The Safe Runtime (R) is a portable runtime library for embedded applications.
The R library provides management for binary searching, buffering, error handling, events, events, files, hashing, lists, logging, memory, ssl, sockets, strings, and date/time functions. It also provides a foundation of safe routines for secure programming, that help to prevent buffer overflows and other security threats. The library can be used in both C and C++ programs.
The R library uses a set extended typedefs for common types. These include: bool, cchar, cvoid, uchar, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, float, and double. The cchar type is a const char, cvoid is const void. Several types have "u" prefixes to denote unsigned qualifiers.
The library includes a memory allocator and global memory allocation handler.
The library provides support for fiber coroutines to enable parallel programming without callbacks or complex threads. The network APIs use fibers to transparently block the fiber and resume other fibers automatically. This enables a straight-line "blocking" programming paradigm while enabling other fibers to run as required.
Function Index
PUBLIC void | assert(bool cond) |
Asser that a condition is true. | |
PUBLIC int | rAccessFile(cchar *path, int mode) |
Test if a file can be accessed with the given mode (F_OK, R_OK, W_OK, X_OK). | |
PUBLIC void | rAddDirectory(cchar *prefix, cchar *path) |
Add a directory to the directory lookup hash. | |
PUBLIC RName,* | rAddFmtName(RHash *hash, cchar *name, int flags, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Add a name and formatted string value into the hash table. | |
PUBLIC RName,* | rAddIntName(RHash *hash, cchar *name, int64 value) |
Add a name and integer value. | |
PUBLIC RName,* | rAddName(RHash *table, cchar *name, void *ptr, int flags) |
Add a name and value into the hash table. | |
PUBLIC RName,* | rAddNameSubstring(RHash *hash, cchar *name, ssize nameSize, char *value, ssize valueSize) |
Add a name and value substring into the hash table. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rAlloc(size_t size) |
Allocate a block of memory. | |
PUBLIC REvent | rAllocEvent(RFiber *fiber, REventProc proc, void *data, Ticks delay, int flags) |
Allocate and schedule a new event to be run from the event loop. | |
PUBLIC void | rAllocException(int cause, size_t size) |
Signal a memory allocation exception. | |
PUBLIC RFiber,* | rAllocFiber(cchar *name, RFiberProc fn, cvoid *data) |
Allocate a fiber coroutine object. | |
PUBLIC RHash,* | rAllocHash(int size, int flags) |
Create a hash table. | |
PUBLIC RLock,* | rAllocLock(void) |
Allocate a lock object. | |
PUBLIC RSocket,* | rAllocSocket(void) |
Allocate a socket object. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rAllocType(RType type) |
Allocate an object of a given type. | |
PUBLIC RWait,* | rAllocWait(int fd) |
Allocate a wait object for a file descriptor. | |
PUBLIC int | rBackupFile(cchar *path, int count) |
Backup the given file. | |
PUBLIC cchar,* | rBasename(cchar *path) |
Return the basename (filename) portion of a filename. | |
PUBLIC void | rBreakpoint(void) |
Trigger a breakpoint. | |
PUBLIC RHash,* | rCloneHash(RHash *master) |
Copy a hash table. | |
PUBLIC void | rCloseSocket(RSocket *sp) |
Close a socket. | |
PUBLIC int | rConnectSocket(RSocket *sp, cchar *host, int port, Ticks deadline) |
Connect a client socket. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rCopyFile(cchar *from, cchar *to, int mode) |
Copy a file. | |
PUBLIC int | rCreateThread(cchar *name, void *proc, void *data) |
Create an O/S thread. | |
PUBLIC int | rDaemonize(void) |
For the current process and run as a daemon. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rDirname(char *path) |
Return the directory name portion of a filename. | |
PUBLIC int | rEnter(bool *access, Ticks deadline) |
Enter a fiber critical section. | |
PUBLIC bool | rFileExists(cchar *path) |
Test if a file exists. | |
PUBLIC int | rFlushFile(int fd) |
Flush file buffers. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rFormatLocalTime(cchar *format, Time time) |
Convert a time value to local time and format as a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rFormatUniversalTime(cchar *format, Time time) |
Convert a time value to universal time and format as a string. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rFprintf(FILE *fp, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Formatted print to the standard error channel. | |
PUBLIC void | rFree(void *ptr) |
Free a block of memory allocated via rAlloc. | |
PUBLIC void | rFreeFiber(RFiber *fiber) |
Free a fiber coroutine. | |
PUBLIC void | rFreeHash(RHash *hash) |
Free a hash table. | |
PUBLIC void | rFreeLock(RLock *mutex) |
Free a dynamically allocated lock object. | |
PUBLIC void | rFreeSocket(RSocket *sp) |
Free a socket object. | |
PUBLIC void | rFreeWait(RWait *wp) |
Free a wait object. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rGetAppDir(void) |
Get the directory containing the application executable. | |
PUBLIC cchar,* | rGetAppName(void) |
Get the application name defined via rSetAppName. | |
PUBLIC RThread | rGetCurrentThread(void) |
Get the current Thread. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rGetCwd(void) |
Get the current application working directory. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rGetDate(cchar *format) |
Get a string representation of the current date/time. | |
PUBLIC Ticks | rGetElapsedTicks(Ticks mark) |
Get the elapsed time since a ticks mark. | |
PUBLIC cchar,* | rGetError(int error) |
Return a string representation of an R error code. | |
PUBLIC RFiber,* | rGetFiber(void) |
Get the current fiber object. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rGetFiberStack(void) |
Get the base address of the fiber stack. | |
PUBLIC cchar,* | rGetFileExt(cchar *path) |
Get the extension of a file path. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rGetFilePath(cchar *path) |
Get a file path name. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rGetFileSize(cchar *path) |
Return the size of a file. | |
PUBLIC RList,* | rGetFiles(cchar *base, cchar *pattern, int flags) |
Create a list of files in a directory or subdirectories that match the given wildcard pattern. | |
PUBLIC RList,* | rGetFilesEx(RList *results, cchar *base, cchar *pattern, int flags) |
Get a list of files in a directory or subdirectories that match the given wildcard pattern. | |
PUBLIC int | rGetHashLength(RHash *hash) |
Return the count of symbols in a symbol entry. | |
uint64 | rGetHiResTicks(void) |
Get the CPU tick count. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rGetIsoDate(Time time) |
Get an ISO Date string representation of the given date/time. | |
PUBLIC RThread | rGetMainThread(void) |
Get the main Thread. | |
PUBLIC RName,* | rGetNextName(RHash *hash, RName *next) |
Return the next symbol in a symbol entry. | |
PUBLIC int | rGetOsError(void) |
Return the native O/S error code. | |
PUBLIC Ticks | rGetRemainingTicks(Ticks mark, Ticks timeout) |
Return the time remaining until a timeout has elapsed. | |
PUBLIC cchar,* | rGetServerName(void) |
Get the application server name string. | |
PUBLIC int | rGetSocketAddr(RSocket *sp, char *ipbuf, int ipbufLen, int *port) |
Get the locally bound socket IP address and port for the socket. | |
PUBLIC RSocketCustom | rGetSocketCustom(void) |
Get the custom socket callback handler. | |
PUBLIC cchar,* | rGetSocketError(RSocket *sp) |
Get the socket error. | |
PUBLIC Socket | rGetSocketHandle(RSocket *sp) |
Get the socket file descriptor. | |
PUBLIC RWait,* | rGetSocketWait(RSocket *sp) |
Get the socket wait handler. | |
PUBLIC int | rGetState(void) |
Get the current R state. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rGetTempFile(cchar *dir, cchar *prefix) |
Get a temp filename. | |
PUBLIC Ticks | rGetTicks(void) |
Get the system time. | |
PUBLIC Time | rGetTime(void) |
Get the time. | |
PUBLIC bool | rGetTimeouts(void) |
Return true if timeouts are enabled. | |
PUBLIC int | rGetWaitFd(void) |
Get the global wait descriptor. | |
PUBLIC void | rGlobalLock(void) |
Globally lock the application. | |
PUBLIC void | rGlobalUnlock(void) |
Unlock the global mutex. | |
PUBLIC void | rGracefulStop(void) |
Gracefully stop the app. | |
PUBLIC RBuf,* | rHashToBuf(RHash *hash, cchar *join) |
Convert a hash of strings to a single string in a buffer. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rHashToJson(RHash *hash, int pretty) |
Convert a hash into JSON. | |
PUBLIC RBuf,* | rHashToJsonBuf(RHash *hash, RBuf *buf, int pretty) |
Convert a hash into JSON in the given buffer. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rHashToString(RHash *hash, cchar *join) |
Convert a hash of strings to a single string. | |
PUBLIC int | rInit(RFiberProc fn, cvoid *arg) |
Initialize the runtime. | |
PUBLIC int | rInitFibers(void) |
Initialize the fiber coroutine module. | |
PUBLIC int | rInitFile(void) |
Create and initialze the file subsystem. | |
PUBLIC RLock,* | rInitLock(RLock *mutex) |
Initialize a statically allocated lock object. | |
PUBLIC int | rInitOs(void) |
Create and initialze the O/S dependent subsystem. | |
PUBLIC int | rInitWait(void) |
Initialize the I/O wait subsystem. | |
PUBLIC bool | rIsFileAbs(cchar *path) |
Determine if a file path is an absolute path. | |
PUBLIC bool | rIsMain(void) |
Test if a fiber is the main fiber. | |
PUBLIC bool | rIsSocketClosed(RSocket *sp) |
Test if the socket has been closed. | |
PUBLIC bool | rIsSocketConnected(RSocket *sp) |
Determine if the socket has connected to a remote pper. | |
PUBLIC bool | rIsSocketEof(RSocket *sp) |
Test if the other end of the socket has been closed. | |
PUBLIC bool | rIsSocketSecure(RSocket *sp) |
Determine if the socket is secure. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rJoinFile(cchar *base, cchar *other) |
Join file paths. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rJoinFileBuf(char *buf, ssize bufsize, cchar *base, cchar *other) |
Join paths into a buffer. | |
PUBLIC void | rLeave(bool *access) |
Leave a fiber critical section. | |
PUBLIC int | rListenSocket(RSocket *sp, cchar *host, int port, RSocketProc handler, void *arg) |
Listen on a server socket for incoming connections. | |
PUBLIC void | rLock(RLock *lock) |
Lock access. | |
PUBLIC bool | rLookupEvent(REvent id) |
Lookup an event ID. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rLookupName(RHash *hash, cchar *name) |
Lookup a symbol in the hash table. | |
PUBLIC RName,* | rLookupNameEntry(RHash *hash, cchar *name) |
Lookup a symbol in the hash table and return the hash entry. | |
PUBLIC bool | rMatchFile(cchar *path, cchar *pattern) |
