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The DB library is a high performance NoSQL database for embedded applications. It supports fast, flexible local data access and transparent synchronization of data to the cloud. It is modeled after DynamoDB and the OneTable access library.

DB is a NoSQL database where database items items are documents of arbitrary complexity. Data items are implemented as JSON documents and are organized into entity tables. Application entities are defined via an entity schema that specifies data fields and attributes.

DB uses Red/black binary search indexes and has controllable local persistency to disk and to the cloud on a per-table basis.

The embedded database is a high performance NoSQL management document database.

It offers JSON document items with flexible query API with efficient import and export of database items. The database uses fast red/black binary search indexes.

Function Index

voiddbAddCallback(Db *db, DbCallbackProc proc, cchar *model, void *arg, int events)
 Add a database change trigger callback.
voiddbAddContext(Db *db, cchar *name, cchar *value)
 Add global context properties.
voiddbClose(Db *db)
 Close a database.
voiddbCompact(Db *db)
 Compact the database by converting JSON items back to a compact string representation.
const DbItem *dbCreate(Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Create a new item.
cchar *dbField(const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)
 Fetch a field value from an item as a string.
booldbFieldBool(const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)
 Fetch a field value from an item as a boolean.
TimedbFieldDate(const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)
 Fetch a field value from an item as a date.
doubledbFieldDouble(const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)
 Fetch a field value from an item as a double.
int64dbFieldNumber(const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)
 Fetch a field value from an item as a number (64 bit).
RList *dbFind(Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Find matching items in the database.
const DbItem *dbFindOne(Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Find the first matching item.
const DbItem *dbGet(Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Read a matching item from the database.
cchar *dbGetError(Db *db)
 Get an error message for the most recent API call.
cchar *dbGetField(Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Get a field from a matching item from the database.
DbModel *dbGetItemModel(Db *db, DbItem *item)
 Get the model object for a data item.
DbModel *dbGetModel(Db *db, cchar *name)
 Get the model object for a model name.
cchar *dbNext(Db *db, RList *list)
 Get the next key when using paginated find requests.
Db *dbOpen(cchar *path, cchar *schema, int flags)
 Open a database.
Json *dbPropsToJson(cchar *props[])
 Convert a list of keyword / value pairs into a JSON object.
intdbRemove(Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Remove matching items in the database.
voiddbRemoveCallback(Db *db, DbCallbackProc proc, cchar *model, void *arg)
 Remove a database change trigger callback.
const DbItem *dbRemoveExpired(Db *db, bool notify)
 Remove expired items.
intdbSave(Db *db, cchar *filename)
 Save the database.
const DbItem *dbSetBool(Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, bool value, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Set an item field value as a boolean.
const DbItem *dbSetDate(Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, Time value, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Set an item field value as a date.
const DbItem *dbSetDouble(Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, double value, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Set an item field value as a double.
const DbItem *dbSetField(Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, cchar *value, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Set an item field value.
const DbItem *dbSetNum(Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, int64 value, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Set an item field value as a number.
Json *dbStringToJson(cchar *fmt, ...)
 Parse a string into Json properties.
const DbItem *dbUpdate(Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)
 Update an item.

Typedef Index

DbEmbedded Database based on DynamoDB.
DbCallbackProcDatabase callback on changes.
DbItemDatabase items stored in RB indexes.
DbModelModel schema.
DbParamsDatabase parameters.


#defineDB_INMEM   -2
 Don't persist change to storage - preserve in memory only.
#defineDB_JSON   dbStringToJson(__VA_ARGS__)
 Macro for supplying API properties as a string in JSON format.
#defineDB_MAX_ITEM   (256 * 1024)
 Maximum database item length.
#defineDB_MAX_KEY   1024
 Maximum sort key length.
#defineDB_MAX_LOG_AGE   (60 * TPS)
 Maximum age of log file.
#defineDB_MAX_LOG_SIZE   (1024 * 1024)
 Maximum journal size.
#defineDB_NODELAY   -1
 Don't delay, persist immediately.
#defineDB_OPEN_RESET   0x2
 Reset (erase) database on open.
#defineDB_PARAMS   & (DbParams) { __VA_ARGS__ }
 Macro for supplying API parameters.
#defineDB_PROPS   dbPropsToJson((cchar*[]) { __VA_ARGS__, NULL })
 Macro for supplying API properties as key/value pairs.
#defineDB_READ_ONLY   0x1
 Database flags.


