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The URL library is a fast, minimal embedded HTTP Client. It is ideal for issuing REST HTTP requests and supports parallel execution via fiber coroutines.

The URL library is a streaming client and supports full-duplex for request body and response content. It transparently manages transfer chunk encoding for requests and responses.

The library has configurable request/response timeouts and retries.


  • Supports transfer-chunk encoding for dynamic request bodies.
  • Control over headers
  • Full-duplex streaming support for minimal memory usage.
  • Full support for TLS including certificate verification.
  • Configurable retries and timeouts.
  • Parallelism via fiber coroutines.

The library does not support basic or digest authentication as there are unresolved security issues with these mechanisms.

Function Index

Url *urlAlloc(int flags)
 Allocate a URL object.
voidurlClose(Url *up)
 Close the underlying network socket associated with the URL object.
inturlError(Url *up, cchar *message, ...)
 Set the URL internal error message.
inturlFetch(Url *up, cchar *method, cchar *url, cvoid *data, ssize size, cchar *headers, ...)
 Fetch a URL.
inturlFinalize(Url *up)
 Finalize the request.
voidurlFree(Url *up)
 Free a URL object and all resources.
char *urlGet(cchar *url, cchar *headers, ...)
 Get a URL using a HTTP GET request.
cchar *urlGetError(Url *up)
 Get the URL internal error message.
cchar *urlGetHeader(Url *up, cchar *header)
 Get a response HTTP header from the parsed response headers.
Json *urlGetJson(cchar *url, cchar *headers, ...)
 Issue a HTTP GET request and return parsed JSON.
Json *urlGetJsonResponse(Url *up)
 Get the response to a URL request as a JSON object tree.
cchar *urlGetResponse(Url *up)
 Get the response to a URL request as a string.
RBuf *urlGetResponseBuf(Url *up)
 Get the response to a URL request in a buffer.
inturlGetStatus(Url *up)
 Get the HTTP response status code for a request.
WebSocket *urlGetWebSocket(Url *up)
 Get the WebSocket object for a URL request.
Json *urlJson(Url *up, cchar *method, cchar *url, cvoid *data, ssize size, cchar *headers, ...)
 Fetch a URL and return a JSON response if the HTTP request is successful.
inturlParse(Url *up, cchar *url)
 Parse a URL into its constituent components in the Url structure.
char *urlPost(cchar *url, cvoid *data, ssize size, cchar *headers, ...)
 Issue a HTTP POST request.
Json *urlPostJson(cchar *url, cvoid *data, ssize len, cchar *headers, ...)
 Issue a HTTP POST request and return parsed JSON.
ssizeurlRead(Url *up, char *buf, ssize bufsize)
 Low level read routine to read response data for a request.
voidurlSetBufLimit(Url *up, ssize limit)
 Set the maximum number of bytes to buffer from the response.
voidurlSetCerts(Url *up, cchar *ca, cchar *key, cchar *cert, cchar *revoke)
 Define the certificates to use with TLS.
voidurlSetCiphers(Url *up, cchar *ciphers)
 Set the list of available ciphers to use.
voidurlSetDefaultTimeout(Ticks timeout)
 Set the default request timeout to use for future URL instances.
voidurlSetFlags(Url *up, int flags)
 Set the URL flags.
voidurlSetMaxRetries(Url *up, int maxRetries)
 Set the maximum number of retries for SSE requests.
voidurlSetProtocol(Url *up, int protocol)
 Set the HTTP protocol to use.
voidurlSetStatus(Url *up, int status)
 Set the HTTP response status.
voidurlSetTimeout(Url *up, Ticks timeout)
 Set the request timeout to use for the specific URL object.
voidurlSetVerify(Url *up, int verifyPeer, int verifyIssuer)
 Control verification of TLS connections.
inturlStart(Url *up, cchar *method, cchar *url)
 Start a Url request.
inturlUpload(Url *up, RList *files, RHash *forms, cchar *headers, ...)
 Upload files in a request.
inturlWait(Url *up)
 Wait for the connection to be closed.
inturlWebSocket(cchar *url, WebSocketProc callback, void *arg, cchar *headers)
 Issue a simple WebSocket request.
voidurlWebSocketAsync(Url *up, WebSocketProc callback, void *arg)
 Define the async callbacks.
ssizeurlWrite(Url *up, cvoid *data, ssize size)
 Write body data for a request.
ssizeurlWriteFile(Url *up, cchar *path)
 Write a file contents for a request.
ssizeurlWriteFmt(Url *up, cchar *fmt, ...)
 Write formatted body data for a request.
inturlWriteHeaders(Url *up, cchar *headers)
 Write request headers using a printf style formatted pattern.

