Edi | Database structure. |
EdiField | EDI Record field structure. |
EdiGrid | Grid structure. |
EdiRec | Database record structure. |
EdiService | Edi service control structure. |
Function Index
int | edRemoveColumn(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName) |
Remove a column from a table. | |
int | ediAddColumn(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, int type, int flags) |
Add a column to a table. | |
void | ediAddFieldError(struct EdiRec *rec, cchar *field, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Add a field error message. | |
int | ediAddIndex(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, cchar *indexName) |
Add an index to a table. | |
void | ediAddProvider(struct EdiProvider *provider) |
Add a database provider. | |
int | ediAddTable(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName) |
Add a table to a database. | |
int | ediAddValidation(Edi *edi, cchar *name, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, cvoid *data) |
Add a validation. | |
int | ediChangeColumn(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, int type, int flags) |
Change a column schema definition. | |
Edi * | ediClone(Edi *edi) |
Clone a database. | |
EdiGrid * | ediCloneGrid(EdiGrid *grid) |
Clone a grid. | |
void | ediClose(Edi *edi) |
Close a database. | |
EdiGrid * | ediCreateBareGrid(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, int nrows) |
Create a bare grid. | |
EdiRec * | ediCreateBareRec(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, int nfields) |
Create a bare, free-standing record. | |
EdiRec * | ediCreateRec(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName) |
Create a new record based on the table's schema. | |
EdiService * | ediCreateService(void) |
Create the EDI service. | |
void | ediDefineMigration(struct Edi *edi, EdiMigration forw, EdiMigration back) |
Define database migration callbacks. | |
void | ediDefineValidation(cchar *name, EdiValidationProc vfn) |
Define a field validation procedure. | |
int | ediDelete(Edi *edi, cchar *path) |
Delete the database at the given path. | |
void | ediDumpGrid(cchar *message, EdiGrid *grid) |
Display the grid to the debug log. | |
void | ediDumpRec(cchar *message, EdiRec *rec) |
Display a record to the debug log. | |
EdiGrid * | ediFilterGridFields(EdiGrid *grid, cchar *fields, int include) |
Filter the fields of a grid. | |
EdiRec * | ediFilterRecFields(EdiRec *rec, cchar *fields, int include) |
Filter the fields of a record. | |
EdiGrid * | ediFindGrid(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *query) |
Read matching records in a table. | |
EdiRec * | ediFindRec(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *query) |
Read one record. | |
cchar * | ediFormatField(cchar *fmt, EdiField *fp) |
Format a field value. | |
int | ediGetColumnSchema(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, int *type, int *flags, int *cid) |
Get the column schema. | |
MprList * | ediGetColumns(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName) |
Get a list of database column names. | |
EdiField * | ediGetField(EdiRec *rec, cchar *fieldName) |
Get a record field. | |
int | ediGetFieldType(EdiRec *rec, cchar *fieldName) |
Get the data type of a record field. | |
cchar * | ediGetFieldValue(EdiRec *rec, cchar *fieldName) |
Get a field value. | |
MprList * | ediGetGridColumns(EdiGrid *grid) |
Get a list of grid column names. | |
cchar * | ediGetGridSchemaAsJson(EdiGrid *grid) |
Get the schema for a grid and format as JSON. | |
EdiField * | ediGetNextField(EdiRec *rec, EdiField *fp, int offset) |
Get the next field in a record This is used as an iterator. | |
EdiRec * | ediGetNextRec(EdiGrid *grid, EdiRec *rec) |
Get the next record in a grid This is used as an iterator. | |
MprHash * | ediGetRecErrors(EdiRec *rec) |
Get record validation errors. | |
cchar * | ediGetRecSchemaAsJson(EdiRec *rec) |
Get the schema for a record and format as JSON. | |
int | ediGetTableDimensions(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, int *numRows, int *numCols) |
Get table dimensions information. | |
cchar * | ediGetTableSchemaAsJson(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName) |
Get a table schema and format as JSON. | |
MprList * | ediGetTables(Edi *edi) |
Get a list of database tables. | |
char * | ediGetTypeString(int type) |
Convert an EDI type to a string. | |
cchar * | ediGridAsJson(EdiGrid *grid, int flags) |
Convert an EDI database grid into a JSON string. | |
EdiGrid * | ediJoin(Edi *edi, ...) |
Join grids. | |
int | ediLoad(Edi *edi, cchar *path) |
Load the database file. | |