typedef void(* DbCallbackProc) (void *arg, struct Db *db, struct DbModel *model, struct DbItem *item, struct DbParams *params, cchar *cmd, int events)

Database callback on changes.

argUser argument provided to dbSetCallback.
dbDatabase instance.
modelDbModel reference describing the item's schema model.
itemDatabase item that is changing.
paramsUser params provided to the API that caused the change.
cmdThe nature of the change. Set to "create", "update" or "remove".
eventsEvents of interest mask. Set to DB_ON_CHANGE, DB_ON_COMMIT.
API Stability:


Embedded Database based on DynamoDB.

The DB library is a high performance NoSQL in-memory database for embedded applications modeled on DynamoDB. Data items are implemented as JSON documents and are organized into tables. Application entities are defined via an entity schema that specifies data fields and attributes. Data items are JSON documents and are accessed via a flexible API and dot notation queries. DB uses Red/black binary search indexes and has controllable persistency locally to disk and to the cloud on a per-table basis.
RList *callbacks Database change notification triggers.
RHash *changes Hash of pending changes.
intcode API error code.
REventcommitEvent Timeout for commit event.
Json *context Global context properties - overwrites API properties.
Ticksdue When delayed commits are due.
char *error API error message.
intflags Reserved.
FILE *journal Journal file descriptor.
TicksjournalCreated When journal file recreated.
booljournalError Journal I/O error.
REventjournalEvent Timeout for journal save.
char *journalPath On-disk journal filename.
ssizejournalSize Current size of journal file.
TicksmaxJournalAge Maximum age of journal file before saving.
ssizemaxJournalSize Maximum size of the journal before saving.
RHash *models List of schema models.
boolneedSave Database needs saving.
char *path On-disk path.
RbTree *primary Red/black tree primary index.
Json *schema OneTable schema.
boolservicing Servicing database.
booltimestamps Maintain created/updated timestamps (if in schema).
cchar *type Item schema type property.
API Stability:


Database items stored in RB indexes.

API Stability:
uintallocatedName The name is allocated and must be freed when removed.
uintallocatedValue The value is allocated and must be freed when removed.
uintdelayed Update to journal and cloud delayed.
Json *json Parsed JSON value of the item, takes precedence over value.
char *key Indexed name of the item. Used as the sort key.
char *value Text value of the item (JSON string), may be stale if json set.


Model schema.

The model schema defines an application entity and the supported entity fields.
Timedelay Time to delay before committing changes.
cchar *expiresField Name of the TTL field.
RHash *fields Hash of model fields.
uintmem Keep model in-memory and not persisted to storage.
cchar *name Name of the model.
uintsync Sync model items to the cloud.
API Stability:


Database parameters.

API Stability:
cvoid *arg Argument to where callback.
boolbypass Bypass changes.
intdelay Delay before commmiting changes (Delay in msec, -1 == nocommit).
cchar *index Index name. Default to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
intlimit Limit the number of returned or removed items.
boollog Emit trace information to the log.
boolmem Update in memory only.
cchar *next Pagination token starting point for the next page of results.
boolupsert Update on create if present. Create on update if missing.
DbWherewhere Where query expression callback.


void dbAddCallback (Db *db, DbCallbackProc proc, cchar *model, void *arg, int events)

Add a database change trigger callback.

When database items are changed, the trigger callbacks are invoked to notify regarding the change.
dbDatabase instance.
procDatabase trigger function.
modelTarget model. If null, then match all models.
argArgument to pass to the trigger function.
eventsEvents of interest. Set to DB_ON_CHANGE, DB_ON_COMMIT (or both).
API Stability:

void dbAddContext (Db *db, cchar *name, cchar *value)

Add global context properties.

