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Volume-Based Device Agent Pricing

The volume-based subscriptions licenses you to embed the device agent for the total installed base of your devices. It provides the right to update and apply security patches to your existing devices while your subscription is active.

The volume-based subscriptions are billed yearly in advance and offer a lower-cost of entry for smaller device volumes.

See also details about the Royalty Free Agent Pricing.

Free Evaluation

Your first device is free and you can evaluate device agents for free by using the evaluation agent downloads. The eval software is a recent release, but does not include the latest patches and features. The eval license includes the ability to embed the agent in one device.

Device Volume

The volume-based subscription fee is based on the total installed base of devices that embed the device agent. The price is calculated via a sliding scale where the per-device price decreases with increased volume. The more you build, the lower the subscription per device.

You enter and maintain the total installed base of devices for your subscription via the Builder site on the Product page.

Volume Price Brackets

The following price table shows the device subscription price brackets at increasing volume levels. The first device is free.

The price column shows the subscription per-device price once that number of manufactured devices been reached. Subscription prices are per year.


Billing Period

The volume-based subscriptions are billed yearly in advance.

If you discontinue your agent subscription, you need to cease shipping new products that include the device agent. You can continue to use existing devices that contain the device agent or the Ioto cloud service. An active subscription is required to download or apply new software updates or security patches.

Pricing Example

For example: If you have 1001 devices manufactured, the calculation would be as follows:

  • Devices 1 to 10 -- free
  • Devices 11 to 100 -- $8.80 each
  • Devices 101 to 1000 - $2.20 each
  • Device 1001 -- $0.55

So the annual device subscription would be: $8.80 x 90 + $2.20 x 900 + $0.29 * 1

Annual Total: $2,772.29

The monthly subscription would then be: ~$231

See the price calculator at the Price Calculator