int | ediLookupField(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *fieldName) |
Lookup a column field by name. | |
EdiProvider * | ediLookupProvider(cchar *providerName) |
Lookup an EDI provider name. | |
EdiGrid * | ediMakeGrid(cchar *content) |
MprJson * | ediMakeJson(cchar *fmt, ...) |
Make a JSON container of property values. | |
EdiRec * | ediMakeRec(cchar *content) |
Make a record. | |
EdiRec * | ediMakeRecFromJson(cchar *tableName, MprJson *fields) |
Make a record from a JSON fields object. | |
void | ediManageEdiRec(EdiRec *rec, int flags) |
Manage an EdiRec instance for garbage collection. | |
Edi * | ediOpen(cchar *source, cchar *provider, int flags) |
Open a database. | |
int | ediParseTypeString(cchar *type) |
Parse an EDI type string. | |
EdiGrid * | ediPivotGrid(EdiGrid *grid, int flags) |
Pivot a grid swapping rows for columns. | |
EdiGrid * | ediQuery(Edi *edi, cchar *cmd, int argc, cchar **argv, va_list vargs) |
Run a database query query. | |
EdiField | ediReadField(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *key, cchar *fieldName) |
Read a field from the database. | |
cchar * | ediReadFieldValue(Edi *edi, cchar *fmt, cchar *tableName, cchar *key, cchar *fieldName, cchar *defaultValue) |
Read a formatted field from the database. | |
EdiRec * | ediReadRec(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *key) |
Read a record. | |
cchar * | ediRecAsJson(EdiRec *rec, int flags) |
Convert an EDI database record into a JSON string. | |
int | ediRemoveIndex(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *indexName) |
Remove a table index. | |
int | ediRemoveRec(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *key) |
Delete a row in a database table identified by a key value. | |
int | ediRemoveTable(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName) |
Remove a table from the database. | |
int | ediRenameColumn(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *columnName, cchar *newColumnName) |
Rename a column. | |
int | ediRenameTable(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *newTableName) |
Rename a table. | |
int | ediSave(Edi *edi) |
Save in-memory database contents to disk. | |
EdiRec * | ediSetField(EdiRec *rec, cchar *fieldName, cchar *value) |
Set a record field without writing to the database. | |
EdiRec * | ediSetFieldFmt(EdiRec *rec, cchar *fieldName, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Set a record field using a format string. | |
EdiRec * | ediSetFields(EdiRec *rec, MprJson *data) |
Set record fields without writing to the database. | |
void | ediSetPrivate(Edi *edi, bool on) |
Create a private database for each client. | |
void | ediSetReadonly(Edi *edi, bool on) |
Control whether the database accepts updates. | |
int | ediUpdateField(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *key, cchar *fieldName, cchar *value) |
Write a value to a database table field. | |
int | ediUpdateFieldFmt(Edi *edi, cchar *tableName, cchar *key, cchar *fieldName, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Write a formatted value to a database table field. | |
int | ediUpdateRec(Edi *edi, EdiRec *rec) |
Write a record to the database. | |
bool | ediValidateRec(EdiRec *rec) |
Validate a record. |
Typedef Index
EdiProvider | Database provider interface. |
EdiValidation | Validation structure. |
EdiValidationProc | Field validation callback procedure. |
#define | EDI_AUTO_INC 0x1 |
Field flag | |
#define | EDI_AUTO_SAVE 0x2 |
Auto-save database if modified in memory. | |
#define | EDI_CREATE 0x1 |
Create database if not present. | |
#define | EDI_FOREIGN 0x8 |
Field flag | |
#define | EDI_GRID_READ_ONLY 0x1 |
Grid contains pure database records, must not be modified. | |
#define | EDI_INDEX 0x4 |
Field flag | |
#define | EDI_KEY 0x2 |
Field flag | |
#define | EDI_LITERAL 0x8 |
Literal schema in ediOpen source parameter. | |
#define | EDI_NO_SAVE 0x4 |
Prevent saving to disk. | |
#define | EDI_NOT_NULL 0x10 |
Field flag | |
#define | EDI_PRIVATE 0x20 |
Create private clone of the database. | |
#define | EDI_READ_ONLY 0x20 |
Field flag | |
#define | EDI_SUPPRESS_SAVE 0x10 |
Temporarily suppress auto-save. | |
#define | EDI_TYPE_BINARY 1 |
Arbitrary binary data. | |
#define | EDI_TYPE_BOOL 2 |
Boolean true|false value. | |
#define | EDI_TYPE_DATE 3 |
Date type (stored as epoch). | |
#define | EDI_TYPE_FLOAT 4 |
Floating point number. | |
#define | EDI_TYPE_INT 5 |
Integer number. | |
#define | EDI_TYPE_MAX 8 |
Max type + 1. | |
#define | EDI_TYPE_STRING 6 |
String. | |
#define | EDI_TYPE_TEXT 7 |
Multi-line text. |
Database structure.