A global context property can be added to the set of properties supplied to each API. These property values are added at the top level only. Dotted notation is not supported.
dbDatabase instance.
nameName of the property.
valueProperty value to set.
API Stability:

void dbClose (Db *db)

Close a database.

This will immediately save any unsaved changes and then close the database.
dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
API Stability:

void dbCompact (Db *db)

Compact the database by converting JSON items back to a compact string representation.

const DbItem * dbCreate (Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Create a new item.

Create a new item of the required model type.
dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model entity to create. The model determines the valid set of properties for the created item. Set to NULL if no model is required.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to create. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model and unknown property names will not be written to the database.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
bool upsert : 1; // Update on create if present. Create on update if missing.
The created database item. The DbItem "name" property is the indexed key value. The value "json" property contains the item values as a cached JSON object. Caller must not free the returned item. Returns null on errors. Use dbGetError to retrieve an error message.
API Stability:

cchar * dbField (const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)

Fetch a field value from an item as a string.

Use to examine an item returned via dbGet or other APIs that return items.
itemDatabase item returned from other APIs.
fieldNameName of the field to examine.
The field value as a string. Caller must not free.
API Stability:

bool dbFieldBool (const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)

Fetch a field value from an item as a boolean.

Use to examine an item returned via dbGet or other APIs that return items. Will return true if the item field value is set to "true" or "1".
itemDatabase item returned from other APIs.
fieldNameName of the field to examine.
The field value as a boolean.
API Stability:

Time dbFieldDate (const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)

Fetch a field value from an item as a date.

Use to examine an item returned via dbGet or other APIs that return items. This requires that the date value be stored as an ISO date string.
itemDatabase item returned from other APIs.
fieldNameName of the field to examine.
The field value as a date in a Time value. This is the time in milliseconds since Jan 1 1970.
API Stability:

double dbFieldDouble (const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)

Fetch a field value from an item as a double.

Use to examine an item returned via dbGet or other APIs that return items. This requires that the date value be stored as an ISO date string.
itemDatabase item returned from other APIs.
fieldNameName of the field to examine.
The field value as a double.
API Stability:

int64 dbFieldNumber (const DbItem *item, cchar *fieldName)

Fetch a field value from an item as a number (64 bit).

Use to examine an item returned via dbGet or other APIs that return items.
itemDatabase item returned from other APIs.
fieldNameName of the field to examine.
The field value as a 64 bit integer.
API Stability:

RList * dbFind (Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Find matching items in the database.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for matching items. Set to NULL if no model is required.
propsJSON object containing item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model and unknown property names will not be written to the database.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
int limit; // Limit the number of returned or removed items.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
cchar *next; // Next pagination token to use as the starting point for the next page of results.
DbWhere where; // Where query expression callback function.
A list of matching items. Items can be enumerated or accessed using ITERATE_ITEMS, rGetNextItem and rGetItem. Caller must free the result using rFreeList.
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbFindOne (Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Find the first matching item.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for matching items. Set to NULL if no model is required.
propsJSON object containing item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model and unknown property names will not be written to the database.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
DbWhere where; // Where query expression callback function.
The first matching item. Returns null if no match found.
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbGet (Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Read a matching item from the database.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for matching items.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model and unknown property names will not be written to the database.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
The matching database item. The DbItem "name" property is the indexed key. The value "json" property contains the item values as a cached JSON object. If null, the "value" property contains the item's value as an unparsed JSON string. Use dbField to access the individual field values in the item. Caller must not free the returned item.
API Stability:

cchar * dbGetError (Db *db)

Get an error message for the most recent API call.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
A static error message string. Caller must not free.
API Stability:

cchar * dbGetField (Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Get a field from a matching item from the database.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for matching items.
fieldNameName of the item field to return.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model and unknown property names will not be written to the database.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
A string containing the required field in the data item. Caller must not free.
API Stability:

DbModel * dbGetItemModel (Db *db, DbItem *item)

Get the model object for a data item.