Matach a file against a glob pattern. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rMemdup(cvoid *ptr, size_t size) |
Duplicate a block of memory. | |
PUBLIC void | rMemoryBarrier(void) |
Perform a memory barrier where all queued writes are flushed to memory. | |
PUBLIC Time | rParseIsoDate(cchar *when) |
Parse an ISO date string. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rPrintf(cchar *fmt, ...) |
Formatted print. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rReadFile(cchar *path, ssize *lenp) |
Read data from a file. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rReadSocket(RSocket *sp, char *buf, ssize bufsize, Ticks deadline) |
Read from a socket. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rReadSocketSync(RSocket *sp, char *buf, ssize bufsize) |
Read from a socket. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rRealloc(void *ptr, size_t size) |
Allocate a block of memory. | |
PUBLIC int | rRemoveName(RHash *hash, cchar *name) |
Remove a symbol entry from the hash table. | |
PUBLIC void | rResetSocket(RSocket *sp) |
Reset a socket. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rResumeFiber(RFiber *fiber, void *result) |
Resume a fiber. | |
PUBLIC void | rResumeWait(RWait *wp, int mask) |
Release a waiting fiber waiting for an event. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rRun(cchar *command, int *status) |
Run a command using the system shell. | |
PUBLIC int | rRunEvent(REvent id) |
Run an event now. | |
PUBLIC Ticks | rRunEvents(void) |
Run due events. | |
PUBLIC int | rServiceEvents(void) |
Service events. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetFiberLimits(int maxFibers) |
Set the fiber limits. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetFiberStack(ssize size) |
Set the default fiber stack size. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetMemHandler(RMemProc handler) |
Define a global memory exhaustion handler. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetOsError(int error) |
Set the O/S error code. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketBlocking(RSocket *sp, bool on) |
Set a socket into blocking I/O mode. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketCerts(RSocket *sp, cchar *ca, cchar *key, cchar *cert, cchar *revoke) |
Configure the socket TLS certificates. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketCiphers(RSocket *sp, cchar *ciphers) |
Set the ciphers to use for communications. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketCustom(RSocketCustom custom) |
Set the socket custom configuration callback. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketDefaultCerts(cchar *ca, cchar *key, cchar *cert, cchar *revoke) |
Configure the default TLS certificates. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketDefaultCiphers(cchar *ciphers) |
Set the default TLS ciphers to use for communications. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketDefaultVerify(int verifyPeer, int verifyIssuer) |
Set the default TLS verification parameters. | |
PUBLIC int | rSetSocketError(RSocket *sp, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Set the socket error message. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketVerify(RSocket *sp, int verifyPeer, int verifyIssuer) |
Set the socket TLS verification parameters. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetSocketWaitMask(RSocket *sp, int64 mask, Ticks deadline) |
Update the wait mask for a socket. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetState(int state) |
Set the R state. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetTimeouts(bool on) |
Control timeouts. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetWaitHandler(RWait *wp, RWaitProc handler, cvoid *arg, int64 mask, Ticks deadline) |
Define a wait handler function on a wait object. | |
PUBLIC void | rSetWaitMask(RWait *wp, int64 mask, Ticks deadline) |
Update the wait mask for a wait handler. | |
PUBLIC void | rSignal(cchar *name, cvoid *arg) |
Signal watches of a named event. | |
PUBLIC void | rSignalSync(cchar *name, cvoid *arg) |
Signal watches of a named event synchronously (blocking). | |
PUBLIC void | rSleep(Ticks ticks) |
Sleep a fiber for the requested number of milliseconds. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rSnprintf(char *buf, ssize maxsize, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Format a string into a buffer. | |
PUBLIC int | rSpawnFiber(cchar *name, RFiberProc fn, void *arg) |
Spawn a fiber coroutine. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rSpawnThread(RThreadProc fn, void *arg) |
Spawn an O/S thread and wait until it completes. | |
PUBLIC REvent | rStartEvent(REventProc proc, void *data, Ticks delay) |
Start a callback event. | |
PUBLIC void | rStartFiber(RFiber *fiber, void *data) |
Start a fiber coroutine. | |
PUBLIC void | rStop(void) |
Immediately stop the app. | |
PUBLIC int | rStopEvent(REvent id) |
Stop an event. | |
PUBLIC void | rTermFibers(void) |
Terminate the fiber coroutine module. | |
PUBLIC void | rTermFile(void) |
Stop the file subsystem. | |
PUBLIC void | rTermLock(RLock *mutex) |
Terminate a statically allocated lock object. | |
PUBLIC void | rTermOs(void) |
Stop the O/S dependent subsystem. | |
PUBLIC void | rTermWait(void) |
Terminate the I/O wait subsystem. | |
PUBLIC bool | rTryLock(RLock *lock) |
Attempt to lock access. | |
PUBLIC void | rUnlock(RLock *lock) |
Unlock a mutex. | |
PUBLIC char,* | rVsnprintf(char *buf, ssize maxsize, cchar *fmt, va_list args) |
Format a string into a buffer. | |
PUBLIC int | rWait(Ticks timeout) |
Wait for an I/O event. | |
PUBLIC int | rWaitForIO(RWait *wp, int mask, Ticks deadline) |
Wait for an IO event on a wait object. | |
PUBLIC void | rWakeup(void) |
Wakeup the event loop. | |
PUBLIC int | rWalkDir(cchar *dir, cchar *pattern, RWalkDirProc callback, void *arg, int flags) |
Walk a directory tree and invoke a callback for each path that matches a given pattern. | |
PUBLIC void | rWatch(cchar *name, RWatchProc proc, void *data) |
Watch for a named event to happen. | |
PUBLIC void | rWatchOff(cchar *name, RWatchProc proc, void *data) |
Stop watching for a named event to happen. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rWriteFile(cchar *path, cchar *buf, ssize len, int mode) |
Write data to a file. | |
PUBLIC int | rWritePid(void) |
Write the current process pid to /var/run. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rWriteSocket(RSocket *sp, cvoid *buf, ssize bufsize, Ticks deadline) |
Write to a socket. | |
PUBLIC ssize | rWriteSocketSync(RSocket *sp, cvoid *buf, ssize len) |
Write to a socket. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rYieldFiber(void *value) |
Yield a fiber back to the main fiber. | |
PUBLIC RbTree,* | rbAlloc(int flags, RbCompare compare, RbFree free, void *arg) |
Allocate a red/black tree. | |
PUBLIC RbNode,* | rbFirst(RbTree *rbt) |
Return the lexically first node. | |
PUBLIC void | rbFree(RbTree *rbt) |
Free a red/black tree. | |
PUBLIC RbNode,* | rbInsert(RbTree *rbt, void *data) |
Insert a new data item in the tree. | |
PUBLIC RbNode,* | rbLookup(RbTree *rbt, cvoid *data, void *ctx) |
Lookup a data item. | |
PUBLIC RbNode,* | rbLookupFirst(RbTree *rbt, cvoid *data, void *ctx) |
Return the lexically first matching node. | |
PUBLIC RbNode,* | rbLookupNext(RbTree *rbt, RbNode *node, cvoid *data, void *ctx) |
Return the next matching node after the given node. | |
PUBLIC RbNode,* | rbNext(RbTree *rbt, RbNode *node) |
Return the next node in sequence. | |
PUBLIC void,* | rbRemove(RbTree *rbt, RbNode *node, int keep) |
Remove a data item from the tree. | |
PUBLIC char,* | scamel(cchar *str) |
Create a camel case version of the string. | |
PUBLIC int | scaselesscmp(cchar *s1, cchar *s2) |
Compare strings ignoring case. | |
PUBLIC bool | scaselessmatch(cchar *s1, cchar *s2) |
Compare strings ignoring case. | |
PUBLIC char,* | schr(cchar *str, int c) |
Find a character in a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sclone(cchar *str) |
Clone a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | scloneNull(cchar *str) |
Clone a string and preserve NULLs. | |
PUBLIC int | scmp(cchar *s1, cchar *s2) |
Compare strings. | |
PUBLIC char,* | scontains(cchar *str, cchar *pattern) |
Find a pattern in a string. | |
PUBLIC ssize | scopy(char *dest, ssize destMax, cchar *src) |
Copy a string. | |
PUBLIC cchar,* | sends(cchar *str, cchar *suffix) |
Test if the string ends with a given pattern. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sfmt(cchar *fmt, ...) |
Format a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sfmtbuf(char *buf, ssize maxSize, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Format a string into a static buffer. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sfmtbufv(char *buf, ssize maxSize, cchar *fmt, va_list args) |
Format a string into a statically allocated buffer. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sfmtv(cchar *fmt, va_list args) |
Format a string. | |
PUBLIC uint | shash(cchar *str, ssize len) |
Compute a hash code for a string. | |
PUBLIC uint | shashlower(cchar *str, ssize len) |
Compute a hash code for a string after converting it to lower case. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sitos(int64 value) |
Convert an integer to a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sitosbuf(char *buf, ssize size, int64 value, int radix) |
Convert an integer to a string buffer. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sitosradix(int64 value, int radix) |
Convert an integer to a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sjoin(cchar *str, ...) |
Catenate strings. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sjoinArgs(int argc, cchar **argv, cchar *sep) |
Join an array of strings. | |
PUBLIC ssize | sjoinbuf(char *buf, ssize bufsize, cchar *str1, cchar *str2) |
Catenate strings into a buffer. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sjoinfmt(cchar *str, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Join a formatted string to an existing string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sjoinv(cchar *str, va_list args) |
Catenate strings. | |
PUBLIC ssize | slen(cchar *str) |
Return the length of a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | slower(char *str) |
Convert a string to lower case. | |
PUBLIC bool | smatch(cchar *s1, cchar *s2) |
Compare strings. | |
PUBLIC int | sncaselesscmp(cchar *s1, cchar *s2, ssize len) |
Compare strings ignoring case. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sncaselesscontains(cchar *str, cchar *pattern, ssize limit) |