- Description:
- The Embedded Database Interface (EDI) defines an abstract interface atop various relational database providers. Providers are supplied for SQLite and for the ESP Memory Database (MDB).
- Fields:
EdiMigration back Backward migration callback. char * errMsg Last error message. int flags Database flags. EdiMigration forw Forward migration callback. MprMutex * mutex Multithread lock. cchar * path Database path. struct EdiProvider * provider Database provider. MprHash * schemaCache Cache of table schema in JSON. MprHash * validations Validations.
Add a column to a table.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. columnName Database column name. type Column data type. Set to one of EDI_TYPE_BINARY, EDI_TYPE_BOOL, EDI_TYPE_DATE EDI_TYPE_FLOAT, EDI_TYPE_INT, EDI_TYPE_STRING, EDI_TYPE_TEXT. flags Control column attributes. Set to a set of: EDI_AUTO_INC for auto incrementing columns, EDI_KEY if the column is the key column and/or EDI_INDEX to create an index on the column.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Add an index to a table.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. columnName Database column name. indexName Ignored. Set to null.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Add a table to a database.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. Table names should be singular. Certain routines like ediJoin rely on being able to map foreign key fields of the form NameId by converting the Name to a database table.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Add a validation.
- Description:
- Validations are run when calling ediUpdateRec. A validation is used to validate field data using builtin validators.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. name Validation name. Select from: - banned
to validate field data against a regular express for banned content. - boolean
to validate field data as "true" or "false" - date
to validate field data as a date or time. - format
to validate field data against a regular expression supplied in the "data" argument - integer
to validate field data as an integral value - number
to validate field data as a number. It may be an integer or floating point number. - present
to validate field data as not null. - unique
to validate field data as being unique in the database table.
tableName Database table name. columnName Database column name. data Argument data for the validator. For example: the "format" validator requires a regular expression. - banned
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Change a column schema definition.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. columnName Database column name. type Column data type. Set to one of EDI_TYPE_BINARY, EDI_TYPE_BOOL, EDI_TYPE_DATE EDI_TYPE_FLOAT, EDI_TYPE_INT, EDI_TYPE_STRING, EDI_TYPE_TEXT. flags Control column attributes. Set to a set of: EDI_AUTO_INC for auto incrementing columns, EDI_KEY if the column is the key column and/or EDI_INDEX to create an index on the column.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Clone a database.
- Parameters:
edi Database to clone.
- Returns:
- A copy of the database.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Clone a grid.
- Parameters:
grid to clone.
- Returns:
- A complete copy of a grid.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Close a database.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a bare grid.
- Description:
- This creates an empty grid based on the given table's schema.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. nrows Number of rows to reserve in the grid.
- Returns:
- EdiGrid instance.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a bare, free-standing record.
- Description:
- This creates an empty record based. The tableName and number of fields are defined in the record, but otherwise, the record's fields are uninitialized. This API is a low level API used internally by ESP and EDI.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. nfields Number of fields to reserve in the record.
- Returns:
- EdiGrid instance.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a new record based on the table's schema.
- Description:
- This will create an empty record using the given database tableName to supply the record schema. It will not be saved to the database as the field values have not been assigned. Set field values using ediSetField and ediSetFields and then save to the database using ediUpdateRec. Create a record based on the table's schema. Not saved to the database. Use ediCreateBareRec to create a free-standing record without requiring a database. The record is allocated and room is reserved to store record values. No record field values are stored.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name.
- Returns:
- Record instance.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Delete the database at the given path.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. This is required to identify the database provider. The database should be closed before deleting. path Database path name.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Display the grid to the debug log.
- Description:
- Used for debugging only.
- Parameters:
message Prefix message to output. grid EDI grid.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Display a record to the debug log.
- Description:
- Used for debugging only.
- Parameters:
message Prefix message to output. rec Record to log.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Read matching records in a table.
