Appweb 4 Arrives


It has been a long time coming, but Appweb 4.0 is here! It has been two years of development and test followed by a long beta period.

This is a huge release and a big advance over its predecessor in nearly every aspect. Performance has been enhanced, and there are powerful new capabilities such as the Embedded Server Pages web framework and the new request Router. But most of all, there are hundreds of little improvements that add up to the fastest and most secure embedded web server.

New Features

I’ll be writing more about individual features, but here is a list of some of the top Appweb 4.0 features:

Embedded Server Pages

Embedded Server Pages (ESP) is a Rails-like, MVC web framework to “C” language coders. It includes URL routing, binding URLs to C functions, templates with layout pages, theming, integration with jQuery, generation of HTML5, support for SQLite or a high-performance in-memory database and an application generator for quick scaffolds. ESP makes development easy by dynamically recompiling and reloading “C” controllers and templated web pages with embedded C code. It feels like a scripting environment, but offers the raw speed of native code.


If you like Appweb, you’ll love our newest EmbedThis Ioto device agent. It incorporates everything we’ve learned from Appweb over 20 years of developing device management software. We now recommend all customers with new devices use Ioto for local and cloud-based device management needs.


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