Find a pattern in a string with a limit using a caseless comparison. | |
PUBLIC char,* | snclone(cchar *str, ssize len) |
Clone a substring. | |
PUBLIC int | sncmp(cchar *s1, cchar *s2, ssize len) |
Compare strings. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sncontains(cchar *str, cchar *pattern, ssize limit) |
Find a pattern in a string with a limit. | |
PUBLIC ssize | sncopy(char *dest, ssize destMax, cchar *src, ssize len) |
Copy characters from a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | spbrk(cchar *str, cchar *set) |
Locate the a character from a set in a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | sptok(char *str, cchar *pattern, char **nextp) |
Tokenize a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | srchr(cchar *str, int c) |
Find a character in a string by searching backwards. | |
PUBLIC char,* | srejoin(char *buf, ...) |
Append strings to an existing string and reallocate as required. | |
PUBLIC char,* | srejoinv(char *buf, va_list args) |
Append strings to an existing string and reallocate as required. | |
PUBLIC char,* | ssplit(char *str, cchar *delim, char **last) |
Split a string at a delimiter. | |
PUBLIC ssize | sspn(cchar *str, cchar *set) |
Find the end of a spanning prefix. | |
PUBLIC bool | sstarts(cchar *str, cchar *prefix) |
Test if the string starts with a given pattern. | |
PUBLIC char,* | ssub(cchar *str, ssize offset, ssize length) |
Create a substring. | |
PUBLIC char,* | stemplate(cchar *str, void *tokens) |
Replace template tokens in a string with values from a lookup table. | |
PUBLIC char,* | stitle(cchar *str) |
Create a Title Case version of the string. | |
PUBLIC double | stod(cchar *str) |
Convert a string to a double floating point value. | |
PUBLIC double | stof(cchar *str) |
Convert a string to a double. | |
PUBLIC int64 | stoi(cchar *str) |
Convert a string to an integer. | |
PUBLIC int64 | stoiradix(cchar *str, int radix, int *err) |
Convert a string to an integer. | |
PUBLIC char,* | stok(char *str, cchar *delim, char **last) |
Tokenize a string. | |
PUBLIC struct,RList,* | stolist(cchar *src) |
String to list. | |
PUBLIC char,* | strim(char *str, cchar *set, int where) |
Trim a string. | |
PUBLIC char,* | supper(char *str) |
Convert a string to upper case. | |
PUBLIC uint64 | svalue(cchar *value) |
Parse a value string. | |
PUBLIC void | szero(char *str) |
Erase the contents of a string. |
Typedef Index
REvent | Event Subsystem. |
REventProc | Callback function for events. |
RFiber | Fiber state. |
RFiberProc | Fiber entry point function. |
RFile | R File Module. |
RHash | Hash table structure. |
RHashProc | Hashing function to use for the table. |
RLock | Multithreading lock control structure. |
RMemProc | Memory exhaustion callback procedure. |
RName | Per item structure. |
RString | R String Module. |
RThreadProc | Thread entry point function. |
RWait | Wait object. |
RWaitProc | Callback function for IO wait events. |
RWalkDirProc | Callback function for rWalkDir. |
RWatchProc | Callback function for watched events. |
RbCompare | Callback to compare a data nodes. |
RbFree | Callback to free a nodes associated data. |
Socket | Argument for sockets. |
size_t | Unsigned integral type. |
time_t | Unsigned time type. |
#define | ITERATE_INDEX node = rbLookupFirst(rbt, data, ctx); node; node = rbLookupNext(rbt, node, \ data, ctx) |
Traverse an index over matching nodes. | |
#define | ITERATE_TREE node = rbFirst(rbt); node; node = rbNext(rbt, node) |
#define | R_DEFAULT_DATE "%a %b %d %T %Y %Z" |
Default date format used in rFormatLocalTime/rFormatUniversalTime when no format supplied E.g. | |
#define | R_DYNAMIC_NAME 0x8 |
Dynamic name provided, hash will free. | |
#define | R_DYNAMIC_VALUE 0x1 |
Dynamic (allocated) value provided, hash/list will free. | |
#define | R_EVENT_ASYNC 1 |
Windows async select. | |
#define | R_EVENT_EPOLL 2 |
epoll_wait. | |
#define | R_EVENT_FAST 0x1 |
Fast event flag - must not block and runs off main fiber. | |
#define | R_EVENT_KQUEUE 3 |
BSD kqueue. | |
#define | R_EVENT_SELECT 4 |
traditional select(). | |
#define | R_HASH_CASELESS 0x40 |
Ignore case in comparisons. | |
#define | R_IO 0x6 |
Wait mask for readable or writeable events. | |
#define | R_MEM_FAIL 0x4 |
Memory allocation failed - immediate exit. | |
#define | R_MEM_LIMIT 0x2 |
Memory use exceeds memory limit - invoking policy. | |
#define | R_MEM_STACK 0x10 |
Too many fiber stack. | |
#define | R_MEM_TOO_BIG 0x8 |
Memory allocation request is too big - immediate exit. | |
#define | R_MEM_WARNING 0x1 |
Memory use exceeds warnHeap level limit. | |
#define | R_MODIFIED 0x200 |
Wait mask for modify events. | |
#define | R_READABLE 0x2 |
Wait mask for readable events. | |
#define | R_SOCKET_CLOSED 0x1 |
RSocket has been closed. | |
#define | R_SOCKET_CONFIG_TLS 1 |
Custom callback to configure TLS. | |
#define | R_SOCKET_EOF 0x2 |
Seen end of file. | |
#define | R_SOCKET_LISTENER 0x4 |
RSocket is server listener. | |
#define | R_SOCKET_SERVER 0x8 |
Socket is on the server-side. | |
#define | R_STATIC_NAME 0x10 |
Static name provided no need to clone or free. | |
#define | R_STATIC_VALUE 0x2 |
Static value provided, no need to clone or free. | |
#define | R_TEMPORAL_NAME 0x20 |
Temporal name provided, hash will clone and free. | |
#define | R_TEMPORAL_VALUE 0x4 |
Temporal value provided, hash/list will clone and free. | |
#define | R_TIMEOUT 0x400 |
Wait mask for timeout. | |
#define | R_TLS_HAS_AUTHORITY 0x1 |
Signal to the custom callback that authority certs are available. | |
#define | R_TRIM_BOTH 0x3 |
Flag for strim to trim from both the start and the end of the string. | |
#define | R_TRIM_END 0x2 |
Flag for strim to trim from the end of the string. | |
#define | R_TRIM_START 0x1 |
Flag for strim to trim from the start of the string. | |
#define | R_WALK_DEPTH_FIRST 0x1 |
Flag for rGetFiles to do a depth-first traversal. | |
#define | R_WALK_DIRS 0x4 |
Include hidden files starting with "." except for "." and "..". | |
#define | R_WALK_FILES 0x8 |
Include hidden files starting with "." except for "." and "..". | |
#define | R_WALK_HIDDEN 0x2 |
Include hidden files starting with "." except for "." and "..". | |
#define | R_WALK_MISSING 0x20 |
Allow walking missing paths. | |
#define | R_WALK_RELATIVE 0x10 |
Return paths relative to the original path. | |
#define | R_WRITABLE 0x4 |
Wait mask for writable events. | |
#define | RB_DUP 0x1 |
Flags for rbAlloc to permit duplicate keys. |
Callback to compare a data nodes.
- Description:
- The comparison function may perform a simple "strcmp" style comparison function or it may perform a modified comparison using the supplied context information. For example: a comparison could perform a "startsWith" style comparison. The context argument can control the type of comparison that is performed.
- Parameters:
n1 Reference to first item. n2 Reference to item to compare. ctx Context provided to rbLookup.
- Returns:
- Return -1 if n1 is lexically less than n2. Zero if equal and 1 if n1 is greater than n2.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Callback to free a nodes associated data.
- Parameters:
data Reference to the associated data for a node.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Event Subsystem.
- Description:
- R provides a simple based eventing mechanism. Events are described by REvent objects which are created and queued via rStartEvent. Events are scheduled once unless restarted via rRestartEvent.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Callback function for events.
- Parameters:
data Opaque data argument.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Fiber entry point function.
- Parameters:
data Custom function argument.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Hashing function to use for the table.
- Parameters:
name Name to hash. len Length of the name to hash.
- Returns:
- An integer hash index.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Memory exhaustion callback procedure.
- Parameters:
cause The cause of the memory failure. size The size of the failing block allocation.
Thread entry point function.
- Parameters:
data Custom function argument.
- Returns:
- Value to pass back from rSpawnThread.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Callback function for IO wait events.
- Parameters:
data Opaque data argument. mask IO event selection mask.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Callback function for rWalkDir.
- Parameters:
arg Argument supplied to rWalkDir. path Current filename path to walk. flags Flags supplied to rWalkDir.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Callback function for watched events.
- Parameters:
data Opaque data argument supplied via rWatchEvent. arg Watched event arg passed via rSignal.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Unsigned integral type.
Equivalent in size to void*Argument for sockets.
Unsigned time type.
Time in seconds since Jan 1, 1970Fiber state.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- Fields:
R File Module.
- See Also:
- Fields:
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Hash table structure.
- Description:
- The hash structure supports growable hash tables collision resistant hashes.
- Fields:
int * buckets Hash collision bucket table. uint flags Hash control flags. RHashProc fn Hash function. int free Free list of names. uint length Number of names in the hash. struct RName * names Hash items. uint numBuckets Number of buckets in the first-level hash. uint size Size of allocated names.
- See Also:
- RName
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Multithreading lock control structure.
- Description:
- RLock is used for multithread locking in multithreaded applications.
- Fields:
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Per item structure.
- Fields:
uint custom Custom data bits. uint flags Name was allocated. char * name Hash name. int next Next name in hash chain or next free if on free list. void * value Pointer to data.
R String Module.
- Description:
- The RT provides a suite of r ascii string manipulation routines to help prevent buffer overflows and other potential security traps.
- Fields:
- See Also:
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Wait object.
- Description:
- The RWait service provides a flexible IO waiting mechansim.
- Fields:
cvoid * arg Argument to pass to the handler. Ticks deadline System deadline time to wait until. int fd File descriptor to wait upon. RFiber * fiber Current fiber for rWaitForIO. RWaitProc handler Handler function to invoke as the entrypoint in the fiber coroute. int mask Current event mask.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Asser that a condition is true.