Typedef Index

UrlUrl request object.
UrlSseProcURL SSE callback.


#defineURL_CODE_ACCEPTED   202
 The request has been accepted and processing is continuing.
 The server cannot act as a gateway for the given request.
#defineURL_CODE_BAD_METHOD   405
 The request HTTP method was not supported by the resource.
 The request is malformed.
 The server does not support the HTTP protocol version.
#defineURL_CODE_CONFLICT   409
 The request had a conflict in the request headers and URI.
#defineURL_CODE_CONTINUE   100
 Continue with request, only parial content transmitted.
#defineURL_CODE_CREATED   201
 The request has completed and a new resource was created.
 The server cannot satisfy the Expect header requirements.
 The request was legal, but the server refuses to process.
 The server gateway timed out waiting for the upstream server.
#defineURL_CODE_GONE   410
 The requested resource is no longer available.
#defineURL_CODE_IM_A_TEAPOT   418
 Short and stout error code (RFC 2324).
 The server has insufficient storage to complete the request.
 Server processing or configuration error.
 The request did not specify a required content length.
 The requested URI has moved permanently to a new location.
 The URI has moved temporarily to a new location.
#defineURL_CODE_NO_CONTENT   204
 The request has completed and there is no response to send.
 The connection was closed with no response to the client.
 The requested resource cannot generate the required content.
 The request has completed but content may be from another source.
#defineURL_CODE_NOT_FOUND   404
 The requested resource was not found.
 The server does not recognize the request or method.
 The requested resource has changed since the last request.
#defineURL_CODE_OK   200
 The request completed successfully.
#defineURL_CODE_PARTIAL   206
 The request has completed and is returning parial content.
 Reserved for future use.
 The request has been permanently redirected to a new location.
 The server cannot satisfy one of the request preconditions.
 The request content range does not exist for the resource.
 The server timed out waiting for the request to complete.
 The request is too large for the server to process.
 The request URI is too long for the server to process.
#defineURL_CODE_RESET   205
 The request has completed with no content.
#defineURL_CODE_SEE_OTHER   303
 The requested URI can be found at another URI location.
 The server is currently unavailable or overloaded.
 Switching protocols.
 The request should be repeated at another URI location.
 Authentication for the request has failed.
 The request media type is not supported by the server or resource.
#defineURL_CODE_USE_PROXY   305
 The requested resource must be accessed via the location proxy.
#defineURL_HTTP_0   0x20
 Use HTTP/1.0.
#defineURL_SHOW_NONE   0x1
 Trace nothing.
#defineURL_SHOW_REQ_BODY   0x2
 Trace request body.
 Trace request headers.
#defineURL_SHOW_RESP_BODY   0x8
 Trace response body.
 Trace response headers.


typedef void(* UrlSseProc) (struct Url *up, ssize id, cchar *event, cchar *data, void *arg)

URL SSE callback.

upURL object.
idEvent ID.
eventType of event.
dataAssociated data.
argUser argument.
API Stability:


Url request object.

The Url service is a streaming HTTP request client. This service requires the use of fibers from the portable runtime.
REventabortEvent Abort event.
char *boundary HTTP request method. Multipart mime upload file boundary.
ssizebufLimit Maximum number of bytes to buffer from the response.
uintcertsDefined Certificates have been defined.
uintchunked Request is using transfer chunk encoding.
uintclose Connection should be closed on completion of the current request.
Ticksdeadline Request time limit expiry deadline.
char *error Error message for internal errors, not HTTP errors.
RFiber *fiber Fiber.
uintfinalized The request has been finalized.
uintflags Alloc flags.
uintgotResponse Response has been read.
cchar *hash Request hash portion.
cchar *host Request host.
uintinCallback SSE callback is in progress.
ssizelastEventId Last event ID (SSE).
uintmaxRetries Maximum of retries for SSE.
uintneedFree Free the URL object.
cchar *path Request path without leading "/" and query/ref.
intport Request port.
uintprotocol Use HTTP/1.0 without keep-alive. Defaults to HTTP/1.1.
cchar *query Request query portion.
cchar *redirect Redirect location.
char *response Response as a string.
RBuf *responseBuf Buffer to hold complete response.
uintretries Number of retries for SSE.
RBuf *rx Buffer for progressive reading response data.
RBuf *rxHeaders Buffer for Rx headers.
ssizerxLen Length of rx body.
ssizerxRemaining Remaining rx data to read from the socket.
cchar *scheme Request scheme.
RSocket *sock Network socket.
uintsse SSE request.
void *sseArg SSE callback argument.
UrlSseProcsseProc SSE callback.
uintstatus Response (rx) status.
Tickstimeout Request timeout.
RBuf *txHeaders Buffer for Tx headers.
ssizetxLen Length of tx body.
uintupgraded WebSocket upgrade has been completed.
char *url Request URL.
char *urlbuf Parsed and tokenized URL.
WebSocket *webSocket WebSocket object.
uintwroteHeaders Tx headers have been written.
API Stability:


Url * urlAlloc (int flags)

Allocate a URL object.

