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Creating Products

The first step when creating connected devices with the Builder is to define the product (device) that you wish to manage. In this process:

  • Specify the product name.
  • Provide a description of the product.
  • Select the device agent software you wish to embed in your product.
  • Choose the scope of the license you wish to purchase.
  • Enter email or phone numbers to use for important security alerts.

The Builder will pre-create product definitions for to evaluate Ioto and for the Builder and Device Manager services. These definitions can be selected to display the relevant product security center information for the relevant service.

Product Definitions

You can create product definitions for each device type that you wish to deploy and manage. The product definition describes your product, the device agent you wish to deploy, and its license scope.

Product List

A product definition includes:

  • Product name
  • Description
  • Selected Device Agent
  • License Plan
  • License Type
  • License Scope
  • Email or phone for security alerts

Product Add

Multiple Product Definitions

You can create one or more product definitions to best describe the (many) devices you offer.

If you are using the Ioto device agent, you should create a different product definition for each device type that will require different firmware. When you configure over-the-air software updates for your devices, it is helpful to be able to target different products with the appropriate firmware. When using OTA software upgrades, each product can have a unique firmware configuration. So you will want to configure a different Ioto product definition for each device that requires a different firmware image.

For Appweb and GoAhead based devices, you should create a product definition for each product described in your Embedthis license agreement. This may have already been created for you. If you require assistance, please contact

Product Name

The product name is a unique, one-line, descriptive name of your choosing.

Product Description

This description is for your records and for licensing scopes. Please fully and uniquely describe your product. (Can be multiple sentences).

Device Agent

When defining your product, you can select to embed one of three device agents:

  • Ioto Device Agent
  • GoAhead Web Server
  • Appweb Web Server

We recommend choosing the Ioto cloud agent for all new devices, even if they are not connected to the cloud, as Ioto has the most efficient and secure embedded web server. Please read the Web Server Comparison for details.

The Ioto agent includes our most advanced embedded web server. It is a fraction the size of comparable embedded web servers (including our own) and it boast impressive throughput and efficiency scores.

Our Appweb and GoAhead web servers are provided for existing customers who have embedded these web servers in existing product designs.

License Plan

Next, you can select your desired product plan from the list:

  • Evaluation
  • Project Maker
  • Commercial Device Builder

Free evaluations are offered for a limited time, commercial evaluation of the software.

The Project Maker plan is for up for individual and non-commercial projects to utilize the device agent software for free for up to 10 devices.

A Commercial Device Builder plan allows for the commerical deployment of any number of devices utilizing the software.


If the Project Maker plan is selected, you can then select a commercial license or an open source GPLv2 license for the agent software. Note: The GPL License does not generally permit incorporating this software into non-open source programs. Use this license only for non-commercial, private or full open source firmware projects.

License Scope

If you select the Commercial Device Builder for your plan, you next select a license scope from the list:

  • By Device Volume
  • Single Product
  • Family of Products
  • Business Line

The By Device Volume licence is based on the total installed base of devices that embed the device agent.

The Single Product license is limited to a single product and its direct product replacements. This license provides unlimited device unit volume. Multiple model numbers are permitted, provided the models vary only in branding, appearance, packaging or scale and not otherwise in functionality.

The Product Family license is limited to related products that share the same functional purpose and have the same public product family name.

The Business Line license permits multiple Product Families within a single business unit and single market segment.

These licenses are annual subscriptions and include software updates and upgrades through the year. While your license subscription is active, you can include the device agent software in your products. You may access and apply security updates and upgrades for new and existing devices.

For these license subscriptions, you are billed either yearly in advance.

Ioto Products

When using a License Scope of "By Device Volume" you must enter the total number of installed devices using the software in the Total Devices field. This is the cumulative number of devices that you have shipped to date using Ioto including those that you will manufacture during the billing period.

The Ioto service can automatically meter devices as they are manufactured. This involves the Ioto device agent sending a single registration request during creation to the Builder service. This is an automated process and it relieves you of the burden of counting and estimating device unit volumes. The current count of registered devices is displayed in the label for the Total Devices field.

Ioto is billed monthly at the end of the month based on the number of devices manufactured during the month. Ioto subscriptions are calculated on a sliding scale where the price decreases the more devices you deploy. The price is < $0.30 when making more than 1,000 devices per month.

You can evaluate Ioto without cost by using the Evaluation plan.

Intended Purpose

You can help us to better understand your intended goals by selecting how you plan to utilize the agent.

Product Alert Recipients

You can enter one or more email addresses or phone numbers to be notified in the event of important security updates. When relevant releases or security updates are issued, you can be proactively notified by mail or phone so you can quickly take the appropriate action.

Separate entries with commas and use fully qualified phone numbers with international dialing prefixes.

Creating New Products

To configure a new product, select the Add Product button from the product list. This will display the slide out product panel.

Product Add

Enter a unique product name and accurate product description. Then select the relevant EmbedThis licensed product you wish to embed. Choose from:

  • Ioto Cloud Agent
  • GoAhead Web Server
  • Appweb Web Server

Depending on the licensed product, you will have different subscription options.