- Parameters:
cond Boolean result of a conditional test.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if a file can be accessed with the given mode (F_OK, R_OK, W_OK, X_OK).
- Parameters:
path Filename to read. mode Set to F_OK, R_OK, W_OK, or X_OK.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative value.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add a directory to the directory lookup hash.
- Description:
- Directory references using @dir can then be expanded in rGetFilePath.
- Parameters:
prefix The directory prefix name. path The corresponding directory.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add a name and formatted string value into the hash table.
- Description:
- Associate an arbitrary value with a string name and inser into the hash table.
- Parameters:
hash Hash table returned via rAllocHash. name String name to associate with the data. flags Set flags to R_STATIC_NAME if providing statically allocated names. Set to R_TEMPORAL_NAME if the hash must copy the names. Set to R_DYNAMIC_NAME when providing allocated names that the hash may use, own and ultimately free when the hash is free. Set flags to R_STATIC_VALUE if providing statically allocated values. Set to R_DYNAMIC_VALUE when providing allocated values that the hash may use, own and ultimately free when the hash is free. If flags are zero, the flags provided to rAllocHash are used. fmt Printf style format string. ... Variable arguments for the format string.
- Returns:
- Added RName reference.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add a name and integer value.
- Parameters:
hash Hash table returned via rAllocHash. name String name to associate with the data. value A 64 bit integer value.
- Returns:
- Added RName reference.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add a name and value into the hash table.
- Description:
- Associate an arbitrary value with a string name and inser into the hash table.
- Parameters:
table Hash table returned via rAllocHash. name String name to associate with the data. ptr Arbitrary pointer to associate with the name in the table. flags Set flags to R_STATIC_NAME if providing statically allocated names. Set to R_TEMPORAL_NAME if the hash must copy the names. Set to R_DYNAMIC_NAME when providing allocated names that the hash may use, own and ultimately free when the hash is free. Set flags to R_STATIC_VALUE if providing statically allocated values. Set to R_DYNAMIC_VALUE when providing allocated values that the hash may use, own and ultimately free when the hash is free. If flags are zero, the flags provided to rAllocHash are used.
- Returns:
- Added RName reference.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add a name and value substring into the hash table.
- Description:
- Associate an arbitrary value with a string name and inser into the hash table. The flags used are: R_DYNAMIC_NAME | R_DYNAMIC_VALUE.
- Parameters:
hash Hash table returned via rAllocHash. name String name to associate with the data. nameSize Size of the name string. value Value string to store. valueSize Length of string value.
- Returns:
- Added RName reference.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate a block of memory.
- Description:
- This is the lowest level of memory allocation routine. Memory is freed via rFree.
- Parameters:
size Size of the memory block to allocate.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the allocated block. If memory is not available the memory exhaustion handler will be invoked.
- Remarks:
- Do not mix calls to rAlloc and malloc.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate and schedule a new event to be run from the event loop.
- Description:
- Allocate an event to run a callback via the event loop. The safe runtime (R) is not THREAD SAFE in general. A few APIs are THREAD SAFE to enable data interchange between R and foreign threads.
This API is THREAD SAFE and may be called by foreign threads provided the caller supplies a proc function and ensures the fiber is still valid. This routine is the ONLY safe way to invoke R services from a foreign-thread.
- Parameters:
fiber Fiber object. proc Function to invoke when the event is run. data Data to associate with the event and stored in event->data. delay Time in milliseconds used by continuous events between firing of the event. flags Set to R_EVENT_FAST for a "faster" event. Fast events must not block or yield as they run directly off the main service fiber.
- Returns:
- The event object. If called from a foreign thread, note that the event may have already run n return.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Signal a memory allocation exception.
- Description:
- R uses a global memory allocaction error handler. If doing direct malloc() allocations that fail, call this routine to signal the memory failure and run the allocation handler.
- Parameters:
cause Set to R_MEM_WARNING, R_MEM_LIMIT, R_MEM_FAIL or R_MEM_TO_BIG. size Size in bytes of the failing allocation.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate a fiber coroutine object.
- Description:
- This allocates a new fiber coroutine. Use rStartFiber to launch.
- Parameters:
name Fiber name. fn Fiber entry point. data Entry point argument.
- Returns:
- A fiber object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Create a hash table.
- Description:
- Creates a hash table that can store arbitrary objects associated with string names.
- Parameters:
size Estimated number of names in the hash table. Set to 0 or -1 to get a default (small) hash table. flags Set flags to R_STATIC_NAME if providing statically allocated names. Set to R_TEMPORAL_NAME if the hash must copy the names. Set to R_DYNAMIC_NAME when providing allocated names that the hash may use, own and ultimately free when the hash is free. Set flags to R_STATIC_VALUE if providing statically allocated values. Set to R_DYNAMIC_VALUE when providing allocated values that the hash may use, own and ultimately free when the hash is free. Set to R_TEMPORAL_VALUE when providing a string value that the hash must clone and free. Set to R_HASH_CASELESS for case insensitive matching for names. The default flags is: R_STATIC_NAME | R_STATIC_VALUE.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the allocated hash table.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate a lock object.
- Description:
- This call creates a lock object that can be used in rLock rTryLock and rUnlock calls. This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate a socket object.
- Returns:
- A socket object instance.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate an object of a given type.
- Description:
- Allocates a zeroed block of memory large enough to hold an instance of the specified type.
- Parameters:
type RType of the object to allocate.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the allocated block. If memory is not available the memory allocation handler will be invoked.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate a wait object for a file descriptor.
- Parameters:
fd File descriptor.
- Returns:
- A RWait object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Backup the given file.
- Description:
- This creates backup copies of the file using the form: filename-d.ext.
- Parameters:
path Filename to backup. count Number of backup copies to keep.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate a red/black tree.
- Parameters:
flags Set to RB_DUP if you wish to store duplicate nodes. compare Callback to compare two nodes. free Callback to free a node's item data. arg Arg to pass to callback.
- Returns:
- An RbTree instance.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the basename (filename) portion of a filename.
- Parameters:
path Filename to examine.
- Returns:
- A pointer to the basename portion of the supplied filename path. This call does not allocate a new string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the lexically first node.
- Parameters:
rbt RbTree allocated via rbAlloc.
- Returns:
- The first node.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Free a red/black tree.
- Parameters:
rbt RbTree to free. Allocated via rbAlloc.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Insert a new data item in the tree.
- Parameters:
rbt RbTree allocated via rbAlloc. data User data to store in the tree. The data should contain the lookup key value for the data. The comparison callback will be passed the data and it should be able to extract the key from the data.
- Returns:
- The inserted node.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Lookup a data item.
- Parameters:
rbt RbTree allocated via rbAlloc. data User data item to search for. This is passed to the comparison callback supplied when calling rbOpen. ctx Context to provide to the comparison callback.
- Returns:
- The located node or NULL if not found. If there are multiple matching nodes, the first node encountered is returned which may not be the first lexically. If you need the first item lexically, use rbLookupFirst.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the lexically first matching node.
- Parameters:
rbt RbTree allocated via rbAlloc. data User data item to search for. This is passed to the comparison callback supplied when calling rbOpen. ctx Context to provide to the comparison callback.
- Returns:
- The located node or NULL if not found. If there are multiple matching nodes, the first node encountered is returned which may not be the first lexically. If you need the first item lexically, use rbLookupFirst.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the next matching node after the given node.
- Description:
- This call finds the next matching node after the current node. It is assumed that the given node matches the supplied user data.
- Parameters:
rbt RbTree allocated via rbAlloc. node Starting node for the search. data User data item to search for. This is passed to the comparison callback supplied when calling rbOpen. ctx Context to provide to the comparison callback.
- Returns:
- The located node or NULL if not found. If there are multiple matching nodes, the first node encountered is returned which may not be the first lexically. If you need the first item lexically, use rbLookupFirst.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the next node in sequence.
- Parameters:
rbt RbTree allocated via rbAlloc. node Starting node.
- Returns:
- The next node in the tree.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Trigger a breakpoint.
- Description:
- This routine is invoked for asserion errors from rAssert and errors from rError. It is useful in debuggers as breakpoint location for detecting errors.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Remove a data item from the tree.
- Parameters:
rbt RbTree allocated via rbAlloc. node Node to remove. The node is identified by calling rbLookup. keep If true, the data item will not be freed. Otherwise the free callback will be invoked on the data item.
- Returns:
- The node data item.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Copy a hash table.
- Parameters:
master Original hash table.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the new allocated hash table.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Close a socket.
- Description:
- Close a socket.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Connect a client socket.
- Description:
- Open a client connection. May be called from a fiber or from main.
- If using TLS, this must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned via rAllocSocket. host Host or IP address to connect to. port TCP/IP port number to connect to. deadline Maximum system time for connect to wait until completion. Use rGetTicks() + elapsed to create a deadline. Set to 0 for no deadline.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Copy a file.
- Description:
- Copy a file to a destination path.
- Parameters:
from Source file name. to Destination file name. mode Posix file mode on created file.
- Returns:
- Number of bytes copied or negative error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create an O/S thread.
- Parameters:
name Descriptive name for the thread. proc Thread main function to invoke. data Argument to proc.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
For the current process and run as a daemon.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the directory name portion of a filename.
- Description:
- This trims off the basename portion of the path by modifying the supplied path.
- Parameters:
path Filename to examine and modify.
- Returns:
- A pointer to the dirname portion of the supplied filename path. This call does not allocate a new string and the caller must not free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Enter a fiber critical section.
- Description:
- This routine supports fiber critical sections where a fiber can sleep and ensure no other fiber executes the routine at the same time. The second and subsequent fibers will yield on this call until the first fiber leaves the critical section.
- Parameters:
access Pointer to a boolean initialized to false. deadline Time in ticks to wait for access. Set to zero for an infinite wait.
- Returns:
- Zero if access is granted.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Test if a file exists.
- Parameters:
path Filename to test.
- Returns:
- True if the file exists.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Flush file buffers.
- Parameters:
fd O/S file descriptor.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a time value to local time and format as a string.
- Description:
- R replacement for ctime.
- Parameters:
format Time format string. See rFormatUniversalTime for time formats. time Time to format. Use rGetTime to retrieve the current time.
- Returns:
- The formatting time string. Caller msut free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a time value to universal time and format as a string.
- Description:
- Format a time string. This uses strftime if available and so the supported formats vary from platform to platform. Strftime should supports some of these these formats described below.
