Http API Native API
Http | Http service object. |
HttpAuth | Authorization. |
HttpCache | Cache Control. |
HttpConn | Http Connections. |
HttpDir | Directory object for the DirHandler. |
HttpEndpoint | Listening endpoints. |
HttpHost | Host Object. |
HttpLimits | Http limits. |
HttpMonitor | Monitor control structure. |
HttpPacket | Packet object. |
HttpQueue | Queue object. |
HttpRange | Content range structure. |
HttpRoute | Route Control. |
HttpRx | Http Rx. |
HttpSession | Session state object. |
HttpStage | Pipeline Stages. |
HttpStats | HttpStats. |
HttpTrace | Trace management structure. |
HttpTx | Http Tx. |
HttpUploadFile | Upload File. |
HttpUri | URI management. |
HttpWebSocket | WebSocket Service to implement the WebSockets RFC 6455 specification for client and server communications. |
HttpConn* | httpAcceptConn(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, MprEvent *event) |
Accept a new connection. | |
int | httpAddBodyParams(HttpConn *conn) |
Add parameters from the request body content. | |
void | httpAddCache(struct HttpRoute *route, cchar *methods, cchar *uris, cchar *extensions, cchar *types, MprTicks clientLifespan, MprTicks serverLifespan, int flags) |
Add caching for response content. | |
HttpParseCallback | httpAddConfig(cchar *key, HttpParseCallback callback) |
Add a configuration file callback for a property key. | |
int | httpAddCounter(cchar *name) |
Add a counter to be monitored. | |
int | httpAddDefense(cchar *name, cchar *remedy, cchar *args) |
Add a defense. | |
int | httpAddDefenseFromJson(cchar *name, cchar *remedy, MprJson *jargs) |
Add a defense using JSON arguments. | |
void | httpAddHeader(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3 |
Add a header to the transmission using a format string. | |
void void | httpAddHeaderString(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *value) |
Add a header to the transmission. | |
void | httpAddHostToEndpoint(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, struct HttpHost *host) |
Add a host to an endpoint. | |
void | httpAddJsonParams(HttpConn *conn) |
Add parameters from a JSON body. | |
int | httpAddMonitor(cchar *counter, cchar *expr, uint64 limit, MprTicks period, cchar *defenses) |
Add a monitor. | |
void | httpAddOption(MprHash *options, cchar *field, cchar *value) |
Add an option to the options table. | |
void | httpAddPermResource(HttpRoute *parent, cchar *resource) |
Add routes for a permanent resource. | |
void | httpAddQueryParams(HttpConn *conn) |
Add parameters from the request query string. | |
int | httpAddRemedy(cchar *name, HttpRemedyProc remedy) |
Add a remedy. | |
void | httpAddResource(HttpRoute *parent, cchar *resource) |
Add routes for a resource. | |
void | httpAddResourceGroup(HttpRoute *parent, cchar *resource) |
Add routes for a group of resources. | |
HttpRoute* | httpAddRestfulRoute(HttpRoute *parent, cchar *methods, cchar *pattern, cchar *target, cchar *resource) |
Define a RESTful route. | |
HttpRole* | httpAddRole(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *role, cchar *abilities) |
Add a role. | |
int | httpAddRoute(HttpHost *host, HttpRoute *route) |
Add a route to a host. | |
int | httpAddRouteCondition(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name, cchar *details, int flags) |
Add a route condition. | |
void | httpAddRouteErrorDocument(HttpRoute *route, int status, cchar *uri) |
Add an error document. | |
int | httpAddRouteFilter(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name, cchar *extensions, int direction) |
Add a route filter. | |
int | httpAddRouteHandler(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name, cchar *extensions) |
Add a route handler. | |
void | httpAddRouteIndex(HttpRoute *route, cchar *path) |
Set the route index document. | |
int | httpAddRouteLanguageDir(HttpRoute *route, cchar *language, cchar *path) |
Add a route language directory. | |
int | httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix(HttpRoute *route, cchar *language, cchar *suffix, int flags) |
Add a route language suffix. | |
void | httpAddRouteMapping(HttpRoute *route, cchar *extensions, cchar *mappings) |
Add a route mapping. | |
void | httpAddRouteMethods(HttpRoute *route, cchar *methods) |
Add HTTP methods for the route. | |
void | httpAddRouteParam(HttpRoute *route, cchar *field, cchar *value, int flags) |
Add a route param check. | |
void | httpAddRouteRequestHeaderCheck(HttpRoute *route, cchar *header, cchar *value, int flags) |
Add a request header check. | |
void | httpAddRouteResponseHeader(HttpRoute *route, int cmd, cchar *header, cchar *value) |
Add a response header. | |
void | httpAddRouteSet(HttpRoute *route, cchar *set) |
Add a route set. | |
int | httpAddRouteUpdate(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name, cchar *details, int flags) |
Add a route update rule. | |
int | httpAddSecurityToken(HttpConn *conn, bool recreate) |
Add the security token to the response. | |
HttpUser* | httpAddUser(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *user, cchar *password, cchar *abilities) |
Add a user. | |
HttpRoute* | httpAddWebSocketsRoute(HttpRoute *route, cchar *action) |
Add a route using the WebSockets filter. | |
void | httpAdjustPacketEnd(HttpPacket *packet, MprOff size) |
Adjust the packet end position. | |
void | httpAdjustPacketStart(HttpPacket *packet, MprOff size) |
Adjust the packet starting position. | |
void | httpAfterEvent(HttpConn *conn) |
Do setup after an I/O event to receive future events. | |
HttpSession* | httpAllocSession(HttpConn *conn, cchar *id, MprTicks lifespan) |
Allocate a new session state object. | |
void | httpAppendHeader(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3 |
Append a transmission header. | |
void void | httpAppendHeaderString(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *value) |
Append a transmission header string. | |
int | httpApplyChangedGroup() |
Apply the changed group ID. | |
int | httpApplyChangedUser() |
Apply the changed user ID. | |
int | httpApplyUserGroup() |
Apply the changed user and group ID. | |
bool | httpAuthenticate(HttpConn *conn) |
Authenticate a user based on session data. | |
int | httpBackupTraceLogFile(HttpTrace *trace) |
Backup the request trace log if required. | |
void void | httpBadRequestError(HttpConn *conn, int status, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3 |
Emit an error message for a badly formatted request. | |
int | httpBanClient(cchar *ip, MprTicks period, int status, cchar *msg) |
Ban a client IP from service. | |
void | httpBorrowConn(HttpConn *conn) |
Borrow a connection. | |
bool | httpCanUser(HttpConn *conn, cchar *abilities) |
Test if a user has the required abilities. | |
bool | httpCheckSecurityToken(HttpConn *conn) |
Check a security token. | |
void | httpClearRouteStages(HttpRoute *route, int direction) |
Clear the pipeline stages for the route. | |
bool | httpClientConn(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if the connection is a client-side connection. | |
HttpHost* | httpCloneHost(HttpHost *parent) |
Clone a host. | |
HttpPacket* | httpClonePacket(HttpPacket *orig) |
Clone a packet. | |
HttpStage* | httpCloneStage(HttpStage *stage) |
Create a clone of an existing state. | |
HttpUri* | httpCloneUri(HttpUri *base, int flags) |
Clone a URI. | |
void | httpClosePipeline(HttpConn *conn) |
Destroy the request pipeline. | |
void | httpCommonTraceFormatter(HttpTrace *trace, struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *event, cchar *type, cchar *values, cchar *buf, ssize len) |
Common Log trace formatter. | |
HttpUri* | httpCompleteUri(HttpUri *uri, HttpUri *other) |
Complete the given URI. | |
void | httpComputeAllUserAbilities(HttpAuth *auth) |
Compute all the user abilities for a route using the given auth. | |
void | httpComputeUserAbilities(HttpAuth *auth, HttpUser *user) |
Compute the user abilities for a given user in a route using the given auth. | |
bool | httpConfigure(HttpConfigureProc proc, void *arg, MprTicks timeout) |
Alter the configuration by first quiescing all Http activity. | |
int | httpConnect(HttpConn *conn, cchar *method, cchar *uri, struct MprSsl *ssl) |
Connect to a server and issue Http client request. | |
bool | httpContentNotModified(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if the content has not been modified. | |
Http* | httpCreate(int flags) |
Create a Http service object. | |
HttpRoute* | httpCreateActionRoute(HttpRoute *parent, cchar *pattern, HttpAction action) |
Create a route for use with the Action Handler. | |
HttpRoute* | httpCreateAliasRoute(HttpRoute *parent, cchar *pattern, cchar *path, int status) |
Create a route suitable for use as an alias. | |
HttpAuth* | httpCreateAuth() |
Create an authentication object. | |
HttpAuthStore* | httpCreateAuthStore(cchar *name, HttpVerifyUser verifyUser) |
Add an authorization store for password validation. | |
int | httpCreateAuthType(cchar *name, HttpAskLogin askLogin, HttpParseAuth parse, HttpSetAuth setAuth) |
Create an authorization protocol type. | |
void | httpCreateCGIParams(HttpConn *conn) |
Create CGI parameters. | |
HttpEndpoint* | httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint(struct HttpHost *host, cchar *home, cchar *documents, cchar *ip, int port) |
Create and configure a new endpoint. | |
HttpRoute* | httpCreateConfiguredRoute(struct HttpHost *host, int serverSide) |
Create a configured route. | |
HttpConn* | httpCreateConn(struct HttpEndpoint *endpoint, MprDispatcher *dispatcher) |
Create a connection object. | |
HttpStage* | httpCreateConnector(cchar *name, MprModule *module) |
Create a connector stage. | |
HttpPacket* | httpCreateDataPacket(ssize size) |
Create a data packet. | |
HttpHost* | httpCreateDefaultHost() |
Create the default host. | |
HttpRoute* | httpCreateDefaultRoute(struct HttpHost *host) |
Create a default route for a host. | |
HttpPacket* | httpCreateEndPacket() |
Create an end-of-stream packet. | |
HttpEndpoint* | httpCreateEndpoint(cchar *ip, int port, MprDispatcher *dispatcher) |
Create an endpoint object. | |
HttpPacket* | httpCreateEntityPacket(MprOff pos, MprOff size, HttpFillProc fill) |
Create an entity data packet. | |
int | httpCreateEvent(uint64 seqno, HttpEventProc callback, void *data) |
Invoke a callback on a connection using a connection sequence number. | |
HttpStage* | httpCreateFilter(cchar *name, MprModule *module) |
Create a filter stage. | |
HttpStage* | httpCreateHandler(cchar *name, MprModule *module) |
Create a request handler stage. | |
HttpPacket* | httpCreateHeaderPacket() |
Create a response header packet. | |
HttpHost* | httpCreateHost() |
Create a host. | |
HttpRoute* | httpCreateInheritedRoute(HttpRoute *route) |
Create a route inherited from a parent route. | |
HttpLimits* | httpCreateLimits(int serverSide) |
Create a new limits object. | |
HttpPacket* | httpCreatePacket(ssize size) |
Create a data packet. | |
void | httpCreatePipeline(HttpConn *conn) |
Create the pipeline. | |
HttpRoute* | httpCreateRoute(struct HttpHost *host) |
Create a route for a host. | |
void | httpCreateRxPipeline(HttpConn *conn, struct HttpRoute *route) |
Create the receive request pipeline. | |
HttpSession* | httpCreateSession(HttpConn *conn) |
Create a session object. | |
HttpStage* | httpCreateStage(cchar *name, int flags, MprModule *module) |
Create a connector stage. | |
HttpTrace* | httpCreateTrace(HttpTrace *parent) |
Create a trace object. | |
HttpTx* | httpCreateTx(HttpConn *conn, MprHash *headers) |
Create the tx object. | |
void | httpCreateTxPipeline(HttpConn *conn, struct HttpRoute *route) |
Create the transmit request pipeline. | |
HttpUri* | httpCreateUri(cchar *uri, int flags) |
Create and initialize a URI. | |
HttpUri* | httpCreateUriFromParts(cchar *scheme, cchar *host, int port, cchar *path, cchar *reference, cchar *query, int flags) |
Create a URI from parts. | |
void | httpDefaultIncoming(HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) |
Default incoming put callback. | |
void | httpDefaultOutgoingServiceStage(HttpQueue *q) |
Default outgoing data handling. | |
void | httpDefineAction(cchar *uri, HttpAction fun) |
Define a function procedure to invoke when the specified URI is requested. | |
HttpRoute* | httpDefineRoute(HttpRoute *parent, cchar *methods, cchar *pattern, cchar *target, cchar *source) |
Define a route. | |
void | httpDefineRouteCondition(cchar *name, HttpRouteProc *proc) |
Define a route condition rule. | |
HttpRouteSetProc | httpDefineRouteSet(cchar *name, HttpRouteSetProc fn) |
Define a route set callback. | |
void | httpDefineRouteTarget(cchar *name, HttpRouteProc *proc) |
Define a route target rule. | |
void | httpDefineRouteUpdate(cchar *name, HttpRouteProc *proc) |
Define a route update rule. | |
void | httpDestroy() |
Destroy the Http service. | |
void | httpDestroyConn(HttpConn *conn) |
Destroy the connection object. | |
void | httpDestroyEndpoint(HttpEndpoint *endpoint) |
Destroy the endpoint. | |
void | httpDestroySession(HttpConn *conn) |
Destroy a session state object. | |
void | httpDestroyTx(HttpTx *tx) |
Destroy the tx object. | |
void | httpDetailTraceFormatter(HttpTrace *trace, struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *event, cchar *type, cchar *values, cchar *buf, ssize len) |
Detailed log trace formatter. | |
void | httpDisableQueue(HttpQueue *q) |
Disable a queue. | |
void | httpDiscardData(HttpConn *conn, int dir) |
Discard buffered transmit pipeline data. | |
void | httpDiscardQueueData(HttpQueue *q, bool removePackets) |
Discard all data from the queue. | |
void | httpDisconnect(HttpConn *conn) |
Disconnect the connection's socket. | |
void | httpDumpCounters() |
Print the monitor counters to the error log. | |
void | httpEaseLimits(HttpLimits *limits) |
Ease the limits. | |
void | httpEnableConnEvents(HttpConn *conn) |
Enable connection events. | |
void | httpEnableQueue(HttpQueue *q) |
Enable a queue after it has been disabled. | |
void | httpEnableUpload(HttpConn *conn) |
Enable Multipart-Mime File Upload for this request. | |
void | httpError(HttpConn *conn, int status, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3 |
Error handling for the connection. | |
cchar* | httpExpandRouteVars(HttpRoute *route, cchar *str) |
Expand route variables in a string. | |
void | httpFinalize(HttpConn *conn) |
Indicate the request is finalized. | |
void | httpFinalizeConnector(HttpConn *conn) |
Finalize connector output sending the response. | |
void | httpFinalizeOutput(HttpConn *conn) |
Finalize transmission of the http response. | |
void | httpFinalizeRoute(HttpRoute *route) |
Finalize a route. | |
void HttpConn* | httpFindConn(uint64 seqno, HttpEventProc proc, void *data) |
Find a connection given a connection sequence number. | |
void | httpFlush(HttpConn *conn) |
Flush transmit data. | |
void | httpFlushAll(HttpConn *conn) |
Flush transmit data and wait for all the data to be written to the socket. | |
bool | httpFlushQueue(HttpQueue *q, int flags) |
Flush queue data. | |
void | httpFollowRedirects(HttpConn *conn, bool follow) |
Follow redirctions. | |
void | httpFormatError(HttpConn *conn, int status, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3 |
Format an error transmission. | |
void ssize | httpFormatResponse(HttpConn *conn, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2 |
Format an alternate response. | |
ssize | httpFormatResponseBody(HttpConn *conn, cchar *title, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3 |
Format a response body. | |
void ssize ssize | httpFormatResponsev(HttpConn *conn, cchar *fmt, va_list args) |
Format an alternate response. | |
void | httpFormatTrace(HttpTrace *trace, struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *event, cchar *type, cchar *values, cchar *buf, ssize len) |
Convenience routine to format trace via the configured formatter. | |
char* | httpFormatUri(cchar *scheme, cchar *host, int port, cchar *path, cchar *ref, cchar *query, int flags) |
Format a URI. | |
int | httpGetAsync(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the async mode value for the connection. | |
cchar* | httpGetBodyInput(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the receive body input. | |
bool | httpGetBoolToken(cchar *tok) |
Parse a boolean token. | |
ssize | httpGetChunkSize(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the preferred chunked size for transfer chunk encoding. | |
void* | httpGetConnContext(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the connection context object. | |
int | httpGetConnEventMask(HttpConn *conn) |
Get an IO event mask for events of interest to the connection. | |
void* | httpGetConnHost(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the connection host object. | |
MprOff | httpGetContentLength(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the receive body content length. | |
void* | httpGetContext() |
Get the http context object. | |
cchar* | httpGetCookie(HttpConn *conn, cchar *name) |
Get a request cookie. | |
cchar* | httpGetCookies(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the request cookies. | |
char* | httpGetDateString(MprPath *sbuf) |
Get the time as an ISO date string. | |
HttpHost* | httpGetDefaultHost() |
Get the default host defined via httpSetDefaultHost. | |
HttpRoute* | httpGetDefaultRoute(HttpHost *host) |
Get the default route for a host. | |
cchar* | httpGetDir(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name) |
Get a route directory variable. | |
HttpDir* | httpGetDirObj(HttpRoute *route) |
Get the HttpDir object for a route. | |
void* | httpGetEndpointContext(HttpEndpoint *endpoint) |
Get the endpoint context object. | |
cchar* | httpGetError(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the error message associated with the last request. | |
char* | httpGetExt(HttpConn *conn) |
Get a URI extension. | |
cchar* | httpGetHeader(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key) |
Get an rx http header. | |
MprHash* | httpGetHeaderHash(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the hash table of rx Http headers. | |
char* | httpGetHeaders(HttpConn *conn) |
Get all the request http headers. | |
char* | httpGetHeadersFromHash(MprHash *hash) |
Get a header string from the given hash. | |
HttpRoute* | httpGetHostDefaultRoute(HttpHost *host) |
Return the default route for a host. | |
int | httpGetIntParam(HttpConn *conn, cchar *var, int defaultValue) |
Get a form variable as an integer. | |
int | httpGetKeepAliveCount(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the count of Keep-Alive requests that will be used for this connection object. | |
HttpLang* | httpGetLanguage(HttpConn *conn, MprHash *spoken, cchar *defaultLang) |
Get the language to use for the request. | |
void* | httpGetOption(MprHash *options, cchar *field, cchar *defaultValue) |
Extract a field value from an option string. | |
MprHash* | httpGetOptionHash(MprHash *options, cchar *field) |
Get an option value that is itself an object (hash). | |
MprHash* | httpGetOptions(cchar *options) |
Convert an options string into an options table. | |
HttpPacket* | httpGetPacket(struct HttpQueue *q) |
Get the next packet from a queue. | |
ssize | httpGetPacketContents(HttpPacket *packet) |
Get the packet data contents. | |
ssize | httpGetPacketLength(HttpPacket *packet) |
Get the length of the packet data contents. | |
char* | httpGetPacketStart(HttpPacket *packet) |
Get the start of the packet data contents. | |
char* | httpGetPacketString(HttpPacket *packet) |
Get the packet data contents as a string. | |
cchar* | httpGetParam(HttpConn *conn, cchar *var, cchar *defaultValue) |
Get a request param. | |
MprJson* | httpGetParams(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the request params table. | |
char* | httpGetParamsString(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the request params table as a string. | |
char* | httpGetPathExt(cchar *path) |
Get a path extension. | |
cchar* | httpGetQueryString(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the request query string. | |
void* | httpGetQueueData(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the queue data for the connection. | |
ssize | httpGetQueueRoom(HttpQueue *q) |
Get the room in the queue. | |
ssize | httpGetReadCount(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the number of bytes that can be read from the read queue. | |
HttpUri* | httpGetRelativeUri(HttpUri *base, HttpUri *target, int clone) |
Get a relative URI from the base to the target. | |
void* | httpGetRouteData(HttpRoute *route, cchar *key) |
Get extra route data. | |
cchar* | httpGetRouteDocuments(HttpRoute *route) |
Get the route documents directory. | |
cchar* | httpGetRouteHome(HttpRoute *route) |
Get the route home directory. | |
cchar* | httpGetRouteMethods(HttpRoute *route) |
Get the route method list. | |
cchar* | httpGetRouteTop(HttpConn *conn) |
Get a URL path to the top of the route from the current request (rx->pathInfo). | |
cchar* | httpGetRouteVar(HttpRoute *route, cchar *key) |
Get a path token variable. | |
cchar* | httpGetSecurityToken(HttpConn *conn, bool recreate) |
Get a unique security token. | |
HttpSession* | httpGetSession(HttpConn *conn, int create) |
Get a session state object. | |
cchar* | httpGetSessionID(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the session ID. | |
MprHash* | httpGetSessionObj(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key) |
Get an object from the session state store. | |
cchar* | httpGetSessionVar(HttpConn *conn, cchar *name, cchar *defaultValue) |
Get a session state variable. | |
cvoid* | httpGetStageData(struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *key) |
Get stage data. | |
void | httpGetStats(HttpStats *sp) |
Get the Http performance statistics. | |
int | httpGetStatus(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the response status. | |
char* | httpGetStatusMessage(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the Http response status message. | |
bool | httpGetStreaming(struct HttpHost *host, cchar *mime, cchar *uri) |
Determine if input body content should be streamed or buffered for requests with content of a given mime type. | |
int | httpGetTraceLevel() |
Get the current tracing level. | |
ssize cchar* | httpGetTxHeader(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key) |
Get a tx http header. | |
void | httpGetUserGroup() |
Get the user group. | |
cchar* | httpGetWebSocketCloseReason(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the close reason supplied by the peer. | |
void* | httpGetWebSocketData(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the WebSocket private data. | |
ssize | httpGetWebSocketMessageLength(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the message length for the current message. | |
char* | httpGetWebSocketProtocol(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the selected WebSocket protocol selected by the server. | |
ssize | httpGetWebSocketState(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the WebSocket state. | |
ssize | httpGetWriteQueueCount(HttpConn *conn) |
Get the count of bytes buffered on the write queue. | |
HttpLimits* | httpGraduateLimits(HttpRoute *route, HttpLimits *limits) |
Graduate the limits from the parent route. | |
void | httpHandleOptions(struct HttpConn *conn) |
Handle a Http Options method request. | |
void | httpHideRoute(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Hide the route from route tables. | |
void void void | httpIO(struct HttpConn *conn, int eventMask) |
Handle I/O on the connection. | |
void | httpIOEvent(struct HttpConn *conn, MprEvent *event) |
Respond to a HTTP I/O event. | |
void | httpInitConfig(HttpRoute *route) |
Initialize and prepare to load configuration files. | |
void | httpInitLimits(HttpLimits *limits, bool serverSide) |
Initialize a limits object with default values. | |
int | httpInitParser() |
Initialize the Http configuration parser. | |
void | httpInsertOption(MprHash *options, cchar *field, cchar *value) |
Add an option to the options table. | |
bool | httpIsAuthenticated(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if the user is authenticated. | |
int | httpIsChunked(HttpConn *conn) |
Return whether transfer chunked encoding will be used on this request. | |
int | httpIsEndpointAsync(HttpEndpoint *endpoint) |
Get if the endpoint is running in asynchronous mode. | |
bool | httpIsEof(struct HttpConn *conn) |
Test if the connection has received all incoming content. | |
int | httpIsFinalized(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if request has been finalized. | |
bool | httpIsLastPacket(HttpPacket *packet) |
Test if the packet is the last in a logical message. | |
int | httpIsOutputFinalized(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if request response has been fully generated. | |
bool | httpIsPacketTooBig(struct HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) |
Test if a packet is too big. | |
bool | httpIsQueueEmpty(HttpQueue *q) |
Determine if the queue is empty. | |
bool | httpIsQueueSuspended(HttpQueue *q) |
Test if a queue is suspended. | |
int | httpJoinPacket(HttpPacket *packet, HttpPacket *other) |
Join two packets. | |
void | httpJoinPacketForService(struct HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet, bool serviceQ) |
Join a packet onto the service queue. | |
void | httpJoinPackets(HttpQueue *q, ssize size) |
Join packets together. | |
HttpUri* | httpJoinUri(HttpUri *base, int argc, HttpUri **others) |
Join URIs. | |
HttpUri* | httpJoinUriPath(HttpUri *result, HttpUri *base, HttpUri *other) |
Join a URI path. | |
void | httpLimitError(HttpConn *conn, int status, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3 |
Emit an error message for limit violations. | |
char* | httpLink(struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *target) |
Create a URI link. | |
char* | httpLinkAbs(struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *target) |
Create an absolute link that includes scheme and host. | |
char* | httpLinkEx(struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *target, MprHash *options) |
Extended URI link creation. | |
int | httpLoadConfig(HttpRoute *route, cchar *path) |
Load a JSON configuration file. | |
void | httpLogRoutes(HttpHost *host, bool full) |
Show the current route table to the error log. | |
bool | httpLogin(HttpConn *conn, cchar *username, cchar *password) |
Log the user in. | |
void | httpLogout(HttpConn *conn) |
Logout the user. | |
struct HttpEndpoint* | httpLookupEndpoint(cchar *ip, int port) |
Lookup a listening endpoint. | |
struct HttpHost* | httpLookupHost(cchar *name) |
Lookup a host by name. | |
struct HttpHost* | httpLookupHostOnEndpoint(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, cchar *name) |
Lookup a host name. | |
cchar* | httpLookupMimeType(cchar *ext) |
Get the mime type for an extension. | |
HttpRole* | httpLookupRole(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *name) |
Lookup a role by name. | |
HttpRoute* | httpLookupRoute(HttpHost *host, cchar *pattern) |
Lookup a route by pattern. | |
cchar* | httpLookupRouteErrorDocument(HttpRoute *route, int status) |
Lookup an error document by HTTP status code. | |
bool | httpLookupSessionID(cchar *id) |
Lookup a session ID. | |
struct HttpStage* | httpLookupStage(cchar *name) |
Lookup a stage by name. | |
void* | httpLookupStageData(cchar *name) |
Lookup stage data. | |
cchar* | httpLookupStatus(int status) |
Lookup a Http status code. | |
HttpUser* | httpLookupUser(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *name) |
Lookup a user by username. | |
char* | httpMakePath(HttpRoute *route, cchar *dir, cchar *path) |
Make a filename path. | |
HttpUri* | httpMakeUriLocal(HttpUri *uri) |
Make a URI local. | |
cchar* | httpMapContent(HttpConn *conn, cchar *filename) |
Map a content filename. | |
void | httpMapFile(HttpConn *conn) |
Map the request URI to a filename in physical storage for a handler. | |
struct HttpHost* | httpMatchHost(HttpConn *conn, cchar *hostname) |
Match the HttpHost object that should serve this request. | |
bool | httpMatchParam(HttpConn *conn, cchar *var, cchar *expected) |
Match a form variable with an expected value. | |
MprSsl* | httpMatchSsl(MprSocket *sp, cchar *hostname) |
Match the HttpHost object that should serve this request. | |
void | httpMemoryError(HttpConn *conn) |
Signal a memory allocation error. | |
int64 | httpMonitorEvent(struct HttpConn *conn, int counter, int64 adj) |
Monitor an event and validate against defined limits and monitored resources. | |
bool | httpNeedRetry(HttpConn *conn, char **url) |
Determine if the transmission needs a transparent retry to implement authentication or redirection. | |
bool | httpNextQueueFull(HttpQueue *q) |
Test if the next queue is full. | |
HttpUri* | httpNormalizeUri(HttpUri *uri) |
Normalize a URI. | |
char* | httpNormalizeUriPath(cchar *uri) |
Normalize a URI. | |
void | httpNotify(HttpConn *conn, int event, int arg) |
Inform notifiers of a connection event or state change. | |
void | httpOmitBody(HttpConn *conn) |
Tell the tx to omit sending any body. | |
bool | httpOption(MprHash *options, cchar *field, cchar *value, int useDefault) |
Test a field value from an option string. | |
void | httpParseAll(HttpRoute *route, cchar *key, MprJson *prop) |
Parse all the properties under the given key. | |
int | httpParsePlatform(cchar *platform, cchar **os, cchar **arch, cchar **profile) |
Parse a platform string. | |
void | httpPrepClientConn(HttpConn *conn, bool keepHeaders) |
Prepare a client connection for a new request. | |
void | httpProtocol(HttpConn *conn) |
HTTP protocol state machine for server-side requests and client-side responses. | |
bool | httpPumpOutput(HttpConn *conn) |
Get more output by invoking the handler's writable callback. | |
void | httpPutBackPacket(struct HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) |
Put a packet back onto a queue. | |
void | httpPutForService(struct HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet, bool serviceQ) |
Put a packet into the service queue for deferred processing. | |
void | httpPutPacket(struct HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) |
Put a packet to the queue. | |
void | httpPutPacketToNext(struct HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) |
Put a packet to the next queue downstream. | |
bool | httpQueuesNeedService(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if the connection queues need service. | |
ssize | httpRead(HttpConn *conn, char *buffer, ssize size) |
Read rx body data. | |
ssize | httpReadBlock(HttpConn *conn, char *buffer, ssize size, MprTicks timeout, int flags) |
Read a block of rx body data. | |
char* | httpReadString(HttpConn *conn) |
Read response data as a string. | |
void | httpReadyHandler(HttpConn *conn) |
Run the handler ready callback. | |
void | httpRedirect(HttpConn *conn, int status, cchar *uri) |
Redirect the client. | |
void | httpRemoveCookie(HttpConn *conn, cchar *name) |
Remove a cookie from the client (browser) This will emit a Set-Cookie response header with the value set to "" and a one second lifespan. | |
int | httpRemoveHeader(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key) |
Remove a header from the transmission. | |
void | httpRemoveOption(MprHash *options, cchar *field) |
Remove an option. | |
void | httpRemoveParam(HttpConn *conn, cchar *var) |
Remove a request param. | |
void | httpRemoveQueue(HttpQueue *q) |
Remove a queue. | |
int | httpRemoveRole(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *role) |
Remove a role. | |
void | httpRemoveRouteMethods(HttpRoute *route, cchar *methods) |
Remove HTTP methods for the route. | |
int | httpRemoveSessionVar(HttpConn *conn, cchar *name) |
Remove a session state variable. | |
int | httpRemoveUser(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *user) |
Remove a user. | |
HttpConn* | httpRequest(cchar *method, cchar *uri, cchar *data, char **err) |
Issue a http request. | |
bool | httpRequestExpired(HttpConn *conn, MprTicks timeout) |
Test if a request has exceeded its timeout limits. | |
void | httpResetCredentials(HttpConn *conn) |
Reset the current security credentials. | |
void | httpResetRouteIndexes(HttpRoute *route) |
Reset all defined indexes. | |
void | httpResetRoutePipeline(HttpRoute *route) |
Reset the route pipeline. | |
void | httpResetRoutes(HttpHost *host) |
Reset the list of routes for the host. | |
HttpPacket* | httpResizePacket(struct HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet, ssize size) |
Resize a packet. | |
HttpUri* | httpResolveUri(struct HttpConn *conn, HttpUri *base, HttpUri *target) |
Resolve URIs relative to a base. | |
void | httpResumeQueue(HttpQueue *q) |
Resume a queue. | |
void | httpReturnConn(HttpConn *conn) |
Return a borrowed a connection. | |
void | httpRouteRequest(HttpConn *conn) |
Route the request and select that matching route and handle to process the request. | |
void | httpScheduleConnTimeout(HttpConn *conn) |
Schedule a connection timeout event on a connection. | |
void | httpScheduleQueue(HttpQueue *q) |
Schedule a queue. | |
int | httpSecureEndpoint(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, struct MprSsl *ssl) |
Secure an endpoint. | |
int | httpSecureEndpointByName(cchar *name, struct MprSsl *ssl) |
Secure an endpoint by name. | |
ssize | httpSend(HttpConn *conn, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2 |
Send a UTF-8 text message to the WebSocket peer. | |
