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Widget Types

The following widget types are supported:

Widget Description
button Clickable button
event Table of top alert event
form Input form
gauge Numeric gauge
graph Numeric graph
image Image
input Input field
led RGB Leds
numeric Numeric value
progress Progress widget
set Service Overview
shape Arbitrary shape
sign Signpost
table Tabular data
text Text
toolbar Dashboard Toolbar

The following Input widget subtypes are supported:

Widget Description
checkbox Checkbox
combo Combination Box
date Date
file File
password Password
radio Radio
select Select
slider Slider
switch Switch
text Text Field
textarea Text Area

Button Widget

Button Widget

The button widget provides a simple clickable button and is typically used with widget actions to navigate to a new app page or to invoke a cloud-side automated action.

There are two varieties of button:

  • Text Button
  • Icon Button

Configurable fields

Field Description
footer Footer text to place at the bottom of the widget
header Header text to place at the top of the widget
text Button text if using a button icon
title Title text. Not typically used.

Custom CSS

Property Description
--w-icon Icon to use instead of text. E.g. "$edit".
--w-elevation Elevation in pixels of the button. Default is 0.
--w-prepend-icon Icon to prepend before the button text.
--w-append-icon Icon to append after the button text.
--w-rounded Set to round the button corners. Set to 0, XS, SM, LG or XL.
--w-variant Set to elevated, flat, tonal, outlined, text or plain.

More widget documentation coming soon...