mvc [--database DB]] [--full] [--keep] [--layout layoutPage] [--listen port[--min[--overwrite[--quiet[--verbose] [commands ...]
The mvc command generates, manages and runs Ejscript web applications. It can generate Ejscript web applications, controllers, database migra- tions, models, scaffolds and views. Mvc will create directories and generate configuration and source code files which can then be manually edited as required. Mvc is intelli- gent and will not overwrite existing files, so you can safely edit and regenerate without losing your changes. You can overwrite your changes if you wish to by using the --overwrite switch. Mvc can run your application by invoking a configured web server.
To start a new web application, run mvc to create the application directory and generate the application configuration and essential script files. For example: mvc generate app myApp This will will create a set of directories which have the following meaning: bin - Programs and scripts cache - Cached views and web pages controllers - Controller source db - Databases and scripts db/migrations - Databases migration scripts layouts - Template layout files models - Database model code src - Extra application source code views - View source files static - Public web directory static/images - Public images static/js - Client side JavaScripts static/themes - Application HTML themes Ejscript follows conventions where specific files are stored. This greatly simplifies configuring a web application. Mvc will also create some files which have the following meaning: ejsrc - Application configuration file controllers/ - Application base controller class layouts/default.ejs - Default layout web page static/layout.css - Default layout CSS file static/themes/default.css - Default theme CSS file action named index. Actions are controller functions that are invoked in response to client requests. You can edit the controller source to meet your needs.
Database models are Ejscript classes that encapsulate database data and provide access methods. They provide a conduit to interact with the database. To generate a model: mvc generate model MODEL [field:type ...] This will create a database model and will generate a model class under the models directory. It will also create a database migration to cre- ate a database table of the same name as the model. If field:type val- ues are supplied, the database migration will include code to create a column for each specified field of the requested type. The valid data- base types are: binary, boolean, date, datetime, decimal, float, inte- ger, number, string, text, time, timestamp.
A scaffold is a generated database migration, database model, con- troller and set of views that provides add, edit and list functionality for a database model. Scaffolds are useful to quickly generate chunks of the application and prototype web pages and actions for managing a datbase table. To generate a scaffold: mvc generate scaffold MODEL [field:type ...] This will create a scaffold for the specified database model and will generate a controller of the same name. If field:type values are sup- plied, the database migration will include code to create a column for each specified field of the requested type. The valid database types are: binary, boolean, date, datetime, decimal, float, integer, number, string, text, time, timestamp. The scaffold will include an edit action and view that provides add and edit capability. The list action and view, provides the ability to list the database table rows and select an entry to edit.
Database migrations are scripts which modify the database schema or content. You can create database migrations by the mvc generate migra- tion command. This command generates a migration for a specific model by creating or removing tables and columns. To generate a migration: mvc generate migration description MODEL [field:type ...] This will create a migration script under the db/migrations directory. Migration scripts filenames are timestamped and use the description is used as part of the filename for the migration script (so keep it short and sweet). migration script file name.
Ejscript compiles models, views and controllers into Ejscript byte-code modules. These are then loaded and run by Ejscript in response to incoming client requests. Code is compiled only once but can be run many times to service incoming requests. In development mode, Ejscript will automatically compile the relevant portions of the application if the source code is modified. It can intelligently recompile views, actions, controllers and database models as required. However, you can also explicilty recompile portions or the complete appliction. Mvc can recompile everything via: mvc compile This will compile each controller and view and also recompile the application and module source code. Module files for each component will be generated. Mvc also provides options for you to individually compile controllers and views. To recompile named views or controllers: mvc compile view NAMES ... mvc compile controller NAMES ... Models are compiled with application code into a single module file. To recompile the models and application source code: mvc compile app To compile the entire application and produce a single module file: mvc compile all To compile stand-alone Ejscript web pages: mvc compile path/name.ejs.... When compiling views, you can use the --keep switch to preserve the intermediate generated Ejscript source file.
To run your application: mvc run mvc compile path/name.ejs ... mvc generate [app name | controller name [action [, action] ...]| model name] mvc generate scaffold model [controller] [action [, action]...] mvc run --database connector Select a database connector to use. Currently this switch is not implemented and sqlite is the only connector supported. --keep Preserve generated intermediate Ejscript source files. These files are generated when blending views with layout pages. --layout layoutPage Change the name of the default layout page if a view does not explicitly specify a layout page. --overwrite Overwrite existing files. Mvc normally will not overwrite exist- ing files. This is to preserve user changes to previously gener- ated files. --search ejsPath Set the module search path. The module search path is a set of directories that the mvc command will use when locating and load- ing Ejscript modules. The search path will always have some sys- tem directories appended to the end. These include paths speci- fied via the EJSPATH environment variable and key system direc- tories such as the Ejscript system module directory and the directory containing the mvc command. The search path value is similar in format to the system PATH variable format. On windows, path segments are separated by ";" and on Linux, Unix, FreeBSD and MAC, the path segments are sepa- rated by ":" delimiters. Given a module named "a.b.c" in a script, mvc will use the fol- lowing search strategy to locate the module: 1. Search for a module file named "a.b.c.mod" 2. Search for a module file named "a/b/c.mod" 3. Search for a module file named "a.b.c.mod" in the search path 4. Search for a module file named c.mod in the search path --verbose or -v Run in verbose mode and trace actions to the console. mvc December 2011 MVC(1)
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