Downloading Ioto
Ioto releases are available as source code distributions from the Builder Site. The Builder portal provides an integrated service for creating connected devices, downloading device software, creating and managing device clouds.
To use Builder, you need to register and create an account. This is a simple, one-time task that will take you just a few minutes.
To register, navigate to the Builder site, and enter your email address and desired password and click on the Register tab. You will be sent an email confirmation code to complete your builder login.
If you have been invited to a Builder account by a co-worker, please click on the link in the invite email. That will ensure you become a member of the account that invited you.
Downloading Ioto
To download the Ioto device agent, visit the Products page and click on the Download icon for the Ioto Evaluation Product. This will download the complete Ioto evaluatione source code package.
In the future, you can create a product definition for your product, purchase a subscription and download the release software or any historical device agent version.
You can also download the Ioto Apps package which is a suite of full device management apps.
Extracting the Ioto Source Code
Copy the downloaded ioto-eval-src.tgz
compressed tar archive to a suitable directory and extract the contents. This will place the ioto source in a ioto-1.0.0
The eval source is a recent release and is always set to verion 1.0.0. It may not include all the latest features and patches that are present in the full release -- but it is ideal for evaluating Ioto.
$ tar xvfz ioto-eval-src.tgz
x ioto-1.0.0/
x ioto-1.0.0/
x ioto-1.0.0/Makefile