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Basic Widget Configuration

The Basic widget configuration includes the widget type, title and other fields that are relevant for the selected widget type.

Basic Configuiration

Depending on the widget type, different configuration fields will be presented from the following list:

Name Description
accept File types to accept for the File upload widget
datetime Set to "date", "time" or "datetime" for the date input widget.
field Database field to update for input widgets
fields Database fields to display for table widgets
footer Widget footer to display at the bottom of the widget
form Associated form widget to post input form fields
format Widget numeric format string
header Widget header text to display at the top of the widget
items Selection items to use with input select and combo widgets
label Input field label
max Maximum expected data value
min Minimum expected data value
multiple Allow multiple selections for an input combo widget
pivot Pivot the table widget data. Rows vs columns.
placeholder Place holder text to use for input text widgets.
prefix Text prefix to display before the value for numeric widgets.
presentation Graph presentation.
rows Numer of rows to display for a text area input widget
subtitle Subtitle to display for the table widget
suffix Suffix text to display after a numeric value
text Static text to use for the widget value
timezone Timezone to use for the date input wiget
url URL to use for image and sound widgets
validate Regular expression to use for validating text inputs.

Formatting Numerics

The format field is used when formatting numberic widgets.

For example, the following will format numbers with an optional sign followed by the number portion with thousand separators and one decimal place. The number will be rounded up.


The formatter characters are:

Character Description
0 digits with leading zero
# digit
, Thousand separators
% format as percent
+ Always show sign
- Show sign if negative
^ Round up
v Round down