- Description:
- This runs a SQL like query on the database and returns matching records in a grid. The query selects the rows that have matching fields.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. query SQL like query expression. This arg is a printf style format string. When expanded, this will contain a SQL style query expression of the form: "Field Op Value AND field OP value ... LIMIT offset, limit". All fields may be matched by using the pseudo column name "*". Where OP is "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=" or "><".
- Returns:
- A grid containing all matching records. Returns NULL if no matching records.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Read one record.
- Description:
- This runs a simple query on the database and selects the first matching record. The query selects a row that has a "field" that matches the given "value".
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. query SQL like query expression. This arg is a printf style format string. When expanded, this will contain a SQL style query expression of the form: "Field Op Value AND field OP value ... LIMIT offset, limit". All fields may be matched by using the pseudo column name "*". Where OP is "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=" or "><".
- Returns:
- First matching record. Returns NULL if no matching records.
- API Stability:
- Deprecated.
Format a field value.
- Parameters:
fmt Printf style format string. fp Field whoes value will be formatted.
- Returns:
- Formatted value string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a list of database column names.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name.
- Returns:
- An MprList of column names in the given table.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the column schema.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. columnName Database column name. type Output parameter to receive the column data type. Will be set to one of: EDI_TYPE_BINARY, EDI_TYPE_BOOL, EDI_TYPE_DATE, EDI_TYPE_FLOAT, EDI_TYPE_INT, EDI_TYPE_STRING, EDI_TYPE_TEXT. Set to null if this data is not required. flags Output parameter to receive the column control flags. Will be set to one or more of: EDI_AUTO_INC, EDI_KEY and/or EDI_INDEX Set to null if this data is not required. cid Output parameter to receive the ordinal column index in the database table. Set to null if this data is not required.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a record field.
- Parameters:
rec Database record. fieldName Field in the record to extract.
- Returns:
- An EdiField structure containing the record field value and details.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the data type of a record field.
- Parameters:
rec Record to examine. fieldName Field to examine.
- Returns:
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a field value.
- Parameters:
rec Database record. fieldName Field in the record to extract.
- Returns:
- A field value as a string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a list of grid column names.
- Parameters:
grid Database grid.
- Returns:
- An MprList of column names in the given grid.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get record validation errors.
- Parameters:
rec Database record.
- Returns:
- A hash of validation errors. If validation passed, then this call returns NULL.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get table dimensions information.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. numRows Output parameter to receive the number of rows in the table Set to null if this data is not required. numCols Output parameter to receive the number of columns in the table Set to null if this data is not required.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a list of database tables.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle.
- Returns:
- An MprList of table names in the database.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a table schema and format as JSON.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Name of table to examine.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Convert an EDI type to a string.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Type string. This will be set to one of: "binary", "bool", "date", "float", "int", "string" or "text".
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Convert an EDI database grid into a JSON string.
- Parameters:
grid EDI grid. flags Reserved. Set to MPR_JSON_PRETTY for a prettier format.
- Returns:
- JSON string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Join grids.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. ... Null terminated list of data grids. These are instances of EdiGrid.
- Returns:
- A joined grid.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Load the database file.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. path Database path name.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Lookup a column field by name.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. fieldName Database column field name.
- Returns:
- The ordinal column index in the table if the column field is found. Otherwise returns a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Lookup an EDI provider name.
- Parameters:
providerName Name of the EDI provider.
- Returns:
- The EDI provider object. Returns null if the provider cannot be found.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Make a JSON container of property values.
- Description:
- This routine formats the given arguments, parses the result into a JSON object.
- Parameters:
fmt Printf style format string. ... arguments.
- Returns:
- MprJson instance.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Make a record.
- Description:
- This call makes a free-standing data record based on the JSON format content string.
- Parameters:
content JSON format content string. The content should be a set of property names and values.
- Returns:
- An EdiRec instance.
- Example:
- : rec = ediMakeRec("{ id: 1, title: 'Message One', body: 'Line one' }");.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Make a record from a JSON fields object.
- Description:
- This call makes a free-standing data record based on the JSON fields.
- Parameters:
tableName Name of the database table to initialize in the record. fields JSON object.
- Returns:
- An EdiRec instance.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- ediMakeGrid, ediMakeRec
Manage an EdiRec instance for garbage collection.
- Parameters:
rec Record instance. flags GC management flag.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Open a database.
- Description:
- This opens a database using the specified database provider.
