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Account Settings

The account settings page displays and manages your account name and billing email address.

The settings page will be enabled if you are an "owner" of the Builder account. You become an owner by having a member role of "owner".


Your account name was defined when you created your Builder account. You can change your account name here if you require.

You can also change your corporate name and billing address that will be used for invoices on the Invoice Address option on the Account Billing Page.

Billing Email

Each Builder account has an email address that is designated as the primary contact for the account. This email address will be used for billing and critical account communications. It will not be used for other notifications.

The billing email is by default the email address of the user who created the account. You can change this email address to the valid email address of any admin user.

Account ID

Your Builder account ID is shown on the settings page and this may be requested by support staff should you need assistance in resolving an issue.