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Uploading Data to S3

If you are using a dedicated device cloud running in your AWS account, Ioto provides a convenience wrapper to make uploading data or files to S3 easier.


  • Upload files to S3
  • Upload dynamically generated data to S3

API Quick Tour

Uploading a File

To upload a file, use awsPutFileTS3:

status = awsPutFileToS3("us-east-1", "MyBucket", "file.dat", "./");

This call will upload the file "./" to the bucket "MyBucket" on S3. The file will be saved in the bucket as "file.dat". The returned status will be a HTTP status code of 200 if successful.

Uploading a Data Block

To upload a data block to AWS S3, use the awsPutToS3 API.

char data[1024];
int status = awsPutToS3("us-east-1", "MyBucket", "filename", data, sizeof(data));

This will upload the data buffer to the given "filename" in the "MyBucket" on S3. The returned status will be a HTTP status code of 200 if successful.

When executing, this call will block the current fiber, but other fibers continue to run. When complete, the call will return.