Crypt API
The crypt library provides a minimal set of crypto for connected devices. It provides Base64 encode/decode, MD5, SHA256, Bcrypt crypto and password utilities.
Function Index
bool | cryptCheckPassword(cchar *plainTextPassword, cchar *passwordHash) |
Check a plain-text password against a password hash. | |
char * | cryptDecode64(cchar *str) |
Decode a block that has been base64 encoded. | |
char * | cryptDecode64Block(cchar *block, ssize *len, int flags) |
Decode a block that has been base64 encoded. | |
char * | cryptEncode64(cchar *str) |
Encode a string using base64 encoding. | |
char * | cryptEncode64Block(cuchar *block, ssize len) |
Encode a block using base64 encoding. | |
char * | cryptGetFileMd5(cchar *path) |
Get an MD5 string hash for a file. | |
char * | cryptGetFileSha1(cchar *path) |
Get a SHA1 hash for the contents of a file. | |
char * | cryptGetFileSha256(cchar *path) |
Get a SHA256 hash for the contents of a file. | |
char * | cryptGetMd5(uchar *block, ssize length) |
Get an MD5 hash for a block and return a string hash. | |
void | cryptGetMd5Block(uchar *block, ssize length, uchar hash[CRYPT_MD5_SIZE]) |
Get an MD5 hash for a block and return a binary hash. | |
char * | cryptGetPassword(cchar *prompt) |
Read a password from the console. | |
int | cryptGetRandomBytes(uchar *buf, ssize length, bool block) |
Get random data. | |
char * | cryptGetSha1(cuchar *block, ssize length) |
Get a SHA1 hash for a block and return a string hash. | |
char * | cryptGetSha1Base64(cchar *s, ssize length) |
Get a SHA1 hash for a string and return a base-64 encoded string hash. | |
void | cryptGetSha1Block(cuchar *block, ssize length, uchar hash[CRYPT_SHA1_SIZE]) |
Get a SHA1 hash for a block and return a binary hash. | |
char * | cryptGetSha1WithPrefix(cuchar *buf, ssize length, cchar *prefix) |
Get an SHA1 checksum with optional prefix string and buffer length. | |
char * | cryptGetSha256(cuchar *block, ssize length) |
Get a SHA256 hash for a block and return a string hash. | |
char * | cryptGetSha256Base64(cchar *s, ssize length) |
Get a SHA256 hash for a string and return a base-64 encoded string hash. | |
void | cryptGetSha256Block(cuchar *block, ssize length, uchar hash[CRYPT_SHA256_SIZE]) |
Get a SHA256 hash for a block and return a binary hash. | |
char * | cryptMakePassword(cchar *password, int saltLength, int rounds) |
Make a password using the Blowfish cipher (Bcrypt). | |
void | cryptMd5Finalize(CryptMd5 *ctx, uchar digest[CRYPT_MD5_SIZE]),typedef,struct,CryptSha1 |
Low level MD5 hashing API to finalize an MD5 hash compuation and return a binary hash result. | |
char * | cryptMd5HashToString(uchar hash[CRYPT_MD5_SIZE]) |
Convert an MD5 hash to a hex string. | |
void | cryptMd5Init(CryptMd5 *ctx) |
Low level MD5 hashing API to initialize an MD5 hash computation. | |
void | cryptMd5Update(CryptMd5 *ctx, uchar *block, uint length) |
Low level MD5 hashing API to update an MD5 hash computation with a block of data. | |
void | cryptSha1Finalize(CryptSha1 *ctx, uchar *hash) |
Low level SHA1 hashing API to finalize a SHA1 hash compuation and return a binary result. | |
char * | cryptSha1HashToString(uchar hash[CRYPT_SHA1_SIZE]) |
Convert a SHA1 hash to a string. | |
void | cryptSha1Init(CryptSha1 *ctx) |
Low level SHA1 hashing API to initialize a SHA1 hash computation. | |
void | cryptSha1Start(CryptSha1 *ctx) |
Low level SHA1 hashing API to start a SHA1 hash computation. | |
void | cryptSha1Term(CryptSha1 *ctx) |
Low level SHA1 hashing API to terminate a SHA1 hash compuation. | |
void | cryptSha1Update(CryptSha1 *ctx, cuchar *block, ssize length) |
Low level SHA1 hashing API to update a SHA1 hash computation with input data. | |
void | cryptSha256Finalize(CryptSha256 *ctx, uchar hash[CRYPT_SHA256_SIZE]) |
Low level SHA256 hashing API to finalize a SHA256 hash compuation and return a binary result. | |
char * | cryptSha256HashToString(uchar hash[CRYPT_SHA256_SIZE]) |
Convert a SHA256 hash to a string. | |