A URL object represents a network connection on which one or more HTTP client requests may be issued one at a time.
flagsSet flags to URL_SHOW_REQ_HEADERS | URL_SHOW_REQ_BODY | URL_SHOW_RESP_HEADERS | URL_SHOW_RESP_BODY. Defaults to 0. Can also call urlSetFlags to set flags.
The url object.
API Stability:

void urlClose (Url *up)

Close the underlying network socket associated with the URL object.

This is not normally necessary to invoke unless you want to force the socket connection to be recreated before issuing a subsequent request.
upURL object.
API Stability:

int urlError (Url *up, cchar *message, ...)

Set the URL internal error message.

This routine is used to set the URL internal error message. Use $urlGetError to get the error message.
upURL object.
messagePrintf style message format string.
...Message arguments.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative status code.
API Stability:

int urlFetch (Url *up, cchar *method, cchar *url, cvoid *data, ssize size, cchar *headers, ...)

Fetch a URL.

This routine issues a HTTP request with optional body data and returns the HTTP status code. This routine will return after the response status and headers have been read and before the response body data has been read. Use $urlRead or $urlGetResponse to read the response body data. This routine will block the current fiber while waiting for the request to respond. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
methodHTTP method verb.
urlHTTP URL to fetch.
dataBody data for request. Set to NULL if none.
sizeSize of body data for request. Set to 0 if none.
headersOptional request headers. This parameter is a printf style formatted pattern with following arguments. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n".
...Optional header arguments.
Response HTTP status code. Use urlGetResponse or urlRead to read the response.
API Stability:

int urlFinalize (Url *up)

Finalize the request.

This routine finalizes the request and signifies that the entire request including any request body data has been sent to the server. This routine MUST be called at the end of writing the request body (if any). It will read the response status and headers before returning. If using WebSockets, this should be called before calling urlWebSocketAsync to verify the WebSocket handshake. Internally, this function is implemented by calling urlWrite with a NULL buffer. This call is idempotent.
upUrl object.
Zero if successful.
API Stability:

void urlFree (Url *up)

Free a URL object and all resources.

upURL object.
API Stability:

char * urlGet (cchar *url, cchar *headers, ...)

Get a URL using a HTTP GET request.

This will issue a HTTP GET request to the specified URL. If the HTTP status is 200, this will return the response body. This routine will block the current fiber while waiting for the request to complete. Other fibers continue to run.
urlHTTP URL to fetch.
headersOptional request headers. This parameter is a printf style formatted pattern with following arguments. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n".
...Optional header arguments.
Response body if successful, otherwise null. Caller must free.
API Stability:

cchar * urlGetError (Url *up)

Get the URL internal error message.

Errors are defined for unexpected errors. HTTP requests that respond with a non-200 status do not set the error message.
upURL object.
The URL error message for the most recent request. Returns NULL if no error message defined. Caller must NOT free this message.
API Stability:

cchar * urlGetHeader (Url *up, cchar *header)

Get a response HTTP header from the parsed response headers.

upURL object.
headerHTTP header name. This can be any case. For example: "Authorization".
The value of the HTTP header. Returns NULL if not defined. Caller must NOT free the returned string.
API Stability:

Json * urlGetJson (cchar *url, cchar *headers, ...)

Issue a HTTP GET request and return parsed JSON.

This will issue a HTTP GET request to the specified URL and if successful, will return the parsed response body.
urlHTTP URL to fetch.
headersOptional request headers. This parameter is a printf style formatted pattern with following arguments. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n".
...Optional header arguments.
Parsed JSON response. If the request does not return a HTTP 200 status code or the response is not JSON, the request returns NULL. Caller must free via jsonFree().
API Stability:

Json * urlGetJsonResponse (Url *up)

Get the response to a URL request as a JSON object tree.

After issuing urlFetch, urlGet or urlPost, this routine may be called to read and parse the response as a JSON object. This call should only be used when the response is a valid JSON UTF-8 string. This routine buffers the entire response body and creates the parsed JSON tree.

This routine will block the current fiber while waiting for the request to complete. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
The response body as parsed JSON object. Caller must free the result via jsonFree.
API Stability:

cchar * urlGetResponse (Url *up)

Get the response to a URL request as a string.