ssize | httpSendBlock(HttpConn *conn, int type, cchar *msg, ssize len, int flags) |
Send a message of a given type to the WebSocket peer. | |
ssize | httpSendClose(HttpConn *conn, int status, cchar *reason) |
Send a close message to the WebSocket peer. | |
bool | httpServerConn(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if the connection is a server-side connection. | |
void | httpServiceQueue(HttpQueue *q) |
Service a queue. | |
bool | httpServiceQueues(HttpConn *conn, int flags) |
Service pipeline queues to flow data. | |
void | httpSetAsync(HttpConn *conn, int enable) |
Set the async mode value for the connection. | |
void | httpSetAuthAllow(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *ip) |
Allow access by a client IP IP address. | |
void | httpSetAuthAnyValidUser(HttpAuth *auth) |
Allow access by any valid user. | |
void | httpSetAuthDeny(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *ip) |
Deny access by a client IP address. | |
void | httpSetAuthFormDetails(struct HttpRoute *route, cchar *loginPage, cchar *loginService, cchar *logoutService, cchar *loggedInPage, cchar *loggedOutPage) |
Define login service URLs for use with "form" authentication. | |
void | httpSetAuthLogin(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *uri) |
Define the login page for use with authentication. | |
void | httpSetAuthOrder(HttpAuth *auth, int order) |
Set the auth allow/deny order. | |
void | httpSetAuthPermittedUsers(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *users) |
Define the set of permitted users. | |
void | httpSetAuthQop(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *qop) |
Set the required quality of service for digest authentication. | |
void | httpSetAuthRealm(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *realm) |
Set the required realm for basic or digest authentication. | |
void | httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *abilities) |
Set the required abilities for access. | |
void | httpSetAuthSession(HttpAuth *auth, bool noSession) |
Control whether a session and session cookie will be created for user logins for this authentication route. | |
int | httpSetAuthStore(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *store) |
Set the authentication password store to use. | |
void | httpSetAuthStoreSessions(HttpAuthStore *store, bool noSession) |
Control whether sessions and session cookies are created for user logins. | |
int | httpSetAuthType(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *proto, cchar *details) |
Set the authentication protocol type to use. | |
void | httpSetAuthUsername(HttpAuth *auth, cchar *username) |
Set an automatic login username. | |
void | httpSetAuthVerify(HttpAuth *auth, HttpVerifyUser verifyUser) |
Set the verify callback for a authentication store. | |
void | httpSetChunkSize(HttpConn *conn, ssize size) |
Set the chunk size for transfer chunked encoding. | |
void | httpSetConnContext(HttpConn *conn, void *context) |
Set the connection context object. | |
void | httpSetConnData(HttpConn *conn, void *data) |
Set the connection data field. | |
void | httpSetConnHost(HttpConn *conn, void *host) |
Set the connection host object. | |
void | httpSetConnNotifier(HttpConn *conn, HttpNotifier notifier) |
Define a notifier callback for this connection. | |
void | httpSetConnUser(HttpConn *conn, struct HttpUser *user) |
Set the logged in user associated with the connection. | |
void | httpSetContentLength(HttpConn *conn, MprOff length) |
Define a content length header in the transmission. | |
void | httpSetContentType(HttpConn *conn, cchar *mimeType) |
Set the transmission (response) content mime type. | |
void | httpSetContext(void *context) |
Set the http context object. | |
void | httpSetCookie(HttpConn *conn, cchar *name, cchar *value, cchar *path, cchar *domain, MprTicks lifespan, int flags) |
Set a transmission cookie. | |
void | httpSetCredentials(HttpConn *conn, cchar *user, cchar *password, cchar *authType) |
Set the Http credentials. | |
void | httpSetDefaultClientHost(cchar *host) |
Define a default client host. | |
void | httpSetDefaultClientPort(int port) |
Define a default client port. | |
void | httpSetDefaultHost(HttpHost *host) |
Set the default host for all servers. | |
void | httpSetDir(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name, cchar *value) |
Define a route directory path variable. | |
int | httpSetEndpointAddress(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, cchar *ip, int port) |
Set the endpoint IP address. | |
void | httpSetEndpointAsync(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, int enable) |
Control if the endpoint is running in asynchronous mode. | |
void | httpSetEndpointContext(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, void *context) |
Set the endpoint context object. | |
void | httpSetEndpointNotifier(HttpEndpoint *endpoint, HttpNotifier fn) |
Define a notifier callback for this endpoint. | |
void | httpSetEntityLength(HttpConn *conn, MprOff len) |
Define the length of the transmission content. | |
void | httpSetEof(HttpConn *conn) |
Set the HttpRx eof condition. | |
void | httpSetFileHandler(HttpConn *conn, cchar *path) |
Set the "fileHandler" to process the request. | |
bool | httpSetFilename(HttpConn *conn, cchar *filename, int flags) |
Set the filename to serve for a request. | |
void | httpSetForkCallback(MprForkCallback proc, void *arg) |
Set the fork callback. | |
int | httpSetGroupAccount(cchar *group) |
Set the group account. | |
void | httpSetHandler(HttpConn *conn, HttpStage *handler) |
Set the handler for this request Use this request from the Handler rewrite callback to change the selected handler to process a request. | |
void | httpSetHeader(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(3 |
Set a transmission header. | |
void void | httpSetHeaderString(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *value) |
Set a simple key/value transmission header. | |
void | httpSetHeadersCallback(struct HttpConn *conn, HttpHeadersCallback fn, void *arg) |
Define a headers callback. | |
int | httpSetHostCanonicalName(HttpHost *host, cchar *name) |
Set the host canonical name. | |
void | httpSetHostDefaultEndpoint(HttpHost *host, HttpEndpoint *endpoint) |
Set the default endpoint for a host. | |
void | httpSetHostDefaultRoute(HttpHost *host, HttpRoute *route) |
Set the default route for a host. | |
int | httpSetHostName(HttpHost *host, cchar *name) |
Set the host name. | |
void | httpSetHostProtocol(HttpHost *host, cchar *protocol) |
Set the host HTTP protocol version. | |
void | httpSetHostRoot(HttpHost *host, cchar *root) |
Set the server root for a host. | |
void | httpSetHostSecureEndpoint(HttpHost *host, HttpEndpoint *endpoint) |
Set the default secure endpoint for a host. | |
void | httpSetIOCallback(struct HttpConn *conn, HttpIOCallback fn) |
Define an I/O callback for connections. | |
void | httpSetIntParam(HttpConn *conn, cchar *var, int value) |
Set an integer request param value. | |
void | httpSetKeepAliveCount(HttpConn *conn, int count) |
Control Http Keep-Alive for the connection. | |
void | httpSetMethod(HttpConn *conn, cchar *method) |
Set a new HTTP method for processing. | |
void | httpSetOption(MprHash *options, cchar *field, cchar *value) |
Set an option. | |
void | httpSetParam(HttpConn *conn, cchar *var, cchar *value) |
Set a request param value. | |
int | httpSetPlatform(cchar *platform) |
Set platform description. | |
int | httpSetPlatformDir(cchar *platform) |
Set platform directory location. | |
void | httpSetProtocol(HttpConn *conn, cchar *protocol) |
Set the Http protocol variant for this connection. | |
void | httpSetProxy(cchar *host, int port) |
Define a Http proxy host to use for all client connect requests. | |
void | httpSetQueueLimits(HttpQueue *q, ssize low, ssize max) |
Set a queue's flow control low and high water marks. | |
void | httpSetRequestCallback(HttpRequestCallback callback) |
Define a request completion callback. | |
void | httpSetResponded(HttpConn *conn) |
Set the responded flag for the request. | |
void | httpSetRetries(HttpConn *conn, int retries) |
Set the Http retry count. | |
void | httpSetRouteAuth(HttpRoute *route, HttpAuth *auth) |
Set the route authentication. | |
void | httpSetRouteAutoDelete(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Control file upload auto delete. | |
void | httpSetRouteAutoFinalize(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Control auto finalize for a route. | |
void | httpSetRouteCompile(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Define whether updating a request may compile from source. | |
int | httpSetRouteConnector(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name) |
Set the connector to use for a route. | |
void | httpSetRouteCookie(HttpRoute *route, cchar *cookie) |
Set the route session cookie. | |
void | httpSetRouteCookiePersist(HttpRoute *route, int enable) |
Persist the cookie to disk. | |
void | httpSetRouteData(HttpRoute *route, cchar *key, void *data) |
Set route data. | |
void | httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage(HttpRoute *route, cchar *language) |
Set the default language for the route. | |
void | httpSetRouteDocuments(HttpRoute *route, cchar *path) |
Set the route directory. | |
void | httpSetRouteEnvEscape(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Define whether shell special characters are escaped in environment variables. | |
void | httpSetRouteEnvPrefix(HttpRoute *route, cchar *prefix) |
Define a prefix string for environment variables. | |
void | httpSetRouteFlags(HttpRoute *route, int flags) |
Update the route flags. | |
int | httpSetRouteHandler(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name) |
Set the handler to use for a route. | |
void | httpSetRouteHome(HttpRoute *route, cchar *home) |
Set the route directory for configuration files. | |
void | httpSetRouteIgnoreEncodingErrors(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Set the route to ignore UTF encoding errors for WebSocket connections. | |
void | httpSetRouteMethods(HttpRoute *route, cchar *methods) |
Define the methods for the route. | |
void | httpSetRoutePattern(HttpRoute *route, cchar *pattern, int flags) |
Set the route pattern. | |
void | httpSetRoutePrefix(HttpRoute *route, cchar *prefix) |
Set the route prefix. | |
void | httpSetRoutePreserveFrames(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Set the route to preserve WebSocket frames boundaries. | |
void | httpSetRouteRenameUploads(HttpRoute *route, bool enable) |
Control the renaming of uploaded filenames. | |
void | httpSetRouteScript(HttpRoute *route, cchar *script, cchar *scriptPath) |
Set the script to service the route. | |
void | httpSetRouteSessionVisibility(HttpRoute *route, bool visible) |
Make session cookies that are visible to javascript. | |
void | httpSetRouteShowErrors(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Define whether to show errors to the client. | |
void | httpSetRouteSource(HttpRoute *route, cchar *source) |
Set the source code module for the route. | |
void | httpSetRouteStealth(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Set stealth mode for the route. | |
int | httpSetRouteTarget(HttpRoute *route, cchar *name, cchar *details) |
Set a route target. | |
void | httpSetRouteTemplate(HttpRoute *route, cchar *tplate) |
Set the route template. | |
void | httpSetRouteUpdate(HttpRoute *route, bool on) |
Define whether updating a cached request is required. | |
void | httpSetRouteUploadDir(HttpRoute *route, cchar *dir) |
Set the default upload directory for file uploads. | |
void | httpSetRouteVar(HttpRoute *route, cchar *token, cchar *value) |
Define a route variable. | |
void | httpSetRouteWorkers(HttpRoute *route, int workers) |
Define the maximum number of workers for a route. | |
void | httpSetRouteXsrf(HttpRoute *route, bool enable) |
Control whether an XSRF token will be emitted during a user login sequence. | |
void | httpSetSendConnector(HttpConn *conn, cchar *path) |
Set the "Send" connector to process the request. | |
void | httpSetSessionNotify(MprCacheProc notifyProc) |
Set a notification callback to be invoked for session notification events. | |
int | httpSetSessionObj(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, MprHash *value) |
Set an object into the session state store. | |
int | httpSetSessionVar(HttpConn *conn, cchar *name, cchar *value) |
Set a session variable. | |
void | httpSetSoftware(cchar *description) |
Set the software description. | |
void | httpSetStageData(struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cvoid *data) |
Set stage data. | |
void | httpSetState(HttpConn *conn, int state) |
Set the connection state and invoke notifiers. | |
void | httpSetStatus(HttpConn *conn, int status) |
Set a Http response status. | |
void | httpSetStreaming(struct HttpHost *host, cchar *mime, cchar *uri, bool streaming) |
Control if input body content should be streamed or buffered for requests with content of a given mime type. | |
void | httpSetTimeout(HttpConn *conn, MprTicks requestTimeout, MprTicks inactivityTimeout) |
Set the Http inactivity timeout. | |
void | httpSetTimestamp(MprTicks period) |
Define a timestamp in the MPR log file. | |
void | httpSetTraceContentSize(HttpTrace *trace, ssize size) |
Set the maximum content size to trace. | |
void | httpSetTraceEventLevel(HttpTrace *trace, cchar *type, int level) |
Configure the tracing level for an event type. | |
void | httpSetTraceFormat(HttpTrace *trace, cchar *format) |
Set the logging format. | |
HttpTraceFormatter | httpSetTraceFormatter(HttpTrace *trace, HttpTraceFormatter callback) |
Set the formatter callback to use with a trace object. | |
void | httpSetTraceFormatterName(HttpTrace *trace, cchar *name) |
Define the trace formatter by name. | |
void | httpSetTraceLevel(int level) |
Set the current tracing verbosity level. | |
int | httpSetTraceLogFile(HttpTrace *trace, cchar *path, ssize size, int backup, cchar *format, int flags) |
Configure the request trace log. | |
void | httpSetTraceLogger(HttpTrace *trace, HttpTraceLogger callback) |
Set the trace callback to use with a trace object. | |
int | httpSetUri(HttpConn *conn, cchar *uri) |
Set a new URI for processing. | |
int | httpSetUserAccount(cchar *user) |
Set the user account. | |
void | httpSetWebSocketData(HttpConn *conn, void *data) |
Set the WebSocket private data. | |
void | httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames(HttpConn *conn, bool on) |
Preserve frames for incoming messages. | |
void | httpSetWebSocketProtocols(HttpConn *conn, cchar *protocols) |
Set a list of application-level protocols supported by the client. | |
void | httpSetupWaitHandler(HttpConn *conn, int eventMask) |
Setup a wait handler for the connection to wait for desired events. | |
bool | httpShouldRenderDirListing(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if a directory listing should be rendered for the request. | |
void | httpSocketBlocked(HttpConn *conn) |
Indicate that the transmission socket is blocked. | |
HttpPacket* | httpSplitPacket(HttpPacket *packet, ssize offset) |
Split a data packet. | |
int | httpStartEndpoint(HttpEndpoint *endpoint) |
Start listening for client connections on an endpoint. | |
int | httpStartEndpoints() |
Start listening for client connections on all endpoints. | |
void | httpStartPipeline(HttpConn *conn) |
Start the pipeline. | |
int | httpStartTracing(cchar *traceSpec) |
Start tracing for the given trace log file when instructed via a command line switch. | |
char* | httpStatsReport(int flags) |
Get an Http performance report. | |
MprSocket* | httpStealSocket(HttpConn *conn) |
Steal a socket from a connection. | |
Socket | httpStealSocketHandle(HttpConn *conn) |
Steal the O/S socket handle from the connection socket object. | |
void | httpStopConnections(void *data) |
Stop all connections owned by the data handle. | |
void | httpStopEndpoint(HttpEndpoint *endpoint) |
Stop the server listening for client connections. | |
void | httpStopEndpoints() |
Stop listening for client connections on all endpoints. | |
void | httpSuspendQueue(HttpQueue *q) |
Suspend a queue. | |
char* | httpTemplate(HttpConn *conn, cchar *tplate, MprHash *options) |
Expand a template string using given options. | |
int | httpTestParam(HttpConn *conn, cchar *var) |
Test if a request param is defined. | |
bool | httpTokenize(HttpRoute *route, cchar *str, cchar *fmt, ...) |
Tokenize a string based on route data. | |
bool | httpTokenizev(HttpRoute *route, cchar *str, cchar *fmt, va_list args) |
Tokenize a string based on route data. | |
bool | httpTrace(struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *event, cchar *type, cchar *values, ...) |
Trace an event of interest. | |
bool bool | httpTraceContent(struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *event, cchar *type, cchar *buf, ssize len, cchar *values, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(6 |
Trace request content. | |
bool bool,bool | httpTracePacket(struct HttpConn *conn, cchar *event, cchar *type, struct HttpPacket *packet, cchar *values, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(5 |
Trace request packet. | |
void | httpTrimExtraPath(HttpConn *conn) |
Trim extra path from the URI. | |
ssize | httpUpdateCache(HttpConn *conn, cchar *uri, cchar *data, MprTicks lifespan) |
Update the cached content for a URI. | |
int | httpUpgradeWebSocket(HttpConn *conn) |
Upgrade a client HTTP connection connection to use WebSockets. | |
char* | httpUriToString(HttpUri *uri, int flags) |
Convert a Uri to a string. | |
bool | httpValidUriChars(cchar *uri) |
Test if a URI is using only valid characters Note this does not test if the URI is fully legal. | |
char* | httpValidateUriPath(cchar *uri) |
Validate a URI path as expected in a HTTP request line. | |
bool | httpVerifyWebSocketsHandshake(HttpConn *conn) |
Verify the server handshake. | |
int | httpWait(HttpConn *conn, int state, MprTicks timeout) |
Wait for the client connection to achieve the requested state. | |
bool | httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed(HttpConn *conn) |
Test if WebSocket connection was orderly closed by sending an acknowledged close message. | |
bool | httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket(HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) |
Determine if the downstream queue will accept this packet. | |
bool | httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize(HttpQueue *q, ssize size) |
Determine if the downstream queue will accept a certain amount of data. | |
bool | httpWillQueueAcceptPacket(HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet, bool split) |
Determine if the given queue will accept this packet. | |
ssize | httpWrite(HttpQueue *q, cchar *fmt, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2 |
Write a formatted string. | |
ssize | httpWriteBlock(HttpQueue *q, cchar *buf, ssize size, int flags) |
Write a block of data to the queue. | |
ssize | httpWriteCached(HttpConn *conn) |
Write the cached content for a URI to the client. | |
void | httpWriteHeaders(HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) |
Write the transmission headers into the given packet. | |
int | httpWriteSession(HttpConn *conn) |
Write the session state to persistent data storage. | |
ssize | httpWriteString(HttpQueue *q, cchar *s) |
Write a string of data to the queue. | |
bool bool,bool,void | httpWriteTrace(HttpTrace *trace, cchar *buf, ssize len) |
Convenience routine to write trace to the trace logger. | |
void | httpWriteTraceLogFile(HttpTrace *trace, cchar *buf, ssize len) |
Write a message to the trace file logger. | |
ssize | httpWriteUploadData(HttpConn *conn, MprList *formData, MprList *fileData) |
Write Http upload body data. |
HttpAddress | Per-IP address structure. |
HttpAskLogin | AuthType callback to generate a response requesting the user login This should call httpError if such a response cannot be generated. |
HttpAuthStore | Password backend store. |
HttpAuthType | Authentication Protocol. |
HttpConfigureProc | Callback procedure for HttpConfigure. |
HttpCounter | Monitoring counter. |
HttpDefense | Monitor defense configuration. |
HttpEnvCallback | Set environment vars callback. |
HttpEventProc | Event callback function for httpCreateEvent. |
HttpFillProc | Callback procedure to fill a packet with data. |
HttpHeadersCallback | Callback to fill headers. |
HttpIOCallback | I/O callback for connections. |
HttpLang | Language definition record for routes. |
HttpListenCallback | Listen callback. |
HttpNotifier | Connection Http state change notification callback. |
HttpParseAuth | AuthType callback to parse the HTTP 'Authorize' (client) and 'www-authenticate' (server) headers. |
HttpParseCallback | Http JSON configuration parse callback. |
HttpRemedyProc | Defense remedy callback. |
HttpRequestCallback | Request completion callback. |
HttpRole | Authorization Roles. |
HttpRouteOp | Route operation record. |
HttpRouteProc | General route procedure. |
HttpRouteSetProc | RouteSet callback. |
HttpSetAuth | AuthType callback to set the necessary HTTP authorization headers for a client request. |
HttpTimeoutCallback | Timeout callback. |
HttpTraceFormatter | Trace formatter callback. |
HttpTraceLogger | Trace logger callback. |
HttpUser | User Authorization. |
HttpVerifyUser | AuthStore callback Verify the user credentials. |
#define | HTTP_ADDED_BODY_PARAMS 0x800 |
Body data added to params. | |
#define | HTTP_ADDED_QUERY_PARAMS 0x400 |
Query added to params. | |
#define | HTTP_ALLOW_DENY 0x1 |
Run allow checks before deny checks. | |
#define | HTTP_AUTH_NO_SESSION 0x4 |
Do not create a session when authenticated. | |
#define | HTTP_BLOCK 0x1 |
Flag for httpSendBlock and httpWriteBlock to indicate blocking operation. | |
#define | HTTP_BUFFER 0x4 |
Flag for httpSendBlock and httpWriteBlock to always absorb the data without blocking. | |
#define | HTTP_CACHE_CLIENT 0x1 |
Cache on the client side. | |
#define | HTTP_CACHE_HAS_PARAMS 0x20 |
Cache definition has params. | |
#define | HTTP_CACHE_MANUAL 0x4 |
Cache manually. | |
#define | HTTP_CACHE_RESET 0x8 |
Don't inherit cache config from outer routes. | |
#define | HTTP_CACHE_SERVER 0x2 |
Cache on the server side. | |
#define | HTTP_CACHE_STATIC 0x40 |
Cache extensions: css, gif, ico, jpg, js, html, pdf, ttf, txt, xml, woff. | |
#define | HTTP_CACHE_UNIQUE 0x10 |
Uniquely cache request with different params. | |
#define | HTTP_CHUNK_DATA 2 |
Start of chunk data. | |
#define | HTTP_CHUNK_EOF 3 |
End of last chunk. | |
#define | HTTP_CHUNK_START 1 |
Start of a new chunk. | |
Data is not transfer-chunk encoded. | |
#define | HTTP_CHUNKED 0x200 |
Content is chunk encoded. | |
#define | HTTP_CLIENT_SIDE 0x1 |
Initialize the client-side support. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_ACCEPTED 202 |
The request has been accepted and processing is continuing. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_BAD_GATEWAY 502 |
The server cannot act as a gateway for the given request. | |
The server handsake response is unacceptable. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_BAD_METHOD 405 |
The request HTTP method was not supported by the resource. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_BAD_REQUEST 400 |
The request is malformed. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_BAD_VERSION 505 |
The server does not support the HTTP protocol version. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_CERT_ERROR 495 |
The peer provided certificate is unacceptable. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_COMMS_ERROR 550 |
The server had a communicationss error responding to the client. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_CONFLICT 409 |
The request had a conflict in the request headers and URI. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_CONTINUE 100 |
Continue with request, only partial content transmitted. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_CREATED 201 |
The request has completed and a new resource was created. | |
The server cannot satisfy the Expect header requirements. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_FORBIDDEN 403 |
The request was legal, but the server refuses to process. | |
The server gateway timed out waiting for the upstream server. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_GONE 410 |
The requested resource is no longer available. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_IM_A_TEAPOT 418 |
Short and stout error code (RFC 2324). | |
The server has insufficient storage to complete the request. | |
Server processing or configuration error. | |
The request did not specify a required content length. | |
The requested URI has moved permanently to a new location. | |
The URI has moved temporarily to a new location. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_NO_CONTENT 204 |
The request has completed and there is no response to send. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_NO_RESPONSE 444 |
The connection was closed with no response to the client. | |
The requested resource cannot generate the required content. | |
The request has completed but content may be from another source. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND 404 |
The requested resource was not found. | |
The server does not recognize the request or method. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_NOT_MODIFIED 304 |
The requested resource has changed since the last request. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_OK 200 |
The request completed successfully. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_PARTIAL 206 |
The request has completed and is returning partial content. | |
Reserved for future use. | |
The server cannot satisfy one of the request preconditions. | |
The request content range does not exist for the resource. | |
The server timed out waiting for the request to complete. | |
The request is too large for the server to process. | |
The request URI is too long for the server to process. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_RESET 205 |
The request has completed with no content. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_SEE_OTHER 303 |
The requested URI can be found at another URI location. | |
The server is currently unavailable or overloaded. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_SWITCHING 101 |
Switching protocols. | |
The request should be repeated at another URI location. | |
Authentication for the request has failed. | |
The request media type is not supported by the server or resource. | |
#define | HTTP_CODE_USE_PROXY 305 |
The requested resource must be accessed via the location proxy. | |
#define | HTTP_COMPLETE_URI 0x1 |
Complete all missing URI fields. | |
#define | HTTP_COMPLETE_URI_PATH 0x2 |
Complete missing URI path. | |
#define | HTTP_COOKIE_HTTP 0x2 |
Flag for Set-Cookie httponly. | |
#define | HTTP_COOKIE_SECURE 0x1 |
Flag for Set-Cookie for SSL only. | |
Active unique client IP addresses. | |
Active connections per client. | |
Total processes for server. | |
Active requests per client. | |
Bad request format errors. | |
All errors. | |
Limit violation errors. | |
Total application memory for server. | |
Network I/O. | |
URI not found errors. | |
Request count. | |
SSL upgrade errors. | |
#define | HTTP_CREATE_ENV 0x80 |
Must create env for this request. | |
#define | HTTP_DELAY_SERVICE 0 |
Delay servicing the queue. | |
#define | HTTP_DELETE 0x1 |
DELETE method. | |
#define | HTTP_DENY_ALLOW 0x2 |
Run deny checks before allow checks. | |
#define | HTTP_EVENT_APP_CLOSE 6 |
The request is now closed. | |
#define | HTTP_EVENT_DESTROY 5 |
The connection is being closed and destroyed. | |
#define | HTTP_EVENT_ERROR 4 |
The request has an error. | |
#define | HTTP_EVENT_MAX 8 |
Maximum event plus one. | |
The request has data available for reading. | |
#define | HTTP_EVENT_STATE 1 |
Notifier events. | |
The request is now writable (post / put data). | |
#define | HTTP_EXPECT_CONTINUE 0x1000 |
Client expects an HTTP 100 Continue response. | |
#define | HTTP_GET 0x2 |
GET method. | |
#define | HTTP_HEAD 0x4 |
HEAD method. | |
#define | HTTP_HOST_ATTACHED 0x100 |
Host name attached to an endpoint. | |
#define | HTTP_HOST_NO_TRACE 0x10 |
Host flag to disable the of TRACE HTTP method. | |
#define | HTTP_HOST_WILD_CONTAINS 0x40 |
Host name contains the host name. | |
#define | HTTP_HOST_WILD_REGEXP 0x80 |
Host name is a regular expression. | |
#define | HTTP_HOST_WILD_STARTS 0x20 |
Host name starts with pattern. | |
#define | HTTP_IF_MODIFIED 0x100 |
If-[un]modified-since supplied. | |
#define | HTTP_LANG_AFTER 0x2 |
Insert suffix after extension. | |
#define | HTTP_LANG_BEFORE 0x1 |
Insert suffix before extension. | |
#define | HTTP_MAX_QUEUE 2 |
Number of queue types. | |
#define | HTTP_MAX_SECRET 16 |
Size of secret data for auth. | |
#define | HTTP_MORE 0x1000 |
Flag for httpSendBlock to indicate there are more frames for this message. | |
#define | HTTP_NEW_DISPATCHER 0x1 |
New dispatcher for each connection. | |
#define | HTTP_NON_BLOCK 0x2 |
Flag for httpSendBlock and httpWriteBlock to indicate non-blocking operation. | |
#define | HTTP_OPTIONS 0x8 |
OPTIONS method. | |
#define | HTTP_PACKET_DATA 0x4 |
Packet contains actual content data. | |
#define | HTTP_PACKET_END 0x8 |
End of stream packet. | |
#define | HTTP_PACKET_HEADER 0x1 |
Packet contains HTTP headers. | |
#define | HTTP_PACKET_RANGE 0x2 |
Packet is a range boundary packet. | |
#define | HTTP_PACKET_SOLO 0x10 |
Don't join this packet. | |
#define | HTTP_POST 0x10 |
Post method. | |
#define | HTTP_PUT 0x20 |
PUT method. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_ALL 0x8 |
Queue has all the data there is and will be. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_EOF 0x20 |
Queue at end of data. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_OPEN_TRIED 0x1 |
Queue's open routine has been called. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_OPENED 0x2 |
Queue's open routine has been called. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_READY 0x80 |
Handler stage ready routine called. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_RESERVICE 0x100 |
Queue requires reservicing. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_RX 1 |
Receive (read from client) queue. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_SERVICED 0x10 |
Queue has been serviced at least once. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_STARTED 0x40 |
Handler stage start routine called. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_SUSPENDED 0x4 |
Queue's service routine is suspended due to flow control. | |
#define | HTTP_QUEUE_TX 0 |
Send (transmit to client) queue. | |
#define | HTTP_RETRIES 3 |
Default number of retries for client requests. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_CORS 0x40 |
Cross-Origin resource sharing. | |
NET digest auth omits query in MD5. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_ENV_ESCAPE 0x1000 |
Escape env vars. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_FREE 0x2 |
Free Route.mdata back to malloc when route is freed. | |
Free Route.patternCompiled back to malloc when route is freed. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_HIDDEN 0x800 |
Hide this route in route tables. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_HOSTED 0x10000 |
Route being hosted (appweb). | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_NO_LISTEN 0x20000 |
Not listening on endpoints. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_NOT 0x1 |
Negate the route pattern test result. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_OK 0 |
The route matches the request. | |
Omit filter. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_OWN_LISTEN 0x80000 |
Override listening endpoints. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_PERSIST_COOKIE 0x40000 |
Persist session cookie to disk. | |
Preserve WebSocket frame boundaries. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_RAW 0x8 |
Don't html encode the write data. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_REDIRECT 0x4000 |
Redirect secureCondition. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_REJECT 1 |
The route does not match the request. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_REROUTE 2 |
Request has been modified and must be re-routed. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_SHOW_ERRORS 0x100 |
Show errors to the client. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_STARTED 0x10 |
Route initialized. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_STEALTH 0x80 |
Stealth mode. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_STRICT_TLS 0x8000 |
Emit Strict-Transport-Security header. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_UTILITY 0x100000 |
Route hosted by a utility. | |
Create a session cookie visible to client Javascript. | |
#define | HTTP_ROUTE_XSRF 0x20 |
Generate XSRF tokens. | |
Schedule the queue for service. | |
#define | HTTP_SERVER_SIDE 0x2 |
Initialize the server-side support. | |
#define | HTTP_SESSION_COOKIE "-http-session-" |
Session cookie name. | |
#define | HTTP_SESSION_IP "__IP__" |
Connection IP address - prevents session hijack. | |
Username variable. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_AUTO_DIR 0x10000 |