- Parameters:
format Time format string
A ... full weekday name (Monday)
a ... abbreviated weekday name (Mon)
B ... full month name (January)
b ... abbreviated month name (Jan)
C ... century. Year / 100. (0-N)
c ... standard date and time representation
D ... date (m/d/y)
d ... day-of-month (01-31)
e ... day-of-month with a leading space if only one digit ( 1-31)
F ... same as Y-m-d
H ... hour (24 hour clock) (00-23)
h ... same as b
I ... hour (12 hour clock) (01-12)
j ... day-of-year (001-366)
k ... hour (24 hour clock) (0-23)
l ... the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (1-12); single digits are preceded by a blank.
M ... minute (00-59)
m ... month (01-12)
n ... a newline
P ... lower case am / pm
p ... AM / PM
R ... same as H:M
r ... same as H:M:S p
S ... second (00-59)
s ... seconds since epoch
T ... time (H:M:S)
t ... a tab.
U ... week-of-year, first day sunday (00-53)
u ... the weekday (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (1-7).
v ... is equivalent to `e-b-Y'.
W ... week-of-year, first day monday (00-53)
w ... weekday (0-6, sunday is 0)
X ... standard time representation
x ... standard date representation
Y ... year with century
y ... year without century (00-99)
Z ... timezone name
z ... offset from UTC (-hhmm or +hhmm)
%+ ... national representation of the date and time (the format is similar to that produced by date(1)).
%% ... percent sign
Some platforms may also support the following format extensions:
E* ... POSIX locale extensions. Where "*" is one of the characters: c, C, x, X, y, Y.
G ... a year as a decimal number with century. This year is the one that contains the greater par of the week (Monday as the first day of the week).
g ... the same year as in `G', but as a decimal number without century (00-99).
O* ... POSIX locale extensions. Where "*" is one of the characters: d, e, H, I, m, M, S, u, U, V, w, W, y. Additionly OB implemented to represent alternative months names (used standalone, without day mentioned).
V ... the week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number (01-53). If the week containing January 1 has four or more days in the new year, then it is week 1; otherwise it is the last week of the previous year, and the next week is week 1.
Useful formats:
RFC822: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z "Fri, 07 Jan 2003 12:12:21 PDT" \n "T F "12:12:21 2007-01-03"
"%v "07-Jul-2003" \n RFC3399: "FTTZ" "1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z" which is April 12 1985, 23:20.50 and 52 msectime Time to format. Use rGetTime to retrieve the current time.
- Returns:
- The formatting time string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Formatted print to the standard error channel.
- Description:
- This is a secure replacement for fprintf. It can handle null arguments without crashes.
- Parameters:
fp File handle. fmt Printf style format string. ... Variable arguments to format.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Free a block of memory allocated via rAlloc.
- Description:
- This releases a block of memory allocated via rAllocMem.
- Parameters:
ptr Pointer to the block. If ptr is null, the call is skipped.
- Remarks:
- The rFree routine is a macro over rFreeMem. Do not mix calls to rFreeMem and free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Free a fiber coroutine.
- Description:
- The fiber must have already completed before invoking this routine. This routine is typically only called internally by the fiber module.
- Parameters:
fiber Fiber to free.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Free a hash table.
- Parameters:
hash Hash table to free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Free a dynamically allocated lock object.
- Description:
- This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Parameters:
mutex Reference to an RLock structure to initialize.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the directory containing the application executable.
- Returns:
- An allocated string containing the application directory. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the application name defined via rSetAppName.
- Returns:
- The one-word lower case application name defined via rSetAppName.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the current Thread.
- Description:
- This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Returns:
- The currently executing thread.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the current application working directory.
- Returns:
- An allocated string containing the working directory. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a string representation of the current date/time.
- Description:
- Get the current date/time as a string according to the given format.
- Parameters:
format Date formatting string. See strftime for acceptable date format specifiers. If null, then this routine uses the R_DEFAULT_DATE format.
- Returns:
- A date string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the elapsed time since a ticks mark.
Create the ticks mark with rGetTicks()- Parameters:
mark Staring time stamp.
- Returns:
- The time elapsed since the mark was taken.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return a string representation of an R error code.
- Parameters:
error An R error code. These codes are always negative for errors and zero for R_OK.
- Returns:
- A static string error representation.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the current fiber object.
- Returns:
- Fiber Fiber object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the base address of the fiber stack.
- Returns:
- A pointer to the base of the fiber stack.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the extension of a file path.
- Parameters:
path File path to get the extension of.
- Returns:
- The extension of the file path. Caller must NOT free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a file path name.
- Description:
- Expand any "@directory" prefix in the path that have been defined via the rAddDirectories.
- Parameters:
path Source file path.
- Returns:
- The expanded path. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create a list of files in a directory or subdirectories that match the given wildcard pattern.
This call returns a list of filenames- Description:
- Get the list of files in a directory and return a list. The pattern list may contain wildcards. The supported wildcard patterns are: "?" Matches any single character, "*" matches zero or more characters of the file or directory, "**"/ matches zero or more directories, "**" matches zero or more files or directories.
If the pattern is absolute.
- Parameters:
base Base directory from which to interpret the pattern. If the patternDirectory to list. pattern Wild card patterns to match. flags Set to R_FILES_HIDDEN to include hidden files that start with ".". Set to R_FILES_DEPTH_FIRST to do a depth-first traversal, i.e. traverse subdirectories before considering adding the directory to the list. Set R_FILES_RELATIVE to return files relative to the given base. Set R_FILES_NO_DIRS to omit directories. Use R_FILES_DIRS_ONLY to omit regular files.
- Returns:
- A list (RList) of filenames.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a list of files in a directory or subdirectories that match the given wildcard pattern.
This call adds the files to the supplied results list- Description:
- Get the list of files in a directory and return a list. The pattern list may contain wildcards. The supported wildcard patterns are: "?" Matches any single character, "*" matches zero or more characters of the file or directory, "**"/ matches zero or more directories, "**" matches zero or more files or directories.
- Parameters:
results Instance of RList. See rAllocList. base Base directory from which to interpret the pattern. If the patternDirectory to list. pattern Wild card patterns to match. flags Set to R_FILES_HIDDEN to include hidden files that start with ".". Set to R_FILES_DEPTH_FIRST to do a depth-first traversal, i.e. traverse subdirectories before considering adding the directory to the list. Set R_FILES_RELATIVE to return files relative to the given base. Set R_FILES_NO_DIRS to omit directories. Use R_FILES_DIRS_ONLY to omit regular files.
- Returns:
- A list (RList) of filenames.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the size of a file.
- Parameters:
path Filename to test.
- Returns:
- The size of the file or a negative RT error code if the file does not exist.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the count of symbols in a symbol entry.
- Description:
- Returns the number of symbols currently existing in a symbol table.
- Parameters:
hash Symbol table returned via rAllocHash.
- Returns:
- Integer count of the number of entries.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the CPU tick count.
- Description:
- Get the current CPU tick count. This is a system dependant high resolution timer. On some systems, this returns time in nanosecond resolution.
- Returns:
- The CPU time in ticks. Will return the system time if CPU ticks are not available.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Get an ISO Date string representation of the given date/time.
- Description:
- Get the date/time as an ISO string.
- Parameters:
time Given time to convert.
- Returns:
- A date string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the main Thread.
- Description:
- This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Returns:
- The original main thread.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the next symbol in a symbol entry.
- Description:
- Continues walking the contents of a symbol table by returning the next entry in the symbol table. A previous call to rGetFirstSymbol or rGetNextSymbol is required to supply the value of the last argument.
- Parameters:
hash Hash table hash returned via rAllocHash. next Index of next name.
- Returns:
- Pointer to the first entry in the symbol table.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the native O/S error code.
- Description:
- Returns an O/S error code from the most recent system call. This returns errno on Unix systems or GetLastError() on Windows.
- Returns:
- The O/S error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the time remaining until a timeout has elapsed.
- Parameters:
mark Staring time stamp. timeout Time in milliseconds.
- Returns:
- Time in milliseconds until the timeout elapses.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the application server name string.
- Returns:
- A string containing the application server name string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the locally bound socket IP address and port for the socket.
- Description:
- Get the file descriptor associated with a socket.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. ipbuf Buffer to receive the IP address. ipbufLen Size of the ipbuf. port Address of an integer to receive the port unumber.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the custom socket callback handler.
- Returns:
- The custom socket callback handler.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the socket error.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket.
- Returns:
- The socket error message. Returns NULL if no error. Caller must NOT free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the socket file descriptor.
- Description:
- Get the file descriptor associated with a socket.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket.
- Returns:
- The Socket file descriptor used by the O/S for the socket.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the current R state.
- Returns:
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a temp filename.
- Description:
- Create a temp file name in the given directory with the specified prefix.
- Parameters:
dir Directory to contain the temporary file. If null, use system default temp directory (/tmp). prefix Optional filename prefix.
- Returns:
- An allocated string containing the file name. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the system time.
- Description:
- Get the system time in milliseconds. This is a monotonically increasing time counter. It does not represent wall-clock time.
- Returns:
- The system time in milliseconds.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the time.
- Description:
- Get the date/time in milliseconds since Jan 1 1970.
- Returns:
- The time in milliseconds since Jan 1 1970.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return true if timeouts are enabled.
- Returns:
- True if timeouts are enabled.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the global wait descriptor.
- Returns:
- The wait file descriptor used by epoll and kqueue.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Globally lock the application.
- Description:
- This call asserts the application global lock so that other threads calling rGlobalLock will block until the current thread calls rGlobalUnlock. WARNING: Use this API very sparingly. This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Unlock the global mutex.
- Description:
- This call unlocks the global mutex previously locked via rGlobalLock. This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Gracefully stop the app.
- Description:
- Queued events will be serviced.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a hash of strings to a single string in a buffer.
- Parameters:
hash Hash pointer returned from rCreateHash. join String to use as the element join string.
- Returns:
- Buffer consisting of the joined hash values. Caller must free with rFreeBuf.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a hash into JSON.
- Parameters:
hash Hash table to use for the result. pretty Set to true to have a prettier JSON representation.
- Returns:
- A JSON string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a hash into JSON in the given buffer.
- Parameters:
hash Hash table to use for the result. buf RBuf instance to store the json text. pretty Set to true to have a prettier JSON representation.
- Returns:
- The given buffer.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a hash of strings to a single string.