- Parameters:
source Database path name. If using the "mdb" provider with the EDI_LITERAL flag, then the source argument can be set to a literal JSON database content string. provider Database provider. Set to "mdb" for the Memory Database or "sqlite" for the SQLite provider. flags Set to: - EDI_CREATE
Create database if not present. - EDI_AUTO_SAVE
Auto-save database if modified in memory. This option is only supported by the "mdb" provider. - EDI_NO_SAVE
Prevent saving to disk. This option is only supported by the "mdb" provider. - EDI_LITERAL
Literal schema in ediOpen source parameter. This option is only supported by the "mdb" provider.
- Returns:
- If successful, returns an EDI database instance object. Otherwise returns zero.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Parse an EDI type string.
- Parameters:
type Type string set to one of: "binary", "bool", "date", "float", "int", "string" or "text".
- Returns:
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Run a database query query.
- Description:
- This runs a provider dependant query. For the SDB SQLite provider, this runs an SQL statement. The "mdb" provider does not implement this API. To do queries using the "mdb" provider, use: ediFindRec, ediFindGrid and ediReadField. The query may contain positional parameters via argc/argv or via a va_list. These are recommended to mitigate SQL injection risk.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. cmd Query command to execute. argc Number of query parameters in argv. argv Query parameter arguments. vargs Query parameters supplied in a NULL terminated va_list.
- Returns:
- If succesful, returns tabular data in the form of an EgiGrid structure. Returns NULL on errors.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Read a field from the database.
- Description:
- This reads a field from the database.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. key Row key column value to read. fieldName Column name to read.
- Returns:
- Field value or null if the no record is found. May return null or empty if the field is null or empty.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Read a formatted field from the database.
- Description:
- This reads a field from the database and formats the result using an optional format string. If the field has a null or empty value, the supplied defaultValue will be returned.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. fmt Reserved and not yet implemented. Set to NULL. tableName Database table name. key Row key column value to read. fieldName Column name to read. defaultValue Default value to return if the field is null or empty.
- Returns:
- Field value or default value if field is null or empty. Returns null if no matching record is found.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Read a record.
- Description:
- Read a record from the given table as identified by the key value.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. key Key value of the record to read.
- Returns:
- Record instance of EdiRec.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Convert an EDI database record into a JSON string.
- Parameters:
rec EDI record. flags Reserved. Set to zero.
- Returns:
- JSON string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Remove a table index.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. indexName Ignored. Set to null. This call will remove the table index.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Delete a row in a database table identified by a key value.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. key Key column value to delete.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Remove a table from the database.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Rename a column.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. columnName Database column name. newColumnName New column name.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Rename a table.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. newTableName New database table name.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Save in-memory database contents to disk.
- Description:
- How this call behaves is provider dependant. If the provider is "mdb" and the database is not opened with AutoSave, then this call will save the in-memory contents. If the "mdb" database is opened with AutoSave, then this call will do nothing. For the "sdb" SQLite provider, this call does nothing.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set a record field without writing to the database.
- Description:
- This routine updates the record object with the given value. The record will not be written to the database. To write to the database, use ediUpdateRec
- Parameters:
rec Record to update. fieldName Record field name to update. value Value to update.
- Returns:
- The record instance if successful, otherwise NULL.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set a record field using a format string.
- Description:
- This routine updates the record object with the given value. The record will not be written to the database. To write to the database, use ediUpdateRec
- Parameters:
rec Record to update. fieldName Record field name to update. fmt Format string. ... Variable arguments for the format string.
- Returns:
- The record instance if successful, otherwise NULL.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set record fields without writing to the database.
- Description:
- This routine updates the record object with the given values. The "data' argument supplies the fieldNames and values. The data may come from the request params() or it can be manually created via #ediMakeJson. For example: ediSetFields(rec, mprParseJson("{ name: 's', address: 's' }", name, address)) The record will not be written to the database. To write to the database, use ediUpdateRec
- Parameters:
rec Record to update. data Json object of field to use for the update.
- Returns:
- The record instance if successful, otherwise NULL.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a private database for each client.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. on Set to true to clone the database for each connected client.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Control whether the database accepts updates.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. on Set to true to make the database readonly, i.e. to disable all updates.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Write a value to a database table field.
- Description:
- Update the value of a table field in the selected table row.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. key Key value for the table row to update. fieldName Column name to update. value Value to write to the database field.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Write a formatted value to a database table field.