Want auto directory redirection. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_CONNECTOR 0x1000 |
Stage is a connector. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_FILTER 0x4000 |
Stage is a filter. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_HANDLER 0x2000 |
Stage is a handler. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_INTERNAL 0x100000 |
Internal stage - hidden. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_MODULE 0x8000 |
Stage is a filter. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_RX 0x40000 |
Stage to be used in the Rx direction. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_TX 0x80000 |
Stage to be used in the Tx direction. | |
#define | HTTP_STAGE_UNLOADED 0x20000 |
Stage module library has been unloaded. | |
#define | HTTP_STATE_BEGIN 1 |
Ready for a new request. | |
Request complete. | |
Connection received or made. | |
#define | HTTP_STATE_CONTENT 5 |
Reading posted content. | |
Input received, request processed and response transmitted. | |
#define | HTTP_STATE_FIRST 3 |
First request line has been parsed. | |
#define | HTTP_STATE_PARSED 4 |
Headers have been parsed, handler can start. | |
#define | HTTP_STATE_READY 6 |
Handler ready - all body data received. | |
#define | HTTP_STATE_RUNNING 7 |
Handler running. | |
#define | HTTP_TIMER_PERIOD 1000 |
HttpTimer checks ever 1 second. | |
#define | HTTP_TRACE 0x40 |
TRACE method. | |
#define | HTTP_TRACE_MAX_SIZE (10 * 1024) |
Default maximum body size to trace. | |
#define | HTTP_TRACE_MIN_LOG_SIZE (10 * 1024) |
Minimum log file size. | |
#define | HTTP_TX_HAS_FILTERS 0x100 |
Has output filters. | |
Response headers have been created. | |
#define | HTTP_TX_NO_BODY 0x1 |
No transmission body, only send headers. | |
#define | HTTP_TX_NO_CHECK 0x10 |
Do not check if the filename is inside the route documents directory. | |
#define | HTTP_TX_NO_LENGTH 0x20 |
Do not emit a content length (used for TRACE). | |
#define | HTTP_TX_NO_MAP 0x40 |
Do not map the filename to compressed or minified alternatives. | |
#define | HTTP_TX_PIPELINE 0x80 |
Created Tx pipeline. | |
#define | HTTP_TX_SENDFILE 0x4 |
Relay output via send connector. | |
#define | HTTP_TX_USE_OWN_HEADERS 0x8 |
Skip adding default headers. | |
#define | ME_HTTP_BAN_PERIOD (5 * 60 * 1000) |
Default ban IP period. | |
Default methods for routes. | |
#define | ME_HTTP_DELAY (2000) |
2 second delay per request - while delay enforced. | |
#define | ME_HTTP_DELAY_PERIOD (5 * 60 * 1000) |
Default delay IP period. | |
#define | ME_HTTP_MONITOR_PERIOD (15 * 1000) |
Monitor prune period. | |
#define | ME_HTTP_REMEDY_TIMEOUT (60 * 1000) |
Default remedy command timeout. | |
#define | ME_HTTP_SOFTWARE "Embedthis-http" |
Default Http protocol name used in Http Server header. | |
#define | ME_MAX_CACHE_DURATION (86400 * 1000) |
Default cache lifespan to 1 day. | |
#define | ME_MAX_CACHE_ITEM (256 * 1024) |
Maximum cachable item size. | |
#define | ME_MAX_CHUNK (8 * 1024) |
Maximum chunk size for transfer chunk encoding. | |
#define | ME_MAX_CLIENTS 32 |
Maximum unique client IP addresses. | |
#define | ME_MAX_CLIENTS_HASH 131 |
Hash table for client IP addresses. | |
#define | ME_MAX_CONNECTIONS 50 |
Maximum concurrent client endpoints. | |
#define | ME_MAX_HEADERS 8192 |
Maximum size of the headers (8K). | |
#define | ME_MAX_INACTIVITY_DURATION (30 * 1000) |
Default keep connection alive between requests timeout (30 sec). | |
#define | ME_MAX_IOVEC 16 |
Number of fragments in a single socket write. | |
#define | ME_MAX_KEEP_ALIVE 400 |
Maximum requests per connection. | |
#define | ME_MAX_NUM_HEADERS 64 |
Maximum number of header lines. | |
#define | ME_MAX_PARSE_DURATION (5 * 1000) |
Default request parse header timeout (5 sec). | |
#define | ME_MAX_PING_DURATION (30 * 1000) |
WSS ping defeat Keep-Alive timeouts (30 sec). | |
#define | ME_MAX_PROCESSES 10 |
Maximum concurrent processes. | |
#define | ME_MAX_REQUEST_DURATION (5 * 60 * 1000) |
Default request timeout (5 minutes). | |
Maximum concurrent requests per client. | |
#define | ME_MAX_REWRITE 20 |
Maximum URI rewrites. | |
#define | ME_MAX_ROUTE_MAP_HASH 17 |
Size of the route mapping hash. | |
#define | ME_MAX_ROUTE_MATCHES 32 |
Maximum number of submatches in routes. | |
#define | ME_MAX_RX_BODY (512 * 1024) |
Maximum incoming body size (512K). | |
#define | ME_MAX_RX_FORM (512 * 1024) |
Maximum incoming form size (512K). | |
#define | ME_MAX_SESSION_DURATION (5 * 60 * 1000) |
Default session inactivity timeout (5 mins). | |
#define | ME_MAX_SESSION_HASH 31 |
Hash table for session data. | |
#define | ME_MAX_SESSIONS 100 |
Maximum concurrent sessions. | |
Maximum buffer for response data. | |
Maximum file upload size. | |
#define | ME_MAX_URI 512 |
Reasonable URI size. | |
#define | ME_MAX_WSS_FRAME (4 * 1024) |
Default max WebSockets message frame size. | |
#define | ME_MAX_WSS_MESSAGE (2147483647) |
Default max WebSockets message size (2GB). | |
#define | ME_MAX_WSS_PACKET (8 * 1024) |
Default size to provide to application in one packet. | |
#define | ME_MAX_WSS_SOCKETS 25 |
Default max WebSockets. | |
CSRF token cookie name. | |
CSRF token name in Http headers. | |
#define | ME_XSRF_PARAM "-xsrf-" |
CSRF parameter in form fields. | |
#define | WS_MAX_CONTROL 125 |
Maximum bytes in control message. | |
#define | WS_MSG_BINARY 0x2 |
httpSendBlock type for binary messages. | |
#define | WS_MSG_CLOSE 0x8 |
httpSendBlock type for close message. | |
#define | WS_MSG_CONT 0x0 |
Continuation of WebSocket message. | |
#define | WS_MSG_CONTROL 0x8 |
Start of control messages. | |
#define | WS_MSG_MAX 0xB |
Max message type for httpSendBlock. | |
#define | WS_MSG_PING 0x9 |
httpSendBlock type for ping messages. | |
#define | WS_MSG_PONG 0xA |
httpSendBlock type for pong messages. | |
#define | WS_MSG_TEXT 0x1 |
httpSendBlock type for text messages. | |
#define | WS_STATE_CLOSED 3 |
WebSocket is closed. | |
#define | WS_STATE_CLOSING 2 |
WebSocket is closing. | |
WebSocket connection is being established. | |
#define | WS_STATE_OPEN 1 |
WebSocket handsake is complete and ready for communications. | |
#define | WS_STATUS_COMMS_ERROR 1006 |
TCP/IP communications error. | |
#define | WS_STATUS_FRAME_TOO_LARGE 1004 |
Reserved. | |
#define | WS_STATUS_GOING_AWAY 1001 |
Endpoint is going away. | |
Server terminating due to an internal error. | |
#define | WS_STATUS_INVALID_UTF8 1007 |
Text message has invalid UTF-8. | |
#define | WS_STATUS_MAX 5000 |
Maximum error status (less one). | |
Message is too large. | |
Unsupported WebSockets extension. | |
#define | WS_STATUS_NO_STATUS 1005 |
No status was received from the peer in closing. | |
#define | WS_STATUS_OK 1000 |
Normal closure. | |
Application level policy violation. | |
WebSockets protocol error. | |
#define | WS_STATUS_TLS_ERROR 1015 |
TLS handshake error. | |
Unsupported message data type. | |
#define | WS_VERSION 13 |
Current WebSocket specification version. |
Http service object.
- Description:
- Configuration is not thread safe and must occur at initialization time when the application is single threaded. If the configuration is modified when the application is multithreaded, all requests must be first be quiesced.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEndpoint, httpConfigure, httpCreate, httpGetContext, httpGetDateString, httpLookupEndpoint, httpLookupStatus, httpSetContext, httpSetDefaultClientHost, httpSetDefaultClientPort, httpSetForkCallback, httpSetProxy, httpSetSoftware
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
struct HttpStage * actionHandler Action handler. int activeProcesses Count of active external processes. MprHash * addresses Monitored per-IP-address counters. MprHash * authStores Available password stores. MprHash * authTypes Available authentication protocol types. MprTime booted Time the server started. struct HttpStage * cacheFilter Cache filter. struct HttpStage * cacheHandler Cache filter. struct HttpStage * cgiConnector CGI connector. struct HttpStage * cgiHandler CGI handler. struct HttpStage * chunkFilter Chunked transfer encoding filter. struct HttpStage * clientHandler Client-side handler (dummy). struct HttpLimits * clientLimits Client resource limits. struct HttpRoute * clientRoute Default route for clients. MprList * connections Currently open connection requests. void * context Embedding context. MprList * counters List of counters. char * currentDate Date string for HTTP response headers. MprTicks currentTime When currentDate was last calculated (ticks). MprHash * dateCache Cache of date modified times. char * defaultClientHost Default ip address. int defaultClientPort Default port. MprHash * defenses List of Defenses. struct HttpStage * dirHandler Directory listing handler. struct HttpStage * egiHandler Embedded Gateway Interface (EGI) handler. struct HttpStage * ejsHandler Ejscript Web Framework handler. MprList * endpoints Currently configured listening endpoints. HttpEnvCallback envCallback SetEnv callback. struct HttpStage * espHandler ESP Web Framework handler. struct HttpStage * fileHandler Static file handler. int flags Open flags. MprForkCallback forkCallback Callback in child after fork(). int gid Group Id. cchar * group O/S application group name. int groupChanged Group name changed. MprList * hosts List of host objects. HttpListenCallback listenCallback Invoked when creating listeners. cchar * localPlatform Local (dev) platform os-arch-profile (lower case). MprTicks monitorPeriod Minimum monitor period. MprList * monitors List of monitors. int monitorsStarted Monitors are running. MprMutex * mutex Multithread sync. struct HttpStage * netConnector Default network connector. int nextAuth Auth object version vector. MprTicks now Current time in ticks. MprHash * parsers Table config parser callbacks. struct HttpStage * passHandler Pass through handler. struct HttpStage * phpHandler PHP through handler. cchar * platform Target platform os-arch-profile (lower case). cchar * platformDir Path to platform directory containing binaries. char * protocol Default client protocol: HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1. char * proxyHost Proxy ip address. int proxyPort Proxy port. struct HttpStage * rangeFilter Ranged requests filter. MprHash * remedies List of Defense Remedies. HttpRequestCallback requestCallback Request completion callback. MprHash * routeConditions Http route condition functions. MprHash * routeSets Http route sets functions. MprHash * routeTargets Http route target functions. MprHash * routeUpdates Http route update functions. char * secret Random bytes for authentication. struct HttpStage * sendConnector Optimized sendfile connector. struct HttpLimits * serverLimits Server resource limits. MprCache * sessionCache Session state cache. char * software Software name and version. MprHash * stages Possible stages in connection pipelines. int startLevel Start endpoint trace level. int staticLink Target platform is using a static linking. MprHash * statusCodes Http status codes. MprEvent * timer Admin service timer. MprEvent * timestamp Timestamp timer. uint64 totalConnections Total connections accepted. uint64 totalRequests Total requests served. HttpTrace * trace Default tracing configuration. int traceLevel Current request trace level. int uid User Id. struct HttpStage * uploadFilter Upload filter. cchar * user O/S application user name. int userChanged User name changed. struct HttpStage * webSocketFilter WebSocket filter.
Add an option to the options table.
- Parameters:
options Option table returned from httpGetOptions. field Field key name. value Value to use for the field.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Apply the changed group ID.
- Description:
- Apply configuration changes and actually change the group id.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code. See the Appweb log for diagnostics.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Apply the changed user ID.
- Description:
- Apply configuration changes and actually change the user id.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Apply the changed user and group ID.
- Description:
- Apply configuration changes and actually change the user and group id.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code. See the Appweb log for diagnostics.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Alter the configuration by first quiescing all Http activity.
This waits until there are no open connections and then invokes the configuration callback while blocking further connections. When the callback completes, connections are resumed with the new configuration. This callback is required because configuration of the Http engine must be done when single-threaded- Parameters:
proc Function of the type HttpConfigureProc. arg Reference argument to pass to the callback proc. Can be a managed or an unmanaged reference. timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait. Set to -1 to use the default server inactivity timeout. Set to zero to wait forever.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create a Http service object.
- Description:
- Create a http service object. One http service object should be created per application.
- Parameters:
flags Set to zero to initialize bo Initialize the client-side support only.
- Returns:
- The http service object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Destroy the Http service.
- Description:
- This routine is invoked as the final stage in shutting down the http service. It stops the request timeout timer and releases all http memory.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Get the http context object.
- Returns:
- The http context object defined via httpSetContext.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the time as an ISO date string.
- Parameters:
sbuf Optional path buffer. If supplied, the modified time of the path is used. If NULL, then the current time is used.
- Returns:
- RFC822 formatted date string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Extract a field value from an option string.
- Parameters:
options Option string of the form: "field='value' field='value'...". field Field key name. defaultValue Value to use if "field" is not found in options.
- Returns:
- Option value.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get an option value that is itself an object (hash).
- Description:
- This returns an option value that is an instance of MprHash. When deserializing a JSON option string which contains multiple levels, this routine can be used to extract lower option container values.
- Parameters:
options Options object to examine. field Property to return.
- Returns:
- An MprHash instance for the given field. This will contain option sub-properties.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Convert an options string into an options table.
- Parameters:
options Option string of the form: "{field:'value', field:'value'}" This is a sub-set of the JSON syntax. Arrays are not supported.
- Returns:
- Options table.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the user group.
- Description:
- Get the user and group ID for the process.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Initialize the Http configuration parser.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code. See the Appweb log for diagnostics.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Add an option to the options table.
- Description:
- If the field already exists, the added value is inserted prior to the existing value.
- Parameters:
options Option table returned from httpGetOptions. field Field key name. value Value to use for the field.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Lookup a listening endpoint.
- Parameters:
ip Listening IP address to look for. port Listening port number.
- Returns:
- HttpEndpoint object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Lookup a host by name.
- Parameters:
name The name of the host to find.
- Returns:
- The corresponding host object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Lookup a Http status code.
- Description:
- Lookup the code and return the corresponding text message briefly expaining the status.
- Parameters:
status Http status code.
- Returns:
- Text message corresponding to the status code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Test a field value from an option string.
- Parameters:
options Option string of the form: "field='value' field='value'...". field Field key name. value Test if the field is set to this value. useDefault If true and "field" is not found in options, return true.
- Returns:
- Allocated value string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Parse a platform string.
- Parameters:
platform The platform string. Must be of the form: os-arch-profile. os Parsed O/S portion. arch Parsed architecture portion. profile Parsed profile portion.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Remove an option.
- Description:
- Remove a property from an options hash.
- Parameters:
options Options table returned from httpGetOptions. field Property field to remove.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set the http context object.
- Parameters:
context New context object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Define a default client host.
- Description:
- Define a default host to use for client connections if the URI does not specify a host.
- Parameters:
host Host or IP address.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Define a default client port.
- Description:
- Define a default port to use for client connections if the URI does not define a port.
- Parameters:
port Integer port number.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the group account.
- Description:
- Define the group account name under which to run the process.
- Parameters:
group Group name. Must be defined in the system group database.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set an option.
- Description:
- Set a property in an options hash.
- Parameters:
options Options table returned from httpGetOptions. field Property field to set. value Property value to use.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set platform description.
- Description:
- Some web frameworks need to recompile sources before serving requests (ESP). These need access to the http libraries to link with.
- Parameters:
platform Platform string of the form: OS-ARCH-PROFILE.
- Returns:
- Zero if the platform string parses, otherwise a negative Mpr error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set platform directory location.
- Description:
- Set the platform directory location which contains libraries and headers for the application.
- Parameters:
platform Path to the platform directory.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Define a Http proxy host to use for all client connect requests.
- Description:
- Define a http proxy host to communicate via when accessing the net.
- Parameters:
host Proxy host name or IP address. port Proxy host port number.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the software description.
- Parameters:
description String describing the Http software. By default, this is set to HTTP_NAME.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the user account.
- Description:
- Define the user account name under which to run the process.
- Parameters:
user User name. Must be defined in the system password database.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Stop all connections owned by the data handle.
- Description:
- This routine may be called by services to destory all connections owned by the service. It calls httpDestroyConnection on all owned connections. This call must only be made on the same dispatcher used by ALL the connections.
- Parameters:
data HttpConn data value to search for in current connections.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Description:
- HttpAuth is the foundation authorization object and is used by HttpRoute. It stores the authorization configuration information required to determine if a client request should be permitted access to a given resource.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
MprHash * abilities Set of required abilities (all are required). MprHash * allow Clients to allow. char * cipher Encryption cipher. MprHash * deny Clients to deny. int flags Authorization flags. char * loggedInPage Target URI after logging in. char * loggedOutPage Target URI after logging out. char * loginPage Web page for user login for 'form' type. struct HttpAuth * parent Parent auth. MprHash * permittedUsers Set of valid users. char * qop Quality of service. char * realm Realm of access. MprHash * roles Hash of roles. HttpAuthStore * store Authorization password backend (system|file|custom). HttpAuthType * type Authorization protocol type (basic|digest|form|custom). MprHash * userCache Cache of authenticated users. char * username Automatic login username. Password not required if defined. HttpVerifyUser verifyUser Password verification.
Add a role.
If the role already exists, the role is updated- Description:
- This creates the role with given abilities. Ability words can also be other roles.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth role Role name to add. abilities Space separated list of abilities.
- Returns:
- Allocated role object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Add a user.
If the user already exists, the user is updated- Description:
- This creates the user and adds the user to the authentication database.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth user User name to add. password User password. The password should not be encrypted. The backend will encrypt as required. abilities Space separated list of abilities.
- Returns:
- The User object allocated or NULL for an error.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Test if a user has the required abilities.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn object. abilities Comma separated list of abilities to test for. If null, then use the required abilities defined for the current request route.
- Returns:
- True if the user has all the required abilities.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Compute all the user abilities for a route using the given auth.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Compute the user abilities for a given user in a route using the given auth.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth user User object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Create an authentication object.
- Returns:
- An empty authentiction object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Add an authorization store for password validation.
The pre-supplied types are "config" and "system"- Description:
- This creates an AuthType object with the defined name and callbacks.
- Parameters:
name Unique authorization type name. verifyUser Callback to verify the username and password contained in the HttpConn object passed to the callback.
- Returns:
- Auth store if successful, otherwise zero.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Create an authorization protocol type.
The pre-supplied types are 'basic', 'digest' and 'form'- Description:
- This creates an AuthType with the defined name and callbacks. The basic and digest types are supported by most browsers. The form type is implemented via web form requests over HTTP.
- Parameters:
name Unique authorization type name. askLogin Callback to generate a client login response. parse Callback to parse the HTTP authentication headers. setAuth Callback to set the HTTP response authentication headers.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Test if the user is authenticated.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- True if the username and password have been authenticated.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Log the user in.
- Description:
- This will verify the supplied username and password. If the user is successfully logged in, the user identity will be stored in session state for fast authentication on subsequent requests. Note: this does not verify any user abilities.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. username User name to authenticate. password Password for the user.
- Returns:
- True if the username and password have been authenticated.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Logout the user.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Lookup a role by name.
- Parameters:
auth HttpAuth object. Stored in HttpConn.rx.route.auth. name Role name.
- Returns:
- Role object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Lookup a user by username.
- Description:
- This looks up a user in the internal user store. This is only used i.
- Parameters:
auth HttpAuth object. Stored in HttpConn.rx.route.auth. name Username.
- Returns:
- User object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Remove a role.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth role Role name to remove.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Remove a user.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth user User name to remove.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Allow access by a client IP IP address.
- Parameters:
auth Authorization object allocated by httpCreateAuth ip Client IP address to allow.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Allow access by any valid user.
- Description:
- This configures the basic or digest authentication for the authorization object.
- Parameters:
auth Authorization object allocated by httpCreateAuth
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Deny access by a client IP address.
- Parameters:
auth Authorization object allocated by httpCreateAuth ip Client IP address to deny. This must be an IP address string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Define login service URLs for use with "form" authentication.
- Description:
- This defines the login form URL and login/out service URLs. Set arguments to null if they are not required because the application is implementing its own redirection management during login. This API should not be used for web frameworks like ESP or PHP that define their own login/out services.
- Parameters:
route Route from which to inherit when creating a route for the login pages and services. loginPage Web page URI for the user to enter username and password. loginService URI to use for the internal login service. To use your own login URI, set to this the empty string. logoutService URI to use to log the user out. To use your won logout URI, set this to the empty string. loggedInPage The client is redirected to this URI once logged in. Use a "referrer:" prefix to the URI to redirect the user to the referring URI before the loginPage. If the referrer cannot be determined, the base URI is utilized. loggedOutPage The client is redirected to this URI once logged in. Use a "referrer:" prefix to the URI to redirect the user to the referring URI before the loginPage. If the referrer cannot be determined, the base URI is utilized.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Define the login page for use with authentication.
- Parameters:
auth Authorization object allocated by httpCreateAuth uri URI for the login page. Can use "https:///page" to specify the SSL protocol with the current domain.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Set the auth allow/deny order.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth order Set to HTTP_ALLOW_DENY to run allow checks before deny checks. Set to HTTP_DENY_ALLOW to run deny checks before allow.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Define the set of permitted users.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth users Space separated list of acceptable users.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Set the required quality of service for digest authentication.
- Description:
- This configures the basic or digest authentication for the auth object.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth qop Quality of service description.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Set the required realm for basic or digest authentication.
- Description:
- This configures the authentication realm. The realm is displayed to the user in the browser login dialog box.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth realm Authentication realm.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Set the required abilities for access.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth abilities Space separated list of the required abilities. May supply roles in the abilities string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Control whether a session and session cookie will be created for user logins for this authentication route.
- Description:
- By default, a session and response cookie are created when a user is authenticated via httpLogin. This boosts performance because subsequent requests can supply the cookie and bypass authentication for each subseqent request. This API permits the default behavior to be suppressed and thus no cookie or session will be created.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object created via httpCreateAuth noSession Set to true to suppress creation of sessions or cookies.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Set the authentication password store to use.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth store Password store to use. Select from: "app", "config" or "system".
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Control whether sessions and session cookies are created for user logins.
- Description:
- By default, a session and response cookie are created when a user is authenticated via httpLogin. This boosts performance because subsequent requests can supply the cookie and bypass authentication for each subseqent request. This API permits the default behavior to be suppressed and thus no cookie or session will be created.
- Parameters:
store AuthStore object created via httpCreateAuthStore noSession Set to true to suppress creation of sessions or cookies.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Set the authentication protocol type to use.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth proto Protocol name to use. Select from: 'basic', 'digest', 'form' or 'none'. Set to NULL or 'none' to disable authentication. details Extra protocol details.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthUsername
Set an automatic login username.
- Description:
- If defined, no password is required and the user will be automatically logged in as this username.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth username Username to automatically login with.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType
Set the verify callback for a authentication store.
- Parameters:
auth Auth object allocated by httpCreateAuth verifyUser Verification callback.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Cache Control.
- Description:
- Configuration is not thread safe and must occur at initialization time when the application is single threaded. If the configuration is modified when the application is multithreaded, all requests must be first be quiesced.
- See Also:
- httpAddCache, httpUpdateCache
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Add caching for response content.
- Description:
- This call configures caching for request responses. Caching may be used for any HTTP method, though typically it is most useful for state-less GET requests. Output data may be uniquely cached for requests with different request parameters (query, post, and route parameters).
When server-side caching is requested and manual-mode is not enabled, the request response will be automatically cached. Subsequent client requests will revalidate the cached content with the server. If the server-side cached content has not expired, a HTTP Not-Modified (304) response will be sent and the client will use its client-side cached content. This results in a very fast transaction with the client as no response data is sent. Server-side caching will cache both the response headers and content.
If manual server-side caching is requested, the response will be automatically cached, but subsequent requests will require the handler to explicitly send cached content by calling httpWriteCached.
If client-side caching is requested, a 'Cache-Control' Http header will be sent to the client with the caching 'max-age' set to the lifespan argument value (converted to seconds). This causes the client to serve client-cached content and to not contact the server at all until the max-age expires. Alternatively, you can use httpSetHeader to explicitly set a 'Cache-Control' header. For your reference, here are some keywords that can be used in the Cache-Control Http header.
'max-age' Maximum time in seconds the resource is considered fresh. 's-maxage' Maximum time in seconds the resource is considered fresh from a shared cache. 'public' marks authenticated responses as cacheable. 'private' shared caches may not store the response. 'no-cache' cache must re-submit request for validation before using cached copy. 'no-store' response may not be stored in a cache. 'must-revalidate' forces clients to revalidate the request with the server. 'proxy-revalidate' similar to must-revalidate except only for proxy caches.
