Me Man Page


           --configure /path/to/source
           --deploy directory
           --depth level
           --endian [big|little]
           --gen [make|nmake|sh|vs|xcode|main|start]
           --get field
           --log logSpec
           --out path
           --prefix dir=path
           --prefixes [debian|embedthis|opt]
           --profile [debug|release|...]
           --set [feature=value]
           --sets [set,set,...]
           --unset feature
           --watch msec]
           --with PACK[=PATH]
           --without PACK
           [targets|actions] ...


       MakeMe and its "me" command is modern replacement for the venerable make
       and not so popular autoconf utilities.  MakeMe manages the building of
       programs and products by effectively determining which pieces have been
       updated and thus which components need to be rebuilt. It easily handles
       MakeMe provides a higher level of abstraction to easily specify the
       targets to build (libraries, executables, files and script output).  It
       can build directly on Linux, Mac or Windows and cross compile for other
       platforms. It will generate native projects for Visual Studio, XCode,
       Make, Nmake and shell scripts. MakeMe builds fast without the complexity
       of autoconf and make.

       MakeMe was initiated after evaluating Make, CMake and GYP for use by
       Appweb and Ejscript in an embedded, cross-compilation environment. While
       all three can be made to work, at Embedthis, we were expending a large
       percentage of time on the build system and less on the actual product.
       Our design goals were:

           . Create a build too to be used by Embedthis for its own products
           . Be portable across the major Unix platforms and Windows
           . Easily manage cross-compilation and cross-compilers for embedded
           . Generate native projects for IDE integration
           . Build quickly, reliably and flexibly on Windows without requiring
           . Support for the entire build cycle: C dependencies, compilation,
       test and packaging
           . Support modular discovery, configuration and integration of
       external third-party packages
           . Be hackable and extendable


       MakeMe has the following major features:

           . Configuration and component discovery (replaces autoconf)
           . Compiler capability sleuthing
           . Generation of a configuration source header (me.h)
           . Generation of Xcode, Visual Studio, Make, Nmake and shell script
           . Automatic C/C++ source code dependencies
           . Projects can aggregate multiple MakeMe files without using
           . Cross platform. Easily handles Windows, Linux and Mac builds
           . Easy cross-compilation
           . Building outside source tree for read-only file systems
           . MakeMe files are Javascript source and are easily modified and
           . Multiple build profiles (debug, release, ...)
           . Very fast configuration and building, even on windows


       While MakeMe has a strong feature set, there are some characteristics
       that make building with MakeMe especially nice:

           . Unified project view. No "make" style recursion required.
           . MakeMe configuration may be comprised by multiple MakeMe files
           . MakeMe file targets and scripts are relative to their own directory

                targets: {
                    /* Build the rocket executable */
                    rocket: {
                        type: 'exe',
                        sources: ['*.c'],

       To build the rocket, enter:

            me rocket


       When 'me' is invoked, it searches for a '' file in the current
       directory. If one if not found, it searches up the parent directory chain
       for one. MakeMe then loads this '' file and commences processing
       its build instuctions. A '' may in turn load other MakeMe files.


       A standalone file may be used to express simple build targets
       that do not requiring any prior configuration step. The '' file
       contains targets that specify the recipies to build those targets.


       Some products require a configuration phase prior to building with
       MakeMe. Configuration involves discovering the tools and components
       available on the current system and the available compiler tool chain
       support.  For configured products, 'me' is first invoked with a
       "configure" target. MakeMe then reads a '' file which describes
       the project, and generates a '' and '' file that
       describes the system.


       MakeMe is typically invoked with zero or more targets to build. If
       invoked with zero targets, MakeMe will build all the out-of-date targets.
       If a one or more targets are specified, only those targets will be
       brought up to date.