After issuing urlFetch, urlGet or urlPost, this routine may be called to read, buffer and return the response body. This call should only be used when the response is a valid UTF-8 string. Otherwise, use urlRead to read the response body. As this routine buffers the entire response body, it should only be used for relatively small requests. Otherwise, the memory footprint of the application may be larger than desired.

This routine will block the current fiber while waiting for the request to complete. Other fibers continue to run.

If receiving a binary response, use urlGetResponseBuf instead.
upURL object.
The response body as a string. Caller must NOT free. Will return an empty string on errors.
API Stability:

RBuf * urlGetResponseBuf (Url *up)

Get the response to a URL request in a buffer.

After issuing urlFetch, urlGet or urlPost, this routine may be called to read, buffer and return the response body. This call should only be used when the response is a valid UTF-8 string. Otherwise, use urlRead to read the response body. As this routine buffers the entire response body, it should only be used for relatively small requests. Otherwise, the memory footprint of the application may be larger than desired.

This routine will block the current fiber while waiting for the request to complete. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
The response body as runtime buffer. Caller must NOT free.
API Stability:

int urlGetStatus (Url *up)

Get the HTTP response status code for a request.

upURL object.
The HTTP status code for the most recently completed request.
API Stability:

WebSocket * urlGetWebSocket (Url *up)

Get the WebSocket object for a URL request.

upURL object.
The WebSocket object for the URL request.
API Stability:

Json * urlJson (Url *up, cchar *method, cchar *url, cvoid *data, ssize size, cchar *headers, ...)

Fetch a URL and return a JSON response if the HTTP request is successful.

This routine issues a HTTP request and reads and parses the response into a JSON object tree. This routine will block the current fiber while waiting for the request to complete. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
methodHTTP method verb.
urlHTTP URL to fetch.
dataBody data for request. Set to NULL if none.
sizeSize of body data for request. Set to 0 if none.
headersOptional request headers. This parameter is a printf style formatted pattern with following arguments. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n". If the headers are not provided, a headers value of "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" is used.
...Optional header arguments.
Parsed JSON response. If the request does not return a HTTP 200 status code or the response is not JSON, the request returns NULL. Use urlGetError to get any error string and urlGetStatus to get the HTTP status code. Caller must free via jsonFree().
API Stability:

int urlParse (Url *up, cchar *url)

Parse a URL into its constituent components in the Url structure.

This should not be manually called while a URL request is in progress as it will invalidate the current request.
upURL object.
urlUrl to parse.
Zero if the url parses successfully.
API Stability:

char * urlPost (cchar *url, cvoid *data, ssize size, cchar *headers, ...)

Issue a HTTP POST request.

This will issue a HTTP POST request to the specified URL with the optional body data. Regardless of the HTTP status, this will return the response body.
urlHTTP URL to fetch.
dataBody data for request. Set to NULL if none.
sizeSize of body data for request.
headersOptional request headers. This parameter is a printf style formatted pattern with following arguments. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n".
...Headers arguments.
Response body if successful, otherwise null. Caller must free.
API Stability:

Json * urlPostJson (cchar *url, cvoid *data, ssize len, cchar *headers, ...)

Issue a HTTP POST request and return parsed JSON.

This will issue a HTTP POST request to the specified URL with the optional body data. If successful, it will return the parsed response body.
urlHTTP URL to fetch.
dataBody data for request. Set to NULL if none.
lenSize of body data for request.
headersOptional request headers. This parameter is a printf style formatted pattern with following arguments. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n".
Parsed JSON response. If the request does not return a HTTP 200 status code or the response is not JSON, the request returns NULL. Caller must free via jsonFree().
API Stability:

ssize urlRead (Url *up, char *buf, ssize bufsize)

Low level read routine to read response data for a request.

This routine may be called to progressively read response data. It should not be called if using $urlGetResponse directly or indirectly via urlGet, urlPost, urlPostJson or urlJson. This routine will block the current fiber if necessary. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
bufBuffer to read into.
bufsizeSize of the buffer.
The number of bytes read. Returns < 0 on errors. Returns 0 when there is no more data to read.
API Stability:

void urlSetBufLimit (Url *up, ssize limit)

Set the maximum number of bytes to buffer from the response.

upURL object.
limitMaximum number of bytes.
API Stability:

void urlSetCerts (Url *up, cchar *ca, cchar *key, cchar *cert, cchar *revoke)

Define the certificates to use with TLS.

upURL object.
caCertificate authority to verify client certificates.
keyCertificate private key.
certCertificate text.
revokeCertificates to revoke.
API Stability:

void urlSetCiphers (Url *up, cchar *ciphers)

Set the list of available ciphers to use.

upURL object.
ciphersString list of available ciphers.
API Stability:

void urlSetDefaultTimeout (Ticks timeout)

Set the default request timeout to use for future URL instances.