Use client-side caching for static content that will rarely change or for content for which using 'reload' in the browser is an adequate solution to force a refresh. Use manual server-side caching for situations where you need to explicitly control when and how cached data is returned to the client. For most other situations, use server-side caching.
- Parameters:
route HttpRoute object. methods List of methods for which caching should be enabled. Set to a comma or space separated list of method names. Method names can be any case. Set to null or '*' for all methods. Example: 'GET, POST'. uris Set of URIs to cache. If the URI is set to '*' all URIs for that action are uniquely cached. If the request has POST data, the URI may include such post data in a sorted query format. E.g. {uri: /buy?item=scarf&quantity=1}. extensions List of document extensions for which caching should be enabled. Set to a comma or space separated list of extensions. Extensions should not have a period prefix. Set to null, '' or '*' for all extensions. Example: 'html, css, js'. The URI may include request parameters in sorted www-urlencoded format. For example: /example.esp?hobby=sailing&name=john. types List of document mime types for which caching should be enabled. Set to a comma or space separated list of types. The mime types are those that correspond to the document extension and NOT the content type defined by the handler serving the document. Set to null or '*' for all types. Example: image/gif, application/x-php. clientLifespan Lifespan of client cache items in milliseconds. If not set to positive integer, the lifespan will default to the route lifespan. serverLifespan Lifespan of server cache items in milliseconds. If not set to positive integer, the lifespan will default to the route lifespan. flags Cache control flags. Select HTTP_CACHE_MANUAL to enable manual mode. In manual mode, cached content will not be automatically sent. Use httpWriteCached in the request handler to write previously cached content.
Select HTTP_CACHE_CLIENT to enable client-side caching. In this mode a 'Cache-Control' Http header will be sent to the client with the caching 'max-age'. WARNING: the client will not send any request for this URI until the max-age timeout has expired.
Select HTTP_CACHE_RESET to first reset existing caching configuration for this route.
Select HTTP_CACHE_SERVER to define the server-side caching mode.
Select HTTP_CACHE_UNIQUE to uniquely cache requests with different request parameters.
- Returns:
- A count of the bytes actually written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpCache, httpUpdateCache
Update the cached content for a URI.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. uri The request URI for which to update the cache. The URI may contain the request parameters in sorted www-urlencoded format. The URI should include any route prefix. data Data to cache for the URI. If you wish to cache response headers, include those at the start of the data followed by an additional new line. lifespan Lifespan in milliseconds for the cached content.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpCache, httpAddCache
Write the cached content for a URI to the client.
- Description:
- This call explicitly writes cached content to the client. It is useful when the caching is configured in manual mode via the HTTP_CACHE_MANUAL flag to httpAddCache
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpCache, httpAddCache, httpUpdateCache
Http Connections.
- Description:
- The HttpConn object represents a TCP/IP connection to the client. A connection object is created for each socket connection initiated by the client. One HttpConn object may service many Http requests due to HTTP/1.1 keep-alive. Each connection has a request timeout and inactivity timeout. These can be set via httpSetTimeout. The set of APIs that block and yield to the garbage collector are:
- httpFlushQueue(, HTTP_BLOCK)
- httpWriteBlock(, HTTP_BLOCK)
- httpSendBlock(, HTTP_BLOCK)
- httpRead() when in sync mode
- httpReadBlock(, HTTP_BLOCK)
- httpWait()
- httpWriteUploadData
- See Also:
- HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Description:
- The Action Handler provides a simple mechanism to bind 'C' callback functions with URIs.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- Fields:
int activeRequest Actively servicing a request. HttpAddress * address Per-client IP address reference. bool async Connection is in async mode (non-blocking). void * authData Authorization state data. bool authRequested Authorization requested based on user credentials. char * authType Type of authentication: set to basic, digest, post or a custom name. bool borrowed Connection has been borrowed. char * boundary File upload boundary. HttpQueue * connectorq Connector write queue. int connError A connection error has occurred. void * context Embedding context (EjsRequest). struct HttpQueue * currentq Current queue being serviced (just for GC). void * data Custom data for request - must be a managed reference. int delay Delay servicing request due to defense strategy. bool destroyed Connection has been destroyed. MprDispatcher * dispatcher Event dispatcher. void * ejs Embedding VM. bool encoded True if the password is MD5(username:realm:password). struct HttpEndpoint * endpoint Endpoint object (if set - indicates server-side). int error A connection and/or request error has occurred. bool errorDoc Processing an error document. char * errorMsg Error message for the last request (if any). bool followRedirects Follow redirects for client requests. void * grid Current request database grid for MVC apps. HttpHeadersCallback headersCallback Callback to fill headers. void * headersCallbackArg Arg to fillHeaders. struct HttpHost * host Host object (if relevant). Http * http Http service object. bool http10 Using legacy HTTP/1.0. HttpPacket * input Header packet. HttpIOCallback ioCallback I/O event callback. char * ip Remote client IP address. int keepAliveCount Count of remaining Keep-Alive requests for this connection. MprTicks lastActivity Last activity on the connection. ssize lastRead Length of new data last read into the input packet. HttpLimits * limits Service limits. Alias to HttpRoute.limits for this request. void * mark Reference for GC marking. bool mustClose Peer requested the connection be closed via "Connection: close". MprDispatcher * newDispatcher New dispatcher if using a worker thread. HttpNotifier notifier Connection Http state change notification callback. MprDispatcher * oldDispatcher Original dispatcher if using a worker thread. bool ownDispatcher Own the dispatcher and should destroy when closing connection. cchar * password Password for client requests (only). void * pool Pool of VMs. int port Remote port. char * protocol HTTP protocol. char * protocols Supported WebSocket protocols (clients). HttpQueue * readq End of the read pipeline. void * record Current request database record for MVC apps. void * reqData Extended request data for use by web frameworks. int retries Client request retries. struct HttpRx * rx Rx object. bool secure Using https. uint64 seqno Unique network sequence number. struct HttpQueue * serviceq List of queues that require service for request pipeline. MprSocket * sock Underlying socket handle. MprTicks started When the request started (ticks). uint64 startMark High resolution tick time of request. int state Connection state. void * staticData Custom data for request - must be an unmanaged reference. bool suppressTrace Do not trace this connection. int timeout Connection timeout indication. HttpTimeoutCallback timeoutCallback Request and inactivity timeout callback. MprEvent * timeoutEvent Connection or request timeout event. int totalRequests Total number of requests serviced. HttpTrace * trace Tracing configuration. struct HttpTx * tx Tx object. bool upgraded Request protocol upgraded. struct HttpUser * user Authorized User record for access checking. cchar * username Supplied user name. bool worker Use worker. MprEvent * workerEvent Event for running connection via a worker thread (used by ejs). HttpQueue * writeq Start of the write pipeline.
Do setup after an I/O event to receive future events.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Emit an error message for a badly formatted request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn status Http status code. The status code can be ored with the flags HTTP_ABORT to immediately abort the connection or HTTP_CLOSE to close the connection at the completion of the request. fmt Printf style formatted string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Borrow a connection.
- Description:
- Borrow the connection from Http. This effectively gains an exclusive loan of the connection so that it cannot be destroyed while the loan is active. After the loan is complete, you must call return the connection by calling httpReturnConn. Otherwise the connection will not be freed and memory will leak.
The httpBorrowConn routine is used to stabilize a connection while interacting with some outside service. Without this routine, the connection could be destroyed while waiting. Many things can happen while waiting. For example: the client could disconnect or the connection could timeout. These events will still be serviced while the connection is borrowed, but the connection object will not be destroyed.
While borrowed, you must not access the connection using foreign / non-MPR threads. If you need to do this, use mprCreateEvent to schedule an event to run on the connection's event dispatcher. This is essential to serialize access to the connection object. Inside the event callback, you should first check the connection state via HttpConn.state to ensure the request is still active. If the request has completed, the state will be HTTP_STATE_COMPLETE.
Before returning from the event callback, you must call httpReturnConn to end the exclusive loan. This restores normal processing of the connection and enables any required I/O events.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Deprecated.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Test if the connection is a client-side connection.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- True if the connection is client-side.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Destroy the request pipeline.
- Description:
- This is called at the conclusion of a request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Create a connection object.
- Description:
- Most interactions with the Http library are via a connection object. It is used for server-side communications when responding to client requests and it is used to initiate outbound client requests.
- Parameters:
endpoint Endpoint object owning the connection. dispatcher Disptacher to use for I/O events on the connection.
- Returns:
- A new connection object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Invoke a callback on a connection using a connection sequence number.
- Description:
- This routine invokes a callback on a connection's event dispatcher in a thread-safe manner. This API is the only safe way to invoke APIs on a connection from foreign threads.
- Parameters:
seqno HttpStream->seqno identifier extracted when running in an MPR (Appweb) thread. callback Callback function to invoke. The callback will always be invoked if the call is successful so that you can free any allocated resources. If the connection is destroyed before the event is run, the callback will be invoked and the "conn" argument will be set to NULL.
If is important to check the HttpStream.error and HttpStream.state in the callback to ensure the Stream is in an acceptable state for your logic. Typically you want HttpStream.state to be greater than HTTP_STATE_BEGIN and less than HTTP_STATE_COMPLETE. You may also wish to check HttpStream.error incase the connection request has Data to pass to the callback.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if the connection can be found and the event is scheduled, Otherwise returns MPR_ERR_CANT_FIND.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Create the pipeline.
- Description:
- Create the processing pipeline.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Create the receive request pipeline.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn route Route object controlling how the pipeline is configured for the request.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Create the transmit request pipeline.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn route Route object controlling how the pipeline is configured for the request.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Destroy the connection object.
- Description:
- This call closes the connection socket, destroys the connection dispatcher, disconnects the HttpTx and HttpRx property objects and removes the connection from the HttpHost list of connections. Thereafter, the garbage collector can reclaim all memory. It may be called by client connections at any time from a top-level event running on the connection's dispatcher. Server-side code should not need to explicitly destroy the connection as it will be done automatically via httpIOEvent. This routine should not be called deep within the stack as it will zero the HttpConn.http property to signify the connection is destroyed.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Discard buffered transmit pipeline data.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn dir Queue direction. Either HTTP_QUEUE_TX or HTTP_QUEUE_RX.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Disconnect the connection's socket.
- Description:
- This call will close the socket and signal a connection error by setting connError. Subsequent use of the connection socket will not be possible. It will also set HttpRx.eof and will finalize the request. Used internally when a connection times out and for abortive errors. This should not be generally used. Rather, httpDestroyConn and httpError should be used in preference.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Enable connection events.
- Description:
- Connection events are automatically disabled upon receipt of an I/O event on a connection. This permits a connection to process the I/O without fear of interruption by another I/O event. At the completion of processing of the I/O request, the connection should be re-enabled via httpEnableConnEvents. This call is made for requests in httpIOEvent. Client-side connections may need to enable connection events if the are running in async mode and encounter a blocking condition.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Enable Multipart-Mime File Upload for this request.
This will define a "Content-Type: multipart/form-data..." header and will create a mime content boundary for use to delimit the various upload content files and fields- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Error handling for the connection.
- Description:
- The httpError call is used to flag the current request as failed. If httpError is called multiple times, those calls are ignored and only the first call to httpError has effect. This call will discard all data in the output pipeline queues. If some data has already been written to the client the connection will be aborted so the client can get some indication that an error has occurred after the headers have been transmitted.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn status Http status code. The status code can be ored with the flags HTTP_ABORT to immediately abort the connection or HTTP_CLOSE to close the connection at the completion of the request. fmt Printf style formatted string. ... Arguments for fmt.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Find a connection given a connection sequence number.
- Description:
- Find a connection in a thread-safe manner given a connection sequence number. Each connection has a unique 64-bit sequence number that can be used to retrieve a connection object. When using foreign threads, this is preferable as another thread may disconnect and destroy the connection at any time.
A callback may be provided which will be invoked if the connection is found before returning from the API. This should be used if utilizing this API in a foreign thread. httpFindConn will lock the connection while the callback is invoked.
- Parameters:
seqno HttpConn connection sequence number retrieved from HttpConn.seqno. proc Callback function to invoke with the signature void (*HttpEventProc)(struct HttpConn *conn, void *data);. data Data to pass to the callback.
- Returns:
- The steam object reference. Returns NULL if the connection is not found. Only use this value if invoked in an MPR thread. While foreign threads using this API may return a connection reference, the connection may be destroyed before the reference can be used.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get the async mode value for the connection.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- True if the connection is in async mode.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get the preferred chunked size for transfer chunk encoding.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- Chunk size. Returns "zero" if not yet defined.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get the connection context object.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The connection context object defined via httpSetConnContext.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get an IO event mask for events of interest to the connection.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- Mask of MPR_READABLE and MPR_WRITABLE events.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get the connection host object.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The connection host object defined via httpSetConnHost.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get the error message associated with the last request.
- Description:
- Error messages may be generated for internal or client side errors.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- A error string. The caller must not free this reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get a URI extension.
- Description:
- If the URI has no extension and the response content filename (HttpTx.filename) has been calculated, it will be tested for an extension.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The URI extension without the leading period.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get the count of Keep-Alive requests that will be used for this connection object.
- Description:
- Http Keep-Alive means that the TCP/IP connection is preserved accross multiple requests. This typically means much higher performance and better response. Http Keep-Alive is enabled by default for Http/1.1 (the default). Disable Keep-Alive when talking to old, broken HTTP servers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The maximum count of Keep-Alive requests.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get the count of bytes buffered on the write queue.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The number of bytes buffered.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Handle I/O on the connection.
- Description:
- This routine responds to I/O described by the supplied eventMask. If any readable data is present, it allocates a standard sized packet and reads data into this and then invokes the httpProtocol engine.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn eventMask Mask of MPR_READABLE or MPR_WRITABLE events of interest.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Respond to a HTTP I/O event.
- Description:
- This routine responds to an I/O event described by the supplied event and then invokes $httpIO.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn event Event structure.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Emit an error message for limit violations.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn status Http status code. The status code can be ored with the flags HTTP_ABORT to immediately abort the connection or HTTP_CLOSE to close the connection at the completion of the request. fmt Printf style formatted string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Match the HttpHost object that should serve this request.
- Description:
- This selects the appropriate host object for this request. If no suitable host can be found, httpError will be called and conn->error will be set.
- Parameters:
conn Connection object created via httpCreateConn hostname Host name to select.
- Returns:
- Host object to serve the request. Also sets conn->host.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Match the HttpHost object that should serve this request.
- Description:
- This selects the appropriate SSL configuration for the request.
- Parameters:
sp Socket object. hostname Host name to select.
- Returns:
- SSL configuration object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Signal a memory allocation error.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Inform notifiers of a connection event or state change.
- Description:
- This is an internal API and should not be called by handler or user code.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn event Event to issue. arg Argument to event.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Prepare a client connection for a new request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn keepHeaders If true, keep the headers already defined on the connection object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Get more output by invoking the handler's writable callback.
Called by processRunning. Also issues an HTTP_EVENT_WRITABLE for application level notification- Description:
- Get more output by invoking the handler's writable callback. Called by processRunning. Also issues an HTTP_EVENT_WRITABLE for application level notification.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Test if the connection queues need service.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- True if there are queues that require servicing.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Run the handler ready callback.
- Description:
- This will be called when all incoming data for the request has been fully received.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Test if a request has exceeded its timeout limits.
- Description:
- This tests the request against the HttpLimits.requestTimeout and HttpLimits.inactivityTimeout limits. It uses the HttpConn.started and HttpConn.lastActivity time markers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn timeout Overriding timeout in milliseconds. If timeout is zero, override default limits and wait forever. If timeout is < 0, use default connection inactivity and duration timeouts. If timeout is > 0, then use this timeout as an additional timeout.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Reset the current security credentials.
- Description:
- Remove any existing security credentials.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Return a borrowed a connection.
- Description:
- Returns a borrowed connection back to the Http engine. This ends the exclusive loan of the connection so that the current request can be completed. It also enables I/O events based on the current state of the connection.
While the connection is borrowed, you must not access the connection using foreign / non-MPR threads. Use mprCreateEvent to schedule an event to run on the connection's event dispatcher. This is essential to serialize access to the connection object.
You should only call this routine (once) after calling httpBorrowConn.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Deprecated.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Route the request and select that matching route and handle to process the request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Schedule a connection timeout event on a connection.
- Description:
- This call schedules an event to run serialized on the connection dispatcher. When run, it will cancels the current request, disconnects the socket and issues an error to the error log. This call is normally invoked by the httpTimer which runs regularly to check for timed out requests.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Test if the connection is a server-side connection.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- True if the connection is client-side.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Service pipeline queues to flow data.
- Description:
- This routine should not be called by handlers, filters or user applications. It should only be called by the http pipeline and support routines.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn flags Set to HTTP_BLOCK to yield for GC if due.
- Returns:
- True if work was done servicing queues.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the async mode value for the connection.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn enable Set to 1 to enable async mode.
- Returns:
- True if the connection is in async mode.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the chunk size for transfer chunked encoding.
When set, a "Transfer-Encoding: Chunked" header will be added to the request, and all write data will be broken into chunks of the requested size- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn size Requested chunk size.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the connection context object.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn context New context object. Must be a managed memory reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the connection host object.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn host New context host.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Define a notifier callback for this connection.
- Description:
- The notifier callback will be invoked for state changes and I/O events as Http requests are processed. The supported events are:
The request is changing state. Valid states are: HTTP_STATE_BEGIN, HTTP_STATE_CONNECTED, HTTP_STATE_FIRST, HTTP_STATE_CONTENT, HTTP_STATE_READY, HTTP_STATE_RUNNING, HTTP_STATE_FINALIZED and HTTP_STATE_COMPLETE. A request will always visit all states and the notifier will be invoked for each and every state. This is true even if the request has no content, the HTTP_STATE_CONTENT will still be visited. - HTTP_EVENT_READABLE
There is data available to read - HTTP_EVENT_WRITABLE
The outgoing pipeline can absorb more data. The WRITABLE event is issued when the outgoing pipeline is empties and can absorb more data. - HTTP_EVENT_ERROR
The request has encountered an error - HTTP_EVENT_DESTROY
The connection structure is about to be destoyed - HTTP_EVENT_APP_OPEN
The application layer is now open - HTTP_EVENT_APP_CLOSE
The application layer is now closed
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn notifier Notifier function.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the logged in user associated with the connection.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn user User object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the Http credentials.
- Description:
- Define a user and password to use with Http authentication for sites that require it. This will be used for the next client connection.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn user String user. password Decrypted password string. authType Authentication type. Set to basic or digest. Defaults to nothing.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the "fileHandler" to process the request.
- Description:
- This is used by handlers to relay file requests to the file handler. Should be called from the other handlers start entry point.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn path Optional filename to serve. If null, use HttpTx.filename.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the fork callback.
- Parameters:
proc Fork callback procedure. arg Argument to supply when the callback is invoked.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Define a headers callback.
- Description:
- The headers callback will run before the standard response headers are generated. This gives an opportunity to pre-populate the response headers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn fn Callback function to invoke. arg Argument to provide when invoking the headers callback.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Define an I/O callback for connections.
- Description:
- The I/O callback is invoked when I/O events are detected on the connection. The default I/O callback is httpIOEvent
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn fn Callback function to invoke.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Control Http Keep-Alive for the connection.
- Description:
- Http Keep-Alive means that the TCP/IP connection is preserved accross multiple requests. This typically means much higher performance and better response. Http Keep-Alive is enabled by default for Http/1.1 (the default). Disable Keep-Alive when talking to old, broken HTTP servers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn count Count of Keep-Alive transactions to use before closing the connection. Set to zero to disable keep-alive.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the Http protocol variant for this connection.
- Description:
- Set the Http protocol variant to use.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn protocol String representing the protocol variant. Valid values are: "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1". This parameter must be persistent. Use HTTP/1.1 wherever possible.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the Http retry count.
- Description:
- Define the number of retries before failing a request. It is normative for network errors to require that requests be sometimes retried. The default retries is set to (2).
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn retries Count of retries.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the "Send" connector to process the request.
- Description:
- If the net connection has been selected, but the response content is a file, the pipeline connector can be upgraded to use the "Send" connector.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn path File name to send as a response.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the connection state and invoke notifiers.
- Description:
- The connection states are, in order : HTTP_STATE_BEGIN HTTP_STATE_CONNECTED HTTP_STATE_FIRST HTTP_STATE_PARSED HTTP_STATE_CONTENT HTTP_STATE_READY HTTP_STATE_RUNNING HTTP_STATE_FINALIZED HTTP_STATE_COMPLETE. When httpSetState advances the state it will invoke any registered HttpNotifier. If the state is set to a state beyond the next intermediate state, the HttpNotifier will be invoked for all intervening states. This is true even if the request has no content, the HTTP_STATE_CONTENT will still be visited.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn state New state to enter.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Set the Http inactivity timeout.
- Description:
- Define an inactivity timeout after which the Http connection will be closed.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn requestTimeout Request timeout in msec. This is the total time for the request. Set to -1 to preserve the existing value. inactivityTimeout Inactivity timeout in msec. This is maximum connection idle time. Set to -1 to preserve the existing value.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Define a timestamp in the MPR log file.
- Description:
- This routine initiates the writing of a timestamp in the MPR log file.
- Parameters:
period Time in milliseconds between timestamps.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpStartPipeline
Setup a wait handler for the connection to wait for desired events.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn eventMask Mask of events. MPR_READABLE | MPR_WRITABLE.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Test if a directory listing should be rendered for the request.
- Parameters:
conn Connection object.
- Returns:
- True if a directory listing is configured to be rendered for this request.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Start the pipeline.
This starts the request handler- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp
Steal a socket from a connection.
- Description:
- Steal the MprSocket object from a connection so the caller can assume total responsibility for the socket. This routine returns a clone of the connection's socket object with the socket O/S handle. The handle is removed from the connection's socket object. The connection retains ownership of the original socket object. This is done to preserve the HttpConn.sock object but remove the socket handle from its management.
Note: The current request is aborted and queue data is discarded. After calling, the normal Appweb request and inactivity timeouts will not apply to the returned socket object. It is the callers responsibility to call mprCloseSocket on the returned MprSocket when ready.
An alternative to this routine is httpBorrowConn which temporarily loans the connection and secures it from destruction.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- A clone of the connection's MprSocket object with the socket handle.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Steal the O/S socket handle from the connection socket object.
- Description:
- This removes the O/S socket handle from active management by the connection. After calling, normal request and inactivity timeouts will apply to the connection, but will not disturb the underlying actual socket handle. It is the callers responsibility to call close() on the socket handle when ready.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The O/S Socket handle.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Verify the server handshake.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- True if the handshake is valid.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Write Http upload body data.
- Description:
- Write files and form fields as request body data. This will use transfer chunk encoding. This routine will block until all the buffer is written. This routine may invoke mprYield before it blocks to consent for the garbage collector to turn. Callers must ensure they have retained all required temporary memory before invoking this routine.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object created via httpCreateConn fileData List of string file names to upload. formData List of strings containing "key=value" pairs. The form data should be already www-urlencoded.
- Returns:
- Number of bytes successfully written.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Directory object for the DirHandler.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
Get the HttpDir object for a route.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Listening endpoints.
- See Also:
- httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
int async Listening is in async mode (non-blocking). void * context Embedding context. MprDispatcher * dispatcher Event dispatcher. int flags Endpoint control flags. MprList * hosts List of host objects. Http * http Http service object. char * ip Listen IP address. May be null if listening on all interfaces. HttpLimits * limits Alias for first host, default route resource limits. MprMutex * mutex Multithread sync. HttpNotifier notifier Default connection notifier callback. int port Listen port. MprSocket * sock Listening socket. MprSsl * ssl SSL configurations to use.
Accept a new connection.
Accept a new client connection on a new socket. If multithreaded, this will come in on a worker thread dedicated to this connection. This is called from the listen wait handler- Parameters:
endpoint The endpoint on which the server was listening. event Mpr event object.
- Returns:
- A HttpConn object representing the new connection.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Add a host to an endpoint.
- Description:
- Add the host to the endpoint's list of hosts. A listening endpoint may have multiple virutal hosts.
- Parameters:
endpoint Endpoint to which the host will be added. host HttpHost object to add.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if the host can be added.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Create and configure a new endpoint.
- Description:
- Convenience function to create and configure a new endpoint without using a config file. If no host is supplied, a default host and route are created.
- Parameters:
host Optional HttpHost object. home Home directory for configuration files for the endpoint. documents Directory containing the. ip IP address to use for the endpoint. Set to null to listen on all interfaces. port Listening port number to use for the endpoint.
- Returns:
- A configured HttpEndpoint object instance.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Create an endpoint object.
- Description:
- Creates a listening endpoint on the given IP:PORT. Use httpStartEndpoint to begin listening for client connections.
- Parameters:
ip IP address on which to listen. port IP port number. dispatcher Dispatcher to use. Can be null.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Destroy the endpoint.
- Description:
- This destroys the endpoint created by httpCreateEndpoint. Calling this routine should not normally be necessary as the garbage collector will invoke as required.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object returned from httpCreateEndpoint
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Get the endpoint context object.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint
- Returns:
- The endpoint context object defined via httpSetEndpointContext.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Get if the endpoint is running in asynchronous mode.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint
- Returns:
- True if the endpoint is in async mode.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Lookup a host name.
- Description:
- Lookup a host by name in the set of defined hosts for this endpoint.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint name Host name to search for.
- Returns:
- An HttpHost object instance or null if the host cannot be found.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Secure an endpoint.
- Description:
- Define the SSL parameters for an endpoint. This must be done before starting listening on the endpoint via httpStartEndpoint
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint ssl MprSsl object.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Secure an endpoint by name.
- Description:
- Define the SSL parameters for an endpoint that is selected by name. This must be done before starting listening on the endpoint via httpStartEndpoint
- Parameters:
name Endpoint name. The endpoint name is comprised of the IP and port. For example: "". ssl MprSsl object.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Set the endpoint IP address.
- Description:
- This call defines the endpoint's IP address and port number. If the endpoint has already been started, this will stop and restart the endpoint. Current requests will not be disturbed. This is useful to modify the endpoints address when using dynamically assigned IP addresses.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint ip IP address to use for the endpoint. Set to null to listen on all interfaces. port Listening port number to use for the endpoint.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Control if the endpoint is running in asynchronous mode.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint enable Set to 1 to enable async mode.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Set the endpoint context object.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint context New context object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Define a notifier callback for this endpoint.
- Description:
- The notifier callback will be invoked as Http requests are processed.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint fn Notifier function.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Start listening for client connections on an endpoint.
- Description:
- Opens the endpoint socket and starts listening for connections.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStopEndpoint
Start listening for client connections on all endpoints.
- Description:
- Opens all endpoints and starts listening for connections.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Stop the server listening for client connections.
- Description:
- Closes the socket endpoint. This preserves connections accepted via the listening endpoint.
- Parameters:
endpoint HttpEndpoint object created via httpCreateEndpoint
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint
Stop listening for client connections on all endpoints.
- Description:
- Closes all endpoints and stops listening for connections. Does not impact running requests.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- See Also:
- HttpEndpoint, httpAcceptConn, httpAddHostToEndpoint, httpCreateConfiguredEndpoint, httpCreateEndpoint, httpDestroyEndpoint, httpGetEndpointContext, httpIsEndpointAsync, httpLookupHostOnEndpoint, httpSecureEndpoint, httpSecureEndpointByName, httpSetEndpointAddress, httpSetEndpointAsync, httpSetEndpointContext, httpSetEndpointNotifier, httpStartEndpoint, httpStopEndpoint
Host Object.
- Description:
- A Host object represents a logical host. Several logical hosts may share a single HttpEndpoint.
- See Also:
- httpAddRoute, httpCloneHost, httpCreateHost, httpResetRoutes, httpSetHostName, httpSetHostProtocol
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
HttpUri * canonical Canonical host name (optional canonial public name for redirections). HttpEndpoint * defaultEndpoint Default endpoint for host. HttpRoute * defaultRoute Default route for the host. int flags Host flags. cchar * hostname Host name portion only. cchar * name Full host name with port. void * nameCompiled Compiled name regular expression (not alloced). struct HttpHost * parent Parent host to inherit aliases, dirs, routes. MprCache * responseCache Response content caching store. MprList * routes List of Route defintions. HttpEndpoint * secureEndpoint Secure endpoint for host. MprHash * streams Hash of mime-types to stream record.
Add a route to a host.
- Description:
- Add the route to the host list of routes. During request route matching, routes are processed in order, so it is important to define routes in the order in which you wish to match them.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object. route Route to add.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if the route can be added.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Clone a host.
- Description:
- The parent host is cloned and a new host returned. The new host inherites the parent's configuration.
- Parameters:
parent Parent HttpHost object to clone.
- Returns:
- The new HttpHost object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create the default host.
- Description:
- Create and define a default host. The host is added to the Http service's list of hosts. A default route is created for the host.
- Returns:
- The new HttpHost object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Create a host.
- Description:
- Create a new host object. The host is added to the Http service's list of hosts.
- Returns:
- The new HttpHost object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the default host defined via httpSetDefaultHost.
- Returns:
- The defaul thost object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Determine if input body content should be streamed or buffered for requests with content of a given mime type.
- Description:
- The mime type and URI are used to match the request.
