Ioto 1.3.0 Update


I’m happy to announce the release of Ioto 1.3.0.

This release provides a good collection of bug fixes and usability improvements for Ioto and the Ioto APIs.

All users of previous Ioto versions 1.X are encouraged to update to the new version.

The major changes include:

Unit Tests

Ioto relies on several sub-modules that provide functionality and communication protocols. These include:

Each of these modules has their own extensive unit and service test suites. Most of these modules leverage code written for the GoAhead and Appweb web servers that has been battle-hardened over many years in a diverse set of deployments. In this release, we’ve “mined” the GoAhead and Appweb unit test libraries for a large pool of unit tests and have migrated these to Ioto. These tests are run using CI/CD on every code commit.

Ioto itself also has an extensive suite of integration and service tests that are run on a variety of platforms and operating environments.


Here is a more detailed list of features and fixes in the 1.3.0 release:



This should be a simple upgrade for all users from previous 1.X releases. API compatibility is high.


Go to the Builder and navigate to the Product List to download.

Ongoing Maintenance

If you have questions, please contact us at:


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