- Parameters:
hash Hash pointer returned from rCreateHash. join String to use as the element join string.
- Returns:
- String consisting of the joined hash values. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Initialize the runtime.
- Description:
- This routine should be called at startup from main().
- Parameters:
fn Fiber function to start. arg Argument to the fiber function.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Initialize the fiber coroutine module.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create and initialze the file subsystem.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Initialize a statically allocated lock object.
- Description:
- This call initialized a lock object without allocation. The object can then be used used in rLock rTryLock and rUnlock calls. This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Parameters:
mutex Reference to an RLock structure to initialize.
- Returns:
- A reference to the supplied mutex. Returns null on errors.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create and initialze the O/S dependent subsystem.
- Description:
- Called internally by the RT. Should not be called by users.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Initialize the I/O wait subsystem.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Determine if a file path is an absolute path.
- Parameters:
path Filename path to test.
- Returns:
- True if the path is an absolute path.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if a fiber is the main fiber.
- Returns:
- True if the fiber is the main fiber.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if the socket has been closed.
- Description:
- Determine if rCloseSocket has been called.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket.
- Returns:
- True if the socket is at end-of-file.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Determine if the socket has connected to a remote pper.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket.
- Returns:
- True if the socket is connected.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if the other end of the socket has been closed.
- Description:
- Determine if the other end of the socket has been closed and the socket is at end-of-file.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket.
- Returns:
- True if the socket is at end-of-file.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Determine if the socket is secure.
- Description:
- Determine if the socket is using SSL to provide enhanced security.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket.
- Returns:
- True if the socket is using SSL, otherwise zero.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Join file paths.
- Description:
- Join a path to a base path. If the other path is absolute, it will be returned.
- Parameters:
base Directory filename to use as the base. other Other filename path to join to the base filename.
- Returns:
- Allocated string containing the resolved filename. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Join paths into a buffer.
- Description:
- Join a path to a base path. If path is absolute, it will be returned.
- Parameters:
buf Destination path buffer. bufsize Size of buf. base Directory filename to use as the base. other Other filename path to join to the base filename.
- Returns:
- Allocated string containing the resolved filename.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Leave a fiber critical section.
- Description:
- This routine must be called on all exit paths from a fiber after calling rEnter.
- Parameters:
access Pointer to a boolean initialized to false.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Listen on a server socket for incoming connections.
- Description:
- Open a server socket and listen for client connections. If host is null, then this will listen on both IPv6 and IPv4.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned via rAllocSocket. host Host name or IP address to bind to. Set to to bind to all possible addresses on a given port. port TCP/IP port number to connect to. handler Function callback to invoke for incoming connections. The function is invoked on a new fiber coroutine. arg Argument to handler.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Lock access.
- Description:
- This call asserts a lock on the given lock mutex so that other threads calling rLock will block until the current thread calls rUnlock. This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Parameters:
lock object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Lookup an event ID.
- Parameters:
id Event id allocated by rStartEvent.
- Returns:
- True if the event exists.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Lookup a symbol in the hash table.
- Description:
- Lookup a name and return the value associated with that name.
- Parameters:
hash Symbol table returned via rAllocHash. name String name of the symbole entry to delete.
- Returns:
- Value associated with the name when the entry was insered via rInserSymbol.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Lookup a symbol in the hash table and return the hash entry.
- Description:
- Lookup a name and return the hash table descriptor associated with that name.
- Parameters:
hash Symbol table returned via rAllocHash. name String name of the symbole entry to delete.
- Returns:
- RName for the entry.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Matach a file against a glob pattern.
- Description:
- This tests a filename against a file pattern. The pattern list may contain wildcards. The supported wildcard patterns are: "?" Matches any single character, "*" matches zero or more characters of the file or directory, "**"/ matches zero or more directories, "**" matches zero or more files or directories,and a trailing "/" matches directories only.
If the pattern is absolute.
- Parameters:
path Filename to test. pattern Wild card patterns to match.
- Returns:
- True if the path matches the pattern.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Duplicate a block of memory.
- Description:
- Copy a block of memory into a newly allocated block.
- Parameters:
ptr Pointer to the block to duplicate. size Size of the block to copy.
- Returns:
- Returns an allocated block.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Perform a memory barrier where all queued writes are flushed to memory.
- Description:
- Use this call before accessing data that is updated and read across multiple threads.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Parse an ISO date string.
- Returns:
- The time in milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Formatted print.
This is a secure verion of printf that can handle null args- Description:
- This is a secure replacement for printf. It can handle null arguments without crashes.
- Parameters:
fmt Printf style format string. ... Variable arguments to format.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Read data from a file.
- Description:
- Reads data from a file.
- Parameters:
path Filename to read. lenp Pointer to receive the length of the file read.
- Returns:
- The contents of the file in an allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Read from a socket.
- Description:
- Read data from a socket. The read will return with whatever bytes are available. If none is available, this call will yield the current fiber and resume the main fiber. When data is available, the fiber will resume.
- Must be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. buf Pointer to a buffer to hold the read data. bufsize Size of the buffer. deadline Maximum system time for connect to wait until completion. Use rGetTicks() + elapsed to create a deadline. Set to 0 for no deadline.
- Returns:
- A count of bytes actually read. Return a negative R error code on errors.
- Returns:
- Return -1 for EOF and errors. On success, return the number of bytes read. Use rIsSocketEof to distinguision between EOF and errors.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Read from a socket.
- Description:
- Read data from a socket. The read will return with whatever bytes are available. If none and the socket is in blocking mode, it will block until there is some data available or the socket is disconnected. Use rSetSocketBlocking to change the socket blocking mode. It is preferable to use rReadSocket which can wait without blocking via fiber coroutines.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. buf Pointer to a buffer to hold the read data. bufsize Size of the buffer.
- Returns:
- A count of bytes actually read. Return a negative R error code on errors.
- Returns:
- Return -1 for EOF and errors. On success, return the number of bytes read. Use rIsSocketEof to distinguision between EOF and errors.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Allocate a block of memory.
- Description:
- This is the lowest level of memory allocation routine. Memory is freed via rFree.
- Parameters:
size Size of the memory block to allocate. ptr Pointer to the block. If ptr is null, the call is skipped.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the reallocated block. If memory is not available the memory exhaustion handler will be invoked.
- Remarks:
- Do not mix calls to rRealloc and malloc.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Remove a symbol entry from the hash table.
- Description:
- Removes a symbol entry from the symbol table. The entry is looked up via the supplied name.
- Parameters:
hash Symbol table returned via rAllocHash. name String name of the symbole entry to delete.
- Returns:
- Returns zero if successful, otherwise a negative RT error code is returned.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Reset a socket.
- Description:
- Reset a socket by closing the underlying socket file descriptor. The Socket instance can be reused by rConnectSocket.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Resume a fiber.
- Description:
- Resume a fiber. If called from a non-main fiber or foreign-thread the target fiber is resumed via an event to the main fiber. THREAD SAFE.
- Parameters:
fiber Fiber object. result Result to pass to the fiber and will be the value returned from rYieldFiber.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Release a waiting fiber waiting for an event.
- Description:
- This call may be used to waken a fiber in response to external events.
- Parameters:
wp RWait object. mask Event mask to pass to fiber on resume.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Run a command using the system shell.
- Parameters:
command Command string to run using popen(). status Returns the command exit status.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Run an event now.
- Parameters:
id Event id allocated by rStartEvent.
- Returns:
- Zero if the event is found and can be run.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Run due events.
- Returns:
- Time delay till the next event.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Service events.
- Description:
- This call blocks and continually services events on the event loop until the app is instructed to exit via $rStop. An app should call rServiceEvents from the main program.
- Returns:
- The current R state.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the fiber limits.
- Parameters:
maxFibers The maximum number of fibers (stacks). Set to zero for no limit.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the default fiber stack size.
- Parameters:
size Size of fiber stack in bytes.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Define a global memory exhaustion handler.
- Description:
- The memory handler will be invoked for memory allocation errors.
- Parameters:
handler Callback function invoked with the signature: void fn(int cause, size_t size).
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the O/S error code.
- Description:
- Set errno or equivalent.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set a socket into blocking I/O mode.
from a socket- Description:
- Sockets are opened in non-blocking mode by default.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. on Set to true to enable blocking mode.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Configure the socket TLS certificates.
- Description:
- This call is a wrapper over rSetTLSCerts.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. ca Certificate authority to use when verifying peer connections. key Private key for the certificate. cert Certificate to use for TLS. revoke List of revoked certificates.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the ciphers to use for communications.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. ciphers String of suitable ciphers.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the socket custom configuration callback.
- Parameters:
custom Custom callback function.
- Returns:
- RWait reference.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Configure the default TLS certificates.
- Description:
- This call is a wrapper over rSetTLSCerts.
- Parameters:
ca Certificate authority to use when verifying peer connections. key Private key for the certificate. cert Certificate to use for TLS. revoke List of revoked certificates.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the default TLS ciphers to use for communications.
- Parameters:
ciphers String of suitable ciphers.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the default TLS verification parameters.
- Description:
- This call is a wrapper over rSetTlsCerts.
- Parameters:
verifyPeer Set to true to verify peer certificates. verifyIssuer Set to true to verify the issuer of the peer certificate.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the socket error message.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. fmt Printf style format string. ... Args for fmt.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the socket TLS verification parameters.
- Description:
- This call is a wrapper over rSetTlsCerts.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. verifyPeer Set to true to verify peer certificates. verifyIssuer Set to true to verify the issuer of the peer certificate.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Update the wait mask for a socket.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. mask Set to R_READABLE or R_WRITABLE or both. deadline System time in ticks to wait until. Set to zero for no deadline.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the R state.
- Description:
- This API is thread safe and can be called from a foreign thread.
- Parameters:
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Control timeouts.
- Parameters:
on Set to false to disable timeouts for debugging.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Define a wait handler function on a wait object.
- Description:
- This will run the designated handler on a coroutine fiber in response to matching I/O events.
- Parameters:
wp RWait object. handler Function handler to invoke as the entrypoint in the new coroutine fiber. arg Parameter argument to pass to the handler. mask Set to R_READABLE or R_WRITABLE or both. deadline Optional deadline to wait system time. Set to zero for no deadline.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Update the wait mask for a wait handler.
- Parameters:
wp RWait object. mask Set to R_READABLE or R_WRITABLE or both. deadline System time in ticks to wait until. Set to zero for no deadline.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Signal watches of a named event.
- Parameters:
name Named event. arg Data argument to pass to the watch function.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Signal watches of a named event synchronously (blocking).
- Parameters:
name Named event. arg Data argument to pass to the watch function.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Sleep a fiber for the requested number of milliseconds.
- Must be called from a fiber.
- Description:
- Pause a fiber for the requested duration and then resume via the main fiber. Other fibers continue to run.
- Parameters:
ticks Time period in milliseconds to sleep.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Format a string into a buffer.
- Description:
- This routine will format the arguments into a result. If a buffer is supplied, it will be used. Otherwise if the buf argument is NULL, a buffer will be allocated. The arguments will be formatted up to the maximum size supplied by the maxsize argument. A trailing NULL will always be appended.
- Parameters:
buf Optional buffer to contain the formatted result. maxsize Maximum size of the result. fmt Printf style format string. ... Variable arguments to format.
- Returns:
- The original buffer if supplied or else an allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Spawn a fiber coroutine.
- Description:
- This allocates a new fiber and resumes it.
- Parameters:
name Fiber name. fn Fiber entry point. arg Entry point argument.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Spawn an O/S thread and wait until it completes.
- Description:
- This creates a new thread and runs the given function. It then yields until the thread function returns and returns the function result.
- Parameters:
fn Thread main function entry point. arg Argument provided to the thread.
- Returns:
- Value returned from spawned thread function.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Start a callback event.
- Description:
- This API is a wrapper for rAllocEvent with the fiber set to the current fiber. This schedules an event to run once. The event can be rescheduled in the callback by invoking rRestartEvent. This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Parameters:
proc Callback procedure function. Signature is: void (*fn)(void *data, int id). data Data reference to pass to the callback. delay Delay in milliseconds in which to run the callback.
- Returns:
- A positive integer event ID.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Start a fiber coroutine.
- Description:
- This creates an event so that the main fiber can start the fiber. This routine is typically only called internally by the fiber module. This routine is THREAD SAFE and can be used to resume a yielded fiber.
- Parameters:
fiber The fiber object. data Value to pass to the fiber entry point.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Immediately stop the app.
- Description:
- This API is thread safe and can be called from a foreign thread.
- Description:
- Queued events will not be serviced.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Stop an event.
- Parameters:
id Event id allocated by rStartEvent.
- Returns:
- Integer handle index. Otherwise return -1 on allocation errors.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Terminate the fiber coroutine module.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Stop the file subsystem.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Terminate a statically allocated lock object.
- Description:
- This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Parameters:
mutex Reference to an RLock structure to initialize.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Stop the O/S dependent subsystem.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Terminate the I/O wait subsystem.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Attempt to lock access.
- Description:
- This call attempts to assert a lock on the given lock mutex so that other threads calling rLock or rTryLock will block until the current thread calls rUnlock. This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Returns:
- Returns zero if the successful in locking the mutex. Returns a negative error code if unsuccessful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Unlock a mutex.
- Description:
- This call unlocks a mutex previously locked via rLock or rTryLock. This routine is THREAD SAFE.
- Parameters:
lock object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Format a string into a buffer.
- Description:
- This routine will format the arguments into a result. If a buffer is supplied, it will be used. Otherwise if the buf argument is NULL, a buffer will be allocated. The arguments will be formatted up to the maximum size supplied by the maxsize argument. A trailing NULL will always be appended.
- Parameters:
buf Optional buffer to contain the formatted result. maxsize Maximum size of the result. If set to -1, thee will be no limit. fmt Printf style format string. args Variable arguments to format.
- Returns:
- The original buffer if supplied or else an allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Wait for an I/O event.
- Description:
- This is typically called by $rServiceEvents to wait for I/O events.
- Parameters:
timeout Maximum time in milliseconds to wait for an I/O event.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Wait for an IO event on a wait object.
- Description:
- Wait for an IO event by yielding the current coroutine fiber until the IO event arrives. When the IO event occurs, the wait handler will be invoked on the fiber.
- Parameters:
wp RWait object. mask Set to R_READABLE or R_WRITABLE or both. deadline System time in ticks to wait until. Set to zero for no deadline.
- Returns:
- A mask of I/O events with R_READABLE or R_WRITABLE or R_MODIFIED or R_TIMEOUT.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Wakeup the event loop.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Walk a directory tree and invoke a callback for each path that matches a given pattern.
- Description:
- The pattern may contain wildcards. The supported wildcard patterns are: "?" Matches any single character, "*" matches zero or more characters of the file or directory, "**"/ matches zero or more directories, "**" matches zero or more files or directories.
- Parameters:
dir Base directory from which to interpret the pattern. pattern Wild card patterns to match. callback Callback function of the signature RWalkDirProc. arg Argument to callback function. flags Set to R_FILES_HIDDEN to include hidden files that start with ".". Set to R_FILES_DEPTH_FIRST to do a depth-first traversal, i.e. traverse subdirectories before considering adding the directory to the list. Set R_FILES_RELATIVE to return files relative to the given base. Set R_FILES_NO_DIRS to omit directories. Use R_FILES_DIRS_ONLY to omit regular files.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Watch for a named event to happen.
- Parameters:
name Named event. proc Function to call. data Data argument to pass to the proc function as the first argument.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Stop watching for a named event to happen.
This will remove the watch for a previous rWatch call with exactly the same proc and data arguments- Parameters:
name Named event. proc Function provided to a previous rWatch call. data Data argument supplied to a previous rWatch call.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write data to a file.
- Description:
- Write data from a file. The file will be created if required.
- Parameters:
path Filename to write. buf Buffer of data to write to the file. len Length of the buffer. mode Create file mode.
- Returns:
- The length of bytes written to the file. Should equal len.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write the current process pid to /var/run.
- Returns:
- Zero on success, otherwise a negative status code.
Write to a socket.
- Description:
- Write a block of data to a socket. If the socket is in non-blocking mode (the default), the write may return having written less than the required bytes. If no data can be written, this call will yield the current fiber and resume the main fiber. When data is available, the fiber will resume.
- Must be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. buf Reference to a block to write to the socket. bufsize Length of data to write. This may be less than the requested write length if the socket is in non-blocking mode. Will return a negative error code on errors. deadline System time in ticks to wait until. Set to zero for no deadline.
- Returns:
- A count of bytes actually written. Return a negative error code on errors and if the socket cannot absorb any more data. If the transport is saturated, will return a negative error and rGetError() returns EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write to a socket.
- Description:
- Write a block of data to a socket. If the socket is in non-blocking mode (the default), the write may return having written less than the required bytes. It is preferable to use rWriteSocket which can wait without blocking via fiber coroutines.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object returned from rAllocSocket. buf Reference to a block to write to the socket. len Length of data to write. This may be less than the requested write length if the socket is in non-blocking mode. Will return a negative error code on errors.
- Returns:
- A count of bytes actually written. Return a negative error code on errors and if the socket cannot absorb any more data. If the transport is saturated, will return a negative error and rGetError() returns EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Yield a fiber back to the main fiber.
- Description:
- Pause a fiber until resumed by the main fiber. the target fiber is resumed via an event to the main fiber.
- Parameters:
value Value to provide as a result to the main fiber that called rResumeFiber.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create a camel case version of the string.
- Description:
- Copy a string into a newly allocated block and make the first character lower case.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the block to duplicate.
- Returns:
- Returns a newly allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Compare strings ignoring case.
This is a r replacement for strcasecmp. It can handle NULL args- Description:
- Compare two strings ignoring case differences. This call operates similarly to strcmp.
- Parameters:
s1 First string to compare. s2 Second string to compare.
- Returns:
- Returns zero if the strings are equivalent, < 0 if s1 sors lower than s2 in the collating sequence or > 0 if it sors higher.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Compare strings ignoring case.
This is similar to scaselesscmp but it returns a boolean- Description:
- Compare two strings ignoring case differences.
- Parameters:
s1 First string to compare. s2 Second string to compare.
- Returns:
- Returns true if the strings are equivalent, otherwise false.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Find a character in a string.
- Description:
- This is a r replacement for strchr. It can handle NULL args.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. c Character to search for.
- Returns:
- If the character is found, the call returns a reference to the character position in the string. Otherwise, returns NULL.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Clone a string.
- Description:
- Copy a string into a newly allocated block. This routine is null tolerant. It will return an allocated empty string if passed a NULL. Use scloneNull if you need to preserve NULLs.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the block to duplicate.
- Returns:
- Returns a newly allocated string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Clone a string and preserve NULLs.
- Description:
- Copy a string into a newly allocated block. If passed a NULL, this will return a NULL.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the block to duplicate.
- Returns:
- Returns a newly allocated string or NULL. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Compare strings.
- Description:
- Compare two strings. This is a r replacement for strcmp. It can handle null args.
- Parameters:
s1 First string to compare. s2 Second string to compare.
- Returns:
- Returns zero if the strings are identical. Return -1 if the first string is less than the second. Return 1 if the first string is greater than the second.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Find a pattern in a string.
- Description:
- Locate the first occurrence of pattern in a string.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the string to search. pattern String pattern to search for.
- Returns:
- Returns a reference to the start of the pattern in the string. If not found, returns NULL.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Copy a string.
- Description:
- R replacement for strcpy. Copy a string and ensure the destination buffer is not overflowed. The call returns the length of the resultant string or an error code if it will not fit into the target string. This is similar to strcpy, but it will enforce a maximum size for the copied string and will ensure it is always terminated with a null. It is null tolerant in that "src" may be null.
- Parameters:
dest Pointer to a pointer that will hold the address of the allocated block. destMax Maximum size of the target string in characters. src String to copy. May be null.
- Returns:
- The number of characters in the target string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if the string ends with a given pattern.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. suffix Pattern to search for.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the start of the pattern if found. Otherwise returns NULL.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Format a string.
This is a secure verion of printf that can handle null args- Description:
- Format the given arguments according to the printf style format. See rPrintf for a full list of the format specifies. This is a secure replacement for sprintf, it can handle null arguments without crashes.
- Parameters:
fmt Printf style format string. ... Variable arguments for the format string.
- Returns:
- Returns a newly allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Format a string into a static buffer.
- Description:
- This call format a string using printf style formatting arguments. A trailing null will always be appended. The call returns the size of the allocated string excluding the null.
- Parameters:
buf Pointer to the buffer. maxSize Size of the buffer. fmt Printf style format string. ... Variable arguments to format.