- Parameters:
host Host to modify. mime Mime type to configure. uri URI prefix to match with.
- Returns:
- True if input should be streamed. False if it should be buffered.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Reset the list of routes for the host.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the default host for all servers.
- Parameters:
host Host to define as the default host.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the host canonical name.
- Description:
- The host canonical name is the public perferred name to use for the server. This is used when redirecting client requests for directories.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object. name Host canonical name to use.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. May return a negative MPR error code if the name is a regular expression and cannot be compiled.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the default endpoint for a host.
- Description:
- The host may have a default endpoint that is used when doing redirections to http.
- Parameters:
host Host to examine. endpoint Secure endpoint to use as the default.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the default route for a host.
- Description:
- The host has a default route which holds default configuration. Typically the default route is not directly used when routing URIs. Rather other routes inherit from the default route and are used to respond to client requests.
- Parameters:
host Host to examine. route Route to define as the default.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the host name.
- Description:
- The host name is used when matching client requests to virtual hosts using the Http request Host header. If the host name starts with "*", it will match names that contain the name. If the host name ends with "*", it will match names that start with the name. If the host name begins and ends with a "/", the name is assumed to be a regular expression. Regular expressions may match multiple host names by using the "|" character to separate names.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object. name Host name to use.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful. May return a negative MPR error code if the name is a regular expression and cannot be compiled.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the host HTTP protocol version.
- Description:
- Set the host protocol version to either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object. protocol Set to either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpHost, httpAddRoute, httpCloneHost, httpCreateHost, httpResetRoutes, httpSetHostName
Set the server root for a host.
- Description:
- The server root is used as the default directory to locate configuration files for the host.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object. root Directory path for the host server root.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the default secure endpoint for a host.
- Description:
- The host may have a default secure endpoint that is used when doing redirections to https.
- Parameters:
host Host to examine. endpoint Secure endpoint to use as the default.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Control if input body content should be streamed or buffered for requests with content of a given mime type.
- Parameters:
host Host to modify. mime Mime type to configure. uri URI prefix to match. streaming Set to true to enable streaming for this mime type.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Http limits.
- See Also:
- httpCreateLimits, httpEaseLimits, httpInitLimits
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
ssize bufferSize Maximum buffering by any pipeline stage. ssize cacheItemSize Maximum size of a cachable item. ssize chunkSize Maximum chunk size for transfer encoding. int clientMax Maximum number of unique clients IP addresses. int connectionsMax Maximum number of simultaneous client connections. int headerMax Maximum number of header lines. ssize headerSize Maximum size of the total header. MprTicks inactivityTimeout Timeout for keep-alive and idle requests (msec). int keepAliveMax Maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to perform per socket. int processMax Maximum number of processes (CGI). int requestMax Maximum number of simultaneous concurrent requests. MprTicks requestParseTimeout Time a request can take to parse the request headers (msec). int requestsPerClientMax Maximum number of requests per client IP. MprTicks requestTimeout Time a request can take (msec). MprOff rxBodySize Maximum size of receive body data. MprOff rxFormSize Maximum size of form data. int sessionMax Maximum number of sessions. MprTicks sessionTimeout Time a session can persist (msec). MprOff txBodySize Maximum size of transmission body content. MprOff uploadSize Maximum size of an uploaded file. ssize uriSize Maximum size of a uri. ssize webSocketsFrameSize Maximum size of sent WebSocket frames. Incoming frames have no limit except message size. int webSocketsMax Maximum number of WebSockets. ssize webSocketsMessageSize Maximum total size of a WebSocket message including all frames. ssize webSocketsPacketSize Maximum size of a WebSocket packet exchanged with the user callback. MprTicks webSocketsPing Time between pings.
Create a new limits object.
- Description:
- Create and initialize a new limits object with default values.
- Parameters:
serverSide Set to "true" for server side limits. Set to "false" for client side default limits.
- Returns:
- The allocated limits object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpLimits, httpEaseLimits, httpInitLimits
Ease the limits.
- Description:
- This increases the receive body size, transmission body size and upload size to the maximum sizes supported by the system. Client side limits are eased by default.
- Parameters:
limits Limits object. This can be either HttpHost.limits HttpConn.limits or HttpEndpoint.limits.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpLimits, httpCreateLimits, httpInitLimits
Initialize a limits object with default values.
- Parameters:
limits Limits object to modify. serverSide Set to "true" for server side limits. Set to "false" for client side default limits.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpLimits, httpCreateLimits, httpEaseLimits
Monitor control structure.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
int counterIndex Counter item index to monitor. cchar * counterName Name of counter to monitor. MprList * defenses List of defensive measures. int expr Expression. Set to '<' or '>'. uint64 limit Comparison limit value. MprTicks period Frequence of comparison. MprEvent * timer Monitor timer.
Add a counter to be monitored.
- Parameters:
name Name of the counter.
- Returns:
- The counter index in HttpAddress.counters[] to use.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Add a defense.
- Parameters:
name Name of defensive policy. remedy Remedy action to invoke. Standard remedies include: ban, cmd, delay, email, http and log. This can be null and the remedy can be specified via REMEDY=remedy in the args. args Arguments to pass to the remedy. These may include ${tokens}.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Add a defense using JSON arguments.
- Parameters:
name Name of defensive policy. remedy Remedy action to invoke. Standard remedies include: ban, cmd, delay, email, http and log. This can be null and the remedy can be specified via REMEDY=remedy in the args. jargs Arguments to pass to the remedy as a JSON object. These may include ${tokens}.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Add a monitor.
- Parameters:
counter Name of counter to monitor. Some of the standard counter names are: ActiveClients, ActiveConnections, ActiveRequests, ActiveProcesses, BadRequestErrors, LimitErrors, Memory, NotFoundErrors, NetworkIO, Requests, SSLErrors, TotalErrors. expr Expression operator. Select from "<" or ">". limit Limit value to compare with the counter value. period Time period over which to determine the counter value. defenses List of defenses to invoke if the counter exceeds the limit value over the designated period.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Add a remedy.
- Parameters:
name Name of the remedy. remedy Remedy callback function.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Ban a client IP from service.
- Parameters:
ip Client IP address to ban. period Period in milliseconds to ban the client. status If non-zero, then return a HTTP response to the client with this HTTP status. msg If non-null, then return a HTTP response with this message. If both status and msg are zero and null respectively, then do not send a response to the client, rather immediately close the connection.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Print the monitor counters to the error log.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Monitor an event and validate against defined limits and monitored resources.
- Description:
- The Http library supports a suite of resource limits that restrict the impact of a request on the system. This call validates a processing event for the current request against the server's endpoint limits.
- Parameters:
conn Connection object. counter The counter to adjust. conn HttpConn connection object. adj Value to adjust the counter by. May be positive or negative.
- Returns:
- Monitor value after applying the adjustment.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Packet object.
- Description:
- The request/response pipeline sends data and control information in HttpPacket objects. The output stream typically consists of a HEADER packet followed by zero or more data packets and terminated by an END packet. If the request has input data, the input stream consists of one or more data packets followed by an END packet.
Packets contain data and optional prefix or suffix headers. Packets can be split, joined, filled, or emptied. The pipeline stages will fill or transform packet data as required.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
MprBuf * content Chunk content. MprOff epos Data position in entity (file). MprOff esize Data size in entity (file). HttpFillProc fill Callback to fill packet with data. uint flags Packet flags. uint last Last packet in a message. struct HttpPacket * next Next packet in chain. MprBuf * prefix Prefix message to be emitted before the content. uint type Packet type extension.
Adjust the packet end position.
- Description:
- This adjusts the packet content by the given size. The packet length (size) is decremented by the requested amount. If the packet describes entity data, the Packet.esize field is reduced by the requested size amount. If the packet has actual data buffered in Packet.content, the content buffer end position is reduced by by the size amount.
- Parameters:
packet Packet to modify. size Size to adjust packet end position.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Adjust the packet starting position.
- Description:
- This adjusts the packet content by the given size. The packet position is incremented by start and the packet length (size) is decremented. If the packet describes entity data, the given size amount to the Packet.epos and decrements the Packet.esize fields. If the packet has actual data buffered in Packet.content, the content buffer start is incremeneted by the size amount.
- Parameters:
packet Packet to modify. size Size to add to the packet current position.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Clone a packet.
- Parameters:
orig Original packet to clone.
- Returns:
- A new packet equivalent to the original.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Create a data packet.
- Description:
- Create a packet and set the HTTP_PACKET_DATA flag Data packets convey data through the response pipeline.
- Parameters:
size Size of the package data storage.
- Returns:
- HttpPacket object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Create an end-of-stream packet.
- Description:
- Create an end-of-stream packet and set the HTTP_PACKET_END flag. The end pack signifies the end of data. It is used on both incoming and outgoing streams through the request/response pipeline.
- Returns:
- HttpPacket object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Create an entity data packet.
- Description:
- Create an entity packet and set the HTTP_PACKET_DATA flag. Entity packets describe the resource (entity) to send to the client and provide a HttpFillProc procedure used to fill packets with data from the entity.
- Parameters:
pos Position within the entity for packet data. size Size of the entity data. fill HttpFillProc callback to supply the entity data.
- Returns:
- HttpPacket object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Create a response header packet.
- Description:
- Create a response header packet and set the HTTP_PACKET_HEADER flag. A header packet is used by the pipeline to hold the response headers.
- Returns:
- HttpPacket object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Create a data packet.
- Description:
- Create a packet of the required size.
- Parameters:
size Size of the package data storage.
- Returns:
- HttpPacket object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Get the packet data contents.
- Description:
- Get the packet content reference. This is an MprBuf object.
- Parameters:
packet Packet to examine.
- Returns:
- MprBuf reference or zero if there are not contents.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Get the length of the packet data contents.
- Description:
- Get the content length of a packet. This does not include the prefix or virtual data length
just the pure buffered data contents.
- Parameters:
packet Packet to examine.
- Returns:
- Count of bytes contained by the packet.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Get the start of the packet data contents.
- Parameters:
packet Packet to examine.
- Returns:
- A reference to the start of the packet contents.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Get the packet data contents as a string.
- Description:
- Get the packet content reference. The packet contents will be null terminated.
- Parameters:
packet Packet to examine.
- Returns:
- A reference to the start of the packet contents.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Test if the packet is the last in a logical message.
- Description:
- Useful for WebSockets to test if the packet is the last frame in a message.
- Parameters:
packet Packet to examine.
- Returns:
- True if the packet is the last in a message.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Join two packets.
- Description:
- Join the contents of one packet to another by copying the data from the other packet into the first packet.
- Parameters:
packet Destination packet. other Other packet to copy data from.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Split a data packet.
- Description:
- Split a data packet at the specified offset. Packets may need to be split so that downstream stages can digest their contents. If a packet is too large for the queue maximum size, it should be split. When the packet is split, a new packet is created containing the data after the offset. Any suffix headers are moved to the new packet. NOTE: when splitting packets, the HttpPacket.content reference may be modified.
- Parameters:
packet Packet to split. offset Route in the original packet at which to split.
- Returns:
- New HttpPacket object containing the data after the offset. No need to free, unless you have a very long running request. Otherwise the packet memory will be released automatically when the request completes.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpFillProc, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext
Queue object.
- Description:
- The request pipeline consists of a full-duplex pipeline of stages. Each stage has two queues, one for outgoing data and one for incoming. A HttpQueue object manages the data flow for a request stage and has the ability to queue and process data, manage flow control, and schedule packets for service.
Queue's provide open, close, put, and service methods. These methods manage and respond to incoming packets. A queue can respond immediately to an incoming packet by processing or dispatching a packet in its put() method. Alternatively, the queue can defer processing by queueing the packet on it's service queue and then waiting for it's service() method to be invoked.
If a queue does not define a put() method, the default put() method will be used which queues data onto the service queue. The default incoming put() method joins incoming packets into a single packet on the service queue.
Data flows downstream from one queue to the next queue linked via the nextQ field.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
HttpQueueClose close Close the queue. struct HttpConn * conn Connection owning this queue. ssize count Bytes in queue (Does not include virt packet data). int direction Flow direction. HttpPacket * first First packet in queue (singly linked). int flags Queue flags. MprOff ioCount Count of bytes in iovec including file I/O. int ioFile Sending a file. int ioIndex Next index into iovec. MprOff ioPos Position in file for sendfile. HttpPacket * last Last packet in queue (tail pointer). ssize low Low water mark for flow control. ssize max Advisory maxiumum queue size. cchar * name Queue name for debugging. struct HttpQueue * nextQ Downstream queue for next stage. HttpQueueOpen open Open the queue. ssize packetSize Maximum acceptable packet size. struct HttpQueue * pair Queue for the same stage in the opposite direction. struct HttpQueue * prevQ Upstream queue for prior stage. HttpQueueData put Callback to receive a packet. void * queueData Stage instance data - must be a managed reference. struct HttpQueue * scheduleNext Next linkage when queue is on the service queue. struct HttpQueue * schedulePrev Previous linkage when queue is on the service queue. HttpQueueService service Service the queue. int servicing Currently being serviced. struct HttpStage * stage Stage owning this queue. HttpQueueStart start Start the queue. void * staticData Stage instance data - must be an unmanaged reference.
Disable a queue.
- Description:
- Disable a queue so that it will not be scheduled for service. The queue will remain disabled until httpEnableQueue is called.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Discard all data from the queue.
- Description:
- Discard data from the queue. If removePackets (not yet implemented) is "true", then remove the packets. Oherwise, just discard the data and preserve the packets.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. removePackets If "true", the data packets will be removed from the queue.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Enable a queue after it has been disabled.
- Description:
- Enable a queue for service and schedule it to run. This will cause the service routine to run as soon as possible.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Flush queue data.
- Description:
- This initiates writing buffered data (flushes) by scheduling the queue and servicing the queues.
If blocking mode is selected, all queues will be immediately serviced and the call may block while output drains. If non-blocking, the queues will be serviced but the call will not block nor yield. In blocking mode, this routine may invoke mprYield before it blocks to consent for the garbage collector to trun. Callers must ensure they have retained all required temporary memory before invoking this routine.
This routine when used with HTTP_BLOCK should never be used in filters, connectors or by handlers outside their open, close, ready, start and writable callbacks.
- Parameters:
q Queue to flush. flags If set to HTTP_BLOCK, this call will block until the data has drained through the network connector.
- Returns:
- "True" if there is room for more data in the queue after flushing.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Get the next packet from a queue.
- Description:
- Get the next packet. This will remove the packet from the queue and adjust the queue counts accordingly. If the queue is full and upstream queues are blocked, they will be enabled.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- Returns:
- The packet removed from the queue.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Get the room in the queue.
- Description:
- Get the amount of data the queue can accept before being full.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- Returns:
- A count of bytes that can be written to the queue.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Test if the connection has received all incoming content.
- Description:
- This tests if the connection is at an "End of File condition.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- "True" if all Receive content has been received.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Test if a packet is too big.
- Description:
- Test if a packet is too big to fit downstream. If the packet content exceeds the downstream queue's maximum or exceeds the downstream queue's requested packet size
then this routine will return "true".
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. packet Packet to test.
- Returns:
- "True" if the packet is too big for the downstream queue.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Determine if the queue is empty.
- Description:
- Determine if the queue has no packets queued. This does not test if the queue has no data content.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- Returns:
- "True" if there are no packets queued.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Test if a queue is suspended.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- Returns:
- True if the queue is suspended.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Join a packet onto the service queue.
- Description:
- Add a packet to the service queue. If the queue already has data, then this packet will be joined (aggregated) into the existing packet. If serviceQ is true, the queue will be scheduled for service.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. packet Packet to join to the queue. serviceQ If true, schedule the queue for service.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Join packets together.
- Description:
- This call joins data packets on the given queue into a single packet. The given size specifies the maximum size of data to be joined. The maximum size may also limited by the downstream queue maximum packet size.
- Parameters:
q Queue to examine. size The maximum-sized packet that will be created by joining queue packets is the minimum of the given size and the downstream queues maximum packet size. Note: this routine will not split packets and so the maximum is advisory only.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Test if the next queue is full.
- Description:
- Tests if the next queue count is over the queue maximum.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- Returns:
- "True" if the next q->count > q->max.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Put a packet back onto a queue.
- Description:
- Put the packet back onto the front of the queue. The queue's put() method is not called. This is typically used by the queue's service routine when a packet cannot complete processing.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. packet Packet to put back.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Put a packet into the service queue for deferred processing.
- Description:
- Add a packet to the service queue. If serviceQ is true, the queue will be scheduled for service.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. packet Packet to join to the queue. serviceQ If true, schedule the queue for service.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Put a packet to the queue.
- Description:
- The packet is passed to the queue by invoking its put() callback. Note the receiving queue may immediately process the packet or it may choose to defer processing by putting to its service queue.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference
Note: the garbage collector may run while calling httpSendBlock to reclaim unused packets. It is essential that all required memory be retained by a relevant manager calling mprMark as required.packet Packet to put.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Put a packet to the next queue downstream.
- Description:
- Put a packet onto the next downstream queue by calling the downstream queue's put() method. Note the receiving queue may immediately process the packet or it may choose to defer processing by putting to its service queue.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference
Note: the garbage collector may run while calling httpSendBlock to reclaim unused packets. It is essential that all required memory be retained by a relevant manager calling mprMark as required.q Queue reference. The packet will not be queued on this queue, but rather on the queue downstream. packet Packet to put.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Remove a queue.
- Description:
- Remove a queue from the request/response pipeline. This will remove a queue so that it does not participate in the pipeline, effectively removing the processing stage from the pipeline. This is useful to remove unwanted filters and to speed up pipeline processing.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Resize a packet.
- Description:
- Resize a packet, if required, so that it fits in the downstream queue. This may split the packet if it is too big to fit in the downstream queue. If it is split, the tail portion is put back on the queue.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. packet Packet to put. size If size is > 0, then also ensure the packet is not larger than this size.
- Returns:
- Zero if the packet is not resized. Otherwise return the tail packet that was put back onto the queue.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Resume a queue.
- Description:
- Resume a queue for service and schedule it to run. This will cause the service routine to run as soon as possible. This is normally called automatically called by the pipeline when downstream congestion has cleared.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Schedule a queue.
- Description:
- Schedule a queue by adding it to the schedule queue. Queues are serviced FIFO.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Service a queue.
- Description:
- Service a queue by invoking its service() routine.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Set a queue's flow control low and high water marks.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. low The low water mark. Typically 5% of the max. max The high water mark.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Suspend a queue.
- Description:
- Suspended a queue so that it will not be scheduled for service. The pipeline will will automatically call httpResumeQueue when the downstream queues are less congested.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Determine if the downstream queue will accept this packet.
- Description:
- Test if the downstream queue will accept a packet. The packet will be resized, if required, in an attempt to get the downstream queue to accept it. If the downstream queue is full, disable this queue and mark the downstream queue as full, and service it immediately to try to relieve the congestion.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. packet Packet to put.
- Returns:
- "True" if the downstream queue will accept the packet. Use httpPutPacketToNext to send the packet downstream.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Determine if the downstream queue will accept a certain amount of data.
- Description:
- Test if the downstream queue will accept data of a given size.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. size Size of data to test for.
- Returns:
- "True" if the downstream queue will accept the given sized data.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Determine if the given queue will accept this packet.
- Description:
- Test if the queue will accept a packet. The packet will be resized, if split is true, in an attempt to get the downstream queue to accept it.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. packet Packet to put. split Set to true to split the packet if required to fit into the queue.
- Returns:
- "True" if the queue will accept the packet.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Write a formatted string.
- Description:
- Write a formatted string of data into packets onto the end of the queue. Data packets will be created as required to store the write data. This call always accepts all the data and will buffer as required. This call may block waiting for the downstream queue to drain if it is or becomes full. Data written after httpFinalizeOutput or httpError is called will be ignored.
Handlers may only call httpWrite in their open, close, ready, start and writable callbacks as these are the only callbacks permitted to block. If a handler needs to write in other callbacks, it should use httpWriteBlock and use the HTTP_NON_BLOCK or HTTP_BUFFER flags.
Filters and connectors must never call httpWrite as it may block.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. fmt Printf style formatted string. ... Arguments for fmt.
- Returns:
- A count of the bytes actually written.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWriteBlock, httpWriteString
Write a block of data to the queue.
- Description:
- Write a block of data onto the end of the queue. This will queue the data and may initiaite writing to the connection if the queue is full. Data will be appended to last packet in the queue if there is room. Otherwise, data packets will be created as required to store the write data.
This call operates in buffering mode by default unless either the HTTP_BLOCK OR HTTP_NON_BLOCK flag is specified. When blocking, the call will either accept and write all the data or it will fail, it will never return "short" with a partial write.
In blocking mode (HTTP_BLOCK), it block for up to the inactivity timeout specified in the conn->limits->inactivityTimeout value. In blocking mode, this routine may invoke mprYield before blocking to consent for the garbage collector to run. Callers must ensure they have retained all required temporary memory before invoking this routine.
In non-blocking mode (HTTP_NON_BLOCK), the call may return having written fewer bytes than requested.
In buffering mode (HTTP_BUFFER), the data is always absorbed without blocking and queue size limits are ignored.
Data written after calling httpFinalize, httpFinalizeOutput or httpError will be discarded.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. buf Buffer containing the write data. size of the data in buf. flags Set to HTTP_BLOCK for blocking operation or HTTP_NON_BLOCK for non-blocking. Set to HTTP_BUFFER to buffer the data if required and never block. Set to zero will default to HTTP_BUFFER.
- Returns:
- The size value if successful or a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteString
Write a string of data to the queue.
Write a safe string of data to the queue- Description:
- Write a string of data into packets onto the end of the queue. Data packets will be created as required to store the write data. This call may block waiting for the downstream queue to drain if it is or becomes full. Data written after httpFinalizeOutput or httpError is called will be ignored.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. s String containing the data to write.
- Returns:
- A count of the bytes actually written.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- Description:
- This will escape any HTML sequences before writing the string into packets onto the end of the queue. Data packets will be created as required to store the write data. This call may block waiting for the downstream queue to drain if it is or becomes full. Data written after httpFinalizeOutput or httpError is called will be ignored.
- Parameters:
q Queue reference. s String containing the data to write.
- Returns:
- A count of the bytes actually written.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpDisableQueue, httpDiscardQueueData, httpEnableQueue, httpFlushQueue, httpGetQueueRoom, httpIsEof, httpIsPacketTooBig, httpIsQueueEmpty, httpIsQueueSuspended, httpJoinPacketForService, httpJoinPackets, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpRemoveQueue, httpResizePacket, httpResumeQueue, httpScheduleQueue, httpServiceQueue, httpSetQueueLimits, httpSuspendQueue, httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket, httpWillNextQueueAcceptSize, httpWrite, httpWriteBlock
Content range structure.
- Range: 0, 49 First 50 bytes Range: -1, -50 Last 50 bytes Range: 1, -1 Skip first byte then select content to the end.
- See Also:
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Route Control.
- Description:
- Configuration is not thread safe and must occur at initialization time when the application is single threaded. If the configuration is modified when the application is multithreaded, all requests must be first be quiesced.
- See Also:
- httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
HttpAuth * auth Per route block authentication. int autoDelete Automatically delete uploaded files. bool autoFinalize Auto finalize the request (ESP). MprList * caching Items to cache. cchar * clientConfig Configuration to send to the client. MprList * conditions Route conditions. MprJson * config Configuration file content. HttpStage * connector Network connector to use. void * context Hosting context (Appweb == EjsPool). cchar * cookie Cookie name for session data. int corsAge Age in seconds of the pre-flight authorization. bool corsCredentials Whether to emit an Access-Control-Allow-Credentials. cchar * corsHeaders Headers to add for Access-Control-Expose-Headers. cchar * corsMethods Methods to add for Access-Control-Allow-Methods. cchar * corsOrigin CORS permissible client origins. MprHash * data Hash of extra data configuration. cchar * database Name of database for route. bool debug Application running in debug mode. char * defaultLanguage Default language. cchar * documents Documents directory. char * envPrefix Environment strings prefix. void * eroute Extended route information for handler (only). bool error Parse or runtime error. MprHash * errorDocuments Set of error documents to use on errors. MprHash * extensions Hash of handlers by extensions. int flags Route flags. HttpStage * handler Fixed handler. MprList * handlers List of handlers for this route. MprList * headers Response header values. cchar * home Home directory for configuration files. struct HttpHost * host Owning host. Http * http Http service object (copy of appweb->http). bool ignoreEncodingErrors Ignore UTF8 encoding errors. MprList * indexes Directory index documents. MprList * inputStages Input stages. bool json Response format is json. MprHash * languages Languages supported. MprTicks lifespan Default lifespan for all cache items in route. HttpLimits * limits Host resource limits. MprHash * map Map of alternate extensions (gzip|minified). MprHash * methods Matching HTTP methods. MprHash * mimeTypes Hash table of mime types (key is extension). cchar * mode Application run profile mode (debug|release). int nextGroup Next route with a different startWith. char * optimizedPattern Processed pattern (excludes prefix). MprList * outputStages Output stages. MprList * params Matching param field data. struct HttpRoute * parent Parent route. char * pattern Original matching URI pattern for the route (includes prefix). void * patternCompiled Compiled pattern regular expression (not alloced). char * prefix Application scriptName prefix. Set to '' for '/'. Always set. ssize prefixLen Prefix length. int renameUploads Rename uploaded files. MprList * requestHeaders Required request header values. cchar * responseFormat Client response format. int responseStatus Response status code. char * script Startup script for handlers serving this route. char * scriptPath Startup script path for handlers serving this route. char * sourceName Source name for route target. struct MprSsl * ssl SSL configuration. char * startSegment First starting literal segment of pattern. ssize startSegmentLen Prefix length. char * startWith Starting literal portion of pattern. ssize startWithLen Length of startWith. char * target Route target details. char * targetRule Target rule. MprList * tokens Tokens in pattern, {name}. char * tplate URI template for forming links based on this route (includes prefix). HttpTrace * trace Per-route tracing configuration. MprList * updates Route and request updates. MprHash * vars Route variables. Used to expand Path ${token} refrerences. MprTicks webSocketsPingPeriod Time between pings (msec). char * webSocketsProtocol WebSockets sub-protocol. int workers Number of workers to use for this route.
Add a configuration file callback for a property key.
- Parameters:
key Configuration file property key. callback Callback function of type HttpParseCallback
- Returns:
- Returns prior callback function. This should be invoked from the new callback to implemented multiple callbacks per key.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add routes for a permanent resource.
- Description:
- This routing adds a set of RESTful routes for a resource. It will add the following routes:
Name Method Pattern Action get GET /NAME$ get update PUT /NAME$ update default * /NAME/{action}$ cmd-${action}
- Parameters:
parent Parent route from which to inherit configuration. resource Resource name. This should be a lower case, single word, alphabetic resource name.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add routes for a resource.
- Description:
- This routing adds a set of RESTful routes for a resource. It will add the following routes:
Name Method Pattern Action create POST /NAME(/)*$ create edit GET /NAME/edit$ edit get GET /NAME$ get init GET /NAME/init$ init update PUT /NAME$ update remove DELETE /NAME$ remove default * /NAME/{action}$ cmd-${action}
- Parameters:
parent Parent route from which to inherit configuration. resource Resource name. This should be a lower case, single word, alphabetic resource name.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add routes for a group of resources.
- Description:
- This routing adds a set of RESTful routes for a resource group. It will add the following routes:
Name Method Pattern Action create POST /NAME(/)*$ create edit GET /NAME/{id=[0-9]+}/edit$ edit get GET /NAME/{id=[0-9]+}$ get init GET /NAME/init$ init list GET /NAME(/)*$ list remove DELETE /NAME/{id=[0-9]+}$ remove update PUT /NAME/{id=[0-9]+}$ update action POST /NAME/{action}/{id=[0-9]+}$ ${action} default * /NAME/{action}$ cmd-${action}
- Parameters:
parent Parent route from which to inherit configuration. resource Resource name. This should be a lower case, single word, alphabetic resource name.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a RESTful route.
- Description:
- This creates a restful route and then configures it using the given parameters. The route is finalized and added to the parent host.
- Parameters:
parent Parent route from which to inherit configuration. methods Http methods for which this route is active. pattern Matching URI pattern for which this route will qualify. target Route target string expression. This is used by handlers to determine the physical or virtual resource to serve. resource Resource basename to use when constructing a source file name.
- Returns:
- Created route.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route condition.
- Description:
- A route condition is run after matching the route pattern. For a route to be accepted, all conditions must match. Route conditions are built-in rules that can be applied to routes.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Condition rule to add. Supported conditions are: "auth", "missing", "directory", "exists", and "match". The "auth" rule is used internally to implement basic and digest authentication.
The "missing" rule tests if the target filename is missing. The "missing" rule takes no arguments.
The "directory" rule tests if the condition argument is a directory. The form of the "directory" rule is: "directory pathString". For example: "directory /stuff/${request:pathInfo}.txt"
The "exists" rule tests if the condition argument is present in the file system. The form of the "exists" rule is: "exists pathString". For example: "exists ${request.filename}.gz",
The match directory tests a regular expression pattern against the rest of the condition arguments. The form of the match rule is: "match RegExp string". For example: "match https ${request.scheme}".details Condition parameters. See httpSetRouteTarget for a list of the token values that can be included in the condition rule details. flags Set to HTTP_ROUTE_NOT to negate the condition test.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add an error document.