       To build all targets:

       To build several named targets:
            me libengine librocket space-program

       MakeMe pre-defines several targets:

       For example, this is a typical 'settings' configuration.

            settings: {
                name: 'mpr',
                description: 'Multithreaded Portable Runtime',
                version: '4.0.5',

            The 'configure' properties define the required and optional packages
            that should be discovered.

            configure: {
                requires: [ 'osdep' ],
                discovers: [ 'ssl' ],

       The 'requires' property defines the packages that are required to be
       present on the system to build. The


       To build a product for platform different to that of the local system is
       called cross compiling. Sometimes this cross compiling is just for a
       different instruction set (say x64 instead of x86). Other times it is for
       a completely different operating system and/or CPU architecture. In such
       cases a cross-compiler may be required to build for the target platform.

       MakeMe supports cross compiling via the 'me -platform OS-ARCH configure'
       switch. This adds a platform to the list of platforms to be made when
       building. Multiple platforms may be specified and the 'local' platform
       alias may be used for the local development platform.

       Some products require local building to make tools that are required to
       build for any platform. These products add a "platforms: ['local']"
       property to their settings collection in the file. This
       automatically adds the local platform to the platforms list and is the
       same as adding '-platform local' on the command line when configuring.

            me --platform windows-x64-debug -configure .

       This will create a configuration file and a
       that references it. The platform switch does not need to be respecified
       after configuration.


       MakeMe can generate generate complete project files for building using:
       make, nmake, Visual Studio, Xcode or plain shell scripts. MakeMe uses the
       '--gen' switch to specify the projects to build. MakeMe is capable of
       cross-generating projects for non-native platforms. For example: you can
       generate an Xcode project for Mac OS X on a Windows system.

            targets {
                first: {
                    build: "print('Build First')",
                second: {
                    depends: ['first'],
                    build: "print('Build Second')",
                }, }

       Before MakeMe begins building, it parses the entire MakeMe file
       configuration and determines which targets depend on what.  It then
       builds the targets in the required build order. It successfully detects
       and handles dependency loops.


       Often targets need very similar configuration. MakeMe provides a
       'defaults' set of properties that are inherited by all targets. It also
       provides an 'internal' set of properties that are inherited by only the
       targets in the same MakeMe file. For example:

            defaults: {
                '+defines': [ 'TUNE=SPEED ],
                '+libraries': [ 'math' ],

       This will use the 'TUNE=SPEED' compiler define when compiling all source
       files, and the 'math' library when linking executables (and libraries on
       some systems).


       MakeMe has default command flags for the compiler, linker and other
       tools. These can be overridden by providing environment variables
       containing alternate flags to use. Use CFLAGS to provide compiler flags,
       DFLAGS for pre-processor definitions, IFLAGS for compiler include paths
       and LDFLAGS for linker flags. If these flags are provided to 'me' when
       building, they apply to that run only. If the flags are provide when
       configuring, they are saved in the generated platform file and apply to
       all subsequent runs.


       With Make and other build tools, it is difficult to determine why a
       target is or is not being built. MakeMe provides a '--why' switch to
       diagnose problematic build sequences. This switch displays the reason why
       each target was or was not built.

       In a complex project containing many MakeMe files, it can be helpful to
       see the entire MakeMe configuration in one file. Use the '--dump' switch
       to save a copy of the entire configuration. In the dump, build defaults
              Display the current configuration. This displays the configuration
              for each package and the build settings.

       --configure /path/to/source/tree
              Configure the project to prepare for building. This configures
              MakeMe for building the project based on the instructions
              specified in a '' located in the specified path source
              tree. When run, 'me' will create a platform configuration MakeMe
              file, a build output directory and me.h header. The configuration
              directory is of the form: build/OS-ARCH-PROFILE where OS may be
              freebsd, linux, macosx, solaris, vxworks, windows and ARCH is arm,
              mips, ppc, x64 or x86. PROFILE is typically set to debug or
              release. For example: 'build/macosx-x64-debug'.

              MakeMe will use the settings.required and
              properties in the for a list of packages to use.  When
              configuring, MakeMe will search for these packages and will create
              definitions in the configuration MakeMe file for later use.

              Continue to build despite any build errors. Normal operation is to
              stop building if any build errors are encountered.