void | cryptSha256Init(CryptSha256 *ctx) |
Low level SHA256 hashing API to initialize a SHA256 hash computation. | |
void | cryptSha256Start(CryptSha256 *ctx) |
Low level SHA256 hashing API to start a SHA256 hash computation. | |
void | cryptSha256Term(CryptSha256 *ctx) |
Low level SHA256 hashing API to terminate a SHA256 hash compuation. | |
void | cryptSha256Update(CryptSha256 *ctx, cuchar *block, ssize length) |
Low level SHA256 hashing API to update a SHA256 hash computation with input data. |
Typedef Index
CryptMd5 | MD5 computation block. |
CryptSha256 | SHA256 computation block. |
#define | CRYPT_BLOWFISH "BF1" |
Blowfish hash tag. | |
Number of computation rounds. | |
Length of salt text. | |
#define | CRYPT_DECODE_TOKEQ 1 |
Decode base64 blocks up to a NULL or equals. | |
#define | ME_COM_CRYPT 1 |
Minimal Crypto Library. |
MD5 computation block.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
uint state[4] MD5 hashing state.
SHA256 computation block.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
uint32 state[8] SHA256 computation state.
Check a plain-text password against a password hash.
- Parameters:
plainTextPassword Input plain-text password. passwordHash Hash previously computed via cryptMakePassword.
- Returns:
- True if the password matches.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Decode a block that has been base64 encoded.
- Parameters:
str Base64 encoded string.
- Returns:
- Null terminated decoded string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Decode a block that has been base64 encoded.
- Parameters:
block Base64 encoded string. len Pointer to receive the length of the decoded block. flags Stop decoding at the end of the block or '=' if CRYPT_DECODE_TOKEQ is specified.
- Returns:
- Decoded block string. Caller must free. The length is described via *len.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Encode a string using base64 encoding.
- Parameters:
str Null terminated string to encode.
- Returns:
- Base64 encoded string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Encode a block using base64 encoding.
- Parameters:
block Block of data to encode. len Length of the block.
- Returns:
- Base64 encoded string. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get an MD5 string hash for a file.
- Parameters:
path Filename for the file for which to compute the hash.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a SHA1 hash for the contents of a file.
- Parameters:
path Filename of the file.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a SHA256 hash for the contents of a file.
- Parameters:
path Filename of the file.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get an MD5 hash for a block and return a string hash.
- Parameters:
block Block of data for which to compute the hash. length Length of the block. If the length is -1, the block is assumed to be a string and its length is determined by strlen on the block.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get an MD5 hash for a block and return a binary hash.
- Parameters:
block Block of data for which to compute the hash. length Length of the block. If the length is -1, the block is assumed to be a string and its length is determined by strlen on the block. hash Array to receive the hash.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Read a password from the console.
- Description:
- Used by utility programs to read passwords from the console.
- Parameters:
prompt Password user prompt.
- Returns:
- The input password. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get random data.
- Parameters:
buf Result buffer to hold the random data. length Size of the buffer. block Set to true to read from a blocking random generator that will guarantee the return of random data in the situation of insufficient entropy at the time the call was made.
- Returns:
- The input password. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a SHA1 hash for a block and return a string hash.