- Description:
- This defines an error document to be used when the requested document cannot be found. This definition is used by some handlers for error processing.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. status The HTTP status code to use with the error document. uri URL describing the error document.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route filter.
- Description:
- This configures the route pipeline by adding processing filters for a request. must match. Route conditions are built-in rules that can be applied to routes.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Filter name to add. extensions Request extensions for which the filter will be run. A request extension may come from the URI if present or from the corresponding filename. direction Set to HTTP_STAGE_TX for transmit direction and HTTP_STAGE_RX for receive data flow.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route handler.
- Description:
- This configures the route pipeline by adding the given handler. Must only be called at initialization time for the route.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Filter name to add. extensions Request extensions for which the handler will be selected. A request extension may come from the URI if present or from the corresponding filename.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route index document.
- Description:
- Set the name of the index document to serve. Index documents may be served when the request corresponds to a directory on the file system.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. path Path name to the index document. If the path is a relative path, it may be joined to the route directory to create an absolute path.
- Returns:
- A reference to the route data. Otherwise return null if the route data for the given key was not found.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route language directory.
- Description:
- This configures the route pipeline by adding the given language content directory. When creating filenames for matching requests, the language directory is prepended to the request filename.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. language Language symbolic name. For example: "en" for english. path File system directory to contain content for matching requests.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route language suffix.
- Description:
- This configures the route pipeline by adding the given language for request processing. The language definition includes a suffix which will be added to the request filename.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. language Language symbolic name. For example: "en" for english. suffix Extension suffix to add when creating filenames for the request. For example: "fr" to add to "index.html" could produce: "". flags Set to HTTP_LANG_BEFORE to insert the suffix before the filename extension. Set to HTTP_LANG_AFTER to append after the extension. For example: HTTP_LANG_AFTER would produce "".
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route mapping.
- Description:
- Route mappings will map the request filename by changing the default extension to the mapped extension. This is used primarily to select compressed content.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. extensions Comma separated list of extensions to map. For example: "css,html,js,less,txt,xml" Set to "*" or the empty string to match all extensions. mappings List of new file extensions to consider. This may include a "${1}" token to replace the previous extension. The extensions are searched in order and the first matching extensions for which there is an existing file will be selected. For example: "${1}.gz, min.${1}.gz, min.${1}".
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add HTTP methods for the route.
- Description:
- This defines additional HTTP methods for requests to match this route.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. methods Set to a comma or space separated list of methods. Can also set to "All" or "*" for all possible methods. Typical methods include: "DELETE, GET, OPTIONS, POST, PUT, TRACE". Must be upper case.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route param check.
- Description:
- This configures the route to match a request only if the specified param field matches a specific value.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. field Param field to interrogate. value Header value that will match. flags Set to HTTP_ROUTE_NOT to negate the query test.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a request header check.
- Description:
- This configures the route to match a request only if the specified header field matches a specific value.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. header Header field to interrogate. value Header value that will match. flags Set to HTTP_ROUTE_NOT to negate the header test.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a response header.
- Description:
- This modifies the response header set.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. cmd Set to HTTP_ROUTE_HEADER_ADD to add a header if it is not already present in the response header set. Set to HTTP_ROUTE_HEADER_REMOVE to remove a header. Set to HTTP_ROUTE_HEADER_SET to define a header and overwrite any prior values. Set to HTTP_ROUTE_HEADER_APPEND to append to an existing header value. header Header field to interrogate. value Header value that will match.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route set.
- Description:
- This will add a set of routes. It will add a home route and optional routes depending on the route set.
Name Method Pattern Target home GET,POST,PUT ^/$ index.esp
- Parameters:
route Parent route from which to inherit configuration. set Route set name to select.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route update rule.
- Description:
- This configures the route pipeline by adding processing update rules for a request. Updates are built-in rules that can be applied to routes.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Update rule to add. Supported update rules include: "cmd", "field" and "lang".
The "cmd" rule is used to run external commands. For example: "cmd touch /tmp/filename".
The "param" rule is used to set values in the request param fields. For example: "param priority high".
The "lang" update rule is used internally to implement the various language options. See httpSetRouteTarget for a list of the token values that can be included in the condition rule details.details Update rule parameters. flags Reserved.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Add a route using the WebSockets filter.
- Parameters:
route Parent route from which to inherit configuration. action Name of the action to invoke on the route.
- Returns:
- The new route object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Clear the pipeline stages for the route.
- Description:
- This resets the configured pipeline stages for the route.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. direction Set to HTTP_STAGE_TX for transmit direction and HTTP_STAGE_RX for receive data flow.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Create a route for use with the Action Handler.
- Description:
- This call creates a route inheriting from a parent route. The new route is configured for use with the actionHandler and the given callback procedure.
- Parameters:
parent Parent route from which to inherit. pattern Pattern to match URIs. action Action to invoke.
- Returns:
- Newly created route.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Create a route suitable for use as an alias.
- Description:
- The parent supplies the owning host for the route. A route is not added to its owning host until it is finalized by calling httpFinalizeRoute
- Parameters:
parent Parent route to inherit from. pattern Pattern to match URIs. path File system directory containing documents for this route. status Http redirect status for matching requests. Set to zero if not using redirects.
- Returns:
- Allocated HttpRoute object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Create a configured route.
- Description:
- This creates a route and configures the request pipeline with range, chunk and upload filters.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object owning the route. serverSide Set to "true" if this is a server side route. Set to "false" for client side.
- Returns:
- Allocated HttpRoute object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Create a default route for a host.
- Description:
- When the route is fully configured, it should be finalized which will add it to its owning host.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object owning the route.
- Returns:
- Allocated HttpRoute object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Create a route inherited from a parent route.
- Description:
- When the route is fully configured, it should be finalized which will add it to its owning host.
- Parameters:
route Parent route from which to inherit.
- Returns:
- Allocated HttpRoute object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Create a route for a host.
- Description:
- This call creates a bare route without inheriting from a parent route. When the route is fully configured, it should be finalized which will add it to its owning host.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object owning the route.
- Returns:
- Allocated HttpRoute object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a route.
- Description:
- This creates a route and then configures it using the given parameters. The route is finalized and added to the parent host.
- Parameters:
parent Parent route from which to inherit configuration. methods Http methods for which this route is active. pattern Matching URI pattern for which this route will qualify. target Route target string expression. This is used by handlers to determine the physical or virtual resource to serve. source Source file pattern containing the resource to activate or serve.
- Returns:
- Created route.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a route condition rule.
- Description:
- This creates a new condition rule.
- Parameters:
name Condition name. proc Condition function to process the condition during route matching.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a route set callback.
- Parameters:
name Name of the route set. fn Callback function.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a route target rule.
- Description:
- This creates a new target rule.
- Parameters:
name Target name. proc Target function to process the target during route matching.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a route update rule.
- Description:
- This creates a new update rule.
- Parameters:
name Update name. proc Update function to process the update during route matching.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Expand route variables in a string.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. str String to expand.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Finalize a route.
- Description:
- A route must be finalized to add it to its owning hosts list of routes.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Parse a boolean token.
- Parameters:
tok Token to parse.
- Returns:
- True if tok is set to "yes", "on", "true" or "1".
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Get the default route for a host.
- Parameters:
host Host object.
- Returns:
- The default route for the host.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Get a route directory variable.
- Description:
- This looks up the value of the directory.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Lower case name of the directory. This should not include the '_DIR' suffix.
- Returns:
- Directory path.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Return the default route for a host.
- Description:
- The host has a default route which holds default configuration. Typically the default route is not directly used when routing URIs. Rather other routes inherit from the default route and are used to respond to client requests.
- Parameters:
host Host to examine.
- Returns:
- Default route object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Get extra route data.
- Description:
- Routes can store extra configuration information indexed by key. This is used by handlers, filters, connectors and updates to store additional information on a per-route basis.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. key Unique string key to identify the data.
- Returns:
- A reference to the route data. Otherwise return null if the route data for the given key was not found.
- See Also:
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the route documents directory.
- Description:
- Routes can define a default directory for documents to serve. This value may be used by target rules to calculate the response filename.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify.
- Returns:
- The route documents directory pathname.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Get the route home directory.
- Description:
- Routes can define a home directory for configuration files.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify.
- Returns:
- The route home directory pathname.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Get the route method list.
- Parameters:
route Route to examine.
- Returns:
- The list of support methods. Return NULL if not method list is defined.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Get a URL path to the top of the route from the current request (rx->pathInfo).
- Parameters:
conn Current connection object.
- Returns:
- A relative URL path to the top of the route. This URL does not contain a trailing "/".
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Get a path token variable.
- Parameters:
route Route to get. key Token key value.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Graduate the limits from the parent route.
- Description:
- This creates a unique limit structure for the route if it is currently inheriting its parents limits.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. limits Limits to use if graduating.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Initialize and prepare to load configuration files.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Load a JSON configuration file.
- Description:
- This loads the JSON configuration file.
- Parameters:
route Parent route to configure. path Filename of the JSON configuration file. If this is a relative path, it will be resolved relative to the routes home directory.
- Returns:
- 'Zero' if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Show the current route table to the error log.
- Description:
- This emits the currently defined route table for a host to the route table. If the "full" argument is true, a more-complete, multi-line output format will be used. Othewise, a one-line, abbreviated route description will be output.
- Parameters:
host Host to examine. full Set to true for a "fuller" output route description.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Lookup a route by pattern.
- Parameters:
host HttpHost object owning the route table. pattern Route pattern to find. If null or empty, look for "/".
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Lookup an error document by HTTP status code.
- Description:
- This looks up error documents configured via httpAddRouteErrorDocument
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. status HTTP status code integer.
- Returns:
- URI associated with the error document for the requested status.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Make a filename path.
- Description:
- This makes a filename by expanding the tokens "${token}" and then normalizing the path. Relative paths are resolved relative to the optional dir parameter. The supported tokens are:
- DOCUMENTS_DIR - for the default directory containing documents to serve
- HOME_DIR - for the directory containing the web server configuration files
- BIN_DIR - for the shared library directory. E.g. /usr/local/lib/appweb/bin
- OS - for the operating system name. E.g. LINUX, MACOSX, VXWORKS, or WIN
- PRODUCT - for the product name
- VERSION - for the product version. E.g. 4.0.2
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. dir Directory to use as a base directory for relative paths. path Path name to examine.
- Returns:
- A resolved absolute path name.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Map a content filename.
- Description:
- Test a filename for alternative extension mappings. This is used to server compressed or minified content intead of "vanilla" files.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. filename Base filename.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Map the request URI to a filename in physical storage for a handler.
- Description:
- This routine is invoked by handlers to map the request URI to a filename and should be called by handlers that serve physical documents. The request URI is resolved relative to the route documents directory. If a route language directory is defined, that directory is prefixed to the filename after the route documents directory.
If route maps have been defined, the filename may be mapped to a preferred compressed or minified filename to serve.
After computing the filename, this routine calls httpSetFilename to set the HttpTx.filename, ext, etag and fileInfo fields. If a filename has already been defined by a prior call to httpMapFile or httpSetFilename, this routine will do nothing. To reset a prior filename, use httpSetFilename with a null argument.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Parse all the properties under the given key.
- Parameters:
route Parent route to configure. key Json property key. prop Json property value.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Remove HTTP methods for the route.
- Description:
- This removes supported HTTP methods from this route.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. methods Set to a comma or space separated list of methods.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Reset all defined indexes.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Reset the route pipeline.
- Description:
- This completely resets the pipeline and discards inherited pipeline configuration. This resets the error documents, expiry cache values, extensions, handlers, input and output stage configuration.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a route directory path variable.
- Description:
- This creates an upper case route variable with a _DIR suffix for the given name.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Name of the directory to define. value Directory path value.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route authentication.
- Description:
- This defines the authentication configuration for basic and digest authentication for the route.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. auth Authentication object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Control file upload auto delete.
- Description:
- This controls whether files are auto-deleted after the handler runs to service a request.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to true to enable auto-delete. Auto-delete is enabled by default.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Control auto finalize for a route.
- Description:
- This controls whether a request is auto-finalized after the handler runs to service a request.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to true to enable auto-finalize. Auto-finalize is enabled by default for frameworks that use it.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define whether updating a request may compile from source.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to true to enable.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the connector to use for a route.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Connector name to use for this route.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route session cookie.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. cookie Session cookie name.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Persist the cookie to disk.
- Description:
- By default, browser session cookies are created so they are discarded when the browser exits. If persistent cookies are created, they live despite browser restarts.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. enable Set to true to enable.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set route data.
- Description:
- Routes can store extra configuration information indexed by key. This is used by handlers, filters, connectors and updates to store additional information on a per-route basis.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. key Unique string to identify the data. data Data object. This must be allocated via mprAlloc.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the default language for the route.
- Description:
- This call defines the default language to serve if the client does not provide an Accept HTTP header with language preference instructions.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. language Language symbolic name. For example: "en" for english.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route directory.
- Description:
- Routes can define a default directory for documents to serve. This value may be used by target rules to calculate the response filename.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. path Directory path name for the route content.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define whether shell special characters are escaped in environment variables.
- Description:
- If using shell scripts as CGI programs, it is useful to escape all special shell characters to make scripting easier. This will escape (with ) the following characters: &;`'"|*?~<>^()[]{}$\
and also on windows \r%.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to true to enable escaping shell special characters.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a prefix string for environment variables.
- Description:
- When mapping URI query parameters and form variables to environment variables, it is important to prevent important system variables like SHELL, PATH and IFS being overwritten or corrupted. Defining a unique prefix for such parameters ensures they have their own namespace.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. prefix Prefix to use in front of environment variables for URI and form parameters.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Update the route flags.
- Description:
- Low level routine to manipulate the route flags.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. flags Flags mask.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the handler to use for a route.
- Description:
- This defines the stage handler to use in the request pipline for requests matching this route. Note that you can also use httpAddRouteHandler which configures a set of handlers that will match by extension.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Handler name to define.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route directory for configuration files.
- Description:
- Routes can define a default directory for configuration files.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. home Directory path name for configuration files.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route to ignore UTF encoding errors for WebSocket connections.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to true to ignore encoding errors.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define the methods for the route.
- Description:
- This defines the set of valid HTTP methods for requests to match this route.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. methods Set to a comma or space separated list of methods. Can also set to "All" or "*" for all possible methods. Typical methods include: "DELETE, GET, OPTIONS, POST, PUT, TRACE".
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route pattern.
- Description:
- This call defines the route regular expression pattern that is used to match against the request URI. The route pattern is an enhanced JavaScript-compatibile regular expression. It is enhanced by optionally embedding braced tokens "{name}" in the pattern. During request URI matching, these tokens are extracted and defined in the request params and are available to the request. The normal regular expression repeat syntax also uses "{}". To use the traditional (uncommon) repeat syntax, back quote with "\\". Sub-expressions and token expressions are also available in various rules as numbered tokens "$1". For example: the pattern "/app/(.*)(.html)$" will permit a file target "$1.${request.Language=fr}.$2".
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. pattern Route regular expression pattern. flags Set to HTTP_ROUTE_NOT to negate the pattern match result.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route prefix.
- Description:
- Routes may have a prefix which will be stripped from the request URI if the request matches. The prefix is made available as the "${request:prefix}" token and also as the ScriptName via some handlers.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. prefix URI prefix to define for the route.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route to preserve WebSocket frames boundaries.
- Description:
- When enabled, the WebSocketFilter will not merge or fragment frames.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to true perserve frame boundaries.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Control the renaming of uploaded filenames.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. enable Set to true to enable renaming to the client specified filename. Renaming is disabled by default.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the script to service the route.
- Description:
- This is used by handlers to add a per-route script for processing. Ejscript uses this to specify the server script. Either a literal script or a path to a script filename can be provided.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. script Literal script to execute. scriptPath Pathname to the script file to execute.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Make session cookies that are visible to javascript.
- Description:
- If not visible, cookies will be created with httponly. This helps reduce the XSS risk as Javascripts cannot read the session cookie.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. visible Set to true to create session cookies that are visible to Javascript.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define whether to show errors to the client.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to true to show errors to the client.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the source code module for the route.
- Description:
- Some handlers can dynamically load web applications and services to serve requests.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. source Source path or description.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set stealth mode for the route.
- Description:
- Stealth mode tries to emit as little information as possible.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to True to enable stealth mode.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set a route target.
- Description:
- This configures the route pipeline by defining a route target. The route target is interpreted by the selected route handler to process the request. Route targets can contain symbolic tokens that are expanded at run-time with their corresponding values. There are three classes of tokens:
- System and Route varibles - such as DOCUMENTS_DIR, HOME_DIR, BIN_DIR, PRODUCT, OS, VERSION.
- Route URI tokens - these are the braced tokens in the route pattern.
- Request fields - these are request state and property values.
- header - for request HTTP header values
- param - for request params
- query - for request query field values
- request - for request details
- Any URI pattern token
- clientAddress - The client IP address
- clientPort - The client port number
- error - Any request or connection error message
- ext - The request extension
- extraPath - The request extra path after the script extension
- filename - The mapped request filename in physical storage
- language - The selected language for the request
- languageDir - The langauge directory
- host - The host name owning the route for the request
- method - The request HTTP method
- originalUri - The original, pre-decoded URI
- pathInfo - The path portion of the URI after the host and port information
- prefix - The route prefix
- query - The request query information
- reference - The request reference fragment. This is the URI portion after "#"
- scheme - The request protocol scheme. E.g. "http"
- scriptName - The request script or application name
- serverAddress - The server IP address
- serverPort - The server port number
- uri - The full request URI. May be modified by routes, handlers and filters
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. name Target rule to add. Supported update rules include: "close", "redirect", "run" and "write".
The "close" rule is used to do abortive closes for the request. This is useful for ward off known security attackers. For example: "close immediate". The "close" rule takes no addition parameters.
The "redirect" rule is used to redirect the request to a new resource. For example: "redirect 302 /tryAgain.html". The "redirect" takes the form: "redirect status URI". The status code is used as the HTTP response code. The URI can be a fully qualified URI beginning with "http" or it can be a relative URI.
The "run" target is used to run the configured handler to respond to the request. For example: "file ${DOCUMENTS}/${request.uri}.gz".
The "write" rule is used to write literal data back to the client. For example: "write 200 Hello World\r\n". The "write" rule takes the form: "write [-r] status message". Write data is by default HTML encoded to help eliminate XSS security exposures. The "-r" option selects "raw" output and bypasses the HTML encoding of the write data string.
WARNING: Take great care when using raw writes with tokens. Write data is not HTML encoded and echoing back to raw data to the client can cause XSS and other security issues. The status field defines the HTTP status code to use in the response.details Update rule parameters.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the route template.
- Description:
- Set the route URI template uses when constructing URIs via httpLink.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. tplate URI template to use. Templates may contain embedded tokens "{token}" where the token names correspond to the token names in the route pattern.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define whether updating a cached request is required.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. on Set to true to enable.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set the default upload directory for file uploads.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. dir Directory path.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define a route variable.
- Description:
- This defines a route variable that will be used by httpMakePath and route conditions, updates, headers, fields and targets to expand tokenized expressions "${token}".
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. token Name of the token to define. value Value of the token.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Define the maximum number of workers for a route.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. workers Maximum number of workers for this route.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Control whether an XSRF token will be emitted during a user login sequence.
- Description:
- The XSRF token is emitted in the HTTP response headers and may be used to match with a session XSRF token to mitigate XSS security threats.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. enable Set to true to emit and XSRF header token.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Set stage data.
- Description:
- Stages can store extra configuration information indexed by key. This is used by handlers, filters, connectors and and handlers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. key Key index into the stage data. data Reference to custom data allocated via mprAlloc.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Expand a template string using given options.
- Description:
- This expands a string with embedded tokens of the form "${token}" using values from the given options. This routine also understands the leading aliases: "~" for the route prefix.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn tplate Template string to process. options Hash of option values for embedded tokens.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Tokenize a string based on route data.
- Description:
- This is a utility routine to parse a string into tokens given a format specifier. Mandatory tokens can be specified with "%" format specifier. Optional tokens are specified with "?" format. Supported tokens:
- B - Boolean. Parses: on/off, true/false, yes/no.
- N - Number. Parses numbers in base 10.
- S - String. Removes quotes.
- P - Path string. Removes quotes and expands ${PathVars}. Resolved relative to host->dir (Home).
- W - Parse words into a list
- %! - Optional negate. Set value to HTTP_ROUTE_NOT present, otherwise zero.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. str String to expand. fmt Format string specifier.
- Returns:
- True if the string can be successfully parsed.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenizev
Tokenize a string based on route data.
- Description:
- This is a utility routine to parse a string into tokens given a format specifier. This call is similar to httpTokenize but uses a va_list argument.
- Parameters:
route Route to modify. str String to expand. fmt Format string specifier. args Varargs argument list.
- Returns:
- True if the string can be successfully parsed.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize
Http Rx.
- Description:
- Most of the APIs in the rx group still take a HttpConn object as their first parameter. This is to make the API easier to remember - APIs take a connection object rather than a rx or tx object.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
char * accept Accept header. char * acceptCharset Accept-Charset header. char * acceptEncoding Accept-Encoding header. char * acceptLanguage Accept-Language header. char * authDetails Header details: authorization|www-authenticate provided by peer. bool authenticated Request has been authenticated. bool authenticateProbed Request has been authenticated. bool autoDelete Automatically delete uploaded files. MprOff bytesRead Length of content read by user (includes bytesUloaded). MprOff bytesUploaded Length of uploaded content by user. int chunkState Chunk encoding state. HttpConn * conn Connection object. char * connection Connection header. char * contentLength Content length string value. char * cookie Cookie header - may contain many cookies. bool eof All read data has been received (eof). MprList * etags Document etag to uniquely identify the document version. char * extraPath Extra path information (CGI|PHP). MprList * files List of uploaded files (HttpUploadFile objects). int flags Rx modifiers. bool form Using mime-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. HttpPacket * headerPacket HTTP headers. ssize headerPacketLength Size of the headers. MprHash * headers Header variables. char * hostHeader Client supplied host name header. bool ifMatch If-Match processing requested. bool ifModified If-Modified processing requested. MprList * inputPipeline Input processing. HttpRange * inputRange Specified range for rx (post) data. HttpLang * lang Selected language. MprOff length Content length header value (ENV: CONTENT_LENGTH). char * method Request method. cchar * mimeType Mime type of the request payload (ENV: CONTENT_TYPE). bool needInputPipeline Input pipeline required to process received data. char * origin Origin header (not used). char * originalMethod Original method from the client. char * originalUri Original URI passed by the client. bool ownParams Do own parameter handling. MprJson * params Request params (Query and post data variables). char * paramString Cached param data as a string. HttpUri * parsedUri Parsed request uri. char * passwordDigest User password digest for authentication. char * pathInfo Path information after the scriptName (Decoded and normalized). char * pragma Pragma header. char * redirect Redirect route header. char * referrer Refering URL. MprOff remainingContent Remaining content data to read (in next chunk if chunked). bool renameUploads Rename uploaded files to the client specified filename. MprHash * requestData General request data storage. Users must create hash table if required. HttpRoute * route Route for request. char * scriptName ScriptName portion of the uri (Decoded). May be empty or start with "/". char * securityToken Security form token. int seqno Unique request sequence number. HttpSession * session Session for request. bool sessionProbed Session has been resolved. MprTime since If-Modified date. bool skipTrace Omit trace for this request. int status HTTP response status. char * statusMessage HTTP Response status message. bool streaming Stream incoming content. Forms typically buffer and dont stream. MprHash * svars Server variables. char * target Route target. char * upgrade Protocol upgrade header. bool upload Request is using file upload. char * uri Current URI (not decoded, may be rewritten). char * userAgent User-Agent header. struct HttpWebSocket * webSocket WebSocket state.
Add parameters from the request body content.
- Description:
- This adds query data to the request params.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Add parameters from a JSON body.
- Description:
- This adds query data and posted body data to the request params.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Add parameters from the request query string.
- Description:
- This adds query data to the request params.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Test if the content has not been modified.
- Description:
- This call tests if the file content to be served has been modified since the client last requested this resource. The client must provide an Etag and Since or If-Modified headers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- True if the content is current and has not been modified.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Create CGI parameters.
- Description:
- This call creates request params corresponding to the standard CGI/1.1 environment variables. This is used by the CGI and PHP handlers. It may also be useful to handlers that wish to expose CGI style environment variables through the form vars interface.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the receive body content length.
- Description:
- Get the length of the receive body content (if any). This is used in servers to get the length of posted data and in clients to get the response body length.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- A count of the response content data in bytes.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get a request cookie.
- Description:
- Get a request cookie by name.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn name Name of cookie retrieve.
- Returns:
- The cookie value. Return null if the cookie is not defined.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the request cookies.
- Description:
- Get the cookies defined in the current requeset.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- Return a string containing the cookies sent in the Http header of the last request. Return null if there are not cookies defined.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get an rx http header.
- Description:
- Get a http request header value for a given header key.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Name of the header to retrieve.
- Returns:
- Value associated with the header key or null if the key did not exist in the request.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the hash table of rx Http headers.
- Description:
- Get the internal hash table of rx headers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- Hash table. See MprHash for how to access the hash table.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get all the request http headers.
- Description:
- Get all the rx headers. The returned string formats all the headers in the form: key: value\nkey2: value2\n.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- String containing all the headers. The caller must free this returned string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get a header string from the given hash.
- Description:
- This returns a set of "key: value" lines in HTTP header format.
- Parameters:
hash Hash table to examine.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get a form variable as an integer.
- Description:
- Get the value of a named form variable as an integer. Form variables are define via www-urlencoded query or post data contained in the request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. var Name of the form variable to retrieve. defaultValue Default value to return if the variable is not defined. Can be null.
- Returns:
- Integer containing the form variable's value.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the language to use for the request.
- Description:
- This call tests if the file content to be served has been modified since the client last requested this resource. The client must provide an Etag and Since or If-Modified headers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. spoken Hash table of HttpLang records. This is typically route->languages. defaultLang Default language to use if none specified in the request Accept-Language header.
- Returns:
- A HttpLang reference, or null if no language requested or no language found in the spoken table.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get a request param.
- Description:
- Get the value of a named request param. Form variables are define via www-urlencoded query or post data contained in the request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. var Name of the request param to retrieve. defaultValue Default value to return if the variable is not defined. Can be null.
- Returns:
- String containing a reference to the the request param's value. Caller should not mutate this value. Returns defaultValue if not defined.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the request params table.
- Description:
- This call gets the form var table for the current request. Query data and www-url encoded form data is entered into the table after decoding. Use mprLookupKey to retrieve data from the table.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- MprJson JSON object instance containing the form vars.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the request params table as a string.
- Description:
- This call gets the request params encoded as a string. The params are always in the same order regardless of the form parameter order. Request parameters include query parameters, form data and routing parameters.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- A string representation in www-urlencoded format.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get a path extension.
- Parameters:
path File pathname to examine.
- Returns:
- The path extension sans ".".
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the request query string.
- Description:
- Get query string sent with the current request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- String containing a reference to the request query string. Caller should not mutate this value.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the number of bytes that can be read from the read queue.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes available in the read queue for the connection.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get stage data.
- Description:
- Stages can store extra configuration information indexed by key. This is used by handlers, filters, connectors and and handlers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. key Key index into the stage data.
- Returns:
- A reference to the stage data. Otherwise return null if the route data for the given key was not found.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the response status.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- An integer Http response code. Typically 200 is success.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Get the Http response status message.
The Http status message is supplied on the first line of the Http response- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- A Http status message.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Match a form variable with an expected value.
- Description:
- Compare a form variable and return true if it exists and its value matches.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. var Name of the form variable. expected Expected value to match with.
- Returns:
- True if the value matches.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
HTTP protocol state machine for server-side requests and client-side responses.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Read rx body data.
- Description:
- This routine will read body data from the connection read queue (HttpConn.readq) which is at the head of the response pipeline.
This call will block depending on whether the connection is in async or sync mode. Sync mode is the default for client connections and async for server connections.
If in sync mode, this call may block to wait for data. If in async mode, the call will not block and will return with whatever data is available.
In sync mode, this routine may invoke mprYield before blocking to consent for the garbage collector to run. Callers must ensure they have retained all required temporary memory before invoking this routine.
This call will block for at most the timeout specified by the connection inactivity timeout defined in HttpConn.limits.inactivityTimeout. Use httpSetTimeout to change the timeout value.
Server applications often prefer to access packets directly from the connection readq which offers a higher performance interface.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn buffer Buffer to receive read data. size Size of buffer.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes read. Returns zero for not data. EOF can be detected by testing httpIsEof
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Read a block of rx body data.
- Description:
- This routine will read body data and provide control over blocking and call duration.
If in blocking mode (the default for client connections), this call may block to wait for data. If in non-blocking mode (the default for server connections), the call will not block and will return with whatever data is available. The blocking mode is set via the flags parameter.
In blocking mode, this routine may invoke mprYield before blocking to consent for the garbage collector to run. Callers must ensure they have retained all required temporary memory before invoking this routine.
This call will block for at most the timeout specified by the connection inactivity timeout defined in HttpConn.limits.inactivityTimeout. Use httpSetTimeout to change the timeout value.
