The EmbedThis Ioto cloud management service is provided under the EmbedThis Terms of Service.
EmbedThis distributes device agent software under three licenses. You can choose which license you wish to use depending on your other licensing terms.
Commercial License Overview
The Commercial License provides businesses with the flexibility and rights needed to integrate the software into proprietary products and services. Key features of the commercial license include:
Right to Create Integrated Products: The license allows users to compile, modify, and use the device agent software to create Integrated Products and keep their source code private and confidential.
Distribution Rights: Businesses can distribute, market, and sell Integrated Products, including the ability to provide cloud-based remote access to those products.
Support for Contract Manufacturers: The license permits distributing the agent software in source code form to contract manufacturers.
Service Integration: Users can interact with the EmbedThis cloud-based management service to manage their devices.
Developer Support: Access to dedicated support services for assistance in designing and implementing Integrated Products.
Please read the full Embedthis Commercial License.
Eval License Overview
The EmbedThis Eval License is for short term commercial evaluations.
Open Source License Overview
EmbedThis also provides its device agent software, including Ioto, Appweb, and GoAhead, under an alternate GPLv2 license. The GPLv2 license is particularly suitable for individual maker projects and some commercial evaluations.
However, it is important to note that the GPL license has strict requirements regarding its use. If you use the GPLv2 license, you are still required to abide by the general EmbedThis Terms of Service.
The GNU General Public Licenseis a widely recognized open-source license that ensures users have the freedom to run, study, share, and modify software. Key provisions of the GPLv2 license include:
- Open Source Requirement: Software distributed under the GPL license must remain open source. This means that any derivative works or modifications to the software must also be released under the GPL license if distributed.
- Non-Compatible with Proprietary Software: GPL-licensed software cannot be incorporated into proprietary software unless the entire project is released under the GPL.
- Obligation to Share Modifications: If you modify GPL-licensed software and distribute those modifications, you must make the modified source code publicly available and accessible to all others under the same license.
- Compliance: By utilizing the GPL-licensed software, you are legally bound to fully comply with all its terms. Failure to do so may result in a violation of the license agreement.
Choosing the Right License
You can choose the commercial license or the open source GPL license depending on your individual or business needs.
Commercial License: For businesses requiring the flexibility to incorporate EmbedThis software into proprietary or closed-source applications, the commercial license is the best choice. This option provides professional support, customization, and the ability to integrate with non-open source programs.
GPL License: Ideal for open-source enthusiasts, makers, or those evaluating the software for non-commercial purposes. The GPL License does not generally permit incorporating the agent software into non-open source programs.
Your use of the software or access to the cloud service constitutes acceptance of the relevant license terms.