Embedthis Expansive™

Expansive is a fast and flexible static web site generator. It quickly creates HTML pages from layouts, partials and contents pages. Expansive brings dynamic content to static web sites and powerful templating to all.
Expansive includes flexible tooling so you can build your site in development mode and painlessly switch to production mode for release. It will minify, compress and bundle your site for easy deployment.
Why Expansive?
There are many web site site generators, so why create another one? The problem is that most existing site generators are slow, often painfully slow. When creating or managing a web site, you need tools that do not delay the creative design process. They need to be as fast as possible. Expansive is designed to be fast, without sacrificing features.
Extensive Features
Expansive will generate static web sites from pages, layouts, partials and scripts. It has the following major features:
- Javascript templates for dynamic content
- Layout pages to define the look and feel of site
- Partial pages to include replicated content
- Per-page meta data to control layouts and partials
- Integrated web server to serve content
- Watch for changes and automatically render site
- Scripting support via change events
- Automatic sitemap creation
- Content transition pipeline
- Open plugin architecture
Nice Parts
While Expansive has a strong feature set, there are some characteristics that make Expansive particularly sweet.
- Fast, fast, fast
- Power of Ejscript for server-side Javascript in every page
- Easy to create and install new plugins
- Great diagnostics when things go wrong