- Description:
- Update the value of a table field in the selected table row. Note: field validations are not run.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. key Key value for the table row to update. fieldName Column name to update. fmt Value format string. ... Variable arguments for the format string.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Write a record to the database.
- Description:
- If the record is a new record and the "id" column is EDI_AUTO_INC, then the "id" will be assigned prior to saving the record.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. rec Record to write to the database.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Validate a record.
- Description:
- Run defined field validations and return true if the record validates. Field validations are defined via ediAddValidation calls. If any validations fail, error messages will be added to the record and can be retrieved via ediGetRecErrors
- Parameters:
rec Record to validate.
- Returns:
- True if all field valiations pass.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Remove a column from a table.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. tableName Database table name. columnName Database column name.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
EDI Record field structure.
- Description:
- The EdiField stores record field data and minimal schema information such as the data type and source column name.
- Fields:
int flags Field flags. Flag mask set to EDI_AUTO_INC, EDI_KEY and/or EDI_INDEX. cchar * name Field name. Sourced from the database column name. int type Field data type. Set to one of EDI_TYPE_BINARY, EDI_TYPE_BOOL, EDI_TYPE_DATE EDI_TYPE_FLOAT, EDI_TYPE_INT, EDI_TYPE_STRING, EDI_TYPE_TEXT
int valid Field validity. Set to true if valid. cchar * value Field data value.
Grid structure.
- Description:
- A grid is a tabular (grid) of rows and records. Grids may capture database table data, or may be free-standing without a backing database.
- Fields:
int count Total count of available records matching query. struct Edi * edi Database handle. int flags Grid flags. int nrecords Number of records in grid. EdiRec * records[ARRAY_FLEX] Grid records. cchar * tableName Base table name for grid.
Filter the fields of a grid.
- Parameters:
grid Grid to modify and filter. fields Space separated list of record field names. include Set to true to interpret the names as fields to include. If false, interpret the names as fields to reject.
- Returns:
- The filtered grid. Same reference as the input grid.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Get the schema for a grid and format as JSON.
- Parameters:
grid Grid to examine.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the next record in a grid This is used as an iterator.
For the first call, set rec to NULL- Parameters:
grid Grid whose records are iterated. rec Record pointer.
- Returns:
- The next record object. Returns NULL after the last record.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Pivot a grid swapping rows for columns.
- Parameters:
grid Source grid. flags Control flags. Set to EDI_PIVOT_FIELD_NAMES to use field names as the first column of data.
- Returns:
- New pivoted grid.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Database record structure.
- Description:
- Records may capture database row data, or may be free-standing without a backing database.
- Fields:
struct Edi * edi Database handle. MprHash * errors Hash of record errors. EdiField fields[ARRAY_FLEX] Field records. cchar * id Record key ID. int index Grid index for iteration. int nfields Number of fields in record. cchar * tableName Base table name for record.
Filter the fields of a record.
- Parameters:
rec Record to modify and filter. fields Space separated list of record field names. include Set to true to interpret the names as fields to include. If false, interpret the names as fields to reject.
- Returns:
- The filtered record. Same reference as the input record.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Get the next field in a record This is used as an iterator.
For the first call, set fp to NULL- Parameters:
rec Record whose fields are iterated. fp Field pointer. offset Initial offset. Set to 1 to step over the ID field.
- Returns:
- The next field object. Returns NULL after the last field.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the schema for a record and format as JSON.
- Parameters:
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Edi service control structure.
- Fields:
Add a field error message.
- Parameters:
rec Record to update. field Field name for the error message. fmt Message format string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Add a database provider.
- Description:
- This should only be called by database providers.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create the EDI service.
- Returns:
- EdiService object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Define database migration callbacks.
- Parameters:
edi Database handle. forw Forward migration callback. Of the form: int forw(Edi *edit); A successful return should be zero. back Backward migration callback. Of the form: int back(Edi *edit); A successful return should be zero.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Define a field validation procedure.
- Parameters:
name Validation name. vfn Validation callback to invoke when validating field data.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Field validation callback procedure.
- Parameters:
vp Validation structure reference. rec Record to validate. fieldName Field name to validate. value Field value to.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Database provider interface.
- Fields:
Validation structure.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- Fields:
cvoid * data Custom data (managed). cvoid * mdata Custom data (unmanaged). cchar * name Validation name. EdiValidationProc vfn Validation callback procedure.