dbDatabase instance.
itemData item with a model type field.
A model instance.
API Stability:

DbModel * dbGetModel (Db *db, cchar *name)

Get the model object for a model name.

dbDatabase instance.
nameModel name.
A model instance.
API Stability:

cchar * dbNext (Db *db, RList *list)

Get the next key when using paginated find requests.

dbDatabase instance.
listA list returned from a prior dbFind request.
A reference into the last item returned in the list.
API Stability:

Db * dbOpen (cchar *path, cchar *schema, int flags)

Open a database.

pathFilename for from which to load and save the database when calling dbSave. On open, an initial load is performed from the file at path.
schemaOneTable data schema describing the indexes and data models.
flagsReserved. Set to zero.
API Stability:
See Also:

Json * dbPropsToJson (cchar *props)

Convert a list of keyword / value pairs into a JSON object.

propsNULL terminated array of keyword / value pairs.
A JSON object containing the supplied property values.
API Stability:

int dbRemove (Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Remove matching items in the database.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for matching items.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model and unknown property names will not be written to the database.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify. int limit; // Limit the number of items to remove.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
A count of the number of items removed.
API Stability:

void dbRemoveCallback (Db *db, DbCallbackProc proc, cchar *model, void *arg)

Remove a database change trigger callback.

dbDatabase instance.
procDatabase trigger function.
modelTarget model. If null, then match all models.
argArgument to pass to the trigger function.
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbRemoveExpired (Db *db, bool notify)

Remove expired items.

dbDatabase instance.
notifySet to true to invoke callback notifier for removed items.
API Stability:

int dbSave (Db *db, cchar *filename)

Save the database.

dbDatabase instance.
filenameOptional filename to save data to. If set to NULL, the data is saved to the name given when opening the database via dbOpen
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbSetBool (Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, bool value, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Set an item field value as a boolean.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for the item. Set to NULL if no model is required.
fieldNameName of the item field to set.
valueValue to assign to the item's field.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
The updated item. Caller must not free.
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbSetDate (Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, Time value, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Set an item field value as a date.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for the item. Set to NULL if no model is required.
fieldNameName of the item field to set.
valueValue to assign to the item's field.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
The updated item. Caller must not free.
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbSetDouble (Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, double value, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Set an item field value as a double.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for the item. Set to NULL if no model is required.
fieldNameName of the item field to set.
valueValue to assign to the item's field.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
The updated item. Caller must not free.
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbSetField (Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, cchar *value, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Set an item field value.

Update a field in an existing item. The item must already exist.
dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for the item. Set to NULL if no model is required.
fieldNameName of the item field to set.
valueValue to assign to the item's field.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
The updated item. Caller must not free.
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbSetNum (Db *db, cchar *model, cchar *fieldName, int64 value, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Set an item field value as a number.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for the item. Set to NULL if no model is required.
fieldNameName of the item field to set.
valueValue to assign to the item's field.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to match. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
The updated item. Caller must not free.
API Stability:

Json * dbStringToJson (cchar *fmt, ...)

Parse a string into Json properties.

fmtPrintf style format string.
...Arguments to fmt.
A JSON object containing the supplied property values.
API Stability:

const DbItem * dbUpdate (Db *db, cchar *model, Json *props, DbParams *params)

Update an item.

dbDatabase instance returned via dbOpen
modelName of the schema model for the item. Set to NULL if no model is required.
propsJSON object containing the item properties to update. Use the macro DB_PROP(name, value, ...) to specify the properties as a list of keyword / value pairs. Use DB_JSON to provide the properties as a JSON/5 string. For example: DB_PROP("name", name, "address", "12 Wishbury lane") or DB_JSON("{role: 'user'}"). If a model is provided, the properties are validated against the model and unknown property names will not be written to the database.
paramsList of API parameters. Use the macro DB_PARAMS(key = value, ...) to specify.
cchar *index; // Name of the index to use. Defaults to "primary". Currently only supports "primary".
The updated item. Caller must not free. Returns null on errors. Use dbGetError to retrieve an error message.
API Stability: