more file definitions to ingest and send to CloudWatch logs. The definitions define the log file name, AWS CloudWatch log group and stream names. The path property may contain wild cards and all matching files will be ingested. The group property specifies the AWS log group name which must exist. The stream property specifies the AWS log stream name which must exist. The group and stream properties may contain tokens that are expanded before use. The supported tokens are: "{hostname}" which translates to the system hostname, "{instance}" which expands to the AWS EC2 instance name and "{deviceId}" which expands to the provisioned provision.deviceId property. |
Example |
files: [ {
path: '/var/log/sys*log',
group: 'ioto',
stream: '{hostname}'
} ],
Name | log |
Description | Control the Ioto log file output. |
Synopsis | log: { path: 'path', format: 'format', types: 'types', sources: 'sources' } |
Notes | The log property collection defines how and where Ioto logs execution information. The log.path property specifies the destination of the Ioto trace log. Set it to "stdout" or "stderr", "aws" or a filename. If set to "aws", then the property specifies the AWS log group name and the property specifies the AWS log stream name. The format specifies a leading format for the message that contains printf style tokens that are expanded at runtime. The supported tokens are: 'A' for the application name, 'D' for the local datetime, 'H' for the system hostname, 'M' for the message, 'P' for the process ID , 'S' for the message source, and 'T' for the message type. The types property specifies the types of messages to emit. It may contain the following types: debug, error, info and trace. It may be set to "all" for all types. The sources property specifies a comma separated list of message sources to emit. Sources may be prefixed with "!" to subtract from the list. For example: "all,!json" will emit messages from all sources except "json". |
log: {
path: '/var/log/ioto.log',
format: '%D %H %A[%P] %T %S %M',
types: 'error,info',
sources: 'all'
Name | mqtt |
Description | MQTT configuration. |
Synopsis | mqtt: { properties }" |
Notes | The mqtt property collection is used to configure MQTT communications to the cloud. The mqtt.cert and mqtt.key properties define filenames to the X.509 certificate and key used to secure MQTT communications. The mqtt.client defines the MQTT client ID used to uniquely identify the device. The alpn property defines the HTTPS ALPN identification string required when using HTTP port 443 for communications. The property defines the authority certificate from AWS that is used as the root certificate to verify the MQTT broker endpoint. The cert, key, client and endpoint properties can be set to "auto" to have their values dynamically configured from AWS IoT core at runtime. The timeout property defines the time period in which to disconnect an idle mqtt connection. The delay property defines how long to wait before reconnecting. The schedule property is a "cron" style specification that defines the time window in which MQTT connections can be established. |
mqtt: {
cert: 'auto',
key: 'auto',
client: 'auto',
endpoint: 'auto',
port: 443,
alpn: 'x-amzn-mqtt-ca',
ca: 'certs/aws.crt',
timeout: '5 mins',
delay: '1 min',
schedule: '* * * * *',
Name | optimize |
Description | Build for debug or production release. |
Synopsis | `optimize: "debug |
Notes | If debug is selected, Ioto will be built with debug symbols. If release is selected, Ioto will be built optimized without debug symbols. |
optimize: 'release'
Name | profile |
Description | Configuration profile to select. |
Synopsis | `profile: "dev |
Notes | The profile property is used to select different build and execution configurations for Ioto at runtime. For example, it can select a "dev" profile for development and a "prod" profile for productions. The profile property selects a set of configuration properties from the conditional.profile collections. These are copied to the top level and overwrite any existing top-level properties. |
profile: "prod"
Name | scripts |
Description | Set of scripts used for various management tasks. |
Synopsis | scripts: { update: './scripts/update'} |
Notes | The scripts.update property defines a script that is invoked to apply software updates. The script is invoked with the pathname to the update image as the first and only argument. |
scripts: {
update: './scripts/update'
Name | services |
Description | Configure which Ioto services to enable at runtime. |
Synopsis | `services: { 'Service-Name': true |
Notes | The services property collection defines which Ioto services to enable. The supported services are:
Some services depend on others. Lower-level services will be forcibly enabled if upper level services require them. |
services: {
database: true,
keys: true,
logs: true,
mqtt: true,
provision: true,
register: true,
serialize: 'auto',
shadow: true,
sync: true,
update: true,
url: true,
web: true
Ioto supports timeout properties that improve security by limiting the duration of requests. Additional timeouts are provided from the web.json5 timeouts configuration.