              Enable a debug build. This enables the settings.debug property
              which controls whether debug symbols will be created when

       --deploy directory
              Install the product to the deployment directory. This is useful to
              stage the required files to install on a system.  Use --sets to
              define the file sets to deploy.

       --depth level
              Set the unit test depth level.

              Run MakeMe with stack backtrace display on errors.

       --dump Dump the aggregate MakeMe configuration into a single dump MakeMe

       --endian [big|little]
       --gen [make|nmake|sh|vs|xcode|main|start]
              Generate files. This option can be used to generate initial
     or files or IDE project and makefiles.  The --gen
              start, option can be used to create a stand-alone sample
              file. The --gen main, option can be used to create a sample
     file when starting a new product.  Project files are
              created under the 'projects' directory.  The projects are based on
              the current configuration. If cross-generating projects, you will
              typically need to also use -configure.

       --get field
              Get a field from the MakeMe DOM. This can be used to display any
              MakeMe file value. Unlike --set, this applies to any MakeMe DOM
              value and not just to settings. For example: 'me --get

              Import the standard MakeMe configuration "makeme" directory into
              the local source tree.

       --keep Keep some intermediate build files. This is currently used by some
              documentation generation targets.

       --log logName[:logLevel]
              Specify a file to log internal execution messages. MakeMe will log
              execution related trace to the log file. The log level specifies
              the desired verbosity of output. Level 0 is the least verbose and
              level 5 is the most. The '-v' switch is an alias for '--log

              Don't cross-build. Build only for the local development system.

              Don't build for the local development system. Build only for the
              cross platforms.

       --out path
              Save MakeMe trace output to a file instead of displaying to the

              Overwrite existing files.

       --prefix dir=path
              Set the installation directory prefix. Various products utilize
              different prefixes. Typical prefixes are: root, base, state, data,
              app, vapp, bin, etc, inc, log, spool, src, web.  For those
              familiar with autoconf, the major autoconf prefixe switches are
              supported and mapped as follows: --prefix to root, --bindir to
              bin, --libdir to lib, --includedir to inc, --sysconfdir to etc,
              --libexec to app, --logfiledir to log, --htdocsdir to web, and
              --manualdir to man.

       --prefixes debian|embedthis|opt
              Select an installation prefix package. Debian specifies the debian
              recommended installation locations. Embedthis products install by
              default with a prefix of /usr/local/lib/PRODUCT and symlink
              exectuables to /usr/local/bin.  The opt prefix set installs with a
              prefix of "/opt".

       --profile defaultProfile
              Set the default profile if unspecified. Typical profiles are:
              'debug', 'dev', 'stage', 'prod' or 'release'.  The profile is used
              in constructing the build output directory. You may specify
              override properties in the profiles[PROFILE] collection.

              Quiet operation. Suppresses output trace.

              Rebuild the specified targets. Can also use 'me rebuild'.

              Re-run configuration using the prior configuration settings.

              Enable a release build. This disables the settings.debug property
              and compiles without debug symbols.

       --rom  Configure setting to build for systems without a file system. This
              enables the ROM file system.  Use the makerom utility to process
              required files into C source code for building with the

       --set key=value
              Set a settings property to a given value. For example: 'me -set
              version=1.0' will update the settings.version property.  Use this
              libraries. Same as --set static=true.

              Set the character size to wide.

       --unset key=value
              Clear a settings property.  Use this when running 'me configure'
              to persist your changes in the configuration MakeMe file.

              Print the ejs command version and exit.

              Run in verbose mode with more trace about MakeMe activities.

       --watch msec
              Watch for changes and rebuild if required. This will sleep for the
              requested number of milliseconds between checking for changes.
              This can also be invoked as 'me watch' which will check every
              second for changes.

       --why  Display why each target was or was not built.

       --with PACK[=path]
              Build with the named pack located at the optional path. If the
              path is ommitted, a search is performed for the pack at default
              locations. Packs must have a pack description file installed under
              'makeme/packs' in the MakeMe installation.

       --without PACK
              Build without the named pack.


       Report bugs to


       Copyright © Embedthis Software. MakeMe and Ejscript are a trademarks of
       Embedthis Software.



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