ESP Command

To see the esp command options, run esp -help. This produces:

$ esp -help

  esp [options] [commands]

    --cipher cipher            # Password cipher 'md5' or 'blowfish'
    --database name            # Database provider 'mdb|sdb'
    --force                    # Force requested action
    --home directory           # Change to directory first
    --keep                     # Keep intermediate source
    --listen [ip:]port         # Generate app to listen at address
    --log logFile:level        # Log to file at verbosity level (0-5)
    --name appName             # Name for the app when combining
    --noupdate                 # Do not update the esp.json
    --optimize                 # Compile optimized without symbols
    --quiet                    # Don't emit trace
    --platform os-arch-profile # Target platform
    --rebuild                  # Force a rebuild
    --route pattern            # Route pattern to select
    --routePrefix prefix       # Prefix of route to select
    --single                   # Generate a singleton controller
    --show                     # Show routes and compile commands
    --symbols                  # Compile for debug with symbols
    --table name               # Override table name if plural required
    --trace traceFile:level    # Trace to file at verbosity level (0-5)
    --verbose                  # Emit more verbose trace
    --why                      # Why compile or skip building

    esp clean
    esp compile [pathFilters ...]
    esp config
    esp edit key[=value]
    esp generate controller name [action [, action] ...
    esp generate migration description model [field:type [, field:type] ...]
    esp generate scaffold model [field:type [, field:type] ...]
    esp generate table name [field:type [, field:type] ...]
    esp init [name [version]]
    esp migrate [forward|backward|NNN]
    esp mode [debug|release|...]
    esp role [add|remove] rolename abilities...
    esp [run] [ip]:[port] ...
    esp user [add|compute] username password roles...
    esp user [remove|show] username
Switch Description
--chdir dir Change to the specified directory.
--database connector Select a database connector to use. Currently, this switch is not implemented and sqlite is the only connector supported.
--keep Preserve intermediate files. Useful for debugging.
--listen [ip:]port Listen on the specified address.
--log logFile:level Log errors and trace to the log file at the given verbosity level. Levels are 0-9 with nine being the most verbose.
--name Name for the application when combining.
--overwrite Overwrite existing files. The esp command normally will not overwrite existing files. This is to preserve user changes to previously generated files.
--quiet or -q Run quietly and don't trace actions to the console.
--platform os-arch-profile Target platform. This may be a full path to an ESP platform directory in an ESP source tree.
--rebuild Force a rebuild of all components.
--reverse Reverse migrations.
--routeName name This selects the ESP route by name that will be used for the ESP configuration.
--routePrefix prefix This selects the ESP route by prefix that will be used for the ESP configuration.
--show Show all commands invoked by esp.
--verbose or -v Run in verbose mode and trace actions to the console (default).
--why Show why a compile was performed or omitted.

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