Name | timeouts |
Description | Collection of timeout properties. |
Synopsis | timeouts: { "Timeout-Property": "Timeout-Value", ...} |
Notes | All timeout values are strings, not numbers. The string values may take human-readable suffixes which indicate the units for the value. The suffixes can be upper or lower case. The supported units are: infinite, never, sec, secs, seconds, min, mins, minute, minutes, hr, hrs, hour, hours, day, days, week, weeks, month, months, year, years. Ioto has sensible defaults for these timeouts if not explicitly specified. |
timeouts: {
api: "30 secs",
aws: "60 secs",
checkin: "30 secs",
download: "5 mins",
Name | timeouts.api |
Description | Defines the maximum duration of requests to the Ioto cloud. |
Synopsis | api: "duration" |
Notes | The api timeout will be used for general calls via the Ioto cloud. The default is 30 seconds. |
api: "30 secs"
Name | |
Description | Defines the maximum duration of requests to the AWS cloud. |
Synopsis | aws: "duration" |
Notes | The aws timeout will be used for all calls via the aws() API. The default is 60 seconds. |
aws: "60 secs"
Name | timeouts.checkin |
Description | Defines the frequency of the checkin API call to the Ioto cloud. |
Synopsis | checkin: "elapsed" |
Notes | The checkin API will be called when Ioto starts and thereafter at this frequency. Defaults to 24 hours. |
checkin: "24 hours"
Name | |
Description | Defines the maximum duration of a software download from the Ioto cloud. |
Synopsis | download: "duration" |
Notes | The software download is used to deploy new firmware to devices. The default duration is 5 minutes. |
download: "5 mins"
Name | tls |
Description | Collection of TLS properties. |
Synopsis | tls: { "Tls-Property": "Tls-Value", ... } |
Notes | TLS properties apply to web server https connections. They do not apply to Ioto MQTT or Ioto client connections. The authority, certificate and key paths may use @certs prefixes to refer to the "state/certs" director. |
tls: {
authority: "@certs/ca.crt",
certificate: "@certs/server.crt",
key: "@certs/server.key",
verify: {
client: true,
issuer: true
Name | tls.authority |
Description | Defines the location of the certificate file for client authentication. |
Synopsis | authority: "path" |
Notes | The authority property defines the file containing the certificates to use when authenticating client certificates. This property is only necessary if you wish to verify client certificates. If so, you must also define the "verify.client" to be true. The certificate file contains the concatenated certificates to use in preference order. The path may be an absolute path or it may be relative to the Home directory. The path can also use the "@certs" prefix which will be expanded to "state/certs". |
authority: "/var/ioto/ca.crt"
Name | tls.certificate |
Description | Defines the location of the X.509 file containing the server certificate |
Synopsis | certificate: "path" |
Notes | The SSLCertificateFile directive defines the file containing the PEM encoded X.509 certificate for the server. The file may also contain the private key for the server in which case you do not need to use the key property. |
certificate: "@certs/server.crt"
Name | tls.key |
Description | Defines the location of the server's private key. |
Synopsis | key: "path/to/key" |
Notes | The key property defines the file containing the PEM encoded private key file for the server. This property is not required if the server's private key is combined with the certificate file. The private key should not be encrypted. |
Security | There is a dilemma here. If you use an encrypted private key, the server will pause until you enter the pass-phrase which makes headless operation impossible. If you do not encrypt the private key, your private key is more vulnerable should the server be compromised. |
key: "@certs/server.key.pem"
Name | tls.verify |
Description | Collection of TLS verification properties |
Synopsis | verify: { "client": "value", "issuer": "value" } |
Notes | Control the type of certificate verification. |
verify: {
client: true,
issuer: true,
Name | tls.verify.client |
Description | Control the type of client certificate verification. |
Synopsis | `client: true |
Notes | This property controls whether the client must provide a client certificate for the server to verify the identity of the client. If disabled, no certificate is required. If one is supplied, it will be ignored. The certificate and the certificate's issuer will be verified. Use the "verify.issuer" directive to turn off verification of the issuer if you need to use a self-signed test certificate. If the property is enabled, the client must provide a valid certificate. The default is disabled. |
verify: {
client: true,
Name | tls.verify.issuer |
Description | Defines whether the issuer of the client certificate is verified. |
Synopsis | `issuer: true |
Notes | This property controls whether the issuer of the client certificate will be verified. If set to off, the certificate issuer will not be verified. This is useful to accept self-signed test certificates. |
verify: {
issuer: true,
Name | update |
Description | Collection of software update properties. |
Synopsis | update: { "Update-Property": "Update-Value", ... } |
Notes | The update collection controls the schedule and behavior of requesting, downloading and applying software updates. |
update: {
apply: '* 0 * * *',
jitter: '1 hr',
period: '24 hr',
schedule: '* 18-23 * * *',
throttle: 100,
Name | update.apply |
Description | Cron-like schedule defining when the Ioto agent will apply a downloaded software updates. |
Synopsis | schedule: "cron-spec string" |
Notes | See Cron for details about Cron strings. |
update: {
apply: 'midnight',
Name | update.jitter |
Description | Random time period to delay the scheduled software update check so that multiple devices will not all hit the service at once. |
| Synopsis | jitter: "1 hr"
update: {
jitter: '2 hrs',
Name | update.period |
Description | The minimum delay in seconds before checking for a software update. |
Synopsis | period: "number or string numeric with suffix" |
Notes | The minimum period will be applied in addition to the defined schedule. The supported suffixes are "min", "hr", "day". |
update: {
period: '6 hr',
Name | update.schedule |
Description | Cron-like schedule defining when the Ioto agent will check for new sofwtare updates. |
Synopsis | schedule: "cron-spec string" |
Notes | See Cron for details about Cron strings. |
update: {
schedule: '* 18-23 * * *',
schedule: 'midnight',
Name | update.throttle |
Description | The time in milliseconds to pause between reading 4K of a software download update. |
Synopsis | throttle: 50 |
Notes | This delay is useful to lessen the CPU and network impact on the device due to downloading a software update. Set to zero for no delay. |
update: {
throttle: 100,
Name | version |
Description | Set the agent version. |
Synopsis | version: "SemVer Version String" |
Notes | The version string defines the versions of the embedded agent including your software. It is used when selecting software updates deployed from the Builder. Don't confuse this with the underlying Ioto version. The version string must conform to the Semantic Versioning 2.0 spec. |