- Parameters:
block Block of data for which to compute the hash. If set to -1, the block is assumed to be a null terminated string. length Length of the data block.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a SHA1 hash for a string and return a base-64 encoded string hash.
- Parameters:
s String. length Length of the data block. If set to <= 0, the block is assumed to be a null terminated string.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a SHA1 hash for a block and return a binary hash.
- Parameters:
block Block of data for which to compute the hash. length Length of the data block. If set to -1, the block is assumed to be a null terminated string. hash Array to receive the hash result.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get an SHA1 checksum with optional prefix string and buffer length.
- Parameters:
buf Buffer to checksum. length Size of the buffer. prefix String prefix to insert at the start of the result.
- Returns:
- An allocated string containing an SHA1 checksum.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a SHA256 hash for a block and return a string hash.
- Parameters:
block Block of data for which to compute the hash. If set to -1, the block is assumed to be a null terminated string. length Length of the data block.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a SHA256 hash for a string and return a base-64 encoded string hash.
- Parameters:
s String. length Length of the data block. If set to <= 0, the block is assumed to be a null terminated string.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get a SHA256 hash for a block and return a binary hash.
- Parameters:
block Block of data for which to compute the hash. length Length of the data block. If set to -1, the block is assumed to be a null terminated string. hash Array to receive the hash result.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Make a password using the Blowfish cipher (Bcrypt).
- Parameters:
password Input plain-text password. saltLength Length of salt text to add. rounds Number of computation rounds. Default is 128. Longer is slower, but more secure.
- Returns:
- The computed password hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level MD5 hashing API to finalize an MD5 hash compuation and return a binary hash result.
- Description:
- Finalize the hash computation.
- Parameters:
ctx MD5 context. digest MD5 array to receive the hash result.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Convert an MD5 hash to a hex string.
- Parameters:
hash Previously computed MD5 hash.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level MD5 hashing API to initialize an MD5 hash computation.
- Description:
- Initialize the hash computation.
- Parameters:
ctx MD5 context.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level MD5 hashing API to update an MD5 hash computation with a block of data.
- Description:
- Update the hash computation with input.
- Parameters:
ctx MD5 context. block Input block to add to the hash. length Length of the input block.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA1 hashing API to finalize a SHA1 hash compuation and return a binary result.
- Description:
- Finalize the hash computation and return a binary hash result.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA1 context. hash Array to receive the hash result.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a SHA1 hash to a string.
- Parameters:
hash Hash result from cryptGetSha1Block.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA1 hashing API to initialize a SHA1 hash computation.
- Description:
- Initialize the hash computation.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA1 context.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA1 hashing API to start a SHA1 hash computation.
- Description:
- Start the hash computation.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA1 context.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA1 hashing API to terminate a SHA1 hash compuation.
- Description:
- Terminate (conclude) the hash computation. This erases in-memory state and should be the final step in computing a hash.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA1 context.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA1 hashing API to update a SHA1 hash computation with input data.
- Description:
- Update the hash computation with a block of data.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA1 context. block Block of data to hash. length Length of the input block.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA256 hashing API to finalize a SHA256 hash compuation and return a binary result.
- Description:
- Finalize the hash computation and return a binary hash result.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA256 context. hash Array to receive the hash result.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert a SHA256 hash to a string.
- Parameters:
hash Hash result from cryptGetSha256Block.
- Returns:
- A hex string representation of the hash. Caller must free.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA256 hashing API to initialize a SHA256 hash computation.
- Description:
- Initialize the hash computation.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA256 context.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA256 hashing API to start a SHA256 hash computation.
- Description:
- Start the hash computation.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA256 context.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA256 hashing API to terminate a SHA256 hash compuation.
- Description:
- Terminate (conclude) the hash computation. This erases in-memory state and should be the final step in computing a hash.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA256 context.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Low level SHA256 hashing API to update a SHA256 hash computation with input data.
- Description:
- Update the hash computation with a block of data.
- Parameters:
ctx SHA256 context. block Block of data to hash. length Length of the input block.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.