This does not change the timeout for existing Url objects.
timeoutTimeout in milliseconds.
API Stability:

void urlSetFlags (Url *up, int flags)

Set the URL flags.

upURL object.
API Stability:

void urlSetMaxRetries (Url *up, int maxRetries)

Set the maximum number of retries for SSE requests.

upURL object.
maxRetriesMaximum number of retries.
API Stability:

void urlSetProtocol (Url *up, int protocol)

Set the HTTP protocol to use.

upURL object.
protocolSet to 0 for HTTP/1.0 or 1 for HTTP/1.1. Defaults to 1.
API Stability:

void urlSetStatus (Url *up, int status)

Set the HTTP response status.

upURL object.
statusHTTP status code.
API Stability:

void urlSetTimeout (Url *up, Ticks timeout)

Set the request timeout to use for the specific URL object.

upURL object.
timeoutTimeout in milliseconds.
API Stability:

void urlSetVerify (Url *up, int verifyPeer, int verifyIssuer)

Control verification of TLS connections.

upURL object.
verifyPeerSet to true to verify the certificate of the remote peer.
verifyIssuerSet to true to verify the issuer of the peer certificate.
API Stability:

int urlStart (Url *up, cchar *method, cchar *url)

Start a Url request.

This is a low level API that initiates a connection to a remote HTTP resource. Use $urlWriteHeaders to write headers and $urlWrite to write any request body. Must call $urlFinalize to signify the end of the request body.
upURL object.
methodHTTP method verb.
urlHTTP URL to fetch.
Zero if successful.
API Stability:

int urlUpload (Url *up, RList *files, RHash *forms, cchar *headers, ...)

Upload files in a request.

This constructs and writes the HTTP request headers for a multipart/form-data request. Use this routine instead of $urlWriteHeaders to write headers. Use $urlStart to initiate the request before calling $urlUpload.
upURL object.
filesList of filenames to upload.
formsHash of key/value form values to add to the request.
headersPrintf style formatted pattern with following arguments. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n".
...Optional header arguments.
Zero if successful.
API Stability:

int urlWait (Url *up)

Wait for the connection to be closed.

Used for SSE and WebSocket connections.
upURL object.
Zero if successful.
API Stability:

int urlWebSocket (cchar *url, WebSocketProc callback, void *arg, cchar *headers)

Issue a simple WebSocket request.

callbackCallback function to invoke for read data.
argArgument to pass to the callback function.
headersOptional request headers. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n".
Zero when closed, otherwise a negative status code.

void urlWebSocketAsync (Url *up, WebSocketProc callback, void *arg)

Define the async callbacks.

This will invoke the callback function with an OPEN event.
upURL object.
callbackCallback function to invoke for read data.
argArgument to pass to the callback function.
API Stability:

ssize urlWrite (Url *up, cvoid *data, ssize size)

Write body data for a request.

This routine will block the current fiber. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
dataBuffer of data to write. Set to NULL to finalize the request body.
sizeLength of data to write. Set to -1 to calculate the length of data as a null terminated string.
The number of bytes actually written. On errors, returns a negative status code.
API Stability:

ssize urlWriteFile (Url *up, cchar *path)

Write a file contents for a request.

This routine will read the file contents and write to the client. It will block the current fiber. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
pathFile pathname.
The number of bytes actually written. On errors, returns a negative status code.
API Stability:

ssize urlWriteFmt (Url *up, cchar *fmt, ...)

Write formatted body data for a request.

This routine will block the current fiber. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
fmtPrintf style format string.
...Format arguments.
The number of bytes actually written. On errors, returns a negative status code.
API Stability:

int urlWriteHeaders (Url *up, cchar *headers)

Write request headers using a printf style formatted pattern.

This will write the HTTP request line and supplied headers. If Host and/or Content-Length are not supplied, they will be added if known. This routine will add a Transfer-Encoding: chunked header if the Content-Length is not supplied and the request method is not a GET. If the HTTP scheme is ws or wss, this routine will add the WebSocket upgrade headers. Request headers will be traced if the flags have URL_SHOW_REQ_HEADERS set. This routine will block the current fiber. Other fibers continue to run.
upURL object.
headersOptional request headers. This parameter is a printf style formatted pattern with following arguments. Individual header lines must be terminated with "\r\n".
...Optional header arguments.
Zero if successful.
API Stability: