Web Server API
The web server library is a fast, compact web server designed for management web applications and serving device data.
The web server does not attempt to offer ALL HTTP features and functions. Rather, it aims to implement the required core of HTTP/1.1 and thus deliver a tiny, fast, secure embedded web server that is exceptionally good at serving single page web applications and device data.
The web server supports: HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1, TLS/SSL, Action routines, user authentication, sessions, cookie management, request logging, and security sandboxing. The web server uses 80K of code and will run in 200K RAM (without TLS).
The core web services include:
- HTTP/1.1 protocol engine
- TLS 1.3 support
- WebSockets support
- Non-blocking socket communications
- Multiple listen endpoints
- Flexible configuration via a web.json5 file
- Request routing with access control
- Binding URLs to C functions for dynamic content rendering
- Serve static files
- Configurable redirections
- Transfer encoding filter
- Session and cookie management
- Authentication and User management
- File upload
- JSON parser and query engine
- Sandbox limits and timeouts
- Paralelism via fiber coroutines
Function Index
void | webAddAccessControlHeader(Web *web) |
Add an Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header for the request host name. | |
void | webAddAction(WebHost *host, cchar *prefix, WebProc fn, cchar *role) |
Add an action callback for a URL prefix. | |
void | webAddHeader(Web *web, cchar *key, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Add a header to the request response. | |
void | webAddHeaderDynamicString(Web *web, cchar *key, char *value) |
Add a dynamic string header to the request response. | |
void | webAddHeaderStaticString(Web *web, cchar *key, cchar *value) |
Add a static string header to the request response. | |
WebHost * | webAllocHost(Json *config, int flags) |
Allocate a new host object. | |
bool | webAuthenticate(Web *web) |
Authenticate a user. | |
ssize | webBufferUntil(Web *web, cchar *until, ssize limit, bool allowShort) |
Read data and buffer until a given pattern or limit is reached. | |
bool | webCan(Web *web, cchar *role) |
Test if a user possesses the required role. | |
WebSession * | webCreateSession(Web *web) |
Create a login session. | |
char * | webDate(char *buf, time_t when) |
Convert a time to a date string. | |
char * | webDecode(char *str) |
Decode a string using punycode. | |
void | webDestroySession(Web *web) |
Destroy the web session object. | |
char * | webEncode(cchar *uri) |
Encode a string using punycode. | |
int | webError(Web *web, int status, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Respond to the request with an error. | |
void | webExtendTimeout(Web *web, Ticks timeout) |
Extend the request timeout. | |
ssize | webFinalize(Web *web) |
Finalize response output. | |
void | webFreeHost(WebHost *host) |
Free a host object. | |
cchar * | webGetDocs(WebHost *host) |
Get the web documents directory for a host. | |
cchar * | webGetHeader(Web *web, cchar *key) |
Get a request header value. | |
char * | webGetHostName(Web *web) |
Get the host name of the endpoint serving the request. | |
bool | webGetNextHeader(Web *web, cchar **pkey, cchar **pvalue) |
Get the next request header in sequence. | |
cchar * | webGetRole(Web *web) |
Get the user's role. | |
WebSession * | webGetSession(Web *web, int create) |
Get the session state object for the current request. | |
cchar * | webGetSessionVar(Web *web, cchar *name, cchar *defaultValue) |
Get a session variable. | |
cchar * | webGetStatusMsg(int status) |
Get a status message corresponding to a HTTP status code. | |
cchar * | webGetVar(Web *web, cchar *name, cchar *defaultValue) |
Get a request variable value from the request form/body. | |
int | webInit(void) |
Initialize the web module. | |
bool | webIsAuthenticated(Web *web) |
Test if the user has been authenticated. | |
bool | webLogin(Web *web, cchar *username, cchar *role) |
Login a user by creating session state. | |
void | webLogout(Web *web) |
Logout a user and remove the user login session. | |
int | webNetError(Web *web, cchar *msg, ...) |
Close the current request and issue no response. | |
char * | webNormalizePath(cchar *path) |
Normalize a URL path. | |
char * | webParseCookie(Web *web, char *name) |
Parse a cookie header string and return a cookie value. | |
char * | webParseUrl(cchar *url, cchar **scheme, cchar **host, int *port, cchar **path, cchar **query, cchar **hash) |
Parse a URL into its components. | |
ssize | webRead(Web *web, char *buf, ssize bufsize) |
Read request body data. | |
ssize | webReadSocket(Web *web, ssize bufsize) |
Read data from the socket into the web->rx buffer. | |
ssize | webReadUntil(Web *web, cchar *until, char *buf, ssize bufsize) |
Read request body data until a given pattern is reached. | |
void | webRedirect(Web *web, int status, cchar *uri) |
Redirect the client to a new URL. | |
void | webRemoveSessionVar(Web *web, cchar *name) |
Remove a session variable. | |
void | webRemoveVar(Web *web, cchar *name) |
Remove a request variable value. | |
ssize | webSendFile(Web *web, int fd) |
Write a file response. | |
void | webSetContentLength(Web *web, ssize len) |
Set the content length for the response. | |
void | webSetHook(WebHost *host, WebHook hook) |
Define a request hook. | |
void | webSetHostDefaultIP(WebHost *host, cchar *ip) |
Set the IP address for the host. | |
cchar * | webSetSessionVar(Web *web, cchar *name, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Set a session variable name value. | |
void | webSetStatus(Web *web, int status) |
Set the response HTTP status code. | |
void | webSetVar(Web *web, cchar *name, cchar *value) |
Set a request variable value. | |
int | webStartHost(WebHost *host) |
Start listening for requests on the host. | |
void | webStopHost(WebHost *host) |
Stop listening for requests on the host. | |
void | webTerm(void) |
Initialize the web module. | |
int | webUpgradeSocket(Web *web) |
Upgrade a HTTP connection connection to use WebSockets. | |
bool | webValidatePath(cchar *uri) |
Validate a URL. | |
ssize | webWrite(Web *web, cvoid *buf, ssize bufsize) |
Write response data. | |
ssize | webWriteEvent(Web *web, int64 id, cchar *name, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Write an SSE event to the client. | |
ssize | webWriteFmt(Web *web, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Write string response data. | |
ssize | webWriteHeaders(Web *web) |
Write request response headers. | |
ssize | webWriteJson(Web *web, Json *json, int nid, cchar *key) |
Write response data from a JSON object. | |
ssize | webWriteResponse(Web *web, int status, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Write a response. |
Typedef Index
WebAction | Action function bound to a URL prefix. |
WebHook | WebHook callback procedure. |
WebHost | Web host structure. |
WebProc | WebAction callback procedure. |
WebRedirect | Site wide redirection. |
WebRoute | Routing object to match a request against a path prefix. |
WebUpload | File upload structure. |
#define | WEB_CHUNK_DATA 2 |
Start of chunk data. | |
#define | WEB_CHUNK_EOF 4 |
End of chunk data. | |
#define | WEB_CHUNK_START 1 |
Start of a new chunk. | |
#define | WEB_HOOK_ACTION 5 |
Request an action. | |
#define | WEB_HOOK_CLOSE 8 |
WebSocket close. | |
#define | WEB_HOOK_CONNECT 1 |
New socket connection. | |
New socket connection. | |
#define | WEB_HOOK_END 9 |
End of request. | |
#define | WEB_HOOK_ERROR 7 |
Request error. | |
#define | WEB_HOOK_NOT_FOUND 6 |
Document not found. | |
#define | WEB_HOOK_RUN 4 |
Ready to run request or run custom request processing. | |
#define | WEB_HOOK_START 3 |
Start new request. | |
#define | WEB_SHOW_NONE 0x1 |
Trace nothing. | |
#define | WEB_SHOW_REQ_BODY 0x2 |
Trace request body. | |
#define | WEB_SHOW_REQ_HEADERS 0x4 |
Trace request headers. | |
#define | WEB_SHOW_RESP_BODY 0x8 |
Trace response body. | |
#define | WEB_SHOW_RESP_HEADERS 0x10 |
Trace response headers. |
WebHook callback procedure.
- Parameters:
web Web object. event ID of the event.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Action function bound to a URL prefix.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- Fields:
WebProc fn Function to invoke. char * match Path prefix. char * role Role to invoke action.
Web host structure.
- Description:
- The web host defines a web server and its configuration. Multiple web hosts can be created.
- Fields:
RList * actions Ordered list of configured actions. Json * config Web server configuration for this host. ssize connections Number of active connections. char * docs Web site documents. int flags Control flags. bool freeConfig Config is allocated and must be freed. int headers Base ID for headers in config. WebHook hook Web notification hook. bool httpOnly Cookie httpOnly flag. int inactivityTimeout Timeout for inactivity on a connection. cchar * index Index file to use for directory requests. char * ip IP to use in redirects if indeterminate. RList * listeners Listening endpoints for this host. int64 maxBody Max size of POST request. int64 maxConnections Max number of connections. int64 maxHeader Max header size. int64 maxSessions Max number of sessions. int64 maxUpload Max size of file upload. RHash * methods Default HTTP methods verbs. RHash * mimeTypes Mime types indexed by extension. cchar * name Host name to use in canonical redirects. int parseTimeout Timeout while parsing a request. RList * redirects Ordered list of redirections. int requestTimeout Total request timeout. int roles Base ID of roles in config. RList * routes Ordered list of configured routes. cchar * sameSite Cookie same site property. REvent sessionEvent Session timer event. RHash * sessions Client session state. int sessionTimeout Inactivity timeout for session state. RHash * users Hash table of users. RList * webs Active web requests for this host. bool webSocketsEnable Validate UTF. int64 webSocketsMaxFrame Max message size. int64 webSocketsMaxMessage WebSocket application protocol. int64 webSocketsPingPeriod Max frame size. bool webSocketsValidateUTF Ping period.
Site wide redirection.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- Fields:
cchar * from Original URL path. int status Redirection HTTP status code. cchar * to Target URL.
Routing object to match a request against a path prefix.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- Fields:
bool exact Exact match vs prefix match. If trailing "/" in route. cchar * handler Request handler (file, action). cchar * match Matching URI path pattern. RHash * methods HTTP methods verbs. cchar * redirect Redirection. cchar * role Required user role. bool stream Stream request body. cchar * trim Portion to trim from path.
File upload structure.
- Fields:
char * clientFilename Client side name of the file. char * contentType Content type. int fd File descriptor used while writing the upload content. char * filename Local (temp) name of the file. char * name Symbolic name for the upload supplied by the client. ssize size Uploaded file size.
Add an Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header for the request host name.
- Parameters:
web Web object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add an action callback for a URL prefix.
- Description:
- An action routine is a C function that is bound to a set of URLs. The action routine will be invoked for URLs that match the leading URL prefix.
- Parameters:
host Host object. prefix Leading URL prefix to associate with this action. fn Function to invoke for requests matching this URL. role Required user role for the action.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add a header to the request response.
- Parameters:
web Web object. key HTTP header name. fmt Format string for the header value. ... Format arguments.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add a dynamic string header to the request response.
- Description:
- Use this when you have an allocated string and the web server can assume responsibility for freeing the string.
- Parameters:
web Web object. key HTTP header name. value Dynamic string value. Caller must not free.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Add a static string header to the request response.
- Description:
- Use to add a static literal string header. This is a higher performance option to webAddHeader. The string must be a literal string or a persistent string.
- Parameters:
web Web object. key HTTP header name. value Static string for the header value.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Allocate a new host object.
- Description:
- After allocating, the host may be started via webStartHost.
- Parameters:
config JSON configuration for the host. flags Allocation flags. Set to WEB_SHOW_NONE, WEB_SHOW_REQ_BODY, WEB_SHOW_REQ_HEADERS, REQ_SHOW_RESP_BODY, WEB_SHOW_RESP_HEADERS.
- Returns:
- A host object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Authenticate a user.
- Description:
- The user is authenticated if required by the selected request route.
- Parameters:
web Web request object.
- Returns:
- True if the route does not require authentication or the user is authenticated successfully.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Read data and buffer until a given pattern or limit is reached.
- Description:
- This reads the data into the buffer, but does not return the data or consume it.
- Parameters:
web Web object. until Pattern to read until. Set to NULL for no pattern. limit Number of bytes of data to read. allowShort Boolean. Set to true to return 0 if the pattern is not found before the limit.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes read into the buffer. Return zero if pattern not found and negative for errors.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if a user possesses the required role.
- Parameters:
web Web request object. role Required role.
- Returns:
- True if the user has the required role.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create a login session.
- Parameters:
web Web request object.
- Returns:
- Allocated session object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a time to a date string.
- Parameters:
buf Buffer to hold the generated date string. when Timestamp to convert.
- Returns:
- A reference to the buffer.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Decode a string using punycode.
- Description:
- The string is converted in-situ.
- Parameters:
str String to decode.
- Returns:
- The original string reference.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Destroy the web session object.
- Description:
- Useful to be called as part of the user logout process.
- Parameters:
web Web request object.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Encode a string using punycode.
- Description:
- The string is converted in-situ.
- Parameters:
uri Uri to encode.
- Returns:
- An allocated, escaped URI. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Respond to the request with an error.
- Description:
- This responds to the request with the given HTTP status and body data.
- Parameters:
web Web object. status HTTP response status code. fmt Body data to send as the response. This is a printf style string. ... Body response arguments.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Extend the request timeout.
- Description:
- Request duration is bounded by the timeouts.request and timeouts.inactivity limits. You can extend the timeout for a long running request via this call.
- Parameters:
web Web object. timeout Timeout in milliseconds use for both the request and inactivity timeouts for this request.
- API Stability:
- DEPRECATED: Use webUpdateDeadline() instead.
Finalize response output.
- Description:
- This routine MUST be called after all output has been written. It will ensure that headers are written and that transfer-encoding is finalized. For WebSockets this routine is called as part of the WebSockets upgrade by the server. This call is idempotent and can be called multiple times.
- Parameters:
web Web object.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Free a host object.
- Parameters:
host Host object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the web documents directory for a host.
- Description:
- This is configured via the web.documents configuration property.
- Parameters:
host Host object.
- Returns:
- The web documents directory.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a request header value.
- Parameters:
web Web object. key HTTP header name. Case does not matter.
- Returns:
- Header value or null if not found.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Get the host name of the endpoint serving the request.
- Description:
- This will return the WebHost name if defined, otherwise it will use the listening endpoint. If all else fails, it will use the socket IP address.
- Parameters:
web Web object.
- Returns:
- Allocated string containing the host name. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the next request header in sequence.
- Description:
- Used to iterate over all headers.
- Parameters:
web Web object. pkey Pointer to key. Used to pass in the last key value and return the next key. Set to NULL initially. pvalue Pointer to header value.
- Returns:
- True if more headers to visit.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Get the user's role.
- Parameters:
web Web object.
- Returns:
- The user's role. The returned reference should only be used short-term and is not long-term stable.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the session state object for the current request.
- Parameters:
web Web request object. create Set to true to create a new session if one does not already exist.
- Returns:
- Session object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a session variable.
- Parameters:
web Web request object. name Session variable name. defaultValue Default value to return if the variable does not exist.
- Returns:
- Session variable value or default value if it does not exist.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a status message corresponding to a HTTP status code.
- Parameters:
status HTTP status code.
- Returns:
- A status message. Caller must not free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a request variable value from the request form/body.
- Parameters:
web Web object. name Variable name. defaultValue Default value to return if the variable is not defined.
- Returns:
- The value of the variable or the default value if not defined.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Initialize the web module.
- Description:
- Must call before using Web.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if the user has been authenticated.
- Parameters:
web Web request object.
- Returns:
- True if the user has been authenticated.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Login a user by creating session state.
Assumes the caller has already authenticated and authorized the user- Parameters:
web Web request object. username User name. role Requested role.
- Returns:
- True if the login is successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Logout a user and remove the user login session.
- Parameters:
web Web request object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Close the current request and issue no response.
- Description:
- This closes the request connection and issues no response. It should be used when a request is received that indicates the connection is compromised.
- Parameters:
web Web object. msg Message to the error log. This is a printf style string. ... Message response arguments.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Normalize a URL path.
- Description:
- Normalize a path to remove "./", "../" and redundant separators. This does not make an absolute path and does not map separators or change case. This validates the path and expects it to begin with "/".
- Parameters:
path Path string to normalize.
- Returns:
- An allocated path. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Parse a cookie header string and return a cookie value.
- Parameters:
web Web object. name Cookie name to extract.
- Returns:
- The cookie value or NULL if not defined.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Parse a URL into its components.
- Description:
- The url is parsed into components that are returned via the argument references. If a component is not present in the url, the reference will be set to NULL.
- Parameters:
url Web object. scheme Pointer to scheme portion. host Pointer to host portion. port Pointer to port portion (a string). path Pointer to path portion. query Pointer to query portion. hash Pointer to hash portion.
- Returns:
- An allocated storage buffer. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Read request body data.
- Description:
- This routine will read the body data and return the number of bytes read. This routine will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object. buf Data buffer to read into. bufsize Size of the buffer.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes read. Return < 0 for errors and 0 when all the body data has been read.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Read data from the socket into the web->rx buffer.
- Description:
- This routine will read the data from the socket into the web->rx buffer.
- Parameters:
web Web object. bufsize Size of the buffer.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes read. Return < 0 for errors.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Read request body data until a given pattern is reached.
- Description:
- This routine will read the body data and return the number of bytes read. This routine will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object. until Pattern to read until. Set to NULL for no pattern. buf Data buffer to read into. bufsize Size of the buffer.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes read. Return < 0 for errors and 0 when all the body data has been read.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Redirect the client to a new URL.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object. status HTTP status code. Must set to 301 or 302. uri URL to redirect the client toward.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Remove a session variable.
- Parameters:
web Web request object. name Session variable name.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Remove a request variable value.
- Parameters:
web Web object. name Variable name.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write a file response.
- Description:
- This routine will read the contents of the open file descriptor and send as a response. This routine will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object. fd File descriptor for an open file or pipe.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the content length for the response.
- Parameters:
web Web object. len Content length.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Define a request hook.
- Description:
- The request hook will be invoked for important request events during the lifecycle of processing the request.
- Parameters:
host WebHost object. hook Callback hook function.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the IP address for the host.
- Parameters:
host Host object. ip IP address.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set a session variable name value.
- Parameters:
web Web request object. name Session variable name. fmt Format string for the value. ... Format args.
- Returns:
- The value set for the variable. Caller must not free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the response HTTP status code.
- Parameters:
web Web object. status HTTP status code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set a request variable value.
- Parameters:
web Web object. name Variable name. value Value to set.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Start listening for requests on the host.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
host Host object.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Stop listening for requests on the host.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
host Host object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Initialize the web module.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Upgrade a HTTP connection connection to use WebSockets.
- Description:
- This responds to a request to upgrade the connection use WebSockets. This routine will be invoked automatically when the WebSocket upgrade request is received. Uses should not call this routine directly.
- Parameters:
web Web object.
- Returns:
- Return Zero if the connection upgrade can be requested.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Validate a URL.
- Description:
- Check a url for invalid characters.
- Parameters:
uri Url path.
- Returns:
- True if the url contains only valid characters.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write response data.
- Description:
- This routine will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run. This routine will write the response HTTP headers if required. Writing a null buffer or zero bufsize finalizes the response and indicates there is no more output. The webFinalize API is a convenience call for this purpose.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object. buf Buffer of data to write. bufsize Size of the buffer to write.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write an SSE event to the client.
- Parameters:
web Web object. id Event ID. name Event name. fmt Printf style message string. ... Format arguments.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write string response data.
- Description:
- This routine will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object. fmt Printf style message string. ... Format arguments.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write request response headers.
- Description:
- This will write the HTTP response headers. This writes the supplied headers and any required headers if not supplied. This routine will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write response data from a JSON object.
- Description:
- This routine will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object. json JSON object. nid Base JSON node ID from which to convert. Set to zero for the top level. key Property name to serialize below. This may include ".". For example: "settings.mode".
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Write a response.
- Description:
- This routine writes a single plain text response in one API. It will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run. This will set the Content-Type header to text/plain.
- Must only be called from a fiber.
- Parameters:
web Web object. status HTTP status code. fmt Printf style message string. ... Format arguments.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.