Server applications should not call httpReadBlock in blocking mode as it will consume a valuable thread. Rather, server apps should perform non-blocking reads or access packets directly from the connection readq which offers a higher performance interface.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn buffer Buffer to receive read data. size Size of buffer. timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait. Set to -1 to use the default inactivity timeout. Set to zero to wait forever. flags Set to HTTP_BLOCK to wait for data before returning. Set to HTTP_NON_BLOCK to read what is available and return without blocking. If set to zero, it will default to HTTP_BLOCK for sync connections and HTTP_NON_BLOCK for async connections.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes read. Returns zero for not data. EOF can be detected by testing httpIsEof
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Read response data as a string.
This will read all rx body and return a string that the caller should free. This will block and should not be used in async mode- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- A string containing the rx body.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Remove a request param.
- Description:
- Remove the value of a named request param.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. var Name of the request param to retrieve.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Set the HttpRx eof condition.
- Description:
- This routine should be called rather than setting HttpRx.eof manually. This is because it will advance the HttpConn state to HTTP_STATE_FINALIZED if the request and connector have been finalized.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Set an integer request param value.
- Description:
- Set the value of a named request param to an integer value. Form variables are define via www-urlencoded query or post data contained in the request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. var Name of the request param to retrieve. value Default value to return if the variable is not defined. Can be null.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Set a new HTTP method for processing.
- Description:
- This modifies the request method to alter request processing. The original method is preserved in the HttpRx.originalMethod field. This is only useful to do before request routing has matched a route.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. method New method to use.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Set a request param value.
- Description:
- Set the value of a named request param to a string value. Form variables are define via www-urlencoded query or post data contained in the request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. var Name of the request param to retrieve. value Default value to return if the variable is not defined. Can be null.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Define a request completion callback.
- Description:
- This callback is invoked when the request is completed.
- Parameters:
callback The callback is invoked with the signature: void callback(HttpConn *conn).
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Set a new URI for processing.
- Description:
- This modifies the request URI to alter request processing. The original URI is preserved in the HttpRx.originalUri field. This is only useful to do before request routing has matched a route.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. uri New URI to use. The URI can be fully qualified starting with a scheme ("http") or it can be a partial/relative URI. Missing portions of the URI will be completed with equivalent portions from the current URI. For example: if the current request URI was, then a call to httpSetUri(conn, "/new.html", 0) will set the request URI to . The request script name will be reset and the pathInfo will be set to the path portion of the URI.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Test if a request param is defined.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. var Name of the request param to retrieve.
- Returns:
- True if the request param is defined.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTrimExtraPath
Trim extra path from the URI.
- Description:
- This call trims extra path information after the uri extension. This is used by CGI and PHP. The strategy is to heuristically find the script name in the uri. This is assumed to be the original uri up to and including first path component containing a "." Any path information after that is regarded as extra path. WARNING: Extra path is an old, unreliable, CGI specific technique. Do not use directories with embedded periods.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam
Session state object.
- See Also:
- httpAllocSession, httpCreateSession, httpDestroySession, httpGetSession, httpGetSessionID, httpGetSessionObj, httpRemoveSessionVar, httpSetSessionObj, httpSetSessionVar
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Add the security token to the response.
- Description:
- To minimize form replay attacks, a security token may be required for POST requests on a route. This call will set a security token in the response as a response header and as a response cookie. Client-side Javascript must then send this token as a request header in subsquent POST requests. To configure a route to require security tokens, use httpSetRouteXsrf
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object. recreate Set to true to recreate the security token.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Allocate a new session state object.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object. id Unique session state ID. lifespan Session lifespan in ticks.
- Returns:
- A session state object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Check a security token.
- Description:
- Check the request security token against the security token defined in the session state.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object.
- Returns:
- True if the security token matches the session held token.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a session object.
- Description:
- This call creates a session object. If one already exists, it is destroyed and a fresh session is created. Use httpGetSession to retrieve an existing session object.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object.
- Returns:
- A session state object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Destroy a session state object.
This destroys a session. It will emit an expired cookie to force the client to remove the old session cookie- Description:
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
Get a unique security token.
- Description:
- This will get an existing security token or create a new token if one does not exist. If recreate is true, the security token will be recreated. Use httpAddSecurityToken to add the token to the response headers.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. recreate Set to true to recreate the security token.
- Returns:
- The security token string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a session state object.
This will optionally create a session if one does not already exist. It will not re-create a session that exists- Description:
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object. create Set to "true" to create a session state object if one does not already exist for this client.
- Returns:
- A session state object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the session ID.
- Description:
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object.
- Returns:
- The session ID string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get an object from the session state store.
- Description:
- Retrieve an object from the session state store by deserializing all properties.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object. key Session state key.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a session state variable.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object. name Variable name to get. defaultValue If the variable does not exist, return the defaultValue.
- Returns:
- The variable value or defaultValue if it does not exist.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Lookup a session ID.
- Parameters:
id Session ID to lookup.
- Returns:
- True if the ID is associated with a session.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Remove a session state variable.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object. name Variable name to remove.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set a notification callback to be invoked for session notification events.
WARNING: the callback may happen on any thread. Use careful locking to synchronize access to data. Take care not to block the thread issuing the callback- Parameters:
notifyProc MprCacheProc notification callback. Invoked for events of interest on cache items. The event is set to MPR_CACHE_NOTIFY_REMOVE when items are removed from the cache. Invoked as:
(*MprCacheProc)(MprCache *cache, cchar *key, cchar *data, int event);.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set an object into the session state store.
- Description:
- Store an object in the session state store by serializing all properties.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object. key Session state key. value Object to serialize. This must be an MprHash object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set a session variable.
- Description:
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object. name Variable name to set. value String variable value to use. This must point to a valid null terminated string.
- Returns:
- A session state object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Write the session state to persistent data storage.
- Description:
- This is called internally by the ESP handler at the completion of any processing.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Pipeline Stages.
- Description:
- The request pipeline consists of a full-duplex pipeline of stages. Stages are used to process client HTTP requests in a modular fashion. Each stage either creates, filters or consumes data packets. The HttpStage structure describes the stage capabilities and callbacks. Each stage has two queues, one for outgoing data and one for incoming data.
Stages provide callback methods for parsing configuration, matching requests, open/close, run and the acceptance and service of incoming and outgoing data. Configuration is not thread safe and must occur at initialization time when the application is single threaded. If the configuration is modified when the application is multithreaded, all requests must be first be quiesced.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpQueue, httpCloneStage, httpCreateConnector, httpCreateFilter, httpCreateHandler, httpCreateStage, httpDefaultOutgoingServiceStage, httpGetStageData, httpLookupStage, httpLookupStageData, httpSetStageData
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
void(* close)(HttpQueue *q) Close the stage. Description:Close the stage and cleanup any request resources. Handlers may block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object API Stability:Evolving MprHash * extensions Matching extensions for this filter. int flags Stage flags. void(* incoming)(HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) Process incoming data. Description:Accept an incoming packet of data. Filters and handlers recieve packets via their incoming callback. They can choose to immediately process or forward the packet, or they can queue the packet on their queue and schedule their incomingService callback for batch processing of all queued packets. This is a common pattern where the incoming routine is not used and packets are automatically queued and the incomingService callback is used to process. Not used by connectors. Stages should not block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object packet Packet of data API Stability:Evolving void(* incomingService)(HttpQueue *q) Service the incoming data queue. Description:This callback should service packets on the queue and process or forward as appropriate. A service routine should check upstream queues by calling httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket before forwarding packets to ensure they do not overfow upstream queues. Handlers may not block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object API Stability:Evolving int(* match)(struct HttpConn *conn, struct HttpRoute *route, int dir) Match a request. Description:This routine is invoked to see if the stage wishes to handle the request. For handlers, the match callback is invoked when selecting the appropriate route for the request. For filters, the callback is invoked subsequently when constructing the request pipeline. If a filter declines to handle a request, the filter will be removed from the pipeline for the specified direction. The direction argument should be ignored for handlers. Handlers and filters must not actually handle the request in the match callback and must not call httpError. Errors can be reported via mprError. Handlers can defer error reporting until their start callback. conn HttpConn connection object route Route object dir Queue direction. Set to HTTP_QUEUE_TX or HTTP_QUEUE_RX. Always set to HTTP_QUEUE_TX for handlers. HTTP_ROUTE_OK if the request is acceptable. Return HTTP_ROUTE_REROUTE if the request has been rewritten. Return HTTP_ROUTE_REJECT it the request is not acceptable. API Stability:Evolving MprModule * module Backing module. char * name Stage name. int(* open)(HttpQueue *q) Open the stage. Description:Open the stage for this request instance. A handler may service the request in the open routine and may call httpError if required. Handlers may block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object Zero for success. Otherwise a negative MPR error code. API Stability:Evolving void(* outgoing)(HttpQueue *q, HttpPacket *packet) Process outgoing data. Description:Accept a packet as outgoing data. Not used by handlers as handler generate packets internally. Filters will use this entry point to accept outgoing packets. Filters can choose to immediately process or forward the packet, or they can queue the packet on their queue and schedule their outgoingService callback for batch processing of all queued packets. This is a common pattern where the outgoing routine is not used and packets are automatically queued and the outgoingService callback is used to process data. Filters should not block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object packet Packet of data API Stability:Evolving void(* outgoingService)(HttpQueue *q) Service the outgoing data queue. Description:This callback should service packets on the queue and process or forward as appropriate. A service routine should check downstream queues by calling httpWillNextQueueAcceptPacket before forwarding packets to ensure they do not overfow downstream queues. Stages should not block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object API Stability:Evolving char * path Backing module path (from LoadModule). void(* ready)(HttpQueue *q) The request is now fully ready. Description:This callback will be invoked when all incoming data has been received. The ready callback will not be called if the request already has an error. If a handler finishes processing the request, it should call httpFinalizeOutput in the ready routine. Handlers may block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object API Stability:Evolving int(* rewrite)(struct HttpConn *conn) Rewrite a request after matching. Description:This callback will be invoked for handlers after matching and selecting the handler. conn HttpConn connection object Zero for success. Otherwise a negative MPR error code. API Stability:Evolving void * stageData Private stage data. void(* start)(HttpQueue *q) Start the handler. Description:The start callback is primarily responsible for starting the request processing. Depending on the request Content Type, the request will be started at different times. Form requests with a Content-Type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", will be started after fully receiving all input data. Other requests will be started immediately after the request headers have been parsed and before receiving input data. This enables such requests to stream large quantities of input data without buffering. The start callback should test the HTTP method in conn->rx->method and only respond to supported HTTP methods. It should call httpError for unsupported methods. The start callback will not be called if the request already has an error. Handlers may block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object API Stability:Evolving void(* writable)(HttpQueue *q) The outgoing pipeline is writable and can accept more response data. Description:This callback will be invoked after all incoming data has been receeived and whenever the outgoing pipeline can absorb more output data (writable). As such, it may be called multiple times and can be effectively used for non-blocking generation of a response. The writable callback will not be invoked if the request output has been finalized or if an error has occurred. Handlers may block or yield in this callback. q Queue instance object API Stability:Evolving
Create a clone of an existing state.
This is used when creating filters configured to match certain extensions- Parameters:
stage Stage object to clone.
- Returns:
- A new stage object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a connector stage.
- Description:
- Create a new connector. Connectors are the final stage for outgoing data. Their job is to transmit outgoing data to the client.
- Parameters:
name Name of connector stage. module Optional module object for loadable stages.
- Returns:
- A new stage object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a filter stage.
- Description:
- Create a new filter. Filters transform data generated by handlers and before connectors transmit to the client. Filters can apply transformations to incoming, outgoing or bi-directional data.
- Parameters:
name Name of connector stage. module Optional module object for loadable stages.
- Returns:
- A new stage object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a request handler stage.
- Description:
- Create a new handler. Handlers generate outgoing data and are the final stage for incoming data. Their job is to process requests and send outgoing data downstream toward the client consumer. There is ever only one handler for a request.
- Parameters:
name Name of connector stage. module Optional module object for loadable stages.
- Returns:
- A new stage object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a connector stage.
- Description:
- Create a new stage.
- Parameters:
name Name of connector stage. flags Stage flags. module Optional module object for loadable stages.
- Returns:
- A new stage object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Default incoming put callback.
- Description:
- Adds packet to the service queue.
- Parameters:
q Current queue. packet Packet containg data.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Default outgoing data handling.
- Description:
- This routine provides default handling of outgoing data for stages. It simply sends all packets downstream.
- Parameters:
q Queue object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Handle a Http Options method request.
- Description:
- Convenience routine to respond to an OPTIONS request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Lookup a stage by name.
- Parameters:
name Name of stage to locate.
- Returns:
- Stage or NULL if not found.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Lookup stage data.
- Description:
- This looks up the stage by name and returns the private stage data.
- Parameters:
name Name of the stage concerned.
- Returns:
- Reference to the stage data block.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
int activeClients Current active client IPs. int activeConnections Current active connections. int activeProcesses Current active processes. int activeRequests Current active requests. int activeSessions Current active sessions. uint64 cpuUsage Total process CPU usage in ticks. uint64 heap Current application heap memory. uint64 heapFree Current heap memory available. uint64 heapPeak Peak heap memory usage. uint heapRegions Count of heap memory regions. uint64 heapUsed Current heap memory in use. uint64 mem Current application memory (includes code + data + heap). uint64 memMax Memory heap maximum permitted. uint64 memRedline Memory heap warnHeap limit. uint64 memSessions Memory used for sessions. uint64 ram System total RAM. uint64 totalConnections Total connections accepted. uint64 totalRequests Total requests served. uint64 totalSweeps Total GC sweeps. int workersBusy Current busy worker threads. int workersIdle Current idle worker threads. int workersMax Maximum number of workers in the thread pool. int workersYielded Number of busy workers that are yielded for GC.
Get the Http performance statistics.
- Parameters:
sp Reference to a HttpStats structure.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
Get an Http performance report.
- Parameters:
flags reserved.
- Returns:
- String containing the report.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
Trace management structure.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- Fields:
int backupCount Trace logger backup count. MprBuf * buf Output buffer. MprHash * events Configuration of events. MprFile * file Trace logger file object. int flags Trace control flags (append|anew). cchar * format Output format (used by Common Log Format). HttpTraceFormatter formatter Trace formatter. MprTime lastMark When lastTime was last updated. cchar * lastTime Most recent time string. HttpTraceLogger logger Trace logger. ssize maxContent Maximum content size to trace. MprMutex * mutex Multithread sync. struct HttpTrace * parent Parent trace. cchar * path Trace logger filename. MprOff size Max trace log size.
Backup the request trace log if required.
- Description:
- If the log file is greater than the maximum configured, or MPR_ANEW was set via httpSetTraceLog, then archive the log.
- Parameters:
trace HttpTrace object.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Common Log trace formatter.
- Parameters:
trace HttpTrace object. conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn event Event to trace. type Event type. values Formatted comma separated key=value pairs (unused). buf Trace data buffer to write (unused). len Length of data buffer (unused).
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Create a trace object.
- Description:
- If parent is defined, inherit default settings from the parent.
- Parameters:
parent Parent trace object from which to inherit settings.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Detailed log trace formatter.
- Parameters:
trace HttpTrace object. conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn event Event to trace. type Event type to trace. values Formatted comma separated key=value pairs. buf Trace data buffer to write. len Length of data buffer.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Convenience routine to format trace via the configured formatter.
- Description:
- The formatter will invoke the trace logger and actually write the trace mesage.
- Parameters:
trace HttpTrace object. conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn type Event type to trace. event Event name to trace. values Formatted comma separated key=value pairs. buf Trace data buffer to write. len Length of data buffer.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Get the current tracing level.
- Returns:
- The tracing level 0-5.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Set the maximum content size to trace.
- Description:
- Tracing will be suspended for files that are larger than this size.
- Parameters:
trace Tracing object. size Maximum content size to trace.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Configure the tracing level for an event type.
- Parameters:
trace Tracing object. type Event type to modify. level Desired trace level (0-5).
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Set the logging format.
- Description:
- This is used by the Common log formatter to define the fields written to the log.
- Parameters:
trace Trace object. format The format string defaults to: "%h %l %u %t \"r" %>s b n".
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Set the formatter callback to use with a trace object.
- Description:
- The trace formatter should.
- Parameters:
trace Trace object to configure. callback Formatter callback.
- Returns:
- Prior trace formatter.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Define the trace formatter by name.
- Parameters:
trace Tracing object. name Formatter name. Set to "common" for the Common Log format or "detail" for the Appweb detailed trace format.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Set the current tracing verbosity level.
- Description:
- This call defines the maximum trace level of messages that will be traced. Trace events have an associated verbosity level at which they will be enabled. If the event level is greater than the defined tracing verbosity level, the event is ignored.
- Parameters:
level New tracing level. Must be 0-5 inclusive.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Configure the request trace log.
- Parameters:
trace HttpTrace object. path Path for request trace log file. size Maximum size of the log file before archiving. backup Set to true to create a backup of the log file if archiving. format Log file format. flags Set to MPR_LOG_ANEW to archive the log when the application reboots.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Set the trace callback to use with a trace object.
- Description:
- The trace logger is responsible for taking formatted messages and writing to the log.
- Parameters:
trace Trace object to configure. callback Trace logger callback.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Start tracing for the given trace log file when instructed via a command line switch.
- Parameters:
traceSpec Set the trace log file name and level. The format is "pathName[:level]". The following levels are generally observed: - 0 - Essential messages, fatal errors and critical warnings
- 1 - Hard errors
- 2 - Configuration setup and soft warnings
- 3 - Useful informational messages
- 4 - Debug information
- 5 - Most verbose levels of messages useful for debugging
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative Mpr error code. See the Appweb log for diagnostics.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Trace an event of interest.
- Description:
- The Http trace log is for operational request and server messages and should be used in preference to the MPR error log which should be used only for configuration and hard system-wide errors.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn event Event name to trace. type Event type to trace. Events are grouped into types that are traced at the same level. The standard set of types and their default trace levels are: request:1, result:2, context:3, form:4, body:5, debug:5. Users can create custom types. The request type is used for the initial http request line. The result type is used for the request status. The context type is used for general information including http headers. The form type is used for POST form data. The body type is used for request body data.
Context type events may include a "msg" value field. By convention, these messages should be aggregated by trace formatters so that subsequent context events do not overwrite prior msg values.
Event types are orthogonal to event names.values Printf style format string. String should be comma separated key=value pairs.
- Returns:
- True if the event was traced.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Trace request content.
- Description:
- This is similar to httpTrace but will also trace the contents of a data buffer. If the buffer contains binary data, it will be displayed in hex format. The content will be traced up to the maximum size defined via httpSetTraceLogFile
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn event Event to trace. type Event type to trace. buf Data buffer to trace. len Size of the data buffer. values Formatted comma separated key=value pairs.
- Returns:
- True if the event was traced.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Trace request packet.
- Description:
- This is similar to httpTraceContent but accepts a packet as a parameter. If the buffer contains binary data, it will be displayed in hex format. The content will be traced up to the maximum size defined via httpSetTraceLogFile
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn event Event to trace. type Event type to trace. packet Packet to trace. values Formatted comma separated key=value pairs.
- Returns:
- True if the event was traced.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Convenience routine to write trace to the trace logger.
- Parameters:
trace HttpTrace object. buf Trace message to write. len Length of trace message.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Write a message to the trace file logger.
- Parameters:
trace HttpTrace object. buf Message to write. len Length of message.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Http Tx.
- Description:
- The tx object controls the transmission of data. This may be client requests or responses to client requests. Most of the APIs in the Response group still take a HttpConn object as their first parameter. This is to make the API easier to remember - APIs take a connection object rather than a rx or transmission object.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
char * altBody Alternate transmission for errors. char * authType Type of authentication: set to basic, digest, post or a custom name. MprOff bytesWritten Bytes written including headers. HttpCache * cache Cache control entry (only set if this request is being cached). MprBuf * cacheBuffer Response caching buffer. ssize cacheBufferLength Current size of the cache buffer data. cchar * cachedContent Retrieved cached response to send. ssize chunkSize Chunk size to use when using transfer encoding. Zero for unchunked. struct HttpConn * conn Current connection object. HttpStage * connector Network connector to send / receive socket data. MprHash * cookies Browser cookies. HttpRange * currentRange Current range being fullfilled. MprOff entityLength Original content length before range subsetting. cchar * errorDocument Error document to render. char * etag Unique identifier tag. cchar * ext Filename extension. MprFile * file File to be served. MprPath fileInfo File information if there is a real file to serve. cchar * filename Name of a real file being served (typically pathInfo mapped). int finalized Request response generated and handler processing is complete. int finalizedConnector Connector has finished sending the response. int finalizedOutput Handler or surrogate has finished writing output response. int flags Response flags. HttpStage * handler Final handler serving the request. MprHash * headers Transmission headers. ssize headerSize Size of the header written. MprOff length Transmission content length. char * method Client request method GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS, PUT, TRACE. cchar * mimeType Mime type of the request payload (ENV: CONTENT_TYPE). MprList * outputPipeline Output processing. HttpRange * outputRanges Data ranges for tx data. HttpUri * parsedUri Client request uri. int pendingFinalize Call httpFinalize again once the Tx pipeline is created. HttpQueue * queue[2] Pipeline queue heads. char * rangeBoundary Inter-range boundary. MprOff rangePos Current range I/O position in response data. int responded The request has started to respond. Some output has been initiated. int started Handler has started. int status HTTP response status. int traceMethods Handler methods supported. char * webSockKey Sec-WebSocket-Key header. int writeBlocked Transmission writing is blocked.
Add a header to the transmission using a format string.
- Description:
- Add a header if it does not already exits.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Http response header key. fmt Printf style formatted string to use as the header key value. ... Arguments for fmt.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code. Returns MPR_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if the header already exists.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Add a header to the transmission.
- Description:
- Add a header if it does not already exits.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Http response header key. value Value to set for the header.
- Returns:
- Zero if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code. Returns MPR_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if the header already exists.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Append a transmission header.
- Description:
- Set the header if it does not already exists. Append with a ", " separator if the header already exists.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Http response header key. fmt Printf style formatted string to use as the header key value. ... Arguments for fmt.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Append a transmission header string.
- Description:
- Set the header if it does not already exists. Append with a ", " separator if the header already exists.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Http response header key. value Value to set for the header.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Connect to a server and issue Http client request.
- Description:
- Start a new Http request on the http object and return. This routine does not block. After starting the request, you can use httpWait to wait for the request to achieve a certain state or to complete.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn method Http method to use. Valid methods include: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "OPTIONS" and "TRACE". uri URI to fetch. ssl SSL configuration to use if a secure connection.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if the request was successfully sent to the server. Otherwise a negative MPR error code is returned.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Create the tx object.
This is used internally by the http library- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn headers Optional headers to use for the transmission.
- Returns:
- A tx object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Destroy the tx object.
- Description:
- This is called when the garbage collector frees a connection. It should not be called manually.
- Parameters:
tx Tx object.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Indicate the request is finalized.
- Description:
- Calling this routine indicates that the handler has fully finished processing the request including processing all input, generating a full response and any other required processing. This call will invoke httpFinalizeOutput and then set the request finalized flag. If the request is already finalized, this call does nothing. A handler MUST call httpFinalize when it has completed processing a request. As background: there are three finalize concepts: HttpTx.finalizedOutput means the handler has generated all the response output but it may not yet be fully transmited through the pipeline and to the network by the connector. HttpTx.finalizedConnector means the connector has sent all the output to the network. HttpTx.finalized means the application has fully processed the request including reading all the input data it wishes to read and has generated all the output that will be generated. A fully finalized request has both HttpTx.finalized and HttpTx.finalizedConnector true.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Finalize connector output sending the response.
- Description:
- This should only be called by a connector.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Finalize transmission of the http response.
- Description:
- This routine should be called by clients and Handlers to signify the end of the body content being sent with the request or response body. This call will force the transmission of buffered content to the peer. HttpFinalizeOutput will set the finalizedOutput flag and write a final chunk trailer if using chunked transfers. If the output is already finalized, this call does nothing. Note that after finalization, incoming content may continue to be processed. i.e. httpFinalizeOutput can be called before all incoming data has been received.
The difference between httpFinalize and httpFinalizeOutput is that httpFinalize implies that all request processing is also complete whereas httpFinalizeOutput implies that the output is generated. Note that while the output may be fully generated, it may not be fully transmitted by the pipeline and connector. When the output is fully transmitted, the connector will call httpFinalizeConnector
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Flush transmit data.
- Description:
- This call initiates writing buffered data an will not block. If you need to wait until all the data has been written to the socket, use httpFlushAll. Handlers may only call this routine in their open, close, ready, start and writable callbacks.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Flush transmit data and wait for all the data to be written to the socket.
- Description:
- This call initiates writing buffered data. If in sync mode this call may block until the output queues drain. In sync mode, this may invoke mprYield before blocking to consent for the garbage collector to run. Callers must ensure they have retained all required temporary memory before invoking this routine. Filters and connectors should not call this routine as it may block. Use httpFlush in filters or connectors. Handlers may only call this routine in their open, close, ready, start and writable callbacks. See httpFlush if you do need to wait for all the data to be written to the socket.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Follow redirctions.
- Description:
- Enabling follow redirects enables the Http service to transparently follow 301 and 302 redirections and fetch the redirected URI.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn follow Set to true to enable transparent redirections.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Format an error transmission.
- Description:
- Format an error message to use instead of data generated by the request processing pipeline. This is typically used to send errors and redirections. The message is also sent to the error log.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn status Http response status code. fmt Printf style formatted string. This string may contain HTML tags and is not HTML encoded before sending to the user. NOTE: Do not send user input back to the client using this method. Otherwise you open large security holes. ... Arguments for fmt.
- Returns:
- A count of the number of bytes in the transmission body.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Format an alternate response.
- Description:
- Format a response to use instead of data generated by the request processing pipeline. This is used for alternate responses that are not errors.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn fmt Printf style formatted string. This string may contain HTML tags and is not HTML encoded before sending to the user. NOTE: Do not send user input back to the client using this method. Otherwise you open large security holes. ... Arguments for fmt.
- Returns:
- A count of the number of bytes in the transmission body.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Format a response body.
- Description:
- Format a transmission body to use instead of data generated by the request processing pipeline. The body will be created in HTML or in plain text depending on the value of the request Accept header. This call is used for alternate responses that are not errors.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn title Title string to format into the HTML transmission body. fmt Printf style formatted string. This string may contain HTML tags and is not HTML encoded before sending to the user. NOTE: Do not send user input back to the client using this method. Otherwise you open large security holes. ... Arguments for fmt.
- Returns:
- A count of the number of bytes in the transmission body.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Format an alternate response.
- Description:
- Format a response to use instead of data generated by the request processing pipeline. This is similar to httpFormatResponse
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn fmt Printf style formatted string. This string may contain HTML tags and is not HTML encoded before sending to the user. NOTE: Do not send user input back to the client using this method. Otherwise you open large security holes. args Varargs style list of arguments.
- Returns:
- A count of the number of bytes in the transmission body.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Get a tx http header.
- Description:
- Get a http response header value for a given header key.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Name of the header to retrieve.
- Returns:
- Value associated with the header key or null if the key did not exist in the response.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Return whether transfer chunked encoding will be used on this request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- True if chunk encoding will be used.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Test if request has been finalized.
- Description:
- This call tests if httpFinalize has been called.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Test if request response has been fully generated.
- Description:
- This call tests if all transmit data has been generated and finalized. Handlers call httpFinalizeOutput to signify the end of transmit data.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Determine if the transmission needs a transparent retry to implement authentication or redirection.
This is used by client requests. If authentication is required, a request must first be tried once to receive some authentication key information that must be resubmitted to gain access- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn url Reference to a string to receive a redirection URL. Set to NULL if not redirection is required.
- Returns:
- True if the request needs to be retried.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Redirect the client.
- Description:
- Redirect the client to a new uri.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn status Http status code to send with the response. uri New uri for the client.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Remove a cookie from the client (browser) This will emit a Set-Cookie response header with the value set to "" and a one second lifespan.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn name Name of the cookie created with httpSetCookie.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Remove a header from the transmission.
- Description:
- Remove a header if present.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Http response header key.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful, otherwise a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Issue a http request.
- Parameters:
method HTTP method to use. uri URI to request. data Optional data to send with request. Set to null for GET requests. err Output parameter to receive any error messages.
- Returns:
- HttpConn object. Use httpGetStatus to read status and httpReadString to read the response data.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Define a content length header in the transmission.
This will define a "Content-Length: NNN" request header and set Tx.length- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn length Numeric value for the content length header.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Set the transmission (response) content mime type.
- Description:
- Set the mime type Http header in the transmission.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn mimeType Mime type string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Set a transmission cookie.
- Description:
- Define a cookie to send in the transmission Http header.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn name Cookie name. value Cookie value. path URI path to which the cookie applies. domain Domain in which the cookie applies. Must have 2-3 dots. If null, a domain is created using the current request host header. If set to the empty string, the domain field is omitted. If the domain is a numerical IP address or localhost, the domain will not be included as the browsers do not support this pattern consistently. Note that hostname port numbers are ignored by browsers and so web sites with the same domain name but different port numbers may have conflicting cookies. This is according to the Cookie RFC standard. lifespan Duration for the cookie to persist in msec. Set to zero to create a session cookie that is meant to be automatically removed when the user exits their browser. However, beware, Chrome subverts this and will persist session cookies if "Continue where you left off" is enabled in Chrome preferences. flags Cookie options mask. The following options are supported: - HTTP_COOKIE_SECURE - Set the 'Secure' attribute on the cookie.