- Returns:
- The buffer.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Format a string into a statically allocated buffer.
- Description:
- This call format a string using printf style formatting arguments. A trailing null will always be appended. The call returns the size of the allocated string excluding the null.
- Parameters:
buf Pointer to the buffer. maxSize Size of the buffer. fmt Printf style format string. args Varargs argument obtained from va_start.
- Returns:
- The buffer;.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Format a string.
This is a secure verion of printf that can handle null args- Description:
- Format the given arguments according to the printf style format. See rPrintf for a full list of the format specifies. This is a secure replacement for sprintf, it can handle null arguments without crashes.
- Parameters:
fmt Printf style format string. args Varargs argument obtained from va_start.
- Returns:
- Returns a newly allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Compute a hash code for a string.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. len Length in characters of the string to include in the hash code.
- Returns:
- Returns an unsigned integer hash code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Compute a hash code for a string after converting it to lower case.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. len Length in characters of the string to include in the hash code.
- Returns:
- Returns an unsigned integer hash code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert an integer to a string.
- Description:
- This call convers the supplied 64 bit integer to a string using base 10.
- Parameters:
value Integer value to conver.
- Returns:
- An allocated string with the converted number. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert an integer to a string buffer.
- Description:
- This call convers the supplied 64 bit integer into a string formatted into the supplied buffer according to the specified radix.
- Parameters:
buf Pointer to the buffer that will hold the string. size Size of the buffer. Must be at least 2 characters long. value Integer value to conver. radix The base radix to use when encoding the number. Supports 10 and 16.
- Returns:
- Returns a reference to the string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert an integer to a string.
- Description:
- This call convers the supplied 64 bit integer to a string according to the specified radix.
- Parameters:
value Integer value to conver. radix The base radix to use when encoding the number.
- Returns:
- An allocated string with the converted number.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Catenate strings.
- Description:
- This catenates strings together with an optional string separator. If the separator is NULL, not separator is used. This call accepts a variable list of strings to append, terminated by a null argument.
- Parameters:
str First string to catentate. ... Variable number of string arguments to append. Terminate list with NULL.
- Returns:
- Returns an allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Join an array of strings.
- Parameters:
argc number of strings to join. argv Array of strings. sep Separator string to use. If NULL, then no separator is used.
- Returns:
- A single joined string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Catenate strings into a buffer.
- Parameters:
buf Destination buffer. bufsize Size of the buffer. str1 First string. str2 Second string to append.
- Returns:
- Number of bytes in the destination buffer.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Join a formatted string to an existing string.
- Description:
- This uses the format and args to create a string that is joined to the first string.
- Parameters:
str First string to catentate. fmt First string to catentate. ... Varargs argument obtained from va_start.
- Returns:
- Returns an allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Catenate strings.
- Description:
- This catenates strings together.
- Parameters:
str First string to catentate. args Varargs argument obtained from va_start.
- Returns:
- Returns an allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Return the length of a string.
- Description:
- R replacement for strlen. This call returns the length of a string and tests if the length is less than a given maximum. It will return zero for NULL args.
- Parameters:
str String to measure.
- Returns:
- The length of the string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a string to lower case.
- Description:
- Convert a string to its lower case equivalent.
- Parameters:
str String to conver.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Compare strings.
- Description:
- Compare two strings. This is similar to scmp but it returns a boolean.
- Parameters:
s1 First string to compare. s2 Second string to compare.
- Returns:
- Returns true if the strings are equivalent, otherwise false.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Compare strings ignoring case.
- Description:
- Compare two strings ignoring case differences for a given string length. This call operates similarly to strncasecmp.
- Parameters:
s1 First string to compare. s2 Second string to compare. len Length of characters to compare.
- Returns:
- Returns zero if the strings are equivalent, < 0 if s1 sors lower than s2 in the collating sequence or > 0 if it sors higher.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Find a pattern in a string with a limit using a caseless comparison.
- Description:
- Locate the first occurrence of pattern in a string, but do not search more than the given character limit. Use a caseless comparison.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the string to search. pattern String pattern to search for. limit Count of characters in the string to search.
- Returns:
- Returns a reference to the start of the pattern in the string. If not found, returns NULL.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Clone a substring.
- Description:
- Copy a substring into a newly allocated block.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the block to duplicate. len Number of bytes to copy. The actual length copied is the minimum of the given length and the length of the supplied string. The result is null terminated.
- Returns:
- Returns a newly allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Compare strings.
- Description:
- Compare two strings for a given string length. This call operates similarly to strncmp.
- Parameters:
s1 First string to compare. s2 Second string to compare. len Length of characters to compare.
- Returns:
- Returns zero if the strings are equivalent, < 0 if s1 sors lower than s2 in the collating sequence or > 0 if it sors higher.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Find a pattern in a string with a limit.
- Description:
- Locate the first occurrence of pattern in a string, but do not search more than the given character limit.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the string to search. pattern String pattern to search for. limit Count of characters in the string to search.
- Returns:
- Returns a reference to the start of the pattern in the string. If not found, returns NULL.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Copy characters from a string.
- Description:
- R replacement for strncpy. Copy bytes from a string and ensure the target string is not overflowed. The call returns the length of the resultant string or an error code if it will not fit into the target string. This is similar to strcpy, but it will enforce a maximum size for the copied string and will ensure it is terminated with a null.
- Parameters:
dest Pointer to a pointer that will hold the address of the allocated block. destMax Maximum size of the target string in characters. src String to copy. len Maximum count of characters to copy.
- Returns:
- Returns a reference to the destination if successful or NULL if the string won't fit.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Locate the a character from a set in a string.
- Description:
- This locates in the string the first occurence of any character from a given set of characters.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. set Set of characters to scan for.
- Returns:
- Returns a reference to the first character from the given set. Returns NULL if none found.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Tokenize a string.
- Description:
- Split a string into tokens using a string pattern as delimiters.
- Parameters:
str String to tokenize. pattern String pattern to use for token delimiters. nextp Next token pointer.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Find a character in a string by searching backwards.
- Description:
- This locates in the string the last occurence of a character.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. c Character to scan for.
- Returns:
- Returns a reference in the string to the requested character. Returns NULL if none found.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Append strings to an existing string and reallocate as required.
- Description:
- Append a list of strings to an existing string. The list of strings is terminated by a null argument. The call returns the size of the allocated block.
- Parameters:
buf Existing (allocated) string to reallocate. May be null. May not be a string literal. ... Variable number of string arguments to append. Terminate list with NULL.
- Returns:
- Returns an allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Append strings to an existing string and reallocate as required.
- Description:
- Append a list of strings to an existing string. The list of strings is terminated by a null argument. The call returns the size of the allocated block.
- Parameters:
buf Existing (allocated) string to reallocate. May be null. May not be a string literal. args Varargs argument obtained from va_start.
- Returns:
- Returns an allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Split a string at a delimiter.
- Description:
- Split a string and return pars. The string is modified. This routiner never returns null. If there are leading delimiters, the empty string will be returned and *last will be set to the portion after the delimiters. If str is null, a managed reference to the empty string will be returned. If there are no characters after the delimiter, then *last will be set to the empty string.
- Parameters:
str String to tokenize. delim Set of characters that are used as token separators. last Reference to the portion after the delimiters. Will return an empty string if is not trailing portion.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the first par before the delimiters. If the string begins with delimiters, the empty string will be returned.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Find the end of a spanning prefix.
- Description:
- This scans the given string for characters from the set and returns an index to the first character not in the set.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. set Set of characters to span.
- Returns:
- Returns an index to the first character after the spanning set. If not found, returns the index of the first null.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if the string starts with a given pattern.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. prefix Pattern to search for.
- Returns:
- Returns true if the pattern was found. Otherwise returns zero.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create a substring.
- Parameters:
str String to examine. offset Staring offset within str for the beginning of the substring. length Length of the substring in characters.
- Returns:
- Returns a newly allocated substring.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Replace template tokens in a string with values from a lookup table.
Tokens are ${variable} references- Parameters:
str String to expand. tokens Hash table of token values to use.
- Returns:
- An expanded string. May return the original string if no "$" references are present.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create a Title Case version of the string.
- Description:
- Copy a string into a newly allocated block and make the first character upper case.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the block to duplicate.
- Returns:
- Returns a newly allocated string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a string to a double floating point value.
- Description:
- This call convers the supplied string to a double.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the string to parse. If passed null, returns NAN.
- Returns:
- The double equivalent value of the string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a string to a double.
- Description:
- This call convers the supplied string to a double.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the string to parse.
- Returns:
- The double equivalent value of the string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a string to an integer.
- Description:
- This call convers the supplied string to an integer using base 10.
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the string to parse.
- Returns:
- The integer equivalent value of the string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a string to an integer.
- Description:
- This call convers the supplied string to an integer using the specified radix (base).
- Parameters:
str Pointer to the string to parse. radix Base to use when parsing the string. err Return error code. Set to 0 if successful.
- Returns:
- The integer equivalent value of the string.
Tokenize a string.
- Description:
- Split a string into tokens using a character set as delimiters.
- Parameters:
str String to tokenize. delim Set of characters that are used as token separators. last Last token pointer.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the next token inside the original string. Caller must not free the result.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
String to list.
This parses the string of space separated arguments. Single and double quotes are supported- Parameters:
src Source string to parse.
- Returns:
- List of arguments.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Trim a string.
- Description:
- Trim leading and trailing characters off a string. The original string is modified and the return value point into the original string.
- Parameters:
str String to trim. set String of characters to remove. where Flags to indicate trim from the start, end or both. Use R_TRIM_START, R_TRIM_END, R_TRIM_BOTH.
- Returns:
- Returns a reference into the original string. Caller must not free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a string to upper case.
- Description:
- Convert a string to its upper case equivalent.
- Parameters:
str String to conver.
- Returns:
- Returns a pointer to the converted string. Will always equal str.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Parse a value string.
- Description:
- Parse a textual number with unit suffixes. The following suffixes are supported: sec, secs, second, seconds, min, mins, minute, minutes, hr, hrs, hour, hours, day, days, week, weeks, month, months, year, years, byte, bytes, k, kb, m, mb, g, gb. Also supports the strings: unlimited, infinite, never, forever.
- Returns:
- A 64 bit unsigned number.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Erase the contents of a string.
- Parameters:
str String to erase.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.