- HTTP_COOKIE_HTTP - Set the 'HttpOnly' attribute on the cookie. See RFC 6265 for details about the 'Secure' and 'HttpOnly' cookie attributes.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Define the length of the transmission content.
When static content is used for the transmission body, defining the entity length permits the request pipeline to know when all the data has been sent- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn len Transmission body length in bytes.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Set the filename to serve for a request.
- Description:
- This routine defines a non-default response document filename. The filename may be virtual and not correspond to a physical file. It also may be a file outside the documents root directory. If it is not a file under the route documents directory, set the flags parameter to HTTP_TX_NO_CHECK. Otherwise, the filename will be checked to ensure it is inside the route documents directory.
Typically a handler will call httpMapFile to perform default request URI to filename mapping and should not need to call httpSetFilename unless a file outside the route documents directory is required to be served.
This routine will set the HttpTx filename, ext, etag and fileInfo fields.
Note: the response header mime type will be set based on the request URI. To override, use httpSetContentType
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. filename Tx filename to define. Set to NULL to reset the filename. flags Flags word. Or together the desired flags. Include to HTTP_TX_NO_CHECK to bypass checking if the filename resides inside the route documents directory.
- Returns:
- True if the filename exists and is readable.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Set a transmission header.
- Description:
- Set a Http header to send with the request. If the header already exists, it its value is overwritten.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Http response header key. fmt Printf style formatted string to use as the header key value. ... Arguments for fmt.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Set a simple key/value transmission header.
- Description:
- Set a Http header to send with the request. If the header already exists, it its value is overwritten.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn key Http response header key. value String value for the key.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Set the responded flag for the request.
- Description:
- This call sets the requests responded status. Once the HTTP response status code has been defined, HTTP response headers or any output has been generated, the request is regarded as having "responded" in-part to the client. This means that any errors cannot revise the HTTP response status and may need to prematurely abort the request to signify to the clien that the request has failed.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Set a Http response status.
- Description:
- Set the Http response status for the request. This defaults to 200 (OK).
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn status Http status code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Indicate that the transmission socket is blocked.
- Parameters:
conn Http connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpWait, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Wait for the client connection to achieve the requested state.
- Description:
- This call blocks until the connection reaches the desired state. It creates a wait handler and services events while waiting. This is useful for blocking client requests, and should never be used on server-side connections.
It is often required to call mprStartDispatcher on the connection dispatcher after calling $httpCreateConn. This ensures that all foreground activity on the connection is serialized with respect to work done in response to I/O events while waiting in httpWait.
This routine may invoke mprYield before it sleeps to consent for the garbage collector to turn. Callers must ensure they have retained all required temporary memory before invoking this routine.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn state HTTP_STATE_XXX to wait for. timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait. Set to -1 to use the default connection timeouts. Set to zero to wait forever.
- Returns:
- "Zero" if successful. Otherwise return a negative MPR error code. Specific returns include: MPR_ERR_TIMEOUT and MPR_ERR_BAD_STATE.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWriteHeaders, httpWriteUploadData
Write the transmission headers into the given packet.
- Description:
- Write the Http transmission headers into the given packet. This should only be called by connectors just prior to sending output to the client. It should be delayed as long as possible if the content length is not yet known to give the pipeline a chance to determine the transmission length. This way, a non-chunked transmission can be sent with a content-length header. This is the fastest HTTP transmission.
- Parameters:
q Queue owning the packet. packet Packet into which to place the headers.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpAddHeader, httpAddHeaderString, httpAppendHeader, httpAppendHeaderString, httpConnect, httpCreateTx, httpDestroyTx, httpFinalize, httpFinalize, httpFlush, httpFollowRedirects, httpFormatError, httpFormatResponse, httpFormatResponseBody, httpFormatResponsev, httpIsChunked, httpIsOutputFinalized, httpNeedRetry, httpRedirect, httpRemoveHeader, httpSetContentLength, httpSetContentType, httpSetCookie, httpSetEntityLength, httpSetHeader, httpSetHeaderString, httpSetResponded, httpSetStatus, httpSocketBlocked, httpWait, httpWriteUploadData
Upload File.
- Description:
- Each uploaded file has an HttpUploadedFile entry. This is managed by the upload handler.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
cchar * clientFilename Client side name of the file. cchar * contentType Content type. cchar * filename Local (temp) name of the file. cchar * name Form field name. ssize size Uploaded file size.
URI management.
- Description:
- The HTTP provides routines for formatting and parsing URIs. Routines are also provided to escape dangerous characters for URIs as well as HTML content and shell commands.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, httpCloneUri, httpCompleteUri, httpCreateUri, httpCreateUriFromParts, httpFormatUri, httpGetRelativeUri, httpJoinUri, httpJoinUriPath, httpLookupMimeType, httpMakeUriLocal, httpNormalizeUriPath, httpResolveUri, httpUriToString
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
char * ext Document extension. char * host Host name. char * path Uri path (without scheme, host, query or fragements). int port Port number. char * query Query string. char * reference Reference fragment within the specified resource. char * scheme URI scheme (http|https|...). int secure Using https. int valid Uri was successfully created. int webSockets Using WebSockets.
Clone a URI.
- Description:
- This call copies the base URI and optionally completes missing fields in the URI.
- Parameters:
base Base URI to copy. flags Set to HTTP_COMPLETE_URI to add missing components. ie. Add scheme, host and port if not supplied.
- Returns:
- A new URI object.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Complete the given URI.
- Description:
- Complete the URI supplying missing URI components from the other URI. This modifies the supplied URI and does not allocate or create a new URI.
- Parameters:
uri URI to complete. other Other URI to supply the missing components.
- Returns:
- The supplied URI.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create and initialize a URI.
- Description:
- Parse a uri and return a tokenized HttpUri structure.
- Parameters:
uri Uri string to parse. flags Set to HTTP_COMPLETE_URI to add missing components. ie. Add scheme, host and port if not supplied.
- Returns:
- A newly allocated HttpUri structure.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a URI from parts.
- Description:
- This call constructs a URI from the given parts. Various URI parts can be omitted by setting to null. The URI path is the only mandatory parameter.
- Parameters:
scheme The URI scheme. This is typically "http" or "https". host The URI host name portion. This can be a textual host and domain name or it can be an IP address. port The URI port number. Set to zero to accept the default value for the selected scheme. path The URI path to the requested document. reference URI reference with an HTML document. This is the URI component after the "#" in the URI path. query URI query component. This is the URI component after the "?" in the URI. flags Set to HTTP_COMPLETE_URI to add missing components. ie. Add scheme, host and port if not supplied.
- Returns:
- A new URI.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Format a URI.
- Description:
- Format a URI string using the input components.
- Parameters:
scheme Protocol string for the uri. Example: "http". host Host or IP address. port TCP/IP port number. path URL path. ref URL reference fragment. query Additiona query parameters. flags Set to HTTP_COMPLETE_URI to add missing components. ie. Add scheme, host and port if not supplied.
- Returns:
- A newly allocated uri string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get a relative URI from the base to the target.
- Description:
- This creates a URI relative from the base to the target. This may contain ".." segments. This API is designed to create relative URIs for use in a browser web page.
If the target is null, an absolute URI, or if a relative URI from the base cannot be constructed, then the target will be returned. If clone is true, then a clone of the target will be returned.
- Parameters:
base The base URI considered to be the current URI. Think of this as the current directory. target The destination URI for which a relative URI will be crafted to reach. clone If true, the target URI will be cloned if the target is an absolute URI or if a relative URI cannot be constructed.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Join URIs.
- Parameters:
base Base URI to being with. argc Count of URIs in others. others Array of URIs to join to the base.
- Returns:
- The resulting, joined URI.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Join a URI path.
- Parameters:
result URI that will be modified with a joined path. base URI supplying the base path. other Other URI whose path is joined to the base.
- Returns:
- The result URI.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Create a URI link.
\par \b Description: Create a URI link based on a given target relative to the current request. This API expands embedded tokens based on the current request and route state. The target URI parameter may contain partial or complete URI information. The missing parts are supplied using the current request and route tables- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. target The URI target. The target parameter can be a URI string or JSON style set of options. The target will have any embedded "{tokens}" expanded by using token values from the request parameters. If the target has an absolute URI path, that path is used directly after tokenization. If the target begins with "~", that character will be replaced with the route prefix. This is a very convenient way to create application top-level relative links.
If the target is a string that begins with "{AT}" it will be interpreted as a service/action pair of the form "{AT}Service/action". If the "service/" portion is absent, the current service is used. If the action component is missing, the "list" action is used. A bare "{AT}" refers to the "list" action of the current service.
If the target starts with "{" it is interpreted as being a JSON style set of options that describe the link. If the target is a relative URI path, it is appended to the current request URI path.
If the is a JSON style of options, it can specify the URI components: scheme, host, port, path, reference and query. If these component properties are supplied, these will be combined to create a URI.
If the target specifies either a service/action or a JSON set of options, The URI will be created according to the route URI template. The template may be explicitly specified via a "route" target property. Otherwise, if an "action" property is specified, the route of the same name will be used. If these don't result in a usable route, the "default" route will be used.
These are the properties supported in a JSON style "{ ... }" target:- scheme String URI scheme portion
- host String URI host portion
- port Number URI port number
- path String URI path portion
- reference String URI path reference. Does not include "#"
- query String URI query parameters. Does not include "?"
- service String Service name if using a Service-based route. This can also be specified via the action option.
- action String Action to invoke. This can be a URI string or a Service action of the form {AT}Service/action.
- route String Route name to use for the URI template
- Returns:
- A normalized Uri string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- Remarks:
- Examples:
httpLink(conn, ""); httpLink(conn, "/path/to/index.html"); httpLink(conn, "../images/splash.png"); httpLink(conn, "~/static/images/splash.png"); httpLink(conn, "${app}/static/images/splash.png"); httpLink(conn, "@service/checkout"); httpLink(conn, "@service/") // Service = Service, action = index httpLink(conn, "@init") // Current service, action = init httpLink(conn, "@") // Current service, action = index httpLink(conn, "{ action: '@post/create' }"); httpLink(conn, "{ action: 'checkout' }"); httpLink(conn, "{ action: 'logout', service: 'admin' }"); httpLink(conn, "{ action: 'admin/logout'"); httpLink(conn, "{ product: 'candy', quantity: '10', template: '/cart/${product}/${quantity}' }"); httpLink(conn, "{ route: '~/STAR/edit', action: 'checkout', id: '99' }"); httpLink(conn, "{ template: '~/static/images/${theme}/background.jpg', theme: 'blue' }");
Create an absolute link that includes scheme and host.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. target target The URI target. See httpLink for details of the target parameter.
- Returns:
- A normalized Uri string.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
Extended URI link creation.
- Description:
- Extended httpLink with custom options. This routine extends the httpLink API with an options hash of token values.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. target The URI target. See httpLink for details. options Hash of option values for embedded tokens. This hash is blended with the route variables.
- Returns:
- A normalized Uri string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the mime type for an extension.
This call will return the mime type from a limited internal set of mime types for the given path or extension- Parameters:
ext Path or extension to examine.
- Returns:
- Mime type. This is a static string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Make a URI local.
- Description:
- This routine removes the scheme, host and port portions of a URI.
- Parameters:
uri URI to modify.
- Returns:
- The given URI.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Normalize a URI.
- Description:
- Validate and canonicalize a URI. This invokes httpNormalizeUriPath to normalize the URI path. This removes redundant ./ and ../ segments including leading ../ segments. It does not make the URI absolute.
- Parameters:
uri URI object to normalize.
- Returns:
- The supplied uri so it can be used in chaining. Returns null if the URI cannot be normalized.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Normalize a URI.
- Description:
- Validate and canonicalize a URI path. This removes redundant "./" and "../dir" sequences including leading "../" segments.
- Parameters:
uri Uri path string to normalize. This is the URI path portion without scheme, host and port components.
- Returns:
- A new validated uri string. Returns null if the URI cannot be normalized.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Resolve URIs relative to a base.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. base Base URI to begin with. target URI to resolve relative to the base.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Convert a Uri to a string.
- Description:
- Convert the given Uri to a string, optionally completing missing parts such as the host, port and path.
- Parameters:
uri A Uri object created via httpCreateUri. flags Set to HTTP_COMPLETE_URI to add missing components. ie. Add scheme, host and port if not supplied.
- Returns:
- A newly allocated uri string.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Validate a URI path as expected in a HTTP request line.
- Description:
- This expects a URI beginning with "/" and containing only valid URI characters. The URI is decoded, and normalized removing "../" and "." segments. The URI must begin with a "/" both before and after decoding and normalization.
- Parameters:
uri URI to validate.
- Returns:
- A validated, normalized URI path.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Test if a URI is using only valid characters Note this does not test if the URI is fully legal.
Some components of the URI have restricted character sets that this routine does not test. This tests if the URI has only characters valid to use in a URI before decoding. i.e. It will permit NN encodings. The set of valid characters is: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-._~:/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=%"- Parameters:
uri Uri to test.
- Returns:
- True if the URI string is comprised of legal URI characters.
WebSocket Service to implement the WebSockets RFC 6455 specification for client and server communications.
- Description:
- WebSockets is a technology providing interactive communication between a server and client. Normal HTML connections follow a request / response paradigm and do not easily support asynchronous communications or unsolicited data pushed from the server to the client. WebSockets solves this by supporting bi-directional, full-duplex communications over persistent connections. A WebSocket connection is established over a standard HTTP connection and is then upgraded without impacting the original connection. This means it will work with existing networking infrastructure including firewalls and proxies.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
cchar * closeReason Reason for closure. int closeStatus Close status provided by peer. int closing Started closing sequnce. HttpPacket * currentFrame Message frame being currently read. HttpPacket * currentMessage Current incoming messsage so far. int currentMessageType Current incoming messsage type. void * data Custom data for applications (marked). uchar dataMask[4] Mask for data. cchar * errorMsg Error message for last I/O. ssize frameLength Length of the current frame. int frameState Message frame state. int maskOffset Offset in dataMask. ssize messageLength Length of the current message. int more More data to send in a message. int partialUTF Last frame had a partial UTF codepoint. MprEvent * pingEvent Ping timer event. int preserveFrames Do not join frames. int rxSeq Incoming packet number. int state State. char * subProtocol Application level sub-protocol. HttpPacket * tailMessage Subsequent message frames. int txSeq Outgoing packet number.
Get the close reason supplied by the peer.
- Description:
- The peer may supply a UTF8 messages reason for the closure.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The UTF8 reason string supplied by the peer when closing the WebSocket.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Get the WebSocket private data.
- Description:
- Get the private data defined with httpSetWebSocketData
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The private data reference.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Get the message length for the current message.
- Description:
- The message length will be updated as the message frames are received. The message length is only complete when the last frame has been received. See httpIsLastPacket
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The size of the message.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the selected WebSocket protocol selected by the server.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The WebSocket protocol string.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Get the WebSocket state.
- Returns:
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Send a UTF-8 text message to the WebSocket peer.
- Description:
- This call invokes httpSend with a type of WS_MSG_TEXT and flags of HTTP_BUFFER. The message must be valid UTF8 as the peer will reject invalid UTF8 messages.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn fmt Printf style formatted string. ... Arguments for the format.
- Returns:
- Number of bytes written.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Send a message of a given type to the WebSocket peer.
- Description:
- This is the lower-level message send routine. It permits control of message types and message framing.
This routine can operate in a blocking, non-blocking or buffered mode. Blocking mode is specified via the HTTP_BLOCK flag. When blocking, the call will wait until it has written all the data. The call will either accept and write all the data or it will fail, it will never return "short" with a partial write. If in blocking mode, the call may block for up to the inactivity timeout specified in the conn->limits->inactivityTimeout value.
Non-blocking mode is specified via the HTTP_NON_BLOCK flag. In this mode, the call will consume that amount of data that will fit within the outgoing WebSocket queues. Consequently, it may return "short" with a partial write. If this occurs the next call to httpSendBlock should set the message type to WS_MSG_CONT to indicate a continued message. This is required by the WebSockets specification.
Buffered mode is the default and may be explicitly specified via the HTTP_BUFFER flag. In buffered mode, the entire message will be accepted and will be buffered if required.
This API may split the message into frames such that no frame is larger than the limit conn->limits->webSocketsFrameSize. However, if the HTTP_MORE flag is specified to indicate there is more data to complete this entire message, the data provided to this call will not be split into frames and will not be aggregated with previous or subsequent messages. i.e. frame boundaries will be presserved and sent as-is to the peer.
In blocking mode, this routine may invoke mprYield before blocking to consent for the garbage collector to run. Callers must ensure they have retained all required temporary memory before invoking this routine.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn type Web socket message type. Choose from WS_MSG_TEXT, WS_MSG_BINARY or WS_MSG_PING. Use httpSendClose to send a close message. Do not send a WS_MSG_PONG message as it is generated internally by the Web Sockets module. If using HTTP_NON_BLOCK and the call returns having written only a portion of the data, you must set the type to WS_MSG_CONT for the. msg Message data buffer to send. len Length of msg. flags Include the flag HTTP_BLOCK for blocking operation or HTTP_NON_BLOCK for non-blocking. Set to HTTP_BUFFER to buffer the data if required and never block. Set to zero will default to HTTP_BUFFER. Include the flag HTTP_MORE to indicate there is more data to come to complete this message. This will set frame continuation bit. Setting HTTP_MORE preserve the frame boundaries. i.e. it will ensure the data written is not split into frames or aggregated with other data.
- Returns:
- Number of data message bytes written. Should equal len if successful, otherwise returns a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Send a close message to the WebSocket peer.
- Description:
- This call invokes httpSendBlock with a type of WS_MSG_CLOSE and flags of HTTP_BUFFER. The status and reason are encoded in the message. The reason is an optional UTF8 closure reason message.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn status Web socket status. reason Optional UTF8 reason text message. The reason must be less than 124 bytes in length.
- Returns:
- Number of data message bytes written. Should equal len if successful, otherwise returns a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Set the WebSocket private data.
- Description:
- Set private data to be retained by the garbage collector.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn data Managed data reference.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Preserve frames for incoming messages.
- Description:
- This routine enables user control of message framing. When preserving frames, sent message boundaries will be preserved and will not be split into frames or aggregated with other message frames. Received messages will similarly have their frame boundaries preserved and will be stored one frame per HttpPacket. Note: enabling this option may prevent full validation of UTF8 text messages if UTF8 codepoints span frame boundaries.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn on Set to true to preserve frames.
- Returns:
- True if the WebSocket was orderly closed.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Set a list of application-level protocols supported by the client.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn protocols Comma separated list of application-level protocols.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Upgrade a client HTTP connection connection to use WebSockets.
- Description:
- This requests an upgrade to use WebSockets. Note this is the upgrade request and the confirmation handshake response must still be received and validated. The connection must be upgraded before sending any data to the server.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- Return Zero if the connection upgrade can be requested.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols, httpWebSocketOrderlyClosed
Test if WebSocket connection was orderly closed by sending an acknowledged close message.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- True if the WebSocket was orderly closed.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- httpGetWebSocketCloseReason, httpGetWebSocketData, httpGetWebSocketMessageLength, httpGetWebSocketProtocol, httpGetWebSocketState, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIsLastPacket, httpSend, httpSendBlock, httpSendClose, httpSetWebSocketData, httpSetWebSocketPreserveFrames, httpSetWebSocketProtocols
Authenticate a user based on session data.
- Description:
- This authenticates a user by testing the user supplied session cookie against login credentials stored in the server-side session store. The httpAuthenticate call is not automatically performed by the request pipeline. Web Frameworks should call this if required.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn object.
- Returns:
- True if the user is authenticated.
Define a function procedure to invoke when the specified URI is requested.
- Description:
- This creates the role with given abilities. Ability words can also be other roles.
- Parameters:
uri URI to bind with. When this URI is requested, the callback will be invoked if the procHandler is configured for the request route. fun Callback function procedure.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Get the receive body input.
- Description:
- This will return all the body input. The request must have received all input (rx->eof == 1) and must not be streaming (rx->streaming).
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- A string containing the body input.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Get the queue data for the connection.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- Returns:
- The private queue data object.
Hide the route from route tables.
The route is still active, just not displayed in route tables. This is used to hide parent routes that are used just for inheritance for child routes- Parameters:
route Route to hide. on Set to true to hide the route.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Tell the tx to omit sending any body.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
Set the connection data field.
- Description:
- The field is a managed reference that applications can use to retain their own per connection state. It will be marked for GC retention by Http. See also HttpConn.reqData and HttpQueue.stageData;.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn data Data object to associate with the connection. Must be a managed memory reference.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
Set the handler for this request Use this request from the Handler rewrite callback to change the selected handler to process a request.
Most useful to set the Tx.filename and pass to the fileHandler- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn handler Handler to set.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
General route procedure.
Used by targets, conditions and updates- Returns:
- Zero for success. Otherwise a negative MPR error code.
Callback procedure for HttpConfigure.
- Parameters:
arg User definable data. May be managed or unmanaged.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
AuthType callback to generate a response requesting the user login This should call httpError if such a response cannot be generated.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
AuthType callback to parse the HTTP 'Authorize' (client) and 'www-authenticate' (server) headers.
- Description:
- This callback must extract the username and password. The username is set on HttpConn.username. The password is returned by this call.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- The password if successful, otherwise NULL.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
AuthType callback to set the necessary HTTP authorization headers for a client request.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object.
- Returns:
- True if the authorization headers can be set.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpUser, HttpVerifyUser, HttpVerifyUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
AuthStore callback Verify the user credentials.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object. username Users login name. password Actual user password.
- Returns:
- True if the user credentials can validate.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpAuth, HttpAuthType, HttpRole, HttpSetAuth, HttpUser, httpAddRole, httpAddUser, httpCanUser, httpComputeAllUserAbilities, httpComputeUserAbilities, httpCreateAuth, httpIsAuthenticated, httpLogin, httpRemoveRole, httpRemoveUser, httpSetAuthAllow, httpSetAuthAnyValidUser, httpSetAuthDeny, httpSetAuthLogin, httpSetAuthOrder, httpSetAuthPermittedUsers, httpSetAuthQop, httpSetAuthRealm, httpSetAuthRequiredAbilities, httpSetAuthType, httpSetAuthUsername
Set environment vars callback.
Invoked per request to permit custom form var definition- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Event callback function for httpCreateEvent.
- API Stability:
- Prototype.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Callback to fill headers.
- Description:
- If defined, the headers callback will run before the standard response headers are generated. This gives an opportunity to pre-populate the response headers.
- Parameters:
arg Argument provided to httpSetHeadersCallback when the callback was established.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
I/O callback for connections.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object created via httpCreateConn event Event object describing the I/O event.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Listen callback.
Invoked after listening on a socket endpoint- Returns:
- "Zero" if the listening endpoint can be opened for service. Otherwise, return a negative MPR error code.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Connection Http state change notification callback.
- Description:
- The notifier callback is invoked for state changes and I/O events. A user notifier function can respond to these events with any desired custom code. There are four valid event types:
- HTTP_EVENT_STATE. The connection object has changed state. See conn->state.
- HTTP_EVENT_READABLE. The input queue has I/O to read. See conn->readq. Use httpRead to read the data. For WebSockets, use httpGetPacket.
- HTTP_EVENT_WRITABLE. The output queue is now writable.
- HTTP_EVENT_ERROR. The connection or request has an error.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn event Http state. arg Per-event information.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Timeout callback.
- Description:
- The timeout callback for the request inactivity and duration timeouts.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn connection object created via httpCreateConn
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpEnvCallback, HttpListenCallback, HttpNotifier, HttpQueue, HttpRx, HttpStage, HttpTx, httpAfterEvent, httpClosePipeline, httpCreateConn, httpCreateRxPipeline, httpCreateTxPipeline, httpDestroyConn, httpDiscardData, httpDisconnect, httpEnableUpload, httpError, httpFinalizeConnector, httpGetAsync, httpGetChunkSize, httpGetConnContext, httpGetConnHost, httpGetError, httpGetExt, httpGetKeepAliveCount, httpGetWriteQueueCount, httpIOEvent, httpMatchHost, httpMemoryError, httpPrepClientConn, httpResetCredentials, httpRouteRequest, httpScheduleConnTimeout, httpSetAsync, httpSetChunkSize, httpSetConnContext, httpSetConnHost, httpSetConnNotifier, httpSetCredentials, httpSetFileHandler, httpSetKeepAliveCount, httpSetProtocol, httpSetRetries, httpSetSendConnector, httpSetState, httpSetTimeout, httpSetTimestamp, httpStartPipeline
Defense remedy callback.
- Parameters:
args Hash of configuration args for the callback.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Callback procedure to fill a packet with data.
- Parameters:
q Queue owning the packet. packet The packet to fill. off Offset in the packet to fill with data. size Size of packet from the offset to fill.
- Returns:
- The number of bytes copied into the packet.
- API Stability:
- Stable.
- See Also:
- HttpPacket, HttpQueue, httpAdjustPacketEnd, httpAdjustPacketStart, httpClonePacket, httpCreateDataPacket, httpCreateEndPacket, httpCreateEntityPacket, httpCreateHeaderPacket, httpCreatePacket, httpGetPacket, httpGetPacketLength, httpIsLastPacket, httpJoinPacket, httpPutBackPacket, httpPutForService, httpPutPacket, httpPutPacketToNext, httpSplitPacket
Http JSON configuration parse callback.
- Parameters:
route Current route. key Configuration file property key. child Key value as a JSON object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
RouteSet callback.
- Parameters:
route Parent route for new routes. name Name of route set to add.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpRoute, httpAddRouteCondition, httpAddRouteErrorDocument, httpAddRouteFilter, httpAddRouteHandler, httpAddRouteLanguageDir, httpAddRouteLanguageSuffix, httpAddRouteUpdate, httpClearRouteStages, httpCreateAliasRoute, httpCreateDefaultRoute, httpCreateInheritedRoute, httpCreateRoute, httpDefineRoute, httpDefineRouteCondition, httpDefineRouteTarget, httpDefineRouteUpdate, httpFinalizeRoute, httpGetRouteData, httpGetRouteDocuments, httpLink, httpLinkEx, httpLookupRouteErrorDocument, httpMakePath, httpResetRoutePipeline, httpSetRouteAuth, httpSetRouteAutoDelete, httpSetRouteAutoFinalize, httpSetRouteConnector, httpSetRouteData, httpSetRouteDefaultLanguage, httpSetRouteDocuments, httpSetRouteFlags, httpSetRouteHandler, httpSetRouteMethods, httpSetRoutePattern, httpSetRoutePrefix, httpSetRouteScript, httpSetRouteSource, httpSetRouteTarget, httpSetRouteVar, httpSetRouteWorkers, httpTemplate, httpTokenize, httpTokenizev
Request completion callback.
- Parameters:
conn HttpConn object.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
- HttpConn, HttpRx, HttpTx, httpContentNotModified, httpCreateCGIParams, httpGetContentLength, httpGetCookies, httpGetHeader, httpGetHeaderHash, httpGetHeaders, httpGetIntParam, httpGetLanguage, httpGetParam, httpGetParams, httpGetQueryString, httpGetReadCount, httpGetStatus, httpGetStatusMessage, httpMatchParam, httpRead, httpReadString, httpSetIntParam, httpSetParam, httpSetUri, httpTestParam, httpTrimExtraPath
Trace formatter callback.
- Parameters:
trace Trace object. conn Connection object. event Event to trace. type Type of event to trace. values Formatted comma separated key=value pairs. buf Data buffer. len Length of data in buf. May be zero.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Trace logger callback.
- Parameters:
trace Trace object. buf Data buffer to write. len Length of data in buf.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- See Also:
Per-IP address structure.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
cchar * banMsg Ban response message. int banStatus Ban response status. MprTicks banUntil Ban IP address until this time. HttpCounter counters[1] Counters allocated here. int delay Delay per request. MprTicks delayUntil Delay (go-slow) servicing requests until this time. int ncounters Number of counters in ncounters. int seqno Uniqueu client sequence number. MprTicks updated When the address counters were last updated.
Password backend store.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
- Fields:
char * name Authentication password store name: 'system', 'file'. int noSession Do not create a session after login. HttpVerifyUser verifyUser Default user verification routine.
- See Also:
- HttpAskLogin, HttpParseAuth, HttpSetAuth, httpCreateAuthStore, httpSetAuthStore
Authentication Protocol.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
HttpAskLogin askLogin Callback to generate a client login response. char * name Authentication protocol name: 'basic', 'digest', 'form'. HttpParseAuth parseAuth Callback to parse request auth details. HttpSetAuth setAuth Callback to set the HTTP response authentication headers.
Monitoring counter.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
uint64 value Current counter value.
Monitor defense configuration.
- API Stability:
- Evolving.
Language definition record for routes.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
int flags Control suffix position. char * path Document directory for the language. char * suffix Suffix to add to filenames.
Route operation record.
- API Stability:
- Internal.
- Fields:
char * details General route operation details. int flags Route flags to control freeing mdata. void * mdata pcre_ data (unmanaged). char * name Name of route operation. char * value Value to assign to var. char * var Var to set.